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Résultats CPD

Le document suivant contient les résultats de l'inspection CPD CPD 5.2.1.


Fichier Ligne
fr/paris/lutece/portal/business/user/attribute/ 139
fr/paris/lutece/portal/business/user/attribute/ 542
            userField = new AdminUserField(  );
            userField.setIdUserField( daoUtil.getInt( 1 ) );
            userField.setValue( daoUtil.getString( 6 ) );

            // USER
            AdminUser user = new AdminUser(  );
            user.setUserId( daoUtil.getInt( 2 ) );
            user.setAccessCode( daoUtil.getString( 7 ) );
            user.setLastName( daoUtil.getString( 8 ) );
            user.setFirstName( daoUtil.getString( 9 ) );
            user.setEmail( daoUtil.getString( 10 ) );
            user.setStatus( daoUtil.getInt( 11 ) );
            user.setLocale( new Locale( daoUtil.getString( 12 ) ) );
            user.setUserLevel( daoUtil.getInt( 13 ) );
            userField.setUser( user );

            // ATTRIBUTE
            IAttribute attribute = null;

                attribute = (IAttribute) Class.forName( daoUtil.getString( 14 ) ).newInstance(  );
            catch ( ClassNotFoundException e )
                // class doesn't exist
                AppLogService.error( e );
            catch ( InstantiationException e )
                // Class is abstract or is an interface or haven't accessible
                // builder
                AppLogService.error( e );
            catch ( IllegalAccessException e )
                // can't access to the class
                AppLogService.error( e );

            attribute.setIdAttribute( daoUtil.getInt( 3 ) );
            attribute.setTitle( daoUtil.getString( 15 ) );
            attribute.setHelpMessage( daoUtil.getString( 16 ) );
            attribute.setMandatory( daoUtil.getBoolean( 17 ) );
            attribute.setPosition( daoUtil.getInt( 18 ) );
            attribute.setAttributeType( new Locale( daoUtil.getString( 12 ) ) );
            userField.setAttribute( attribute );

            // ATTRIBUTEFIELD
            AttributeField attributeField = new AttributeField(  );
            attributeField.setIdField( daoUtil.getInt( 4 ) );
            attributeField.setTitle( daoUtil.getString( 19 ) );
            attributeField.setValue( daoUtil.getString( 20 ) );
            attributeField.setDefaultValue( daoUtil.getBoolean( 21 ) );
            attributeField.setHeight( daoUtil.getInt( 22 ) );
            attributeField.setWidth( daoUtil.getInt( 23 ) );
            attributeField.setMaxSizeEnter( daoUtil.getInt( 24 ) );
            attributeField.setMultiple( daoUtil.getBoolean( 25 ) );
            attributeField.setPosition( daoUtil.getInt( 26 ) );
            userField.setAttributeField( attributeField );

            // FILE
            if ( daoUtil.getObject( 5 ) != null ) // f.id_file
                File file = new File(  );
                file.setIdFile( daoUtil.getInt( 5 ) ); // f.id_file
                userField.setFile( file );
Fichier Ligne
fr/paris/lutece/portal/web/admin/ 243
fr/paris/lutece/portal/web/admin/ 290
    public String getModifyPortletStatus( HttpServletRequest request ) throws AccessDeniedException
        String strPortletId = request.getParameter( Parameters.PORTLET_ID );
        String strStatus = request.getParameter( PORTLET_STATUS );
        if ( !StringUtils.isNumeric( strPortletId ) || !StringUtils.isNumeric( strStatus ) )
            return AdminMessageService.getMessageUrl( request, Messages.MANDATORY_FIELDS, AdminMessage.TYPE_ERROR);
        int nPortletId = Integer.parseInt( strPortletId );
        Portlet portlet = null;
            portlet = PortletHome.findByPrimaryKey( nPortletId );
        } catch (NullPointerException e)
            AppLogService.error( "Error looking for portlet with id " + nPortletId, e );
        if ( portlet == null || portlet.getId( ) != nPortletId )
            return AdminMessageService.getMessageUrl( request, Messages.MESSAGE_INVALID_ENTRY, new Object[] { nPortletId }, AdminMessage.TYPE_ERROR);
        int nStatus = Integer.parseInt( strStatus );
        if ( nStatus != Portlet.STATUS_PUBLISHED && nStatus != Portlet.STATUS_UNPUBLISHED )
            return AdminMessageService.getMessageUrl( request, Messages.MESSAGE_INVALID_ENTRY, new Object[] { nStatus }, AdminMessage.TYPE_ERROR);
        AdminUser user = AdminUserService.getAdminUser( request );
        if ( !RBACService.isAuthorized( PortletType.RESOURCE_TYPE, portlet.getPortletTypeId(  ),
                PortletResourceIdService.PERMISSION_MANAGE, user ) )
            throw new AccessDeniedException( "User " + user + " is not authorized to permission " + PortletResourceIdService.PERMISSION_MANAGE
                    + " on portlet " + nPortletId );
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        attributeType.setLabelType( PROPERTY_TYPE_CHECKBOX );
        setAttributeType( attributeType );

     * Get the data of the user fields
     * @param request HttpServletRequest
     * @param user user
     * @return user field data
    public List<AdminUserField> getUserFieldsData( HttpServletRequest request, AdminUser user )
        String[] strValues = request.getParameterValues( PARAMETER_ATTRIBUTE + CONSTANT_UNDERSCORE +
                getIdAttribute(  ) );

        return getUserFieldsData( strValues, user );

     * Get the data of the user fields
     * @param strValues Values
     * @param user user
     * @return user field data
    public List<AdminUserField> getUserFieldsData( String[] strValues, AdminUser user )
        List<AdminUserField> listUserFields = new ArrayList<AdminUserField>(  );

        if ( strValues != null )
            for ( String strValue : strValues )
                AdminUserField userField = new AdminUserField(  );
                AttributeField attributeField;

                if ( StringUtils.isNotBlank( strValue ) && StringUtils.isNumeric( strValue ) )
                    int nIdField = Integer.parseInt( strValue );
                    attributeField = AttributeFieldService.getInstance(  ).getAttributeField( nIdField );
                    attributeField = new AttributeField(  );
                    attributeField.setAttribute( this );
                    attributeField.setTitle( strValue );
                    attributeField.setValue( strValue );

                userField.setUser( user );
                userField.setAttribute( this );
                userField.setAttributeField( attributeField );
                userField.setValue( attributeField.getTitle(  ) );

                listUserFields.add( userField );

        return listUserFields;

     * Get whether the attribute is anonymizable.
     * @return True if the attribute can be anonymized, false otherwise.
    public boolean isAnonymizable(  )
        return false;
Fichier Ligne
fr/paris/lutece/portal/business/dashboard/ 289
fr/paris/lutece/portal/business/dashboard/ 289
    public void store( IAdminDashboardComponent dashboardComponent )
        DAOUtil daoUtil = new DAOUtil( SQL_QUERY_UPDATE );

        int nIndex = setInsertOrUpdateValues( 1, dashboardComponent, daoUtil );
        daoUtil.setString( nIndex, dashboardComponent.getName(  ) );

        daoUtil.executeUpdate(  );  );

