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Résultats PMD

Le document suivant contient les résultats de PMD 6.13.0.

Violations By Priority

Priority 1


Rule Violation Ligne
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'code' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 42
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'libelle' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 43
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'actif' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 44


Rule Violation Ligne
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'idArrondissement' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 40
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'codeArrondissement' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 41
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'libelleArrondissement' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 42
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'idCiviliteMaireArrondissement' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 44
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'nomMaireArrondissement' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 45
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'titreMaireArrondissement' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 46
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'idCiviliteDgsArrondissement' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 47
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'nomDgsArrondissement' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 48
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'rueMairieArrondissement' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 49
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'codePostalMairieArrondissement' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 50
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'communeMairieArrondissement' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 51
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'telMairieArrondissement' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 52
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'faxMairieArrondissement' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 53
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'mailMairieArrondissement' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 54


Rule Violation Ligne
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'idCommune' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 44
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'codeCommune' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 45
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'labelCommune' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 46
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'departement' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 47
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'cpCommune' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 48
FormalParameterNamingConventions The method parameter name 'Departement' doesn't match '[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 118


Rule Violation Ligne
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'libelle' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 39
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'codePostal' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 40
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'codeInsee' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 41


Rule Violation Ligne
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'id' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 42
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'valeur' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 43


Rule Violation Ligne
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'idDepartement' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 44
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'codeDepartement' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 45
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'labelDepartement' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 46
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'actif' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 47


Rule Violation Ligne
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'id' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 42
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'valeur' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 43


Rule Violation Ligne
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'idPays' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 44
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'code' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 45
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'labelCourt' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 46
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'labelLong' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 47


Rule Violation Ligne
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'idSecteur' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 41
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'codeSecteur' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 42
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'libelleSecteur' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 43
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'idCiviliteMaireSecteur' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 44
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'nomMaireSecteur' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 45
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'titreMaireSecteur' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 46
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'idCiviliteDgsSecteur' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 47
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'nomDgsSecteur' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 48
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'rueMairieSecteur' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 49
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'codePostalMairieSecteur' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 50
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'communeMairieSecteur' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 51
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'telMairieSecteur' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 52
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'faxMairieSecteur' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 53
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'mailMairieSecteur' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 54


Rule Violation Ligne
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'id' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 42
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'dateCreation' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 43
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'dateModification' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 44
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'typeDispositif' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 45
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'libelleDispositif' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 46
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'sourceDispositif' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 47
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'tempsDispositif' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 48
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'directionDispositif' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 49
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'typologieFinanciereDispositif' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 50
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'groupeDispositif' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 51
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'donneeFinanciere' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 52


Rule Violation Ligne
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'id' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 41
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'eligibiliteCesu' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 42
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'imputationBudgetaire' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 43
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'ligneImputation' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 44
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'uniteOeuvre' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 45
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'statut' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 46


Rule Violation Ligne
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'id' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 42
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'gpDispositif' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 43
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'dispositif' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 44


Rule Violation Ligne
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'idEtablissement' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 39
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'numeroVoie' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 40
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'adresse' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 41
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'codePostal' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 42
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'ville' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 43
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'pays' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 44


Rule Violation Ligne
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'idEtablissement' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 42
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'denomination' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 43
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'circonscription' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 44


Rule Violation Ligne
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'capaciteTheorique' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 39
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'nombreEleve' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 40
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'nombreClasses' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 41


Rule Violation Ligne
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'idEtablissement' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 43
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'typeEnseignement' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 44
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'natureEnseignement' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 45


Rule Violation Ligne
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'codeUo' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 48
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'idEtablissement' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 49
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'idEquipement' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 50
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'nomEtablissement' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 51
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'nomEquipement' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 52
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'numeroTelephone' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 53
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'rectorat' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 54
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'direction' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 55
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'effectif' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 56
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'listEnseignement' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 58
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'listStatut' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 59
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'listResponsable' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 60
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'listAdresse' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 61
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'listTypeEtablissement' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 62
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'listCirconscription' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 63


Rule Violation Ligne
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'etablissement' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 41
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'statutEtablissement' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 42


Rule Violation Ligne
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'etablissement' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 42
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'typeEtablissement' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 43


Rule Violation Ligne
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'idEtablissement' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 42
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'nom' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 43
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'prenom' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 44
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'email' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 45
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'typeResponsable' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 46


Rule Violation Ligne
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'id' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 41
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'libelleSuperThematique' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 42


Rule Violation Ligne
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'id' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 43
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'intituleThematique' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 44
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'numeroLotThematique' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 45
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'superThematique' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 46


Rule Violation Ligne
FieldNamingConventions The final field name '_gson' doesn't match '[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 50
FieldNamingConventions The final field name '_referentielBaseUrl' doesn't match '[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 51
FieldNamingConventions The final field name '_xGraviteeApiKey' doesn't match '[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 52


Rule Violation Ligne
ClassNamingConventions The utility class name 'Constants' doesn't match '[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]+(Utils?|Helper|Home|Service)' 3899
ClassWithOnlyPrivateConstructorsShouldBeFinal A class which only has private constructors should be final 3899


Rule Violation Ligne
AvoidThrowingRawExceptionTypes Avoid throwing raw exception types. 87
AvoidThrowingRawExceptionTypes Avoid throwing raw exception types. 115
AvoidThrowingRawExceptionTypes Avoid throwing raw exception types. 143
AvoidThrowingRawExceptionTypes Avoid throwing raw exception types. 169
AvoidThrowingRawExceptionTypes Avoid throwing raw exception types. 173
AvoidThrowingNullPointerException Avoid throwing null pointer exceptions. 199
AvoidThrowingRawExceptionTypes Avoid throwing raw exception types. 203


