- /*
- * Copyright (c) 2002-2022, City of Paris
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
- * are met:
- *
- * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice
- * and the following disclaimer.
- *
- * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice
- * and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
- * provided with the distribution.
- *
- * 3. Neither the name of 'Mairie de Paris' nor 'Lutece' nor the names of its
- * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
- * this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * License 1.0
- */
- package;
- import java.util.Collection;
- import java.util.List;
- import java.util.Locale;
- import java.util.Map;
- import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
- import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
- import org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanDefinitionStoreException;
- import org.springframework.beans.factory.CannotLoadBeanClassException;
- import org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException;
- import;
- import;
- import;
- import;
- import;
- import;
- import;
- import;
- import;
- import;
- import;
- import;
- import;
- /**
- *
- * WorkflowService
- *
- */
- public final class WorkflowService
- {
- private static final String PLUGIN_WORKFLOW_NAME = "workflow";
- private static final String BEAN_WORKFLOW_PROVIDER = "workflow.workflowProvider";
- private static WorkflowService _singleton;
- private boolean _bServiceAvailable = true;
- private IWorkflowService _service;
- private IWorkflowProvider _provider;
- /**
- * Private constructor
- */
- private WorkflowService( )
- {
- try
- {
- _service = SpringContextService.getBean( );
- _provider = SpringContextService.getBean( BEAN_WORKFLOW_PROVIDER );
- _bServiceAvailable = ( _service != null ) && ( _provider != null );
- }
- catch( CannotLoadBeanClassException | NoSuchBeanDefinitionException | BeanDefinitionStoreException e )
- {
- _bServiceAvailable = false;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Returns the unique instance of the service
- *
- * @return The instance of the service
- */
- public static synchronized WorkflowService getInstance( )
- {
- if ( _singleton == null )
- {
- _singleton = new WorkflowService( );
- }
- return _singleton;
- }
- /**
- * Check if the workflow service is available. To be available, the following conditions must be verified :
- * <ul>
- * <li>the Bean service is not null</li>
- * <li>the plugin-workflow must be enable</li>
- * </ul>
- *
- * @return true if the workflow service is available
- */
- public boolean isAvailable( )
- {
- // LUTECE-1273 : Condition ( _service != null && _provider != null ) in case the
- // plugin-workflow is removed from a webapp
- return _bServiceAvailable && ( _service != null ) && ( _provider != null ) && PluginService.isPluginEnable( PLUGIN_WORKFLOW_NAME );
- }
- /**
- * returns a list of actions possible for a given document based on the status of the document in the workflow and the user role
- *
- * @param nIdResource
- * the document id
- * @param strResourceType
- * the document type
- * @param user
- * the adminUser
- * @param nIdWorkflow
- * the workflow id
- * @return a list of Action
- */
- public Collection<Action> getActions( int nIdResource, String strResourceType, int nIdWorkflow, User user )
- {
- if ( isAvailable( ) )
- {
- Collection<Action> listActions = _service.getActions( nIdResource, strResourceType, nIdWorkflow );
- return _provider.getActions( nIdResource, strResourceType, listActions, user );
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * returns a list of actions possible for a given document based on the status of the document in the workflow and the user role
- *
- * @param nIdResource
- * the document id
- * @param strResourceType
- * the document type
- * @param user
- * the adminUser
- * @param nIdWorkflow
- * the workflow id
- * @return a list of Action
- * @deprecated use getActions( int, String, int, User )
- */
- @Deprecated
- public Collection<Action> getActions( int nIdResource, String strResourceType, int nIdWorkflow, AdminUser user )
- {
- return getActions( nIdResource, strResourceType, nIdWorkflow, (User) user );
- }
- /**
- * returns a list of actions possible for a given document based on the status of the document in the workflow and the user role
- *
- * @param listIdResource
- * the list of resource id
- * @param strResourceType
- * the document type
- * @param nIdExternalParentId
- * the external parent identifier
- * @param nIdWorkflow
- * the workflow id
- * @param user
- * the User
- * @return a list of Action