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public List<Integer> selectColumns(  )
        List<Integer> listColumns = new ArrayList<Integer>(  );

        DAOUtil daoUtil = new DAOUtil( SQL_QUERY_SELECT_COLUMNS );

        daoUtil.executeQuery(  );

        while (  ) )
            listColumns.add( daoUtil.getInt( 1 ) );
        }  );

        return listColumns;

     * Loads component data from daoUtil
     * @param component the component
     * @param daoUtil the daoutil
    private void load( IDashboardComponent component, DAOUtil daoUtil )
        int nIndex = 1;
        component.setName( daoUtil.getString( nIndex++ ) );
        component.setOrder( daoUtil.getInt( nIndex++ ) );
        component.setZone( daoUtil.getInt( nIndex++ ) );

     * Sets daoUtil values from component
     * @param nStartIndex the start index
     * @param component the component
     * @param daoUtil daoutil
     * @return the end index
    private int setInsertOrUpdateValues( int nStartIndex, IDashboardComponent component, DAOUtil daoUtil )
        int nIndex = nStartIndex;
        daoUtil.setInt( nIndex++, component.getOrder(  ) );
        daoUtil.setInt( nIndex++, component.getZone(  ) );

        return nIndex;

     * Builds sql filter
     * @param sbSQL the buffer
     * @param filter the filter
    private void buildSQLFilter( StringBuilder sbSQL, AdminDashboardFilter filter )
Fichier Ligne
fr/paris/lutece/portal/business/page/ 529
fr/paris/lutece/portal/business/page/ 610
        DAOUtil daoUtil = new DAOUtil( SQL_QUERY_SELECTALL );
        daoUtil.executeQuery(  );

        while (  ) )
            Page page = new Page(  );

            page.setId( daoUtil.getInt( 1 ) );
            page.setParentPageId( daoUtil.getInt( 2 ) );
            page.setOrigParentPageId( daoUtil.getInt( 2 ) );
            page.setName( daoUtil.getString( 3 ) );
            page.setDescription( daoUtil.getString( 4 ) );
            page.setDateUpdate( daoUtil.getTimestamp( 5 ) );
            page.setOrder( daoUtil.getInt( 6 ) );
            page.setStatus( daoUtil.getInt( 7 ) );
            page.setRole( daoUtil.getString( 8 ) );
            page.setCodeTheme( daoUtil.getString( 9 ) );
            page.setImageContent( daoUtil.getBytes( 10 ) );
            page.setMimeType( daoUtil.getString( 11 ) );
            page.setMetaKeywords( daoUtil.getString( 12 ) );
            page.setMetaDescription( daoUtil.getString( 13 ) );

            if ( daoUtil.getObject( 14 ) != null )
                page.setIdAuthorizationNode( daoUtil.getInt( 14 ) );

            pageList.add( page );
        }  );

        return pageList;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public void invalidatePage( int nPageId )
Fichier Ligne
fr/paris/lutece/portal/web/features/ 164
fr/paris/lutece/portal/web/rbac/ 837
        for ( AdminUser user : AdminUserHome.findByRight( strIdRight ) )
            //Add users with higher level then connected user or add all users if connected user is administrator
            if ( ( user.getUserLevel(  ) > getUser(  ).getUserLevel(  ) ) || ( getUser(  ).isAdmin(  ) ) )
                listAssignedUsers.add( user );

        List<AdminUser> listFilteredUsers = AdminUserService.getFilteredUsersInterface( listAssignedUsers, request,
                model, url );

        ReferenceList listAvailableUsers = new ReferenceList(  );
        ReferenceItem itemUser = null;
        boolean bAssigned;

        for ( AdminUser user : AdminUserHome.findUserList(  ) )
            itemUser = new ReferenceItem(  );
            itemUser.setCode( Integer.toString( user.getUserId(  ) ) );
            itemUser.setName( user.getAccessCode(  ) + "(" + user.getFirstName(  ) + " " + user.getLastName(  ) + ")" );
            bAssigned = Boolean.FALSE;

            for ( AdminUser assignedUser : listAssignedUsers )
                if ( Integer.toString( assignedUser.getUserId(  ) ).equals( itemUser.getCode(  ) ) )
                    bAssigned = Boolean.TRUE;


            //Add users with higher level then connected user or add all users if connected user is administrator
            if ( !bAssigned &&
                    ( ( user.getUserLevel(  ) > getUser(  ).getUserLevel(  ) ) || ( getUser(  ).isAdmin(  ) ) ) &&
Fichier Ligne
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     * Set the data of the attribute
     * @param request HttpServletRequest
     * @return null if there are no errors
    public String setAttributeData( HttpServletRequest request )
        String strTitle = request.getParameter( PARAMETER_TITLE );
        String strHelpMessage = ( request.getParameter( PARAMETER_HELP_MESSAGE ) != null )
            ? request.getParameter( PARAMETER_HELP_MESSAGE ).trim(  ) : null;
        String strIsShownInSearch = request.getParameter( PARAMETER_IS_SHOWN_IN_SEARCH );
        String strIsShownInResultList = request.getParameter( PARAMETER_IS_SHOWN_IN_RESULT_LIST );
        String strMandatory = request.getParameter( PARAMETER_MANDATORY );
        String strFieldInLine = request.getParameter( PARAMETER_IS_FIELD_IN_LINE );

        if ( StringUtils.isNotBlank( strTitle ) )
            setTitle( strTitle );
            setHelpMessage( strHelpMessage );
            setMandatory( strMandatory != null );
            setShownInSearch( strIsShownInSearch != null );
            setShownInResultList( strIsShownInResultList != null );
            setFieldInLine( strFieldInLine != null );

            return null;

        return AdminMessageService.getMessageUrl( request, Messages.MANDATORY_FIELDS, AdminMessage.TYPE_STOP );

     * Set attribute type
     * @param locale locale
    public void setAttributeType( Locale locale )
        AttributeType attributeType = new AttributeType(  );
        attributeType.setLocale( locale );
        attributeType.setClassName( this.getClass(  ).getName(  ) );
        attributeType.setLabelType( PROPERTY_TYPE_CHECKBOX );
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fr/paris/lutece/portal/business/user/attribute/ 374
        DAOUtil daoUtil = new DAOUtil( SQL_QUERY_SELECT_ALL );
        daoUtil.executeQuery(  );

        while (  ) )
            int nIndex = 1;
            IAttribute attribute = null;

                attribute = (IAttribute) Class.forName( daoUtil.getString( nIndex++ ) ).newInstance(  );
            catch ( ClassNotFoundException e )
                // class doesn't exist
                AppLogService.error( e );
            catch ( InstantiationException e )
                // Class is abstract or is an interface or haven't accessible
                // builder
                AppLogService.error( e );
            catch ( IllegalAccessException e )
                // can't access to the class
                AppLogService.error( e );