Rule Violation Ligne
AvoidThrowingRawExceptionTypes Avoid throwing raw exception types. 94
AvoidThrowingRawExceptionTypes Avoid throwing raw exception types. 145

Priority 2


Rule Violation Ligne
AvoidReassigningParameters Avoid reassigning parameters such as 'mapHeadersRequest' 123

Priority 3


Rule Violation Ligne
DataClass The class 'AbstractReferentiel' is suspected to be a Data Class (WOC=0.000%, NOPA=0, NOAM=6, WMC=8) 40107
CommentRequired Header comments are required 40107
MissingSerialVersionUID Classes implementing Serializable should set a serialVersionUID 40107
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 4648
UncommentedEmptyConstructor Document empty constructor 4648
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 5055
ShortVariable Avoid variables with short names like o 88


Rule Violation Ligne
DataClass The class 'ArrondissementDto' is suspected to be a Data Class (WOC=6.250%, NOPA=0, NOAM=28, WMC=32) 38235
CommentRequired Header comments are required 38235
UncommentedEmptyConstructor Document empty constructor 5758
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 5758
ExcessiveParameterList Avoid long parameter lists. 60
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 6076
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 102104
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 106108
ShortVariable Avoid variables with short names like o 199
ControlStatementBraces This statement should have braces 201


Rule Violation Ligne
DataClass The class 'CommuneDto' is suspected to be a Data Class (WOC=0.000%, NOPA=0, NOAM=10, WMC=10) 41140


Rule Violation Ligne
CommentRequired Header comments are required 3783
DataClass The class 'CommuneSearchRequest' is suspected to be a Data Class (WOC=0.000%, NOPA=0, NOAM=6, WMC=8) 3783
CommentDefaultAccessModifier To avoid mistakes add a comment at the beginning of the libelle field if you want a default access modifier 39
DefaultPackage Use explicit scoping instead of the default package private level 39
DefaultPackage Use explicit scoping instead of the default package private level 40
CommentDefaultAccessModifier To avoid mistakes add a comment at the beginning of the codePostal field if you want a default access modifier 40
DefaultPackage Use explicit scoping instead of the default package private level 41
CommentDefaultAccessModifier To avoid mistakes add a comment at the beginning of the codeInsee field if you want a default access modifier 41
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 4752


Rule Violation Ligne
DataClass The class 'CycleScolaire' is suspected to be a Data Class (WOC=0.000%, NOPA=0, NOAM=4, WMC=4) 3973
ShortVariable Avoid variables with short names like id 42


Rule Violation Ligne
DataClass The class 'DepartementDto' is suspected to be a Data Class (WOC=0.000%, NOPA=0, NOAM=8, WMC=8) 41121


Rule Violation Ligne
DataClass The class 'NiveauScolaire' is suspected to be a Data Class (WOC=0.000%, NOPA=0, NOAM=4, WMC=4) 3973
ShortVariable Avoid variables with short names like id 42


Rule Violation Ligne
DataClass The class 'PaysDto' is suspected to be a Data Class (WOC=0.000%, NOPA=0, NOAM=8, WMC=8) 41121


Rule Violation Ligne
CommentRequired Header comments are required 39236
DataClass The class 'SecteurDto' is suspected to be a Data Class (WOC=6.250%, NOPA=0, NOAM=28, WMC=32) 39236
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 5859
UncommentedEmptyConstructor Document empty constructor 5859
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 6177
ExcessiveParameterList Avoid long parameter lists. 61
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 191193
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 195197
ShortVariable Avoid variables with short names like o 200
ControlStatementBraces This statement should have braces 202


Rule Violation Ligne
CommentRequired Header comments are required 40166
DataClass The class 'Dispositif' is suspected to be a Data Class (WOC=0.000%, NOPA=0, NOAM=22, WMC=24) 40166
ShortVariable Avoid variables with short names like id 42
UncommentedEmptyConstructor Document empty constructor 5556
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 5556
ExcessiveParameterList Avoid long parameter lists. 5860
ShortVariable Avoid variables with short names like id 58
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 5873
ShortVariable Avoid variables with short names like id 79


Rule Violation Ligne
DataClass The class 'DonneeFinanciere' is suspected to be a Data Class (WOC=0.000%, NOPA=0, NOAM=13, WMC=15) 39113
CommentRequired Header comments are required 39113
ShortVariable Avoid variables with short names like id 41
UncommentedEmptyConstructor Document empty constructor 4950
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 4950
ShortVariable Avoid variables with short names like id 52
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 5259
ShortVariable Avoid variables with short names like id 65


Rule Violation Ligne
DataClass The class 'GroupeDispositif' is suspected to be a Data Class (WOC=0.000%, NOPA=0, NOAM=6, WMC=8) 4079
CommentRequired Header comments are required 4079
ShortVariable Avoid variables with short names like id 42
UncommentedEmptyConstructor Document empty constructor 4647
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 4647
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 4953
ShortVariable Avoid variables with short names like id 49
ShortVariable Avoid variables with short names like id 59


