- /*
- * Copyright (c) 2002-2022, City of Paris
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
- * are met:
- *
- * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice
- * and the following disclaimer.
- *
- * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice
- * and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
- * provided with the distribution.
- *
- * 3. Neither the name of 'Mairie de Paris' nor 'Lutece' nor the names of its
- * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
- * this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * License 1.0
- */
- package fr.paris.lutece.portal.service.csv;
- import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
- import java.io.FileReader;
- import java.io.IOException;
- import java.io.InputStream;
- import java.io.InputStreamReader;
- import java.io.Reader;
- import java.util.ArrayList;
- import java.util.Collections;
- import java.util.Iterator;
- import java.util.List;
- import java.util.Locale;
- import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils;
- import org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItem;
- import au.com.bytecode.opencsv.CSVReader;
- import fr.paris.lutece.portal.business.file.File;
- import fr.paris.lutece.portal.business.physicalfile.PhysicalFile;
- import fr.paris.lutece.portal.business.physicalfile.PhysicalFileHome;
- import fr.paris.lutece.portal.service.i18n.I18nService;
- import fr.paris.lutece.portal.service.util.AppLogService;
- import fr.paris.lutece.portal.service.util.AppPropertiesService;
- import fr.paris.lutece.util.stream.StreamUtil;
- /**
- * Service to get data from a CSV file. The CSV might be a physical file, or a memory file. Implementations can either be statefull or stateless, but if the
- * separator or the escape character are controlled by the user, then it has to be statefull.
- */
- public abstract class CSVReaderService
- {
- private static final String MESSAGE_NO_FILE_FOUND = "portal.util.message.noFileFound";
- private static final String MESSAGE_ERROR_READING_FILE = "portal.util.message.errorReadingFile";
- private static final String MESSAGE_ERROR_NUMBER_COLUMNS = "portal.xsl.message.errorNumberColumns";
- private static final String MESSAGE_UNKOWN_ERROR = "portal.xsl.message.errorUnknown";
- private static final String PROPERTY_DEFAULT_CSV_SEPARATOR = "lutece.csvReader.defaultCSVSeparator";
- private static final String PROPERTY_DEFAULT_CSV_ESCAPE_CHARACTER = "lutece.csvReader.defaultCSVEscapeCharacter";
- private static final String CONSTANT_DEFAULT_CSV_SEPARATOR = ";";
- private static final String CONSTANT_DEFAULT_CSV_ESCAPE_CHARACTER = "\"";
- private Character _strCSVSeparator;
- private Character _strCSVEscapeCharacter;
- /**
- * Read a line of the CSV file.
- *
- * @param strLineDataArray
- * The content of the line of the CSV file.
- * @param nLineNumber
- * Number of the current line
- * @param locale
- * the locale
- * @param strBaseUrl
- * The base URL
- * @return Returns the list of messages associated with the line.
- */
- protected abstract List<CSVMessageDescriptor> readLineOfCSVFile( String [ ] strLineDataArray, int nLineNumber, Locale locale, String strBaseUrl );
- /**
- * Check the line of the CSV file. This method is called once on each line of the file if the number of columns is correct. If the file is entirely checked
- * before processing, then this method is called before any line is processed. Otherwise it is called just before the processing of the line.
- *
- * @param strLineDataArray
- * The content of the line of the CSV file.
- * @param nLineNumber
- * Number of the current line
- * @param locale
- * the locale
- * @return The list of messages of the lines. <strong>Lines that contain messages with messages levels other than {@link CSVMessageLevel#INFO INFO} will NOT
- * be processed, and the global processing may stop if the ExitOnError flag has been set to true !</strong>
- */
- protected abstract List<CSVMessageDescriptor> checkLineOfCSVFile( String [ ] strLineDataArray, int nLineNumber, Locale locale );
- /**
- * Get messages after the process is completed.
- *
- * @param nNbLineParses
- * The number of lines parses. If the first line was skipped, it is not counted.
- * @param nNbLinesWithoutErrors
- * the number of lines parses whitout error.
- * @param locale
- * The locale
- * @return A list of messages.
- */
- protected abstract List<CSVMessageDescriptor> getEndOfProcessMessages( int nNbLineParses, int nNbLinesWithoutErrors, Locale locale );
- /**
- * Get the default CSV separator to use. If the property of the default separator to use is not set, then the semi-colon is returned.