            attribute.setIdAttribute( daoUtil.getInt( nIndex++ ) );
            attribute.setTitle( daoUtil.getString( nIndex++ ) );
            attribute.setHelpMessage( daoUtil.getString( nIndex++ ) );
            attribute.setMandatory( daoUtil.getBoolean( nIndex++ ) );
            attribute.setShownInSearch( daoUtil.getBoolean( nIndex++ ) );
            attribute.setShownInResultList( daoUtil.getBoolean( nIndex++ ) );
            attribute.setFieldInLine( daoUtil.getBoolean( nIndex++ ) );
            attribute.setPosition( daoUtil.getInt( nIndex++ ) );
            attribute.setAnonymize( daoUtil.getBoolean( nIndex++ ) );
Fichier Ligne
fr/paris/lutece/portal/web/admin/ 138
fr/paris/lutece/portal/web/admin/ 197
    public String getRemovePortlet( HttpServletRequest request ) throws AccessDeniedException
        String strPortletId = request.getParameter( Parameters.PORTLET_ID );
        if ( !StringUtils.isNumeric( strPortletId ) )
            return AdminMessageService.getMessageUrl( request, Messages.MANDATORY_FIELDS, AdminMessage.TYPE_ERROR);
        int nPortletId = Integer.parseInt( strPortletId );
        Portlet portlet = null;
            portlet = PortletHome.findByPrimaryKey( nPortletId );
        } catch (NullPointerException e)
            AppLogService.error( "Error looking for portlet with id " + nPortletId, e );
        if ( portlet == null || portlet.getId( ) != nPortletId )
            return AdminMessageService.getMessageUrl( request, Messages.MESSAGE_INVALID_ENTRY, new Object[] { nPortletId }, AdminMessage.TYPE_ERROR);
        AdminUser user = AdminUserService.getAdminUser( request );
        if ( !RBACService.isAuthorized( PortletType.RESOURCE_TYPE, portlet.getPortletTypeId(  ),
                PortletResourceIdService.PERMISSION_MANAGE, user ) )
            throw new AccessDeniedException( "User " + user + " is not authorized to permission " + PortletResourceIdService.PERMISSION_MANAGE
                    + " on portlet " + nPortletId );
Fichier Ligne
fr/paris/lutece/portal/business/user/attribute/ 145
fr/paris/lutece/portal/business/user/attribute/ 324
                attribute = (IAttribute) Class.forName( daoUtil.getString( nIndex++ ) ).newInstance(  );
            catch ( ClassNotFoundException e )
                // class doesn't exist
                AppLogService.error( e );
            catch ( InstantiationException e )
                // Class is abstract or is an interface or haven't accessible
                // builder
                AppLogService.error( e );
            catch ( IllegalAccessException e )
                // can't access to rhe class
                AppLogService.error( e );

            attribute.setIdAttribute( daoUtil.getInt( nIndex++ ) );
            attribute.setTitle( daoUtil.getString( nIndex++ ) );
            attribute.setHelpMessage( daoUtil.getString( nIndex++ ) );
            attribute.setMandatory( daoUtil.getBoolean( nIndex++ ) );
            attribute.setShownInSearch( daoUtil.getBoolean( nIndex++ ) );
            attribute.setShownInResultList( daoUtil.getBoolean( nIndex++ ) );
            attribute.setFieldInLine( daoUtil.getBoolean( nIndex++ ) );
            attribute.setPosition( daoUtil.getInt( nIndex++ ) );
            attribute.setAttributeType( locale );

            Plugin plugin = PluginService.getPlugin( daoUtil.getString( nIndex++ ) );
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fr/paris/lutece/portal/business/user/attribute/ 379
            nIndex = 1;

            IAttribute attribute = null;

                attribute = (IAttribute) Class.forName( daoUtil.getString( nIndex++ ) ).newInstance(  );
            catch ( ClassNotFoundException e )
                // class doesn't exist
                AppLogService.error( e );
            catch ( InstantiationException e )
                // Class is abstract or is an interface or haven't accessible
                // builder
                AppLogService.error( e );
            catch ( IllegalAccessException e )
                // can't access to rhe class
                AppLogService.error( e );

            attribute.setIdAttribute( daoUtil.getInt( nIndex++ ) );
            attribute.setTitle( daoUtil.getString( nIndex++ ) );
            attribute.setHelpMessage( daoUtil.getString( nIndex++ ) );
            attribute.setMandatory( daoUtil.getBoolean( nIndex++ ) );
            attribute.setShownInSearch( daoUtil.getBoolean( nIndex++ ) );
            attribute.setShownInResultList( daoUtil.getBoolean( nIndex++ ) );
            attribute.setFieldInLine( daoUtil.getBoolean( nIndex++ ) );
            attribute.setPosition( daoUtil.getInt( nIndex++ ) );
            attribute.setAttributeType( locale );
Fichier Ligne
fr/paris/lutece/portal/service/plugin/ 717
fr/paris/lutece/portal/service/plugin/ 164

     * Returns the name of the plugin
     * @return the plugin name as a String
    public String getName(  )
        return _strName;

     * Sets the name of the plugin
     * @param strName The plugin name
    public void setName( String strName )
        _strName = strName;

     * Returns the version of the plugin
     * @return the plugin version as a String
    public String getVersion(  )
        return _strVersion;

     * Sets the version plugin name
     * @param strVersion The version
    public void setVersion( String strVersion )
        _strVersion = strVersion;

     * Returns the description of the plugin
     * @return the plugin description as a String
    public String getDescription(  )
        return _strDescription;

     * Sets the description of the plugin
     * @param strDescription The description
    public void setDescription( String strDescription )
        _strDescription = strDescription;

     * Returns the Provider of the plugin
     * @return the plugin Provider as a String
    public String getProvider(  )
        return _strProvider;

     * Sets the provider name
     * @param strProvider The provider name
    public void setProvider( String strProvider )
        _strProvider = strProvider;

     * Returns the Provider's URL of the plugin
     * @return the plugin Provider's URL as a String
    public String getProviderUrl(  )
        return _strProviderUrl;

     * Sets the provider url
     * @param strProviderUrl the name of the provider
    public void setProviderUrl( String strProviderUrl )
        _strProviderUrl = strProviderUrl;

     * Returns the Icon's URL of the plugin
     * @return the plugin Icon's URL as a String
    public String getIconUrl(  )
        return _strIconUrl;

     * Sets the url of the plugin's icon
     * @param strIconUrl The url of icon
    public void setIconUrl( String strIconUrl )
        _strIconUrl = strIconUrl;

     * Returns the Documentation's URL of the plugin
     * @return the plugin Documentation's URL as a String
    public String getDocumentationUrl(  )
        return _strDocumentationUrl;

     * Sets the url of the plugin's Documentation
     * @param strDocumentationUrl The documentation Url
    public void setDocumentationUrl( String strDocumentationUrl )
        _strDocumentationUrl = strDocumentationUrl;

     * Returns the Copyright of the plugin
     * @return the plugin Copyright as a String
    public String getCopyright(  )
        return _strCopyright;

     * Sets the copyright
     * @param strCopyright The copyright
    public void setCopyright( String strCopyright )
        _strCopyright = strCopyright;

     * Returns the main Class of the plugin
     * @return the Class as a String
    public String getServiceClass(  )
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        attributeType.setLabelType( PROPERTY_TYPE_CHECKBOX );
        setAttributeType( attributeType );