Rule Violation Ligne
CommentRequired Header comments are required 3853
MissingSerialVersionUID Classes implementing Serializable should set a serialVersionUID 3853
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3941
UncommentedEmptyConstructor Document empty constructor 3941
CallSuperInConstructor It is a good practice to call super() in a constructor 3941
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 4345
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 4752


Rule Violation Ligne
MissingSerialVersionUID Classes implementing Serializable should set a serialVersionUID 3854
CommentRequired Header comments are required 3854
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 4041
UncommentedEmptyConstructor Document empty constructor 4041
CallSuperInConstructor It is a good practice to call super() in a constructor 4041
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 4345
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 4752


Rule Violation Ligne
CommentRequired Header comments are required 3854
MissingSerialVersionUID Classes implementing Serializable should set a serialVersionUID 3854
CallSuperInConstructor It is a good practice to call super() in a constructor 4042
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 4042
UncommentedEmptyConstructor Document empty constructor 4042
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 4446
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 4853


Rule Violation Ligne
CommentRequired Header comments are required 3853
MissingSerialVersionUID Classes implementing Serializable should set a serialVersionUID 3853
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3941
UncommentedEmptyConstructor Document empty constructor 3941
CallSuperInConstructor It is a good practice to call super() in a constructor 3941
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 4345
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 4752


Rule Violation Ligne
CommentRequired Header comments are required 3853
MissingSerialVersionUID Classes implementing Serializable should set a serialVersionUID 3853
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3941
CallSuperInConstructor It is a good practice to call super() in a constructor 3941
UncommentedEmptyConstructor Document empty constructor 3941
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 4345
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 4752


Rule Violation Ligne
MissingSerialVersionUID Classes implementing Serializable should set a serialVersionUID 3853
CommentRequired Header comments are required 3853
CallSuperInConstructor It is a good practice to call super() in a constructor 3941
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3941
UncommentedEmptyConstructor Document empty constructor 3941
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 4345
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 4752


Rule Violation Ligne
CommentRequired Header comments are required 3853
MissingSerialVersionUID Classes implementing Serializable should set a serialVersionUID 3853
CallSuperInConstructor It is a good practice to call super() in a constructor 3941
UncommentedEmptyConstructor Document empty constructor 3941
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3941
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 4345
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 4752


Rule Violation Ligne
MissingSerialVersionUID Classes implementing Serializable should set a serialVersionUID 3853
CommentRequired Header comments are required 3853
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3941
UncommentedEmptyConstructor Document empty constructor 3941
CallSuperInConstructor It is a good practice to call super() in a constructor 3941
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 4345
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 4752


Rule Violation Ligne
MissingSerialVersionUID Classes implementing Serializable should set a serialVersionUID 521
CommentRequired Header comments are required 521
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 78
CallSuperInConstructor It is a good practice to call super() in a constructor 78
UncommentedEmptyConstructor Document empty constructor 78
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 1012
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 1419


Rule Violation Ligne
CommentRequired Header comments are required 37105
DataClass The class 'Adresse' is suspected to be a Data Class (WOC=0.000%, NOPA=0, NOAM=12, WMC=12) 37105
AvoidFieldNameMatchingTypeName It is somewhat confusing to have a field name matching the declaring class name 41


Rule Violation Ligne
CommentRequired Header comments are required 4075
DataClass The class 'CirconscriptionTerritoriale' is suspected to be a Data Class (WOC=0.000%, NOPA=0, NOAM=6, WMC=6) 4075


Rule Violation Ligne
CommentRequired Header comments are required 3773
DataClass The class 'Effectif' is suspected to be a Data Class (WOC=0.000%, NOPA=0, NOAM=6, WMC=6) 3773


Rule Violation Ligne
DataClass The class 'Enseignement' is suspected to be a Data Class (WOC=0.000%, NOPA=0, NOAM=6, WMC=6) 4177
CommentRequired Header comments are required 4177


Rule Violation Ligne
CommentRequired Header comments are required 46214
DataClass The class 'Etablissement' is suspected to be a Data Class (WOC=0.000%, NOPA=0, NOAM=30, WMC=30) 46214


Rule Violation Ligne
CommentRequired Header comments are required 3964
DataClass The class 'LienEtablissementStatutEtab' is suspected to be a Data Class (WOC=0.000%, NOPA=0, NOAM=4, WMC=4) 3964


Rule Violation Ligne
DataClass The class 'LienEtablissementTypeEtab' is suspected to be a Data Class (WOC=0.000%, NOPA=0, NOAM=4, WMC=4) 4065
CommentRequired Header comments are required 4065


Rule Violation Ligne
CommentRequired Header comments are required 3998
DataClass The class 'Responsable' is suspected to be a Data Class (WOC=0.000%, NOPA=0, NOAM=10, WMC=10) 3998


Rule Violation Ligne
MissingSerialVersionUID Classes implementing Serializable should set a serialVersionUID 3958
CommentRequired Header comments are required 3958
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 4143
UncommentedEmptyConstructor Document empty constructor 4143
CallSuperInConstructor It is a good practice to call super() in a constructor 4143
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 4548
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 5057


Rule Violation Ligne
MissingSerialVersionUID Classes implementing Serializable should set a serialVersionUID 3958
CommentRequired Header comments are required 3958
CallSuperInConstructor It is a good practice to call super() in a constructor 4143
UncommentedEmptyConstructor Document empty constructor 4143
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 4143
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 4548
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 5057


