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Plugin jmxtrans


The JMXTrans plugin is based on the project embedded-jmxtrans which collect JMX metrics and send them to logging or graphical monitoring system such as graphite.


Exported metrics are defined in the jmxtrans.json located in the classpath.

Here, for example, the declaration of the metric lutece.cache.pageService.memorySize providing the size of the cache used by the service that delivers Lutece pages and using the MemorySize attribute of the JMX MBean named "Lutece: type = Caches, Page Cache Service name =" .

  "queries": [
      "objectName": "Lutece:type=Caches,name=Page Cache Service",
      "resultAlias": "",
      "attributes": [
          "name": "MemorySize",
          "resultAlias": "lutece.cache.pageService.memorySize"