     * Get the data of the user fields
     * @param request HttpServletRequest
     * @param user user
     * @return user field data
    public List<AdminUserField> getUserFieldsData( HttpServletRequest request, AdminUser user )
        String[] strValues = request.getParameterValues( PARAMETER_ATTRIBUTE + CONSTANT_UNDERSCORE +
                getIdAttribute(  ) );

        return getUserFieldsData( strValues, user );

     * Get the data of the user fields
     * @param strValues Values
     * @param user user
     * @return user field data
    public List<AdminUserField> getUserFieldsData( String[] strValues, AdminUser user )
        List<AdminUserField> listUserFields = new ArrayList<AdminUserField>(  );

        if ( strValues != null )
            for ( String strValue : strValues )
                AdminUserField userField = new AdminUserField(  );
                AttributeField attributeField;

                if ( StringUtils.isNotBlank( strValue ) && StringUtils.isNumeric( strValue ) )
                    int nIdField = Integer.parseInt( strValue );
                    attributeField = AttributeFieldService.getInstance(  ).getAttributeField( nIdField );
                    attributeField = new AttributeField(  );
                    attributeField.setAttribute( this );
                    attributeField.setTitle( strValue );
                    attributeField.setValue( strValue );
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            int nIndex = 1;
            IAttribute attribute = null;

                attribute = (IAttribute) Class.forName( daoUtil.getString( nIndex++ ) ).newInstance(  );
            catch ( ClassNotFoundException e )
                // class doesn't exist
                AppLogService.error( e );
            catch ( InstantiationException e )
                // Class is abstract or is an interface or haven't accessible
                // builder
                AppLogService.error( e );
            catch ( IllegalAccessException e )
                // can't access to the class
                AppLogService.error( e );

            attribute.setIdAttribute( daoUtil.getInt( nIndex++ ) );
            attribute.setTitle( daoUtil.getString( nIndex++ ) );
            attribute.setHelpMessage( daoUtil.getString( nIndex++ ) );
            attribute.setMandatory( daoUtil.getBoolean( nIndex++ ) );
            attribute.setShownInSearch( daoUtil.getBoolean( nIndex++ ) );
            attribute.setShownInResultList( daoUtil.getBoolean( nIndex++ ) );
            attribute.setFieldInLine( daoUtil.getBoolean( nIndex++ ) );
            attribute.setPosition( daoUtil.getInt( nIndex++ ) );
            attribute.setAnonymize( daoUtil.getBoolean( nIndex++ ) );
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fr/paris/lutece/portal/util/mvc/admin/ 137
fr/paris/lutece/portal/util/mvc/xpage/ 380

    // Page utils 

     * Add an error message
     * @param strMessage The message
    protected void addError( String strMessage )
        _listErrors.add( new MVCMessage( strMessage ) );

     * Add an error message
     * @param strMessageKey The message
     * @param locale The locale
    protected void addError( String strMessageKey, Locale locale )
        _listErrors.add( new MVCMessage( I18nService.getLocalizedString( strMessageKey, locale ) ) );

     * Add an info message
     * @param strMessage The message
    protected void addInfo( String strMessage )
        _listInfos.add( new MVCMessage( strMessage ) );

     * Add an info message
     * @param strMessageKey The message key
     * @param locale The locale
    protected void addInfo( String strMessageKey, Locale locale )
        _listInfos.add( new MVCMessage( I18nService.getLocalizedString( strMessageKey, locale ) ) );

    * Fill the model with commons objects used in templates
    * @param model The model
    protected void fillCommons( Map<String, Object> model )
        List<ErrorMessage> listErrors = new ArrayList<ErrorMessage>( _listErrors );
        List<ErrorMessage> listInfos = new ArrayList<ErrorMessage>( _listInfos );
        model.put( MARK_ERRORS, listErrors );
        model.put( MARK_INFOS, listInfos );
        _listErrors.clear(  );
        _listInfos.clear(  );

     * Get a model Object filled with default values
     * @return The model
    protected Map<String, Object> getModel(  )
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                attribute = (IAttribute) Class.forName( daoUtil.getString( nIndex++ ) ).newInstance(  );
            catch ( ClassNotFoundException e )
                // class doesn't exist
                AppLogService.error( e );
            catch ( InstantiationException e )
                // Class is abstract or is an interface or haven't accessible
                // builder
                AppLogService.error( e );
            catch ( IllegalAccessException e )
                // can't access to rhe class
                AppLogService.error( e );

            attribute.setIdAttribute( daoUtil.getInt( nIndex++ ) );
            attribute.setTitle( daoUtil.getString( nIndex++ ) );
            attribute.setHelpMessage( daoUtil.getString( nIndex++ ) );
            attribute.setMandatory( daoUtil.getBoolean( nIndex++ ) );
            attribute.setShownInSearch( daoUtil.getBoolean( nIndex++ ) );
            attribute.setShownInResultList( daoUtil.getBoolean( nIndex++ ) );
            attribute.setFieldInLine( daoUtil.getBoolean( nIndex++ ) );
            attribute.setPosition( daoUtil.getInt( nIndex++ ) );
            attribute.setAttributeType( locale );
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                attribute = (IAttribute) Class.forName( daoUtil.getString( nIndex++ ) ).newInstance(  );
            catch ( ClassNotFoundException e )
                // class doesn't exist
                AppLogService.error( e );
            catch ( InstantiationException e )
                // Class is abstract or is an interface or haven't accessible
                // builder
                AppLogService.error( e );
            catch ( IllegalAccessException e )
                // can't access to rhe class
                AppLogService.error( e );

            attribute.setIdAttribute( daoUtil.getInt( nIndex++ ) );
            attribute.setTitle( daoUtil.getString( nIndex++ ) );
            attribute.setHelpMessage( daoUtil.getString( nIndex++ ) );
            attribute.setMandatory( daoUtil.getBoolean( nIndex++ ) );
            attribute.setShownInSearch( daoUtil.getBoolean( nIndex++ ) );
            attribute.setShownInResultList( daoUtil.getBoolean( nIndex++ ) );
            attribute.setFieldInLine( daoUtil.getBoolean( nIndex++ ) );
            attribute.setPosition( daoUtil.getInt( nIndex++ ) );
            attribute.setAttributeType( locale );
Fichier Ligne
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        DAOUtil daoUtil = new DAOUtil( SQL_QUERY_SELECT );
        daoUtil.setInt( 1, nPageId );

        daoUtil.executeQuery(  );