- *
- * @return the default CSV separator to use
- */
- public static Character getDefaultCSVSeparator( )
- {
- return AppPropertiesService.getProperty( PROPERTY_DEFAULT_CSV_SEPARATOR, CONSTANT_DEFAULT_CSV_SEPARATOR ).charAt( 0 );
- }
- /**
- * Get the default CSV escape character to use. If the property of the default escape character to use is not set, then the comma is returned.
- *
- * @return the default CSV escape character to use
- */
- public static Character getDefaultCSVEscapeCharacter( )
- {
- }
- /**
- * Read a CSV file and call the method {@link #readLineOfCSVFile(String[], int, Locale, String) readLineOfCSVFile} for each of its lines.
- *
- * @param fileItem
- * FileItem to get the CSV file from. If the creation of the input stream associated to this file throws a IOException, then an error is returned
- * and the file is not red.
- * @param nColumnNumber
- * Number of columns of each lines. Use 0 to skip column number check (for example if every lines don't have the same number of columns)
- * @param bCheckFileBeforeProcessing
- * Indicates if the file should be check before processing any of its line. If it is set to true, then then no line is processed if the file has
- * any error.
- * @param bExitOnError
- * Indicates if the processing of the CSV file should end on the first error, or at the end of the file.
- * @param bSkipFirstLine
- * Indicates if the first line of the file should be skipped or not.
- * @param locale
- * the locale
- * @param strBaseUrl
- * The base URL
- * @return Returns the list of errors that occurred during the processing of the file. The returned list is sorted
- * @see CSVMessageDescriptor#compareTo(CSVMessageDescriptor) CSVMessageDescriptor.compareTo(CSVMessageDescriptor) for information about sort
- */
- public List<CSVMessageDescriptor> readCSVFile( FileItem fileItem, int nColumnNumber, boolean bCheckFileBeforeProcessing, boolean bExitOnError,
- boolean bSkipFirstLine, Locale locale, String strBaseUrl )
- {
- if ( fileItem != null )
- {
- InputStreamReader inputStreamReader = null;
- try
- {
- inputStreamReader = new InputStreamReader( fileItem.getInputStream( ) );
- }
- catch( IOException e )
- {
- AppLogService.error( e.getMessage( ), e );
- }
- if ( inputStreamReader != null )
- {
- CSVReader csvReader = new CSVReader( inputStreamReader, getCSVSeparator( ), getCSVEscapeCharacter( ) );
- return readCSVFile( inputStreamReader, csvReader, nColumnNumber, bCheckFileBeforeProcessing, bExitOnError, bSkipFirstLine, locale, strBaseUrl );
- }
- }
- List<CSVMessageDescriptor> listErrors = new ArrayList<>( );
- CSVMessageDescriptor errorDescription = new CSVMessageDescriptor( CSVMessageLevel.ERROR, 0,
- I18nService.getLocalizedString( MESSAGE_NO_FILE_FOUND, locale ) );
- listErrors.add( errorDescription );
- return listErrors;
- }
- /**
- * Read a CSV file and call the method {@link #readLineOfCSVFile(String[], int, Locale, String) readLineOfCSVFile} for each of its lines.
- *
- * @param strPath
- * Path if the file to read in the file system.
- * @param nColumnNumber
- * Number of columns of each lines. Use 0 to skip column number check (for example if every lines don't have the same number of columns)
- * @param bCheckFileBeforeProcessing
- * Indicates if the file should be check before processing any of its line. If it is set to true, then then no line is processed if the file has
- * any error.
- * @param bExitOnError
- * Indicates if the processing of the CSV file should end on the first error, or at the end of the file.
- * @param bSkipFirstLine
- * Indicates if the first line of the file should be skipped or not.