- */
- public Map<Integer, List<Action>> getActions( List<Integer> listIdResource, String strResourceType, Integer nIdExternalParentId, int nIdWorkflow,
- User user )
- {
- if ( isAvailable( ) )
- {
- Map<Integer, List<Action>> mapActions = _service.getActions( listIdResource, strResourceType, nIdExternalParentId, nIdWorkflow );
- return _provider.getActions( strResourceType, mapActions, user );
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * returns a list of actions possible for a given document based on the status of the document in the workflow and the user role
- *
- * @param listIdResource
- * the list of resource id
- * @param strResourceType
- * the document type
- * @param nIdExternalParentId
- * the external parent identifier
- * @param nIdWorkflow
- * the workflow id
- * @param user
- * the User
- * @return a list of Action
- * @deprecated getActions( List, String, Integer, int, User )
- */
- @Deprecated
- public Map<Integer, List<Action>> getActions( List<Integer> listIdResource, String strResourceType, Integer nIdExternalParentId, int nIdWorkflow,
- AdminUser user )
- {
- return getActions( listIdResource, strResourceType, nIdExternalParentId, nIdWorkflow, (User) user );
- }
- /**
- * return true if a form is associate to the action
- *
- * @param nIdAction
- * the action id
- * @param locale
- * the loacle
- * @return true if a form is associate to the action
- */
- public boolean isDisplayTasksForm( int nIdAction, Locale locale )
- {
- return isAvailable( ) && _service.isDisplayTasksForm( nIdAction, locale );
- }
- /**
- * Proceed action given in parameter
- *
- * @param nIdResource
- * the resource id
- * @param strResourceType
- * the resource type
- * @param nIdAction
- * the action id
- * @param nExternalParentId
- * the external parent id
- * @param request
- * the request
- * @param locale
- * locale
- * @param bIsAutomatic
- * Is automatic
- * @deprecated use doProcessAction( int, String, int, Integer, HttpServletRequest, Locale, boolean, User )
- */
- @Deprecated
- public void doProcessAction( int nIdResource, String strResourceType, int nIdAction, Integer nExternalParentId, HttpServletRequest request, Locale locale,
- boolean bIsAutomatic )
- {
- doProcessAction( nIdResource, strResourceType, nIdAction, nExternalParentId, request, locale, bIsAutomatic, null );
- }
- /**
- * Proceed action given in parameter
- *
- * @param nIdResource
- * the resource id
- * @param strResourceType
- * the resource type
- * @param nIdAction
- * the action id
- * @param nExternalParentId
- * the external parent id
- * @param request
- * the request
- * @param locale
- * locale
- * @param bIsAutomatic
- * Is automatic
- * @param user
- * The User
- */
- public void doProcessAction( int nIdResource, String strResourceType, int nIdAction, Integer nExternalParentId, HttpServletRequest request, Locale locale,
- boolean bIsAutomatic, User user )
- {
- if ( isAvailable( ) && canProcessAction( nIdResource, strResourceType, nIdAction, nExternalParentId, request, bIsAutomatic, user ) )
- {
- TransactionManager.beginTransaction( null );
- try
- {
- String strUserAccessCode = bIsAutomatic ? null : _provider.getUserAccessCode( request, user );
- _service.doProcessAction( nIdResource, strResourceType, nIdAction, nExternalParentId, request, locale, bIsAutomatic, strUserAccessCode, user );
- TransactionManager.commitTransaction( null );
- registerResourceEvent( nIdResource, strResourceType );
- }
- catch( Exception e )
- {
- TransactionManager.rollBack( null );
- throw new AppException( e.getMessage( ), e );
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * returns the actions history performed on a resource
- *
- * @param nIdResource
- * the resource id
- * @param strResourceType
- * the resource type
- * @param request
- * the request
- * @param nIdWorkflow
- * the workflow id
- * @param locale
- * the locale
- * @return the history of actions performed on a resource
- * @deprecated use getDisplayDocumentHistory( int, String, int, HttpServletRequest, Locale, User )
- */
- @Deprecated
- public String getDisplayDocumentHistory( int nIdResource, String strResourceType, int nIdWorkflow, HttpServletRequest request, Locale locale )
- {
- return getDisplayDocumentHistory( nIdResource, strResourceType, nIdWorkflow, request, locale, null );
- }
- /**
- * returns the actions history performed on a resource
- *
- * @param nIdResource
- * the resource id
- * @param strResourceType
- * the resource type
- * @param request
- * the request
- * @param nIdWorkflow
- * the workflow id
- * @param locale
- * the locale
- * @param user
- * The User
