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PMD Results

The following document contains the results of PMD 6.13.0.

Violations By Priority

Priority 1


Rule Violation Line
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'MESSAGE_KEY_PROJECT_RESOURCE_TYPE_DESCRIPTION' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 48

Priority 3


Rule Violation Line
CommentDefaultAccessModifier To avoid mistakes add a comment at the beginning of the _hit field if you want a default access modifier 47
DefaultPackage Use explicit scoping instead of the default package private level 47


Rule Violation Line
SingularField Perhaps '_locale' could be replaced by a local variable. 57
UnusedPrivateField Avoid unused private fields such as '_locale'. 57


Rule Violation Line
UseDiamondOperator Explicit type arguments can be replaced by Diamond Operator 164
UseDiamondOperator Explicit type arguments can be replaced by Diamond Operator 192


Rule Violation Line
CallSuperInConstructor It is a good practice to call super() in a constructor 5457
MissingOverride The method 'getName()' is missing an @Override annotation. 7578
ShortVariable Avoid variables with short names like r 92
InsufficientStringBufferDeclaration StringBuffer constructor is initialized with size 16, but has at least 23 characters appended. 111
ConfusingTernary Avoid if (x != y) ..; else ..; 114121
AppendCharacterWithChar Avoid appending characters as strings in StringBuffer.append. 122


Rule Violation Line
CommentRequired Header comments are required 46108
ImmutableField Private field 'MESSAGE_KEY_PROJECT_RESOURCE_TYPE_DESCRIPTION' could be made final; it is only initialized in the declaration or constructor. 48
ShortVariable Avoid variables with short names like s 91
UnnecessaryLocalBeforeReturn Consider simply returning the value vs storing it in local variable 's' 92
UnnecessaryLocalBeforeReturn Consider simply returning the value vs storing it in local variable 'strUrl' 106


Rule Violation Line
MissingSerialVersionUID Classes implementing Serializable should set a serialVersionUID 49102
SingularField Perhaps '_nDefaultItemsPerPage' could be replaced by a local variable. 65
AddEmptyString Do not add empty strings 96


Rule Violation Line
MissingSerialVersionUID Classes implementing Serializable should set a serialVersionUID 54268
NullAssignment Assigning an Object to null is a code smell. Consider refactoring. 110
ConfusingTernary Avoid if (x != y) ..; else ..; 127


Rule Violation Line
MissingSerialVersionUID Classes implementing Serializable should set a serialVersionUID 57260
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 101108
NullAssignment Assigning an Object to null is a code smell. Consider refactoring. 103
ConfusingTernary Avoid if (x != y) ..; else ..; 120


Rule Violation Line
CommentRequired Header comments are required 64166
ImmutableField Private field '_mapper' could be made final; it is only initialized in the declaration or constructor. 66
DefaultPackage Use explicit scoping instead of the default package private level 67
CommentDefaultAccessModifier To avoid mistakes add a comment at the beginning of the LOGGER field if you want a default access modifier 67
AvoidCatchingGenericException Avoid catching generic exceptions such as NullPointerException, RuntimeException, Exception in try-catch block 102
AvoidCatchingGenericException Avoid catching generic exceptions such as NullPointerException, RuntimeException, Exception in try-catch block 132
ShortVariable Avoid variables with short names like hs 148

Priority 4


Rule Violation Line
UnusedImports Avoid unused imports such as '' 42


Rule Violation Line
UnusedImports Avoid unused imports such as '' 48


Rule Violation Line
UnusedImports Avoid unused imports such as 'java.util.HashMap' 37
UnusedImports Avoid unused imports such as 'java.util.Map' 38



Rule Violation Priority Line
CommentDefaultAccessModifier To avoid mistakes add a comment at the beginning of the _hit field if you want a default access modifier 3 47
DefaultPackage Use explicit scoping instead of the default package private level 3 47


Rule Violation Priority Line
UnusedImports Avoid unused imports such as '' 4 42
SingularField Perhaps '_locale' could be replaced by a local variable. 3 57
UnusedPrivateField Avoid unused private fields such as '_locale'. 3 57


Rule Violation Priority Line
UseDiamondOperator Explicit type arguments can be replaced by Diamond Operator 3 164
UseDiamondOperator Explicit type arguments can be replaced by Diamond Operator 3 192


Rule Violation Priority Line
CallSuperInConstructor It is a good practice to call super() in a constructor 3 5457
MissingOverride The method 'getName()' is missing an @Override annotation. 3 7578
ShortVariable Avoid variables with short names like r 3 92
InsufficientStringBufferDeclaration StringBuffer constructor is initialized with size 16, but has at least 23 characters appended. 3 111
ConfusingTernary Avoid if (x != y) ..; else ..; 3 114121
AppendCharacterWithChar Avoid appending characters as strings in StringBuffer.append. 3 122


Rule Violation Priority Line
CommentRequired Header comments are required 3 46108
ImmutableField Private field 'MESSAGE_KEY_PROJECT_RESOURCE_TYPE_DESCRIPTION' could be made final; it is only initialized in the declaration or constructor. 3 48
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'MESSAGE_KEY_PROJECT_RESOURCE_TYPE_DESCRIPTION' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 48
ShortVariable Avoid variables with short names like s 3 91
UnnecessaryLocalBeforeReturn Consider simply returning the value vs storing it in local variable 's' 3 92
UnnecessaryLocalBeforeReturn Consider simply returning the value vs storing it in local variable 'strUrl' 3 106


Rule Violation Priority Line
MissingSerialVersionUID Classes implementing Serializable should set a serialVersionUID 3 49102
SingularField Perhaps '_nDefaultItemsPerPage' could be replaced by a local variable. 3 65
AddEmptyString Do not add empty strings 3 96


Rule Violation Priority Line
MissingSerialVersionUID Classes implementing Serializable should set a serialVersionUID 3 54268
NullAssignment Assigning an Object to null is a code smell. Consider refactoring. 3 110
ConfusingTernary Avoid if (x != y) ..; else ..; 3 127


Rule Violation Priority Line
UnusedImports Avoid unused imports such as '' 4 48
MissingSerialVersionUID Classes implementing Serializable should set a serialVersionUID 3 57260
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 101108
NullAssignment Assigning an Object to null is a code smell. Consider refactoring. 3 103
ConfusingTernary Avoid if (x != y) ..; else ..; 3 120


Rule Violation Priority Line
UnusedImports Avoid unused imports such as 'java.util.HashMap' 4 37
UnusedImports Avoid unused imports such as 'java.util.Map' 4 38
CommentRequired Header comments are required 3 64166
ImmutableField Private field '_mapper' could be made final; it is only initialized in the declaration or constructor. 3 66
DefaultPackage Use explicit scoping instead of the default package private level 3 67
CommentDefaultAccessModifier To avoid mistakes add a comment at the beginning of the LOGGER field if you want a default access modifier 3 67
AvoidCatchingGenericException Avoid catching generic exceptions such as NullPointerException, RuntimeException, Exception in try-catch block 3 102
AvoidCatchingGenericException Avoid catching generic exceptions such as NullPointerException, RuntimeException, Exception in try-catch block 3 132
ShortVariable Avoid variables with short names like hs 3 148