Rule Violation Ligne
MissingSerialVersionUID Classes implementing Serializable should set a serialVersionUID 3958
CommentRequired Header comments are required 3958
CallSuperInConstructor It is a good practice to call super() in a constructor 4143
UncommentedEmptyConstructor Document empty constructor 4143
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 4143
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 4548
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 5057


Rule Violation Ligne
CommentRequired Header comments are required 3958
MissingSerialVersionUID Classes implementing Serializable should set a serialVersionUID 3958
UncommentedEmptyConstructor Document empty constructor 4143
CallSuperInConstructor It is a good practice to call super() in a constructor 4143
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 4143
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 4548
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 5057


Rule Violation Ligne
CommentRequired Header comments are required 3958
MissingSerialVersionUID Classes implementing Serializable should set a serialVersionUID 3958
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 4143
UncommentedEmptyConstructor Document empty constructor 4143
CallSuperInConstructor It is a good practice to call super() in a constructor 4143
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 4548
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 5057


Rule Violation Ligne
MissingSerialVersionUID Classes implementing Serializable should set a serialVersionUID 3958
CommentRequired Header comments are required 3958
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 4143
CallSuperInConstructor It is a good practice to call super() in a constructor 4143
UncommentedEmptyConstructor Document empty constructor 4143
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 4548
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 5057


Rule Violation Ligne
CommentRequired Header comments are required 3958
MissingSerialVersionUID Classes implementing Serializable should set a serialVersionUID 3958
UncommentedEmptyConstructor Document empty constructor 4143
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 4143
CallSuperInConstructor It is a good practice to call super() in a constructor 4143
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 4548
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 5057


Rule Violation Ligne
MissingSerialVersionUID Classes implementing Serializable should set a serialVersionUID 3958
CommentRequired Header comments are required 3958
UncommentedEmptyConstructor Document empty constructor 4143
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 4143
CallSuperInConstructor It is a good practice to call super() in a constructor 4143
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 4548
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 5057


Rule Violation Ligne
CommentRequired Header comments are required 3958
MissingSerialVersionUID Classes implementing Serializable should set a serialVersionUID 3958
CallSuperInConstructor It is a good practice to call super() in a constructor 4143
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 4143
UncommentedEmptyConstructor Document empty constructor 4143
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 4548
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 5057


Rule Violation Ligne
CommentRequired Header comments are required 4063
MissingSerialVersionUID Classes implementing Serializable should set a serialVersionUID 4063
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 4447
ShortVariable Avoid variables with short names like e 44
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 4852
ShortVariable Avoid variables with short names like e 48
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 5357


Rule Violation Ligne
CommentRequired Header comments are required 3964
DataClass The class 'SuperThematique' is suspected to be a Data Class (WOC=0.000%, NOPA=0, NOAM=4, WMC=4) 3964
ShortVariable Avoid variables with short names like id 41
ShortVariable Avoid variables with short names like id 49


Rule Violation Ligne
DataClass The class 'Thematique' is suspected to be a Data Class (WOC=0.000%, NOPA=0, NOAM=8, WMC=8) 4187
CommentRequired Header comments are required 4187
ShortVariable Avoid variables with short names like id 43
ShortVariable Avoid variables with short names like id 53


Rule Violation Ligne
MissingSerialVersionUID Classes implementing Serializable should set a serialVersionUID 3958
CommentRequired Header comments are required 3958
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 4143
CallSuperInConstructor It is a good practice to call super() in a constructor 4143
UncommentedEmptyConstructor Document empty constructor 4143
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 4548
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 5057


Rule Violation Ligne
MissingSerialVersionUID Classes implementing Serializable should set a serialVersionUID 4059
CommentRequired Header comments are required 4059
UncommentedEmptyConstructor Document empty constructor 4244
CallSuperInConstructor It is a good practice to call super() in a constructor 4244
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 4244
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 4649
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 5158


Rule Violation Ligne
CommentRequired Header comments are required 4059
MissingSerialVersionUID Classes implementing Serializable should set a serialVersionUID 4059
UncommentedEmptyConstructor Document empty constructor 4244
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 4244
CallSuperInConstructor It is a good practice to call super() in a constructor 4244
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 4649
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 5158


Rule Violation Ligne
CommentRequired Header comments are required 48149
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 5465
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 6879
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 8287
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 8893
CommentRequired Protected method constructor comments are required 95121
TooFewBranchesForASwitchStatement A switch with less than three branches is inefficient, use a if statement instead. 108116
SwitchStmtsShouldHaveDefault Switch statements should have a default label 108116
CommentRequired Protected method constructor comments are required 123133


Rule Violation Ligne
CommentRequired Header comments are required 3899
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 44
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 45
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 46
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 47
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 48
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 49
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 50
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 51
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 52
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 53
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 54
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 55
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 56
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 57
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 58
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 59
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 60
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 61
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 63
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 64
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 65
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 66
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 67
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 68
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 69
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 70
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 71
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 72
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 73
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 74
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 75
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 76
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 77
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 78
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 79
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 80
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 81
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 87
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 91
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 93
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 95
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 96
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 98


Rule Violation Ligne
CommentRequired Header comments are required 4250
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 45
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 47
ShortVariable Avoid variables with short names like id 47
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 49
ShortVariable Avoid variables with short names like id 49


Rule Violation Ligne
CommentRequired Header comments are required 4379
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 78


Rule Violation Ligne
CommentRequired Header comments are required 4248
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 45
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 47


Rule Violation Ligne
CommentRequired Header comments are required 4245
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 44


