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Module gru indexing


This plugin enables to index objects of the library gru-library-grubusiness. A search on customers can be then performed.

This plugin contains two indexing implementations:

  • indexing with Lucene: the search can only be done on the first name and/or the last name of the customers. It is the default implementation.
  • indexing with Elasticsearch: the search can be done on every indexed fields.

Using Lucene


The class managing the indexing is It is also configured as a bean in the Spring context. It can be configured:

  • The first constructor argument gives the path of the index folder. By default, the index folder is in the webapp.
  • The second constructor argument indicates whether the index folder is in the webapp (value = true) or not (value = false). By default, the value is true.


The class managing the search is See the above section Indexing to configure the class.

Only the first name and/or the last name can be searched.

Autocomplete search

The class managing the autocomplete search is It is also configured as a bean in the Spring context. It is a web service which can be called at the URL /rest/lucene/autocomplete with a GET method. The parameter query must contain the term(s) to search.

Only the first name and/or the last name can be searched.

The autocomplete search returns a JSON string with the following fields:

  • output: the text displayed by the autocomplete search. It is always the first name + the last name of the customer.
  • search: the list of fields used to execute a search. Why this field is present: the autocomplete search removes the duplicate results. Thus, when a result is selected, a second search can be needed to display the duplicate results. The second search is based on this list of fields. It always contains the field first_name and the field last_name.
Here is an example:
  "autocomplete": [{
    "output": "John Doe",
  }, {
    "output": "John Black",

Using Elasticsearch

Before using Elasticsearch, please modify the following keys in the properties file:

  • gru-indexing.urlElk: the URL of the Elasticsearch server
  • gru-indexing.index: the name of the Elasticsearch index
  • gru-indexing.typeUser: the Elasticsearch index type for customers


The class managing the indexing is It is also configured as a bean in the Spring context.

The indexing query is defined in the file WEB-INF/plugins/gruindexing/elasticsearch_customer_indexing.template. It contains placeholders (like ${user_cid}) which are replaced with actual values at index-time. Some placeholders are pre-defined:

  • ${customer_id}: the customer id
  • ${connection_id}: the connection id of the customer
  • ${email}: the email of the customer
  • ${last_name}: the last name of the customer
  • ${family_name}: the family name of the customer. It corresponds to the name a person has before getting married.
  • ${first_name}: the first name of the customer
  • ${mobile_phone_number}: the mobile phone number of the customer
  • ${fixed_phone_number}: the fixed phone number of the customer
  • ${birthday}: the birthday of the customer
  • ${civility}: the civility of the customer
Other placeholders are retrieved from extra attributes of the object

In the same way, some indexed fields are pre-defined:

  • customer_id: the customer id
  • connection_id: the connection id of the customer
  • email: the email of the customer
  • last_name: the last name of the customer
  • family_name: the family name of the customer. It corresponds to the name a person has before getting married.
  • first_name: the first name of the customer
  • mobile_phone_number: the mobile phone number of the customer
  • fixed_phone_number: the fixed phone number of the customer
  • birthday: the birthday of the customer
  • civility: the civility of the customer
Other indexed fields can be added as desired.

In order to use autocomplete search, the template must contain a field suggest and a field payload. The field suggest is an Elasticsearch standard completion field. The field payload must contain the following fields:

  • output: the text displayed by the autocomplete search
  • search: the list of fields used to execute a search. Why this field is present: the autocomplete search removes the duplicate results. Thus, when a result is selected, a second search can be needed to display the duplicate results. The second search is based on this list of fields.
Before the version 5.0 of Elasticsearch, the field payload must be contained in the field suggest. Here is an example:
    "${first_name} ${last_name}",
    "${last_name} ${first_name}",
    "output":"${first_name} ${last_name}",
After the version 5.0 of Elasticsearch, the field payload must be a field of the document, as other fields. Here is an example:
    "${first_name} ${last_name}",
    "${last_name} ${first_name}",
  "output":"${first_name} ${last_name}",


The class managing the search is It is also configured as a bean in the Spring context.

The search can be configured by modifying the following keys in the properties file:

  • gru-indexing.sizeSearchParamValue: the number of results returned by the search

Autocomplete search

The class managing the autocomplete search is It is also configured as a bean in the Spring context. It is a web service which can be called at the URL /rest/elasticsearch/autocomplete with a GET method. The parameter query must contain the term(s) to search.

The autocomplete search query is defined in the file WEB-INF/plugins/gruindexing/elasticsearch_autocomplete.template. It contains a placeholder ${query} which is replaced with the actual search query at search-time.

One can add customized placeholders in this template. In order to replace these placeholders by their actual values, one has to implement the interface and to declare the implementation as a bean in the Spring context.

The autocomplete search returns a JSON string with the following fields:

  • output: the field output defined in the indexing template file
  • search: the field search defined in the indexing template file
Here is an example:
  "autocomplete": [{
    "output": "John Doe",
  }, {
    "output": "John Black",