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Plugin rest-healthcheck


This plugin allows you to set up an application Healthcheck REST service.

This healthcheck service implements eclipse / microprofile-health API.

Several types of checks can be performed


HealCheck classes must implement the I(...)HealthCheck interfaces, and must be injected into the context.

Some HealthCheck implementations are provided :

  • Database access
  • Forced state for the instance stored in the DATASTORE table. The key corresponds to the instance name + ".health" (instance name is set with the lutece.webapp.instance property). Value must be "UP" (or missing) or "Down".
  • CPU Usage
  • Memory usage


Enable plugin-rest and module rest-healthcheck.

The healthcheck url will be :


The returned result will have a status of 200 (OK) or 503 (service unavailable) if at least one test fails.

Ex : {"result":[{"name":"DB.Healthcheck","message":"SELECT 1","status":"UP"}],"status":"OK"}

To check only @readiness HealthChecks: /rest/healthcheck/api/v1/health/ready

To check only @liveness HealthChecks: /rest/healthcheck/api/v1/health/live