Rule Violation Ligne
CommentRequired Header comments are required 4461
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 46
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 48
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 50
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 52
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 54
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 56
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 58
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 60


Rule Violation Ligne
CommentRequired Header comments are required 4181


Rule Violation Ligne
CommentRequired Header comments are required 4147
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 44
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 46


Rule Violation Ligne
CommentRequired Header comments are required 4167


Rule Violation Ligne
CommentRequired Header comments are required 4148
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 43
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 45
ShortVariable Avoid variables with short names like id 45
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 47
ShortVariable Avoid variables with short names like id 47


Rule Violation Ligne
CommentRequired Header comments are required 4561
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 48
ShortVariable Avoid variables with short names like id 50
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 50
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 52
ShortVariable Avoid variables with short names like id 54
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 54
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 56
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 58
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 60


Rule Violation Ligne
CommentRequired Header comments are required 49135
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 5255
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 5659
ShortVariable Avoid variables with short names like id 83
ShortVariable Avoid variables with short names like id 110


Rule Violation Ligne
CommentRequired Header comments are required 51191
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 5457
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 5861
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 63
AvoidDuplicateLiterals The String literal "error during mapping response" appears 5 times in this file; the first occurrence is on line 88 88


Rule Violation Ligne
CommentRequired Header comments are required 50109
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 5356
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 5760


Rule Violation Ligne
CommentRequired Header comments are required 4684
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 4952
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 5356


Rule Violation Ligne
CommentRequired Header comments are required 48272
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 5154
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 5558
AvoidDuplicateLiterals The String literal "error during mapping response" appears 5 times in this file; the first occurrence is on line 76 76
AvoidDuplicateLiterals The String literal "L'id renseigné est null" appears 4 times in this file; the first occurrence is on line 87 87
PrematureDeclaration Avoid declaring a variable if it is unreferenced before a possible exit point. 140
PrematureDeclaration Avoid declaring a variable if it is unreferenced before a possible exit point. 166
PrematureDeclaration Avoid declaring a variable if it is unreferenced before a possible exit point. 196


Rule Violation Ligne
CommentRequired Header comments are required 51205
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 5457
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 5861


Rule Violation Ligne
CommentRequired Header comments are required 50109
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 5356
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 5760


Rule Violation Ligne
CommentRequired Header comments are required 53139
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 5659
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 6063
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 65


Rule Violation Ligne
CommentRequired Header comments are required 49135
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 5255
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 5659
ShortVariable Avoid variables with short names like id 83
ShortVariable Avoid variables with short names like id 110


Rule Violation Ligne
CommentRequired Header comments are required 52227
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 5558
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 5962
AvoidDuplicateLiterals The String literal "error during mapping response" appears 7 times in this file; the first occurrence is on line 83 83
ShortVariable Avoid variables with short names like id 89
PrematureDeclaration Avoid declaring a variable if it is unreferenced before a possible exit point. 91
ShortVariable Avoid variables with short names like id 140
PrematureDeclaration Avoid declaring a variable if it is unreferenced before a possible exit point. 142


Rule Violation Ligne
CommentRequired Header comments are required 55163
MissingOverride The method 'create(Gson, TypeToken)' is missing an @Override annotation. 5965
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 5965
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 7383
CallSuperInConstructor It is a good practice to call super() in a constructor 7383
MissingOverride The method 'read(JsonReader)' is missing an @Override annotation. 106112
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 106112
ShortVariable Avoid variables with short names like in 106
AvoidSynchronizedAtMethodLevel Use block level rather than method level synchronization 114152
AvoidCatchingGenericException Avoid catching generic exceptions such as NullPointerException, RuntimeException, Exception in try-catch block 118
PreserveStackTrace New exception is thrown in catch block, original stack trace may be lost 145
PreserveStackTrace New exception is thrown in catch block, original stack trace may be lost 145
PreserveStackTrace New exception is thrown in catch block, original stack trace may be lost 145
PreserveStackTrace New exception is thrown in catch block, original stack trace may be lost 145
PreserveStackTrace New exception is thrown in catch block, original stack trace may be lost 145
AvoidSynchronizedAtMethodLevel Use block level rather than method level synchronization 154162
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 154162
MissingOverride The method 'write(JsonWriter, Date)' is missing an @Override annotation. 154162

Priority 4


Rule Violation Ligne
BooleanGetMethodName A getX() method which returns a boolean should be named isX() 108111


Rule Violation Ligne
UnusedImports Avoid unused imports such as '' 37


Rule Violation Ligne
UnusedImports Avoid unused imports such as 'java.util.Optional' 41


Rule Violation Ligne
UnusedImports Avoid unused imports such as '' 37


Rule Violation Ligne
UnusedImports Avoid unused imports such as '' 37
UnusedImports Avoid unused imports such as 'java.util.List' 40


Rule Violation Ligne
UnusedImports Avoid unused imports such as 'com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonMappingException' 37


Rule Violation Ligne
UnusedImports Avoid unused imports such as 'com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonMappingException' 37



Rule Violation Priority Ligne
DataClass The class 'AbstractReferentiel' is suspected to be a Data Class (WOC=0.000%, NOPA=0, NOAM=6, WMC=8) 3 40107
CommentRequired Header comments are required 3 40107
MissingSerialVersionUID Classes implementing Serializable should set a serialVersionUID 3 40107
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'code' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 42
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'libelle' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 43
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'actif' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 44
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 4648
UncommentedEmptyConstructor Document empty constructor 3 4648
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 5055
ShortVariable Avoid variables with short names like o 3 88