- * @param locale
- * the locale
- * @param strBaseUrl
- * The base URL
- * @return Returns the list of errors that occurred during the processing of the file. The returned list is sorted
- * @see CSVMessageDescriptor#compareTo(CSVMessageDescriptor) CSVMessageDescriptor.compareTo(CSVMessageDescriptor) for information about sort
- */
- public List<CSVMessageDescriptor> readCSVFile( String strPath, int nColumnNumber, boolean bCheckFileBeforeProcessing, boolean bExitOnError,
- boolean bSkipFirstLine, Locale locale, String strBaseUrl )
- {
- java.io.File file = new java.io.File( strPath );
- try ( FileReader fileReader = new FileReader( file ) )
- {
- CSVReader csvReader = new CSVReader( fileReader, getCSVSeparator( ), getCSVEscapeCharacter( ) );
- return readCSVFile( fileReader, csvReader, nColumnNumber, bCheckFileBeforeProcessing, bExitOnError, bSkipFirstLine, locale, strBaseUrl );
- }
- catch( IOException e )
- {
- AppLogService.error( e.getMessage( ), e );
- }
- List<CSVMessageDescriptor> listErrors = new ArrayList<>( );
- CSVMessageDescriptor errorDescription = new CSVMessageDescriptor( CSVMessageLevel.ERROR, 0,
- I18nService.getLocalizedString( MESSAGE_NO_FILE_FOUND, locale ) );
- listErrors.add( errorDescription );
- return listErrors;
- }
- /**
- * Read a CSV file and call the method {@link #readLineOfCSVFile(String[], int, Locale, String) readLineOfCSVFile} for each of its lines.
- *
- * @param file
- * File to get the values from. If the physical file of this file has no value, then it is gotten from the database.
- * @param nColumnNumber
- * Number of columns of each lines. Use 0 to skip column number check (for example if every lines don't have the same number of columns)
- * @param bCheckFileBeforeProcessing
- * Indicates if the file should be check before processing any of its line. If it is set to true, then then no line is processed if the file has
- * any error.
- * @param bExitOnError
- * Indicates if the processing of the CSV file should end on the first error, or at the end of the file.
- * @param bSkipFirstLine
- * Indicates if the first line of the file should be skipped or not.
- * @param locale
- * the locale
- * @param strBaseUrl
- * The base URL
- * @return Returns the list of errors that occurred during the processing of the file. The returned list is sorted
- * @see CSVMessageDescriptor#compareTo(CSVMessageDescriptor) CSVMessageDescriptor.compareTo(CSVMessageDescriptor) for information about sort
- */
- public List<CSVMessageDescriptor> readCSVFile( File file, int nColumnNumber, boolean bCheckFileBeforeProcessing, boolean bExitOnError,
- boolean bSkipFirstLine, Locale locale, String strBaseUrl )
- {
- return readCSVFile( file.getPhysicalFile( ), nColumnNumber, bCheckFileBeforeProcessing, bExitOnError, bSkipFirstLine, locale, strBaseUrl );
- }
- /**
- * Read a CSV file and call the method {@link #readLineOfCSVFile(String[], int, Locale, String) readLineOfCSVFile} for each of its lines.
- *
- * @param physicalFile
- * The physicalFile to get the values from. If the physical file has no value, then it is gotten from the database.
- * @param nColumnNumber
- * Number of columns of each lines. Use 0 to skip column number check (for example if every lines don't have the same number of columns)
- * @param bCheckFileBeforeProcessing
- * Indicates if the file should be check before processing any of its line. If it is set to true, then then no line is processed if the file has
- * any error.
- * @param bExitOnError
- * Indicates if the processing of the CSV file should end on the first error, or at the end of the file.
- * @param bSkipFirstLine
- * Indicates if the first line of the file should be skipped or not.