- * @return the history of actions performed on a resource
- */
- public String getDisplayDocumentHistory( int nIdResource, String strResourceType, int nIdWorkflow, HttpServletRequest request, Locale locale, User user )
- {
- return isAvailable( ) ? _provider.getDisplayDocumentHistory( nIdResource, strResourceType, nIdWorkflow, request, locale, user ) : null;
- }
- /**
- * returns the actions history performed on a resource
- *
- * @param nIdResource
- * the resource id
- * @param strResourceType
- * the resource type
- * @param request
- * the request
- * @param nIdWorkflow
- * the workflow id
- * @param locale
- * the locale
- * @param model
- * The model to add to the default model
- * @param strTemplate
- * The template
- * @return the history of actions performed on a resource
- * @deprecated use getDisplayDocumentHistory( int, String, int, HttpServletRequest, Locale, Map, String, User )
- */
- @Deprecated
- public String getDisplayDocumentHistory( int nIdResource, String strResourceType, int nIdWorkflow, HttpServletRequest request, Locale locale,
- Map<String, Object> model, String strTemplate )
- {
- return getDisplayDocumentHistory( nIdResource, strResourceType, nIdWorkflow, request, locale, model, strTemplate, null );
- }
- /**
- * returns the actions history performed on a resource
- *
- * @param nIdResource
- * the resource id
- * @param strResourceType
- * the resource type
- * @param request
- * the request
- * @param nIdWorkflow
- * the workflow id
- * @param locale
- * the locale
- * @param model
- * The model to add to the default model
- * @param strTemplate
- * The template
- * @param user
- * The User
- * @return the history of actions performed on a resource
- */
- public String getDisplayDocumentHistory( int nIdResource, String strResourceType, int nIdWorkflow, HttpServletRequest request, Locale locale,
- Map<String, Object> model, String strTemplate, User user )
- {
- if ( !isAvailable( ) )
- {
- return null;
- }
- try
- {
- return _provider.getDisplayDocumentHistory( nIdResource, strResourceType, nIdWorkflow, request, locale, model, strTemplate, user );
- }
- catch( NoSuchMethodError ex )
- {
- AppLogService.error( "You are using a too old Workflow provider version. Please upgrade." );
- return _provider.getDisplayDocumentHistory( nIdResource, strResourceType, nIdWorkflow, request, locale, user );
- }
- }
- /**
- * Perform the information on the various tasks associated with the given action specified in parameter
- *
- * @param nIdResource
- * the resource id
- * @param strResourceType
- * the resource type
- * @param nExternalParentId
- * the external parent id
- * @param request
- * the request
- * @param nIdAction
- * the action id
- * @param locale
- * the locale
- * @return null if there is no error in the task form else return the error message url
- * @deprecated use doSaveTasksForm( int, String, int, Integer, HttpServletRequest, Locale, User )
- */
- @Deprecated
- public String doSaveTasksForm( int nIdResource, String strResourceType, int nIdAction, Integer nExternalParentId, HttpServletRequest request,
- Locale locale )
- {
- return doSaveTasksForm( nIdResource, strResourceType, nIdAction, nExternalParentId, request, locale, null );
- }
- /**
- * Perform the information on the various tasks associated with the given action specified in parameter
- *
- * @param nIdResource
- * the resource id
- * @param strResourceType
- * the resource type
- * @param nExternalParentId
- * the external parent id
- * @param request
- * the request
- * @param nIdAction
- * the action id
- * @param locale
- * the locale
- * @param user
- * the user
- * @return null if there is no error in the task form else return the error message url
- */
- public String doSaveTasksForm( int nIdResource, String strResourceType, int nIdAction, Integer nExternalParentId, HttpServletRequest request, Locale locale,
- User user )
- {
- if ( isAvailable( ) )
- {
- String strError = _provider.doValidateTasksForm( nIdResource, strResourceType, nIdAction, request, locale, user );
- if ( StringUtils.isNotBlank( strError ) )
- {
- return strError;
- }
- doProcessAction( nIdResource, strResourceType, nIdAction, nExternalParentId, request, locale, false, user );
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * Get the list of ids of resources of a given type that are in a given state
- *
- * @param nIdState
- * The id of the state of resources to get
- * @param strResourceType
- * The type of resources to get
- * @return The list of resources matching both given state id and resource given. Return an empty list if no resource was found, or if the state does not
- * exist.