Rule Violation Priority Ligne
DataClass The class 'ArrondissementDto' is suspected to be a Data Class (WOC=6.250%, NOPA=0, NOAM=28, WMC=32) 3 38235
CommentRequired Header comments are required 3 38235
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'idArrondissement' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 40
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'codeArrondissement' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 41
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'libelleArrondissement' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 42
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'idCiviliteMaireArrondissement' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 44
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'nomMaireArrondissement' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 45
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'titreMaireArrondissement' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 46
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'idCiviliteDgsArrondissement' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 47
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'nomDgsArrondissement' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 48
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'rueMairieArrondissement' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 49
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'codePostalMairieArrondissement' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 50
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'communeMairieArrondissement' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 51
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'telMairieArrondissement' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 52
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'faxMairieArrondissement' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 53
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'mailMairieArrondissement' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 54
UncommentedEmptyConstructor Document empty constructor 3 5758
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 5758
ExcessiveParameterList Avoid long parameter lists. 3 60
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 6076
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 102104
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 106108
ShortVariable Avoid variables with short names like o 3 199
ControlStatementBraces This statement should have braces 3 201


Rule Violation Priority Ligne
DataClass The class 'CommuneDto' is suspected to be a Data Class (WOC=0.000%, NOPA=0, NOAM=10, WMC=10) 3 41140
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'idCommune' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 44
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'codeCommune' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 45
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'labelCommune' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 46
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'departement' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 47
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'cpCommune' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 48
FormalParameterNamingConventions The method parameter name 'Departement' doesn't match '[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 118


Rule Violation Priority Ligne
CommentRequired Header comments are required 3 3783
DataClass The class 'CommuneSearchRequest' is suspected to be a Data Class (WOC=0.000%, NOPA=0, NOAM=6, WMC=8) 3 3783
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'libelle' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 39
CommentDefaultAccessModifier To avoid mistakes add a comment at the beginning of the libelle field if you want a default access modifier 3 39
DefaultPackage Use explicit scoping instead of the default package private level 3 39
DefaultPackage Use explicit scoping instead of the default package private level 3 40
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'codePostal' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 40
CommentDefaultAccessModifier To avoid mistakes add a comment at the beginning of the codePostal field if you want a default access modifier 3 40
DefaultPackage Use explicit scoping instead of the default package private level 3 41
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'codeInsee' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 41
CommentDefaultAccessModifier To avoid mistakes add a comment at the beginning of the codeInsee field if you want a default access modifier 3 41
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 4752


Rule Violation Priority Ligne
DataClass The class 'CycleScolaire' is suspected to be a Data Class (WOC=0.000%, NOPA=0, NOAM=4, WMC=4) 3 3973
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'id' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 42
ShortVariable Avoid variables with short names like id 3 42
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'valeur' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 43


Rule Violation Priority Ligne
DataClass The class 'DepartementDto' is suspected to be a Data Class (WOC=0.000%, NOPA=0, NOAM=8, WMC=8) 3 41121
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'idDepartement' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 44
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'codeDepartement' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 45
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'labelDepartement' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 46
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'actif' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 47
BooleanGetMethodName A getX() method which returns a boolean should be named isX() 4 108111


Rule Violation Priority Ligne
DataClass The class 'NiveauScolaire' is suspected to be a Data Class (WOC=0.000%, NOPA=0, NOAM=4, WMC=4) 3 3973
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'id' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 42
ShortVariable Avoid variables with short names like id 3 42
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'valeur' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 43


Rule Violation Priority Ligne
DataClass The class 'PaysDto' is suspected to be a Data Class (WOC=0.000%, NOPA=0, NOAM=8, WMC=8) 3 41121
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'idPays' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 44
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'code' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 45
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'labelCourt' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 46
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'labelLong' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 47


Rule Violation Priority Ligne
CommentRequired Header comments are required 3 39236
DataClass The class 'SecteurDto' is suspected to be a Data Class (WOC=6.250%, NOPA=0, NOAM=28, WMC=32) 3 39236
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'idSecteur' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 41
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'codeSecteur' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 42
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'libelleSecteur' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 43
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'idCiviliteMaireSecteur' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 44
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'nomMaireSecteur' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 45
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'titreMaireSecteur' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 46
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'idCiviliteDgsSecteur' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 47
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'nomDgsSecteur' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 48
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'rueMairieSecteur' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 49
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'codePostalMairieSecteur' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 50
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'communeMairieSecteur' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 51
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'telMairieSecteur' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 52
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'faxMairieSecteur' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 53
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'mailMairieSecteur' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 54
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 5859
UncommentedEmptyConstructor Document empty constructor 3 5859
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 6177
ExcessiveParameterList Avoid long parameter lists. 3 61
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 191193
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 195197
ShortVariable Avoid variables with short names like o 3 200
ControlStatementBraces This statement should have braces 3 202


Rule Violation Priority Ligne
CommentRequired Header comments are required 3 40166
DataClass The class 'Dispositif' is suspected to be a Data Class (WOC=0.000%, NOPA=0, NOAM=22, WMC=24) 3 40166
ShortVariable Avoid variables with short names like id 3 42
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'id' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 42
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'dateCreation' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 43
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'dateModification' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 44
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'typeDispositif' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 45
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'libelleDispositif' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 46
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'sourceDispositif' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 47
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'tempsDispositif' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 48
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'directionDispositif' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 49
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'typologieFinanciereDispositif' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 50
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'groupeDispositif' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 51
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'donneeFinanciere' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 52
UncommentedEmptyConstructor Document empty constructor 3 5556
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 5556
ExcessiveParameterList Avoid long parameter lists. 3 5860
ShortVariable Avoid variables with short names like id 3 58
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 5873
ShortVariable Avoid variables with short names like id 3 79