- * @param locale
- * the locale
- * @param strBaseUrl
- * The base URL
- * @return Returns the list of errors that occurred during the processing of the file. The returned list is sorted
- * @see CSVMessageDescriptor#compareTo(CSVMessageDescriptor) CSVMessageDescriptor.compareTo(CSVMessageDescriptor) for information about sort
- */
- public List<CSVMessageDescriptor> readCSVFile( PhysicalFile physicalFile, int nColumnNumber, boolean bCheckFileBeforeProcessing, boolean bExitOnError,
- boolean bSkipFirstLine, Locale locale, String strBaseUrl )
- {
- PhysicalFile importedPhysicalFile = physicalFile;
- if ( ( importedPhysicalFile != null ) && ( importedPhysicalFile.getValue( ) == null ) )
- {
- if ( importedPhysicalFile.getValue( ) == null )
- {
- importedPhysicalFile = PhysicalFileHome.findByPrimaryKey( importedPhysicalFile.getIdPhysicalFile( ) );
- }
- if ( ( importedPhysicalFile != null ) && ( importedPhysicalFile.getValue( ) == null ) )
- {
- InputStream inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream( importedPhysicalFile.getValue( ) );
- InputStreamReader inputStreamReader = new InputStreamReader( inputStream );
- CSVReader csvReader = new CSVReader( inputStreamReader, getCSVSeparator( ), getCSVEscapeCharacter( ) );
- return readCSVFile( inputStreamReader, csvReader, nColumnNumber, bCheckFileBeforeProcessing, bExitOnError, bSkipFirstLine, locale, strBaseUrl );
- }
- }
- List<CSVMessageDescriptor> listErrors = new ArrayList<>( );
- CSVMessageDescriptor errorDescription = new CSVMessageDescriptor( CSVMessageLevel.ERROR, 0,
- I18nService.getLocalizedString( MESSAGE_NO_FILE_FOUND, locale ) );
- listErrors.add( errorDescription );
- return listErrors;
- }
- /**
- * Read a CSV file and call the method {@link #readLineOfCSVFile(String[], int, Locale, String) readLineOfCSVFile} for each of its lines.
- *
- * @param reader
- * The file reader that was used to create the CSV reader. This reader will be closed by this method
- * @param csvReader
- * CSV reader to use to read the CSV file
- * @param nColumnNumber
- * Number of columns of each lines. Use 0 to skip column number check (for example if every lines don't have the same number of columns)
- * @param bCheckFileBeforeProcessing
- * Indicates if the file should be check before processing any of its line. If it is set to true, then then no line is processed if the file has
- * any error.
- * @param bExitOnError
- * Indicates if the processing of the CSV file should end on the first error, or at the end of the file.
- * @param bSkipFirstLine
- * Indicates if the first line of the file should be skipped or not.
- * @param locale
- * the locale
- * @param strBaseUrl
- * The base URL
- * @return Returns the list of errors that occurred during the processing of the file. The returned list is sorted
- * @see CSVMessageDescriptor#compareTo(CSVMessageDescriptor) CSVMessageDescriptor.compareTo(CSVMessageDescriptor) for information about sort
- */
- protected List<CSVMessageDescriptor> readCSVFile( Reader reader, CSVReader csvReader, int nColumnNumber, boolean bCheckFileBeforeProcessing,
- boolean bExitOnError, boolean bSkipFirstLine, Locale locale, String strBaseUrl )
- {
- List<CSVMessageDescriptor> listMessages = new ArrayList<>( );
- int nLineNumber = 0;
- if ( bSkipFirstLine )
- {
- try
- {
- nLineNumber++;
- csvReader.readNext( );
- }
- catch( IOException e )
- {
- AppLogService.error( e.getMessage( ), e );
- CSVMessageDescriptor error = new CSVMessageDescriptor( CSVMessageLevel.ERROR, 1,
- I18nService.getLocalizedString( MESSAGE_ERROR_READING_FILE, locale ) );
- listMessages.add( error );
- if ( bExitOnError )
- {
- StreamUtil.safeClose( csvReader );
- StreamUtil.safeClose( reader );
- return listMessages;
- }
- }
- }
- List<String [ ]> listLines = null;
- if ( bCheckFileBeforeProcessing )
- {
- listLines = new ArrayList<>( );
- String [ ] strLine = null;
- do
- {
- try
- {
- nLineNumber++;
- strLine = csvReader.readNext( );
- }
- catch( IOException e )
- {
- AppLogService.error( e.getMessage( ), e );
- CSVMessageDescriptor error = new CSVMessageDescriptor( CSVMessageLevel.ERROR, nLineNumber,
- I18nService.getLocalizedString( MESSAGE_ERROR_READING_FILE, locale ) );