- */
- public List<Integer> getResourceIdListByIdState( int nIdState, String strResourceType )
- {
- if ( isAvailable( ) )
- {
- return _service.getResourceIdListByIdState( nIdState, strResourceType );
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * Get the list of ids of resources of a given type that are in a given state
- * and have a specific external parent id
- *
- * @param nIdState
- * The id of the state of resources to get
- * @param strResourceType
- * The type of resources to get
- * @return The list of resources matching both given state id and resource given. Return an empty list if no resource was found, or if the state does not
- * exist.
- */
- public List<Integer> getResourceIdListByIdState( int nIdState, String strResourceType, int nExternalParentId )
- {
- if ( isAvailable( ) )
- {
- return _service.getResourceIdListByIdState( nIdState, strResourceType, nExternalParentId );
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * Remove in every workflows the resource specified in parameter
- *
- * @param nIdResource
- * the resource id
- * @param strResourceType
- * the resource type
- */
- public void doRemoveWorkFlowResource( int nIdResource, String strResourceType )
- {
- if ( isAvailable( ) )
- {
- TransactionManager.beginTransaction( null );
- try
- {
- _service.doRemoveWorkFlowResource( nIdResource, strResourceType );
- TransactionManager.commitTransaction( null );
- }
- catch( Exception e )
- {
- TransactionManager.rollBack( null );
- throw new AppException( e.getMessage( ), e );
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Remove list of resource workflow by list id
- *
- * @param lListIdResource
- * list of id resource
- * @param strResourceType
- * the ressource type
- * @param nIdWorflow
- * the workflow id
- */
- public void doRemoveWorkFlowResourceByListId( List<Integer> lListIdResource, String strResourceType, Integer nIdWorflow )
- {
- if ( isAvailable( ) )
- {
- TransactionManager.beginTransaction( null );
- try
- {
- _service.doRemoveWorkFlowResourceByListId( lListIdResource, strResourceType, nIdWorflow );
- TransactionManager.commitTransaction( null );
- }
- catch( Exception e )
- {
- TransactionManager.rollBack( null );
- throw new AppException( e.getMessage( ), e );
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * returns the tasks form
- *
- * @param nIdResource
- * the document id
- * @param strResourceType
- * the document type
- * @param request
- * the request
- * @param nIdAction
- * the action id
- * @param locale
- * the locale
- * @return the tasks form associated to the action
- *
- * @deprecated use getDisplayTasksForm( int, String, int, HttpServletRequest, Locale, User )
- */
- @Deprecated
- public String getDisplayTasksForm( int nIdResource, String strResourceType, int nIdAction, HttpServletRequest request, Locale locale )
- {
- return getDisplayTasksForm( nIdResource, strResourceType, nIdAction, request, locale, null );
- }
- /**
- * returns the tasks form
- *
- * @param nIdResource
- * the document id
- * @param strResourceType
- * the document type
- * @param request
- * the request
- * @param nIdAction
- * the action id
- * @param locale
- * the locale
- * @param user
- * the user
- * @return the tasks form associated to the action
- *
- */
- public String getDisplayTasksForm( int nIdResource, String strResourceType, int nIdAction, HttpServletRequest request, Locale locale, User user )
- {
- return isAvailable( ) ? _provider.getDisplayTasksForm( nIdResource, strResourceType, nIdAction, request, locale, user ) : null;
- }
- /**
- * Check that a given user is allowed to view a resource depending the state of the resource
- *
- * @param nIdResource
- * the document id
- * @param strResourceType
- * the document type
- * @param user
- * the User
- * @param nIdWorkflow
- * the workflow id
- * @return a list of Action
- */
- public boolean isAuthorized( int nIdResource, String strResourceType, int nIdWorkflow, User user )
- {
- return isAvailable( ) && _provider.isAuthorized( nIdResource, strResourceType, nIdWorkflow, user );
- }
- /**