        Page page = new Page(  );

        if (  ) )
            page.setId( nPageId );
            page.setParentPageId( daoUtil.getInt( 1 ) );
            page.setOrigParentPageId( daoUtil.getInt( 1 ) );
            page.setName( daoUtil.getString( 2 ) );
            page.setDescription( daoUtil.getString( 3 ) );
            page.setPageTemplateId( daoUtil.getInt( 4 ) );
            page.setTemplate( daoUtil.getString( 5 ) );
            page.setOrder( daoUtil.getInt( 6 ) );
            page.setStatus( daoUtil.getInt( 7 ) );
            page.setRole( daoUtil.getString( 8 ) );
            page.setCodeTheme( daoUtil.getString( 9 ) );
            page.setNodeStatus( daoUtil.getInt( 10 ) );
            page.setImageContent( daoUtil.getBytes( 11 ) );
Fichier Ligne
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        daoUtil.executeQuery(  );

        while (  ) )
            Right right = new Right(  );

            right.setId( daoUtil.getString( 1 ) );
            right.setNameKey( daoUtil.getString( 2 ) );
            right.setLevel( daoUtil.getInt( 3 ) );
            right.setUrl( daoUtil.getString( 4 ) );
            right.setDescriptionKey( daoUtil.getString( 5 ) );
            right.setPluginName( daoUtil.getString( 6 ) );
            right.setFeatureGroup( daoUtil.getString( 7 ) );
            right.setIconUrl( daoUtil.getString( 8 ) );
            right.setDocumentationUrl( daoUtil.getString( 9 ) );
            right.setOrder( daoUtil.getInt( 10 ) );

            rightList.add( right );
        }  );

        return rightList;
Fichier Ligne
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fr/paris/lutece/portal/business/user/ 896
        daoUtil.executeQuery(  );

        while (  ) )
            AdminUser user = new AdminUser(  );
            user.setUserId( daoUtil.getInt( 1 ) );
            user.setAccessCode( daoUtil.getString( 2 ) );
            user.setLastName( daoUtil.getString( 3 ) );
            user.setFirstName( daoUtil.getString( 4 ) );
            user.setEmail( daoUtil.getString( 5 ) );
            user.setStatus( daoUtil.getInt( 6 ) );
            user.setLocale( new Locale( daoUtil.getString( 7 ) ) );
            user.setUserLevel( daoUtil.getInt( 8 ) );
            user.setAccessibilityMode( daoUtil.getBoolean( 9 ) );
            userList.add( user );
        }  );

        return userList;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public Collection<AdminUser> selectUsersByRight( String strIdRight )
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                listAvailableUsers.add( itemUser );

        // SORT
        String strSortedAttributeName = request.getParameter( Parameters.SORTED_ATTRIBUTE_NAME );
        String strAscSort = null;

        if ( strSortedAttributeName != null )
            strAscSort = request.getParameter( Parameters.SORTED_ASC );

            boolean bIsAscSort = Boolean.parseBoolean( strAscSort );

            Collections.sort( listFilteredUsers, new AttributeComparator( strSortedAttributeName, bIsAscSort ) );

        _strCurrentPageIndex = Paginator.getPageIndex( request, Paginator.PARAMETER_PAGE_INDEX, _strCurrentPageIndex );
        _nDefaultItemsPerPage = AppPropertiesService.getPropertyInt( PROPERTY_USERS_PER_PAGE, 50 );
        _nItemsPerPage = Paginator.getItemsPerPage( request, Paginator.PARAMETER_ITEMS_PER_PAGE, _nItemsPerPage,
                _nDefaultItemsPerPage );

        if ( strSortedAttributeName != null )
            url.addParameter( Parameters.SORTED_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, strSortedAttributeName );

        if ( strAscSort != null )
            url.addParameter( Parameters.SORTED_ASC, strAscSort );

        setItemNavigator( strIdRight, url.getUrl(  ) );
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    public String getForgotPassword( HttpServletRequest request )
        Map<String, Object> model = new HashMap<String, Object>(  );

        // Invalidate a previous session
        HttpSession session = request.getSession(  );

        if ( session != null )
            session.removeAttribute( SESSION_ATTRIBUTE_USER );

        Locale locale = AdminUserService.getLocale( request );

        Enumeration<String> enumParams = request.getParameterNames(  );
        ReferenceList listParams = new ReferenceList(  );
        String strParamName;

        while ( enumParams.hasMoreElements(  ) )
            strParamName = enumParams.nextElement(  );

            String strParamValue = request.getParameter( strParamName );
            listParams.addItem( strParamName, strParamValue );

        model.put( MARK_PARAM_VERSION, AppInfo.getVersion(  ) );
        model.put( MARK_PARAMS_LIST, listParams );

        HtmlTemplate template = AppTemplateService.getTemplate( TEMPLATE_ADMIN_FORGOT_PASSWORD, locale, model );
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                AppLogService.error( "Admindashboard named " + strBeanName + " not found" );
        }  );

        return listDashboards;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public int selectMaxOrder(  )
        DAOUtil daoUtil = new DAOUtil( SQL_QUERY_MAX_ORDER );

        int nMaxOrder = 0;

        daoUtil.executeQuery(  );

        if (  ) )
            nMaxOrder = daoUtil.getInt( 1 );
        }  );

        return nMaxOrder;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public int selectMaxOrder( int nColumn )
        DAOUtil daoUtil = new DAOUtil( SQL_QUERY_MAX_ORDER_COLUMN );

        int nMaxOrder = 0;

        daoUtil.setInt( 1, nColumn );

        daoUtil.executeQuery(  );

        if (  ) )
            nMaxOrder = daoUtil.getInt( 1 );
        }  );

        return nMaxOrder;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public List<IAdminDashboardComponent> selectDashboardComponents( AdminDashboardFilter filter )
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        DAOUtil daoUtil = new DAOUtil( SQL_QUERY_SELECT );

        daoUtil.executeQuery(  );

        while (  ) )
            xslExport = new XslExport(  );
            xslExport.setIdXslExport( daoUtil.getInt( 1 ) );
            xslExport.setTitle( daoUtil.getString( 2 ) );
            xslExport.setDescription( daoUtil.getString( 3 ) );
            xslExport.setExtension( daoUtil.getString( 4 ) );

            if ( daoUtil.getObject( 5 ) != null )
                file = new File(  );
                file.setIdFile( daoUtil.getInt( 5 ) );
                xslExport.setFile( file );

            xslExport.setPlugin( daoUtil.getString( 6 ) );

            listXslExport.add( xslExport );
        }  );

        return listXslExport;
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fr/paris/lutece/portal/business/user/ 895
        DAOUtil daoUtil = new DAOUtil( SQL_QUERY_SELECTALL );
        daoUtil.executeQuery(  );

        while (  ) )
            AdminUser user = new AdminUser(  );
            user.setUserId( daoUtil.getInt( 1 ) );
            user.setAccessCode( daoUtil.getString( 2 ) );
            user.setLastName( daoUtil.getString( 3 ) );
            user.setFirstName( daoUtil.getString( 4 ) );
            user.setEmail( daoUtil.getString( 5 ) );
            user.setStatus( daoUtil.getInt( 6 ) );
            user.setLocale( new Locale( daoUtil.getString( 7 ) ) );
            user.setUserLevel( daoUtil.getInt( 8 ) );
            user.setAccessibilityMode( daoUtil.getBoolean( 9 ) );
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fr/paris/lutece/portal/business/user/ 865
        daoUtil.executeQuery(  );

        while (  ) )
            AdminUser user = new AdminUser(  );
            user.setUserId( daoUtil.getInt( 1 ) );
            user.setAccessCode( daoUtil.getString( 2 ) );
            user.setLastName( daoUtil.getString( 3 ) );
            user.setFirstName( daoUtil.getString( 4 ) );
            user.setEmail( daoUtil.getString( 5 ) );
            user.setStatus( daoUtil.getInt( 6 ) );
            user.setLocale( new Locale( daoUtil.getString( 7 ) ) );
            user.setUserLevel( daoUtil.getInt( 8 ) );
            user.setAccessibilityMode( daoUtil.getBoolean( 9 ) );
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        model.put( MARK_RIGHT, right );
        model.put( MARK_USER_LEVELS_LIST, filteredLevels );
        model.put( MARK_AVAILABLE_USERS_LIST, listAvailableUsers );
        model.put( MARK_ASSIGNED_USERS_LIST, paginator.getPageItems(  ) );
        model.put( MARK_ASSIGNED_USERS_NUMBER, listAssignedUsers.size(  ) );
        model.put( MARK_ITEM_NAVIGATOR, _itemNavigator );
        model.put( MARK_PAGINATOR, paginator );
        model.put( MARK_NB_ITEMS_PER_PAGE, Integer.toString( _nItemsPerPage ) );