Rule Violation Priority Ligne
DataClass The class 'DonneeFinanciere' is suspected to be a Data Class (WOC=0.000%, NOPA=0, NOAM=13, WMC=15) 3 39113
CommentRequired Header comments are required 3 39113
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'id' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 41
ShortVariable Avoid variables with short names like id 3 41
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'eligibiliteCesu' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 42
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'imputationBudgetaire' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 43
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'ligneImputation' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 44
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'uniteOeuvre' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 45
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'statut' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 46
UncommentedEmptyConstructor Document empty constructor 3 4950
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 4950
ShortVariable Avoid variables with short names like id 3 52
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 5259
ShortVariable Avoid variables with short names like id 3 65


Rule Violation Priority Ligne
DataClass The class 'GroupeDispositif' is suspected to be a Data Class (WOC=0.000%, NOPA=0, NOAM=6, WMC=8) 3 4079
CommentRequired Header comments are required 3 4079
ShortVariable Avoid variables with short names like id 3 42
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'id' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 42
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'gpDispositif' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 43
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'dispositif' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 44
UncommentedEmptyConstructor Document empty constructor 3 4647
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 4647
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 4953
ShortVariable Avoid variables with short names like id 3 49
ShortVariable Avoid variables with short names like id 3 59


Rule Violation Priority Ligne
CommentRequired Header comments are required 3 3853
MissingSerialVersionUID Classes implementing Serializable should set a serialVersionUID 3 3853
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 3941
UncommentedEmptyConstructor Document empty constructor 3 3941
CallSuperInConstructor It is a good practice to call super() in a constructor 3 3941
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 4345
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 4752


Rule Violation Priority Ligne
MissingSerialVersionUID Classes implementing Serializable should set a serialVersionUID 3 3854
CommentRequired Header comments are required 3 3854
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 4041
UncommentedEmptyConstructor Document empty constructor 3 4041
CallSuperInConstructor It is a good practice to call super() in a constructor 3 4041
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 4345
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 4752


Rule Violation Priority Ligne
CommentRequired Header comments are required 3 3854
MissingSerialVersionUID Classes implementing Serializable should set a serialVersionUID 3 3854
CallSuperInConstructor It is a good practice to call super() in a constructor 3 4042
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 4042
UncommentedEmptyConstructor Document empty constructor 3 4042
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 4446
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 4853


Rule Violation Priority Ligne
CommentRequired Header comments are required 3 3853
MissingSerialVersionUID Classes implementing Serializable should set a serialVersionUID 3 3853
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 3941
UncommentedEmptyConstructor Document empty constructor 3 3941
CallSuperInConstructor It is a good practice to call super() in a constructor 3 3941
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 4345
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 4752


Rule Violation Priority Ligne
CommentRequired Header comments are required 3 3853
MissingSerialVersionUID Classes implementing Serializable should set a serialVersionUID 3 3853
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 3941
CallSuperInConstructor It is a good practice to call super() in a constructor 3 3941
UncommentedEmptyConstructor Document empty constructor 3 3941
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 4345
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 4752


Rule Violation Priority Ligne
MissingSerialVersionUID Classes implementing Serializable should set a serialVersionUID 3 3853
CommentRequired Header comments are required 3 3853
CallSuperInConstructor It is a good practice to call super() in a constructor 3 3941
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 3941
UncommentedEmptyConstructor Document empty constructor 3 3941
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 4345
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 4752


Rule Violation Priority Ligne
CommentRequired Header comments are required 3 3853
MissingSerialVersionUID Classes implementing Serializable should set a serialVersionUID 3 3853
CallSuperInConstructor It is a good practice to call super() in a constructor 3 3941
UncommentedEmptyConstructor Document empty constructor 3 3941
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 3941
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 4345
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 4752


Rule Violation Priority Ligne
MissingSerialVersionUID Classes implementing Serializable should set a serialVersionUID 3 3853
CommentRequired Header comments are required 3 3853
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 3941
UncommentedEmptyConstructor Document empty constructor 3 3941
CallSuperInConstructor It is a good practice to call super() in a constructor 3 3941
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 4345
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 4752


Rule Violation Priority Ligne
MissingSerialVersionUID Classes implementing Serializable should set a serialVersionUID 3 521
CommentRequired Header comments are required 3 521
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 78
CallSuperInConstructor It is a good practice to call super() in a constructor 3 78
UncommentedEmptyConstructor Document empty constructor 3 78
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 1012
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 1419


Rule Violation Priority Ligne
CommentRequired Header comments are required 3 37105
DataClass The class 'Adresse' is suspected to be a Data Class (WOC=0.000%, NOPA=0, NOAM=12, WMC=12) 3 37105
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'idEtablissement' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 39
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'numeroVoie' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 40
AvoidFieldNameMatchingTypeName It is somewhat confusing to have a field name matching the declaring class name 3 41
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'adresse' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 41
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'codePostal' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 42
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'ville' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 43
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'pays' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 44