- * Check that a given user is allowed to view a resource depending the state of the resource
- *
- * @param nIdResource
- * the document id
- * @param strResourceType
- * the document type
- * @param user
- * the User
- * @param nIdWorkflow
- * the workflow id
- * @return a list of Action
- * @deprecated use isAuthorized( int, String, int, User )
- */
- @Deprecated
- public boolean isAuthorized( int nIdResource, String strResourceType, int nIdWorkflow, AdminUser user )
- {
- return isAuthorized( nIdResource, strResourceType, nIdWorkflow, (User) user );
- }
- /**
- * Get all authorized resource Id
- *
- * @param strResourceType
- * the resource type
- * @param nIdWorkflow
- * the workflow id
- * @param nIdWorkflowState
- * The workflow state id or -1 for all workflow states
- * @param nExternalParentId
- * The external parent id
- * @param user
- * the User
- * @return a list resource id
- */
- public List<Integer> getAuthorizedResourceList( String strResourceType, int nIdWorkflow, int nIdWorkflowState, Integer nExternalParentId, User user )
- {
- return isAvailable( ) ? _provider.getAuthorizedResourceList( strResourceType, nIdWorkflow, nIdWorkflowState, nExternalParentId, user ) : null;
- }
- /**
- * Get all authorized resource Id
- *
- * @param strResourceType
- * the resource type
- * @param nIdWorkflow
- * the workflow id
- * @param nIdWorkflowState
- * The workflow state id or -1 for all workflow states
- * @param nExternalParentId
- * The external parent id
- * @param user
- * the User
- * @return a list resource id
- * @deprecated use getAuthorizedResourceList( String, int, int, Integer, User )
- */
- @Deprecated
- public List<Integer> getAuthorizedResourceList( String strResourceType, int nIdWorkflow, int nIdWorkflowState, Integer nExternalParentId, AdminUser user )
- {
- return getAuthorizedResourceList( strResourceType, nIdWorkflow, nIdWorkflowState, nExternalParentId, (User) user );
- }
- /**
- * Get all authorized resource Id by list of state
- *
- * @param strResourceType
- * the resource type
- * @param nIdWorkflow
- * the workflow id
- * @param lListIdWorkflowState
- * The workflow state <b>id or null</b> for all workflow states
- * @param nExternalParentId
- * the externbal parent identifier
- * @param user
- * the User
- * @return a list resource id
- */
- public List<Integer> getAuthorizedResourceList( String strResourceType, int nIdWorkflow, List<Integer> lListIdWorkflowState, Integer nExternalParentId,
- User user )
- {
- return isAvailable( ) ? _provider.getAuthorizedResourceList( strResourceType, nIdWorkflow, lListIdWorkflowState, nExternalParentId, user ) : null;
- }
- /**
- * Get all authorized resource Id by list of state
- *
- * @param strResourceType
- * the resource type
- * @param nIdWorkflow
- * the workflow id
- * @param lListIdWorkflowState
- * The workflow state <b>id or null</b> for all workflow states
- * @param nExternalParentId
- * the externbal parent identifier
- * @param user
- * the User
- * @return a list resource id
- * @deprecated use getAuthorizedResourceList( String, int, List, Integer, User )
- */
- @Deprecated
- public List<Integer> getAuthorizedResourceList( String strResourceType, int nIdWorkflow, List<Integer> lListIdWorkflowState, Integer nExternalParentId,
- AdminUser user )
- {
- return getAuthorizedResourceList( strResourceType, nIdWorkflow, lListIdWorkflowState, nExternalParentId, (User) user );
- }
- /**
- * return a reference list which contains a list enabled workflow
- *
- * @param user
- * the User
- * @param locale
- * the locale
- * @return a reference list which contains a list enabled workflow
- */
- public ReferenceList getWorkflowsEnabled( User user, Locale locale )
- {
- return isAvailable( ) ? _provider.getWorkflowsEnabled( user, locale ) : null;
- }
- /**
- * return a reference list which contains a list enabled workflow
- *
- * @param user
- * the User
- * @param locale
- * the locale
- * @return a reference list which contains a list enabled workflow
- * @deprecated use getWorkflowsEnabled( User, Locale )
- */
- @Deprecated