        HtmlTemplate template = AppTemplateService.getTemplate( TEMPLATE_ASSIGN_USERS, getLocale(  ), model );

        return getAdminPage( template.getHtml(  ) );

     * Process the data capture form for assign users to a role
     * @param request The HTTP Request
     * @return The Jsp URL of the process result
    public String doAssignUsers( HttpServletRequest request )
        String strReturn;

        String strActionCancel = request.getParameter( PARAMETER_CANCEL );

        if ( strActionCancel != null )
            strReturn = JSP_URL_RIGHTS_MANAGEMENT;
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        if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( strAccessCode ) )
            return AdminMessageService.getMessageUrl( request, Messages.MANDATORY_FIELDS, AdminMessage.TYPE_STOP );

        if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( strLastName ) )
            return AdminMessageService.getMessageUrl( request, Messages.MANDATORY_FIELDS, AdminMessage.TYPE_STOP );

        if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( strFirstName ) )
            return AdminMessageService.getMessageUrl( request, Messages.MANDATORY_FIELDS, AdminMessage.TYPE_STOP );

        if ( StringUtils.isBlank( strEmail ) )
            return AdminMessageService.getMessageUrl( request, Messages.MANDATORY_FIELDS, AdminMessage.TYPE_STOP );

        if ( !AdminUserService.checkEmail( strEmail ) )
            return AdminUserService.getEmailErrorMessageUrl( request );
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        String strSenderEmail = MailService.getNoReplyEmail(  );
        String strEmailSubject = I18nService.getLocalizedString( MESSAGE_EMAIL_SUBJECT, locale );
        HashMap<String, Object> model = new HashMap<String, Object>(  );
        model.put( MARK_NEW_PASSWORD, strPassword );
        model.put( MARK_LOGIN_URL,
            AppPathService.getBaseUrl( request ) + AdminAuthenticationService.getInstance(  ).getLoginPageUrl(  ) );
        model.put( MARK_SITE_LINK, MailService.getSiteLink( AppPathService.getBaseUrl( request ), false ) );

        HtmlTemplate template = AppTemplateService.getTemplate( TEMPLATE_ADMIN_EMAIL_FORGOT_PASSWORD, locale, model );

        MailService.sendMailHtml( user.getEmail(  ), strSenderEmail, strSenderEmail, strEmailSubject,
            template.getHtml(  ) );
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    public void doCreateUserFields( AdminUser user, HttpServletRequest request, Locale locale )
        List<IAttribute> listAttributes = AttributeService.getInstance(  )
                                                          .getPluginAttributesWithoutFields( getPlugin(  ).getName(  ),
                locale );
        List<AdminUserField> listUserFields = new ArrayList<AdminUserField>(  );

        for ( IAttribute attribute : listAttributes )
            List<AdminUserField> userFields = attribute.getUserFieldsData( request, user );

            for ( AdminUserField userField : userFields )
                if ( ( userField != null ) && StringUtils.isNotBlank( userField.getValue(  ) ) )
                    // Change the value of the user field
                    // Instead of having the ID of the attribute field, we put the attribute field title
                    // which represents the profile's ID
                    userField.setValue( userField.getAttributeField(  ).getTitle(  ) );
                    AdminUserFieldHome.create( userField );
                    listUserFields.add( userField );
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        HashMap<String, Object> model = new HashMap<String, Object>(  );

        Collection<Plugin> listPlugins = PluginService.getPluginList(  );
        ReferenceList refListPlugins = new ReferenceList(  );
        ReferenceItem refItem = new ReferenceItem(  );
        Plugin pluginCore = PluginService.getCore(  );
        refItem.setCode( pluginCore.getName(  ) );
        refItem.setName( pluginCore.getName(  ) );
        refListPlugins.add( refItem );

        for ( Plugin plugin : listPlugins )
            if ( plugin != null )
                refItem = new ReferenceItem(  );
                refItem.setCode( plugin.getName(  ) );
                refItem.setName( plugin.getName(  ) );
                refListPlugins.add( refItem );

        model.put( MARK_LIST_PLUGINS, refListPlugins );
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            right = new Right(  );
            right.setId( daoUtil.getString( 1 ) );
            right.setNameKey( daoUtil.getString( 2 ) );
            right.setLevel( daoUtil.getInt( 3 ) );
            right.setUrl( daoUtil.getString( 4 ) );
            right.setDescriptionKey( daoUtil.getString( 5 ) );
            right.setPluginName( daoUtil.getString( 6 ) );
            right.setFeatureGroup( daoUtil.getString( 7 ) );
            right.setIconUrl( daoUtil.getString( 8 ) );
            right.setDocumentationUrl( daoUtil.getString( 9 ) );
            right.setOrder( daoUtil.getInt( 10 ) );
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            mode = new Mode(  );
            mode.setId( daoUtil.getInt( 1 ) );
            mode.setDescription( daoUtil.getString( 2 ) );
            mode.setPath( daoUtil.getString( 3 ) );
            mode.setOutputXslPropertyMethod( daoUtil.getString( 4 ) );
            mode.setOutputXslPropertyVersion( daoUtil.getString( 5 ) );
            mode.setOutputXslPropertyMediaType( daoUtil.getString( 6 ) );
            mode.setOutputXslPropertyEncoding( daoUtil.getString( 7 ) );
            mode.setOutputXslPropertyIndent( daoUtil.getString( 8 ) );
            mode.setOutputXslPropertyOmitXmlDeclaration( daoUtil.getString( 9 ) );
            mode.setOutputXslPropertyStandalone( daoUtil.getString( 10 ) );
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    private void buildSQLFilter( StringBuilder sbSQL, AdminDashboardFilter filter )
        List<String> listFilters = new ArrayList<String>(  );

        if ( filter.containsFilterOrder(  ) )
            listFilters.add( SQL_QUERY_FILTER_ORDER );

        if ( filter.containsFilterColumn(  ) )
            listFilters.add( SQL_QUERY_FILTER_COLUMN );

        if ( !listFilters.isEmpty(  ) )
            sbSQL.append( SQL_QUERY_KEYWORD_WHERE );

            boolean bFirstFilter = true;

            for ( String strFilter : listFilters )
                sbSQL.append( strFilter );

                if ( !bFirstFilter )
                    sbSQL.append( SQL_QUERY_KEYWORD_AND );
                    bFirstFilter = false;