- listMessages.add( error );
- if ( bExitOnError )
- {
- StreamUtil.safeClose( csvReader );
- StreamUtil.safeClose( reader );
- Collections.sort( listMessages );
- return listMessages;
- }
- }
- if ( strLine != null )
- {
- listLines.add( strLine );
- }
- }
- while ( strLine != null );
- List<CSVMessageDescriptor> listCheckErrors = checkCSVFileValidity( listLines, nColumnNumber, bSkipFirstLine, locale );
- if ( CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty( listCheckErrors ) && doesListMessageContainError( listCheckErrors ) )
- {
- listCheckErrors.addAll( 0, listMessages );
- StreamUtil.safeClose( csvReader );
- StreamUtil.safeClose( reader );
- Collections.sort( listMessages );
- return listCheckErrors;
- }
- nLineNumber = 0;
- }
- boolean bHasMoreLines = true;
- int nNbLinesWithoutErrors = 0;
- String [ ] strLine = null;
- Iterator<String [ ]> iterator = null;
- if ( listLines != null )
- {
- iterator = listLines.iterator( );
- }
- while ( bHasMoreLines )
- {
- nLineNumber++;
- if ( iterator != null )
- {
- if ( iterator.hasNext( ) )
- {
- strLine = iterator.next( );
- }
- else
- {
- strLine = null;
- bHasMoreLines = false;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- try
- {
- strLine = csvReader.readNext( );
- }
- catch( IOException e )
- {
- strLine = null;
- AppLogService.error( e.getMessage( ), e );
- CSVMessageDescriptor error = new CSVMessageDescriptor( CSVMessageLevel.ERROR, nLineNumber,
- I18nService.getLocalizedString( MESSAGE_ERROR_READING_FILE, locale ) );
- listMessages.add( error );
- if ( bExitOnError )
- {
- bHasMoreLines = false;
- }
- }
- }
- if ( strLine != null )
- {
- try
- {
- List<CSVMessageDescriptor> listLinesMessages = null;
- if ( !bCheckFileBeforeProcessing )
- {
- listLinesMessages = checkCSVLineColumnNumber( strLine, nColumnNumber, nLineNumber, locale );
- if ( !doesListMessageContainError( listLinesMessages ) )
- {
- List<CSVMessageDescriptor> listFileCheckMessages = checkLineOfCSVFile( strLine, nLineNumber, locale );
- if ( CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty( listFileCheckMessages ) )
- {
- if ( CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty( listLinesMessages ) )
- {
- listLinesMessages.addAll( listFileCheckMessages );
- }
- else
- {
- listLinesMessages = listFileCheckMessages;
- }
- }
- }
- if ( CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty( listLinesMessages ) )
- {
- listMessages.addAll( listLinesMessages );
- }
- }
- // If the line has no error
- if ( !doesListMessageContainError( listLinesMessages ) )
- {
- List<CSVMessageDescriptor> listMessagesOfCurrentLine = readLineOfCSVFile( strLine, nLineNumber, locale, strBaseUrl );
- if ( CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty( listMessagesOfCurrentLine ) )
- {
- listMessages.addAll( listMessagesOfCurrentLine );
- }
- if ( doesListMessageContainError( listMessagesOfCurrentLine ) )
- {
- if ( bExitOnError )
- {
- bHasMoreLines = false;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- nNbLinesWithoutErrors++;
- }
- }
- }
- catch( Exception e )
- {
- AppLogService.error( e.getMessage( ), e );
- CSVMessageDescriptor error = new CSVMessageDescriptor( CSVMessageLevel.ERROR, nLineNumber,
- I18nService.getLocalizedString( MESSAGE_UNKOWN_ERROR, locale ) );
- listMessages.add( error );
- if ( bExitOnError )
- {
- bHasMoreLines = false;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- bHasMoreLines = false;
- }
- }
- StreamUtil.safeClose( csvReader );
- StreamUtil.safeClose( reader );
- // We incremented the line number for the last line that didn't exist
- nLineNumber--;
- if ( bSkipFirstLine )
- {
- nLineNumber--;
- }
- List<CSVMessageDescriptor> listMessagesEndOfProcess = getEndOfProcessMessages( nLineNumber, nNbLinesWithoutErrors, locale );
- if ( CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty( listMessagesEndOfProcess ) )
- {
- listMessages.addAll( 0, listMessagesEndOfProcess );
- }
- Collections.sort( listMessages );
- return listMessages;
- }
- /**
- * Check the validity of the whole CSV file.
- *
- * @param listLines
- * The list of lines of the file
- * @param nColumnNumber
- * The number of columns every line must have.