- public ReferenceList getWorkflowsEnabled( AdminUser user, Locale locale )
- {
- return getWorkflowsEnabled( (User) user, locale );
- }
- /**
- * returns all state of a given workflow
- *
- * @param user
- * the user
- * @param nIdWorkflow
- * the workflow id
- * @return the state of a given document
- */
- public Collection<State> getAllStateByWorkflow( int nIdWorkflow, User user )
- {
- if ( isAvailable( ) )
- {
- Collection<State> listStates = _service.getAllStateByWorkflow( nIdWorkflow );
- return _provider.getAllStateByWorkflow( listStates, user );
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * returns all state of a given workflow
- *
- * @param user
- * the adminUser
- * @param nIdWorkflow
- * the workflow id
- * @return the state of a given document
- * @deprecated use getAllStateByWorkflow( int, User )
- */
- @Deprecated
- public Collection<State> getAllStateByWorkflow( int nIdWorkflow, AdminUser user )
- {
- return getAllStateByWorkflow( nIdWorkflow, (User) user );
- }
- /**
- * returns the state of a given document of the document in the workflow and the user role
- *
- * @param nIdResource
- * the document id
- * @param strResourceType
- * the document type
- * @param nIdWorkflow
- * the workflow id
- * @param nIdExternalParentId
- * the external parent id
- * @return the state of a given document
- */
- public State getState( int nIdResource, String strResourceType, int nIdWorkflow, Integer nIdExternalParentId )
- {
- if ( isAvailable( ) )
- {
- State state = null;
- TransactionManager.beginTransaction( null );
- try
- {
- state = _service.getState( nIdResource, strResourceType, nIdWorkflow, nIdExternalParentId );
- TransactionManager.commitTransaction( null );
- }
- catch( Exception e )
- {
- TransactionManager.rollBack( null );
- throw new AppException( e.getMessage( ), e );
- }
- return state;
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * Execute action automatic
- *
- * @param nIdResource
- * the document id
- * @param strResourceType
- * the document type
- * @param nIdWorkflow
- * the workflow id
- * @param nExternalParentId
- * the external parent id
- * @deprecated use executeActionAutomatic( int, String, int, Integer, User )
- */
- @Deprecated
- public void executeActionAutomatic( int nIdResource, String strResourceType, int nIdWorkflow, Integer nExternalParentId )
- {
- executeActionAutomatic( nIdResource, strResourceType, nIdWorkflow, nExternalParentId, null );
- }
- /**
- * Execute action automatic
- *
- * @param nIdResource
- * the document id
- * @param strResourceType
- * the document type
- * @param nIdWorkflow
- * the workflow id
- * @param nExternalParentId
- * the external parent id
- * @param user
- * the user
- */
- public void executeActionAutomatic( int nIdResource, String strResourceType, int nIdWorkflow, Integer nExternalParentId, User user )
- {
- if ( isAvailable( ) )
- {
- TransactionManager.beginTransaction( null );
- try
- {
- _service.executeActionAutomatic( nIdResource, strResourceType, nIdWorkflow, nExternalParentId, user );
- TransactionManager.commitTransaction( null );
- registerResourceEvent( nIdResource, strResourceType );
- }
- catch( Exception e )
- {
- TransactionManager.rollBack( null );
- throw new AppException( e.getMessage( ), e );
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Get the list of mass actions from a given id workflow
- *
- * @param nIdWorkflow
- * the id workflow
- * @return the list of mass actions
- */
- public List<Action> getMassActions( int nIdWorkflow )
- {
- return isAvailable( ) ? _service.getMassActions( nIdWorkflow ) : null;
- }
- /**
- * Get the list of mass actions from a given id workflow
- *
- * @param nIdWorkflow
- * the id workflow
- * @param nIdState
- * @param user
- * @return the list of mass actions
- */
- public Collection<Action> getMassActions( int nIdWorkflow, int nIdState, User user )
- {
- if ( !isAvailable( ) )
- {
- return null;
- }
- Collection<Action> listActions = _service.getMassActions( nIdWorkflow, nIdState );
- return _provider.getAuthorizedActions( listActions, user );
- }
- /**
