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CPD Results

The following document contains the results of PMD's CPD 5.5.1.


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fr/paris/lutece/plugins/fdw/modules/wizard/web/ 400
fr/paris/lutece/plugins/fdw/modules/wizard/web/ 701
    public String getDuplicateDirectorySimple( HttpServletRequest request ) throws AccessDeniedException
        String strIdDirectory = request.getParameter( PARAMETER_ID_DIRECTORY );
        int nIdDirectory = DirectoryUtils.convertStringToInt( strIdDirectory );
        Directory directory = null;
        String strFromChoice = request.getParameter( PARAMETER_FROM_CHOICE );

        if ( nIdDirectory != WorkflowUtils.CONSTANT_ID_NULL )
            directory = DirectoryHome.findByPrimaryKey( nIdDirectory, getPlugin( ) );

        if ( directory == null )
            throw new AccessDeniedException( "Directory not found for ID " + nIdDirectory );

        Map<String, Object> model = new HashMap<String, Object>( );
        model.put( MARK_DIRECTORY, directory );

        if ( StringUtils.isNotBlank( strFromChoice ) )
            model.put( MARK_FROM_CHOICE, strFromChoice );

        HtmlTemplate templateList = AppTemplateService.getTemplate( TEMPLATE_DUPLICATE_DIRECTORY_SIMPLE, getLocale( ),
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fr/paris/lutece/plugins/fdw/modules/wizard/web/ 738
fr/paris/lutece/plugins/fdw/modules/wizard/web/ 1071
fr/paris/lutece/plugins/fdw/modules/wizard/web/ 1108
    public String getDuplicateFormSimple( HttpServletRequest request ) throws AccessDeniedException
        String strIdForm = request.getParameter( PARAMETER_ID_FORM );
        int nIdForm = GenericAttributesUtils.convertStringToInt( strIdForm );
        Form form = null;
        String strFromChoice = request.getParameter( PARAMETER_FROM_CHOICE );

        if ( nIdForm != WorkflowUtils.CONSTANT_ID_NULL )
            form = FormHome.findByPrimaryKey( nIdForm, getPlugin( ) );

        if ( form == null )
            throw new AccessDeniedException( "Form not found for ID " + nIdForm );

        Map<String, Object> model = new HashMap<String, Object>( );
        model.put( MARK_FORM, form );

        if ( StringUtils.isNotBlank( strFromChoice ) )
            model.put( MARK_FROM_CHOICE, strFromChoice );

        HtmlTemplate templateList = AppTemplateService
                .getTemplate( TEMPLATE_DUPLICATE_FORM_SIMPLE, getLocale( ), model );