     * Add daoUtil parameters
     * @param daoUtil daoUtil
     * @param nStartIndex start index
     * @param filter the filter to apply
     * @return end index
    private int applySQLFilter( DAOUtil daoUtil, int nStartIndex, AdminDashboardFilter filter )
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        daoUtil.setString( 1, strRoleKey );
        daoUtil.executeQuery(  );

        while (  ) )
            AdminUser user = new AdminUser(  );
            user.setUserId( daoUtil.getInt( 1 ) );
            user.setAccessCode( daoUtil.getString( 2 ) );
            user.setLastName( daoUtil.getString( 3 ) );
            user.setFirstName( daoUtil.getString( 4 ) );
            user.setEmail( daoUtil.getString( 5 ) );
            user.setStatus( daoUtil.getInt( 6 ) );
            user.setLocale( new Locale( daoUtil.getString( 7 ) ) );
            user.setAccessibilityMode( daoUtil.getBoolean( 8 ) );
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            dashboard = AdminDashboardFactory.getDashboardComponent( strDashboardName );

            if ( dashboard == null )
                return AdminMessageService.getMessageUrl( request, MESSAGE_DASHBOARD_NOT_FOUND, AdminMessage.TYPE_STOP );
            nOldOrder = dashboard.getOrder(  );
            nOldColumn = dashboard.getZone(  );

        // set order and column
        String strOrder = request.getParameter( PARAMETER_DASHBOARD_ORDER );
        String strColumn = request.getParameter( PARAMETER_DASHBOARD_COLUMN );

        int nOrder = StringUtil.getIntValue( strOrder, -1 );
        int nColumn = StringUtil.getIntValue( strColumn, -1 );

        dashboard.setOrder( nOrder );
        dashboard.setZone( nColumn );

        _service.doMoveDashboard( dashboard, nOldColumn, nOldOrder, bCreate );

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        model.put( MARK_LIST_AVAILABLE_COLUMNS, getListAvailableColumns(  ) );
        model.put( MARK_MAP_COLUMN_ORDER_STATUS, _service.getOrderedColumnsStatus(  ) );

        HtmlTemplate template = AppTemplateService.getTemplate( TEMPLATE_MANAGE_DASHBOARDS, user.getLocale(  ), model );

        return getAdminPage( template.getHtml(  ) );

     * Reorders columns
     * @param request the request
     * @return url
    public String doReorderColumn( HttpServletRequest request )
        String strColumnName = request.getParameter( PARAMETER_COLUMN );

        if ( StringUtils.isBlank( strColumnName ) )
            return AdminMessageService.getMessageUrl( request, Messages.MANDATORY_FIELDS, AdminMessage.TYPE_STOP );

        int nColumn = 0;

            nColumn = Integer.parseInt( strColumnName );
        catch ( NumberFormatException nfe )
            AppLogService.error( "AdminDashboardJspBean.doReorderColumn : " + nfe.getMessage(  ), nfe );
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     * {@inheritDoc}
    public String getLabelFirst(  )
        return I18nService.getLocalizedString( KEY_FIRST, _locale );

     * {@inheritDoc }
    public String getLabelPrevious(  )
        return I18nService.getLocalizedString( KEY_PREVIOUS, _locale );

     * {@inheritDoc }
    public String getLabelNext(  )
        return I18nService.getLocalizedString( KEY_NEXT, _locale );

     * {@inheritDoc }
    public String getLabelLast(  )
        return I18nService.getLocalizedString( KEY_LAST, _locale );

     * {@inheritDoc }
    public String getLabelItemCount(  )
        return I18nService.getLocalizedString( KEY_ITEM_COUNT, _locale );

     * {@inheritDoc }
    public String getLabelItemCountPerPage(  )
        return I18nService.getLocalizedString( KEY_ITEM_COUNT_PER_PAGE, _locale );
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    private Integer _nFilterColumn;
    private Integer _nFilterOrder;

     * Filter column
     * @return Filter column
    public Integer getFilterColumn(  )
        return _nFilterColumn;

     * Filter column
     * @param nFilterColumn the Filter column
    public void setFilterColumn( Integer nFilterColumn )
        _nFilterColumn = nFilterColumn;

     * Filter order
     * @return Filter order
    public Integer getFilterOrder(  )
        return _nFilterOrder;

     * Filter order
     * @param nFilterOrder the Filter order
    public void setFilterOrder( Integer nFilterOrder )
        _nFilterOrder = nFilterOrder;

     * true if {@link #getFilterOrder()} != null
     * @return <code>true</code> if {@link #getFilterOrder()} != null, <code>false</code> otherwise.
    public boolean containsFilterOrder(  )
        return _nFilterOrder != null;

     * true if {@link #getFilterColumn()} != null
     * @return <code>true</code> if {@link #getFilterColumn()} != null, <code>false</code> otherwise
    public boolean containsFilterColumn(  )
        return _nFilterColumn != null;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public String toString(  )
        return this.getClass(  ).getName(  ) + "[column=" + this.getFilterColumn(  ) + ", order=" +
        this.getFilterOrder(  ) + "]";
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    public String doMoveUpAttributeField( HttpServletRequest request )
        String strIdAttribute = request.getParameter( PARAMETER_ID_ATTRIBUTE );
        String strIdField = request.getParameter( PARAMETER_ID_FIELD );

        if ( StringUtils.isNotBlank( strIdField ) && StringUtils.isNumeric( strIdField ) &&
                StringUtils.isNotBlank( strIdAttribute ) && StringUtils.isNumeric( strIdAttribute ) )
            int nIdAttribute = Integer.parseInt( strIdAttribute );
            int nIdField = Integer.parseInt( strIdField );

            IAttribute attribute = _attributeService.getAttributeWithFields( nIdAttribute, getLocale(  ) );
            List<AttributeField> listAttributeFields = attribute.getListAttributeFields(  );

            if ( listAttributeFields.size(  ) > 0 )
                AttributeField previousField = null;
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            for ( Integer nIdUser : accountsToSetAsExpired )
                    AdminUser user = AdminUserHome.findByPrimaryKey( nIdUser );
                    String strUserMail = user.getEmail(  );

                    if ( ( strUserMail != null ) && StringUtils.isNotBlank( strUserMail ) )
                        Map<String, String> model = new HashMap<String, String>(  );
                        addParametersToModel( model, nIdUser );