- * Check if the action can be proceed for the given resource
- *
- * @param nIdResource
- * the id resource
- * @param strResourceType
- * the resource type
- * @param nIdAction
- * the id action
- * @param nExternalParentId
- * the external parent id
- * @param request
- * the HTTP request
- * @param bIsAutomatic
- * is automatic action
- * @return true if the action can proceed, false otherwise
- * @deprecated use canProcessAction( int, String, int, Integer, HttpServletRequest, User )
- */
- @Deprecated
- public boolean canProcessAction( int nIdResource, String strResourceType, int nIdAction, Integer nExternalParentId, HttpServletRequest request,
- boolean bIsAutomatic )
- {
- return canProcessAction( nIdResource, strResourceType, nIdAction, nExternalParentId, request, bIsAutomatic, null );
- }
- /**
- * Check if the action can be proceed for the given resource
- *
- * @param nIdResource
- * the id resource
- * @param strResourceType
- * the resource type
- * @param nIdAction
- * the id action
- * @param nExternalParentId
- * the external parent id
- * @param request
- * the HTTP request
- * @param bIsAutomatic
- * is automatic action
- * @param user
- * the RBACUser
- * @return true if the action can proceed, false otherwise
- */
- public boolean canProcessAction( int nIdResource, String strResourceType, int nIdAction, Integer nExternalParentId, HttpServletRequest request,
- boolean bIsAutomatic, User user )
- {
- if ( isAvailable( ) && _service.canProcessAction( nIdResource, strResourceType, nIdAction, nExternalParentId ) )
- {
- if ( bIsAutomatic )
- {
- return true;
- }
- return _provider.canProcessAction( nIdResource, strResourceType, nIdAction, request, user );
- }
- return false;
- }
- /**
- * Proceed automatic reflexive actions of state given in parameter. This method should be called anytime a service changed the state of a resource without
- * proceeding a workflow action
- *
- * @param nIdResource
- * the resource id
- * @param strResourceType
- * the resource type
- * @param nIdState
- * the state of the resource id
- * @param nIdExternalParent
- * the external parent id*
- * @param locale
- * locale
- * @deprecated use doProcessAutomaticReflexiveActions( int, String, int, Integer, Locale, User )
- */
- @Deprecated
- public void doProcessAutomaticReflexiveActions( int nIdResource, String strResourceType, int nIdState, Integer nIdExternalParent, Locale locale )
- {
- doProcessAutomaticReflexiveActions( nIdResource, strResourceType, nIdState, nIdExternalParent, locale, null );
- }
- /**
- * Proceed automatic reflexive actions of state given in parameter. This method should be called anytime a service changed the state of a resource without
- * proceeding a workflow action
- *
- * @param nIdResource
- * the resource id
- * @param strResourceType
- * the resource type
- * @param nIdState
- * the state of the resource id
- * @param nIdExternalParent
- * the external parent id*
- * @param locale
- * locale
- * @param user
- * the user
- */
- public void doProcessAutomaticReflexiveActions( int nIdResource, String strResourceType, int nIdState, Integer nIdExternalParent, Locale locale, User user )
- {
- if ( isAvailable( ) )
- {
- TransactionManager.beginTransaction( null );
- try
- {
- _service.doProcessAutomaticReflexiveActions( nIdResource, strResourceType, nIdState, nIdExternalParent, locale, user );
- TransactionManager.commitTransaction( null );
- registerResourceEvent( nIdResource, strResourceType );
- }
- catch( Exception e )
- {
- TransactionManager.rollBack( null );
- throw new AppException( e.getMessage( ), e );
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Create and process a ResourceEvent.
- *
- * @param nIdResource
- * @param strResourceType
- */
- private void registerResourceEvent( int nIdResource, String strResourceType )
- {
- ResourceEvent formResponseEvent = new ResourceEvent( );
- formResponseEvent.setIdResource( String.valueOf( nIdResource ) );
- formResponseEvent.setTypeResource( strResourceType );
- ResourceEventManager.fireUpdatedResource( formResponseEvent );
- }
- }