- * @param bSkipFirstLine
- * True if the first line should be ignored, false otherwise
- * @param locale
- * The locale
- * @return Returns a list of errors found in the file.
- */
- protected List<CSVMessageDescriptor> checkCSVFileValidity( List<String [ ]> listLines, int nColumnNumber, boolean bSkipFirstLine, Locale locale )
- {
- List<CSVMessageDescriptor> listErrors = new ArrayList<>( );
- int nLineNumber = 0;
- if ( bSkipFirstLine )
- {
- nLineNumber++;
- }
- for ( String [ ] strLine : listLines )
- {
- nLineNumber++;
- List<CSVMessageDescriptor> listMessages = checkCSVLineColumnNumber( strLine, nColumnNumber, nLineNumber, locale );
- if ( CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty( listMessages ) )
- {
- listErrors.addAll( listMessages );
- }
- if ( !doesListMessageContainError( listMessages ) )
- {
- listMessages = checkLineOfCSVFile( strLine, nLineNumber, locale );
- if ( CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty( listMessages ) )
- {
- listErrors.addAll( listMessages );
- }
- }
- }
- return listErrors;
- }
- /**
- * Check the number of columns of a line.
- *
- * @param strLine
- * The line to check
- * @param nColumnNumber
- * The number of columns the line must have
- * @param nLineNumber
- * The number of the current line
- * @param locale
- * The locale
- * @return The error if an error is found, or null if there is none.
- */
- protected List<CSVMessageDescriptor> checkCSVLineColumnNumber( String [ ] strLine, int nColumnNumber, int nLineNumber, Locale locale )
- {
- if ( ( strLine == null ) || ( ( nColumnNumber > 0 ) && ( strLine.length != nColumnNumber ) ) )
- {
- List<CSVMessageDescriptor> listMessages = new ArrayList<>( );
- Object [ ] args = {
- ( strLine == null ) ? 0 : strLine.length, nColumnNumber
- };
- String strErrorMessage = I18nService.getLocalizedString( MESSAGE_ERROR_NUMBER_COLUMNS, args, locale );
- CSVMessageDescriptor error = new CSVMessageDescriptor( CSVMessageLevel.ERROR, nLineNumber, strErrorMessage );
- listMessages.add( error );
- return listMessages;
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * Get the separator used for CSV files. If no separator has been set, then the default CSV separator is used.
- *
- * @return the separator used for CSV files, of the default one if non has been set.
- */
- public Character getCSVSeparator( )
- {
- if ( this._strCSVSeparator == null )
- {
- this._strCSVSeparator = getDefaultCSVSeparator( );
- }
- return _strCSVSeparator;
- }
- /**
- * Set the separator to use for CSV files.
- *
- * @param strCSVSeparator
- * The separator to use for CSV files.
- */
- public void setCSVSeparator( Character strCSVSeparator )
- {
- this._strCSVSeparator = strCSVSeparator;
- }
- /**
- * Get the escape character used for CSV files. If no escape character has been set, then the default CSV escape character is used.
- *
- * @return the escape character used for CSV files, of the default one if non has been set.
- */
- public Character getCSVEscapeCharacter( )
- {
- if ( this._strCSVEscapeCharacter == null )
- {
- this._strCSVEscapeCharacter = getDefaultCSVEscapeCharacter( );
- }
- return _strCSVEscapeCharacter;
- }
- /**
- * Set the escape character to use for CSV files.
- *
- * @param strCSVEscapeCharacter
- * The escape character to use for CSV files.
- */
- public void setCSVEscapeCharacter( Character strCSVEscapeCharacter )
- {
- this._strCSVEscapeCharacter = strCSVEscapeCharacter;
- }
- /**
- * Check if a list of messages contains messages with the {@link CSVMessageLevel#ERROR ERROR} level
- *
- * @param listMessageOfCurrentLine
- * The list of messages. The list might be null or empty.
- * @return True if an error is found, false otherwise
- */
- private boolean doesListMessageContainError( List<CSVMessageDescriptor> listMessageOfCurrentLine )
- {
- if ( CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty( listMessageOfCurrentLine ) )
- {
- for ( CSVMessageDescriptor message : listMessageOfCurrentLine )
- {
- if ( message.getMessageLevel( ) == CSVMessageLevel.ERROR )
- {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- }