                        HtmlTemplate template = AppTemplateService.getTemplateFromStringFtl( strBody,
                                user.getLocale(  ), model );
                        MailService.sendMailHtml( strUserMail, strSender, strSender, strSubject, template.getHtml(  ) );
                catch ( Exception e )
                    AppLogService.error( "AccountLifeTimeDaemon - Error sending expiration alert to admin user : " +
Fichier Ligne
fr/paris/lutece/portal/business/style/ 97
fr/paris/lutece/portal/business/style/ 157
            theme = new Theme(  );
            theme.setCodeTheme( daoUtil.getString( 1 ) );
            theme.setThemeDescription( daoUtil.getString( 2 ) );
            theme.setPathImages( daoUtil.getString( 3 ) );
            theme.setPathCss( daoUtil.getString( 4 ) );
            theme.setThemeAuthor( daoUtil.getString( 5 ) );
            theme.setThemeAuthorUrl( daoUtil.getString( 6 ) );
            theme.setThemeVersion( daoUtil.getString( 7 ) );
            theme.setThemeLicence( daoUtil.getString( 8 ) );
            theme.setPathJs( daoUtil.getString( 9 ) );
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        DAOUtil daoUtil = new DAOUtil( SQL_QUERY_SELECTALL );
        daoUtil.executeQuery(  );

        while (  ) )
            AdminUser user = new AdminUser(  );
            user.setUserId( daoUtil.getInt( 1 ) );
            user.setAccessCode( daoUtil.getString( 2 ) );
            user.setLastName( daoUtil.getString( 3 ) );
            user.setFirstName( daoUtil.getString( 4 ) );
            user.setEmail( daoUtil.getString( 5 ) );
            user.setStatus( daoUtil.getInt( 6 ) );
            user.setLocale( new Locale( daoUtil.getString( 7 ) ) );
            user.setUserLevel( daoUtil.getInt( 8 ) );
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fr/paris/lutece/portal/business/xsl/ 128
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        if (  ) )
            xslExport = new XslExport(  );
            xslExport.setIdXslExport( daoUtil.getInt( 1 ) );
            xslExport.setTitle( daoUtil.getString( 2 ) );
            xslExport.setDescription( daoUtil.getString( 3 ) );
            xslExport.setExtension( daoUtil.getString( 4 ) );

            if ( daoUtil.getObject( 5 ) != null )
                file = new File(  );
                file.setIdFile( daoUtil.getInt( 5 ) );
                xslExport.setFile( file );

            xslExport.setPlugin( daoUtil.getString( 6 ) );
Fichier Ligne
fr/paris/lutece/portal/business/user/ 652
fr/paris/lutece/portal/business/user/ 683
fr/paris/lutece/portal/business/user/ 865
        daoUtil.executeQuery(  );

        while (  ) )
            AdminUser user = new AdminUser(  );
            user.setUserId( daoUtil.getInt( 1 ) );
            user.setAccessCode( daoUtil.getString( 2 ) );
            user.setLastName( daoUtil.getString( 3 ) );
            user.setFirstName( daoUtil.getString( 4 ) );
            user.setEmail( daoUtil.getString( 5 ) );
            user.setStatus( daoUtil.getInt( 6 ) );
            user.setLocale( new Locale( daoUtil.getString( 7 ) ) );
            user.setAccessibilityMode( daoUtil.getBoolean( 8 ) );
Fichier Ligne
fr/paris/lutece/portal/service/mail/ 329
fr/paris/lutece/portal/service/mail/ 404
        if ( fileAttachements != null )
            for ( FileAttachment fileAttachement : fileAttachements )
                String strFileName = fileAttachement.getFileName(  );
                byte[] bContentFile = fileAttachement.getData(  );
                String strContentType = fileAttachement.getType(  );
                ByteArrayDataSource dataSource = new ByteArrayDataSource( bContentFile, strContentType );
                msgBodyPart = new MimeBodyPart(  );
                msgBodyPart.setDataHandler( new DataHandler( dataSource ) );
                msgBodyPart.setFileName( strFileName );
                msgBodyPart.setDisposition( CONSTANT_DISPOSITION_ATTACHMENT );
                multipart.addBodyPart( msgBodyPart );

        msg.setContent( multipart );

        sendMessage( msg, transport );

     * Send a Multipart text message with attached files. FIXME: use
     * prepareMessage method
     * @param strRecipientsTo
     *            The list of the main recipients email.Every recipient must be
     *            separated by the mail separator defined in
     * @param strRecipientsCc
     *            The recipients list of the carbon copies .
     * @param strRecipientsBcc
     *            The recipients list of the blind carbon copies .
     * @param strSenderName
     *            The sender name.
     * @param strSenderEmail
     *            The sender email address.
     * @param strSubject
     *            The message subject.
     * @param strMessage
     *            The message.
     * @param fileAttachements
     *            The list of attached files
     * @param transport
     *            the smtp transport object
     * @param session
     *            the smtp session object
     * @throws AddressException
     *             If invalid address
     * @throws SendFailedException
     *             If an error occured during sending
     * @throws MessagingException
     *             If a messaging error occured
    protected static void sendMultipartMessageText( String strRecipientsTo, String strRecipientsCc,
Fichier Ligne
fr/paris/lutece/portal/business/user/attribute/ 286
fr/paris/lutece/portal/web/xsl/ 587
                        getIdAttribute(  ) );

                if ( ( fileItem != null ) && ( fileItem.getName(  ) != null ) &&
                        !EMPTY_STRING.equals( fileItem.getName(  ) ) )
                    File file = new File(  );
                    PhysicalFile physicalFile = new PhysicalFile(  );
                    physicalFile.setValue( fileItem.get(  ) );
                    file.setTitle( FileUploadService.getFileNameOnly( fileItem ) );
                    file.setSize( (int) fileItem.getSize(  ) );
                    file.setPhysicalFile( physicalFile );
                    file.setMimeType( FileSystemUtil.getMIMEType( FileUploadService.getFileNameOnly( fileItem ) ) );
Fichier Ligne
fr/paris/lutece/portal/business/user/ 177
fr/paris/lutece/portal/business/user/ 237
fr/paris/lutece/portal/business/user/ 869
fr/paris/lutece/portal/business/user/ 900
            user = new AdminUser(  );
            user.setUserId( daoUtil.getInt( 1 ) );
            user.setAccessCode( daoUtil.getString( 2 ) );
            user.setLastName( daoUtil.getString( 3 ) );
            user.setFirstName( daoUtil.getString( 4 ) );
            user.setEmail( daoUtil.getString( 5 ) );
            user.setStatus( daoUtil.getInt( 6 ) );
            user.setLocale( new Locale( daoUtil.getString( 7 ) ) );
            user.setUserLevel( daoUtil.getInt( 8 ) );
            user.setPasswordReset( daoUtil.getBoolean( 9 ) );
Fichier Ligne
fr/paris/lutece/portal/business/xsl/ 93
fr/paris/lutece/portal/business/xsl/ 169
        DAOUtil daoUtil = new DAOUtil( SQL_QUERY_INSERT );
        daoUtil.setInt( 1, xslExport.getIdXslExport(  ) );
        daoUtil.setString( 2, xslExport.getTitle(  ) );
        daoUtil.setString( 3, xslExport.getDescription(  ) );
        daoUtil.setString( 4, xslExport.getExtension(  ) );

        if ( xslExport.getFile(  ) != null )
            daoUtil.setInt( 5, xslExport.getFile(  ).getIdFile(  ) );
            daoUtil.setIntNull( 5 );

        daoUtil.setString( 6, xslExport.getPlugin(  ) );

        daoUtil.executeUpdate(  );