Rule Violation Priority Ligne
CommentRequired Header comments are required 3 4075
DataClass The class 'CirconscriptionTerritoriale' is suspected to be a Data Class (WOC=0.000%, NOPA=0, NOAM=6, WMC=6) 3 4075
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'idEtablissement' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 42
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'denomination' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 43
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'circonscription' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 44


Rule Violation Priority Ligne
CommentRequired Header comments are required 3 3773
DataClass The class 'Effectif' is suspected to be a Data Class (WOC=0.000%, NOPA=0, NOAM=6, WMC=6) 3 3773
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'capaciteTheorique' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 39
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'nombreEleve' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 40
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'nombreClasses' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 41


Rule Violation Priority Ligne
DataClass The class 'Enseignement' is suspected to be a Data Class (WOC=0.000%, NOPA=0, NOAM=6, WMC=6) 3 4177
CommentRequired Header comments are required 3 4177
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'idEtablissement' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 43
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'typeEnseignement' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 44
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'natureEnseignement' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 45


Rule Violation Priority Ligne
CommentRequired Header comments are required 3 46214
DataClass The class 'Etablissement' is suspected to be a Data Class (WOC=0.000%, NOPA=0, NOAM=30, WMC=30) 3 46214
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'codeUo' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 48
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'idEtablissement' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 49
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'idEquipement' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 50
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'nomEtablissement' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 51
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'nomEquipement' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 52
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'numeroTelephone' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 53
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'rectorat' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 54
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'direction' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 55
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'effectif' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 56
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'listEnseignement' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 58
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'listStatut' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 59
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'listResponsable' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 60
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'listAdresse' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 61
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'listTypeEtablissement' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 62
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'listCirconscription' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 63


Rule Violation Priority Ligne
CommentRequired Header comments are required 3 3964
DataClass The class 'LienEtablissementStatutEtab' is suspected to be a Data Class (WOC=0.000%, NOPA=0, NOAM=4, WMC=4) 3 3964
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'etablissement' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 41
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'statutEtablissement' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 42


Rule Violation Priority Ligne
DataClass The class 'LienEtablissementTypeEtab' is suspected to be a Data Class (WOC=0.000%, NOPA=0, NOAM=4, WMC=4) 3 4065
CommentRequired Header comments are required 3 4065
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'etablissement' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 42
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'typeEtablissement' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 43


Rule Violation Priority Ligne
CommentRequired Header comments are required 3 3998
DataClass The class 'Responsable' is suspected to be a Data Class (WOC=0.000%, NOPA=0, NOAM=10, WMC=10) 3 3998
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'idEtablissement' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 42
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'nom' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 43
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'prenom' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 44
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'email' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 45
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'typeResponsable' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 46


Rule Violation Priority Ligne
MissingSerialVersionUID Classes implementing Serializable should set a serialVersionUID 3 3958
CommentRequired Header comments are required 3 3958
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 4143
UncommentedEmptyConstructor Document empty constructor 3 4143
CallSuperInConstructor It is a good practice to call super() in a constructor 3 4143
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 4548
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 5057


Rule Violation Priority Ligne
MissingSerialVersionUID Classes implementing Serializable should set a serialVersionUID 3 3958
CommentRequired Header comments are required 3 3958
CallSuperInConstructor It is a good practice to call super() in a constructor 3 4143
UncommentedEmptyConstructor Document empty constructor 3 4143
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 4143
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 4548
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 5057


Rule Violation Priority Ligne
MissingSerialVersionUID Classes implementing Serializable should set a serialVersionUID 3 3958
CommentRequired Header comments are required 3 3958
CallSuperInConstructor It is a good practice to call super() in a constructor 3 4143
UncommentedEmptyConstructor Document empty constructor 3 4143
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 4143
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 4548
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 5057


Rule Violation Priority Ligne
CommentRequired Header comments are required 3 3958
MissingSerialVersionUID Classes implementing Serializable should set a serialVersionUID 3 3958
UncommentedEmptyConstructor Document empty constructor 3 4143
CallSuperInConstructor It is a good practice to call super() in a constructor 3 4143
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 4143
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 4548
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 5057


Rule Violation Priority Ligne
CommentRequired Header comments are required 3 3958
MissingSerialVersionUID Classes implementing Serializable should set a serialVersionUID 3 3958
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 4143
UncommentedEmptyConstructor Document empty constructor 3 4143
CallSuperInConstructor It is a good practice to call super() in a constructor 3 4143
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 4548
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 5057


Rule Violation Priority Ligne
MissingSerialVersionUID Classes implementing Serializable should set a serialVersionUID 3 3958
CommentRequired Header comments are required 3 3958
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 4143
CallSuperInConstructor It is a good practice to call super() in a constructor 3 4143
UncommentedEmptyConstructor Document empty constructor 3 4143
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 4548
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 5057


Rule Violation Priority Ligne
CommentRequired Header comments are required 3 3958
MissingSerialVersionUID Classes implementing Serializable should set a serialVersionUID 3 3958
UncommentedEmptyConstructor Document empty constructor 3 4143
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 4143
CallSuperInConstructor It is a good practice to call super() in a constructor 3 4143
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 4548
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 5057


Rule Violation Priority Ligne
MissingSerialVersionUID Classes implementing Serializable should set a serialVersionUID 3 3958
CommentRequired Header comments are required 3 3958
UncommentedEmptyConstructor Document empty constructor 3 4143
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 4143
CallSuperInConstructor It is a good practice to call super() in a constructor 3 4143
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 4548
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 5057


Rule Violation Priority Ligne
CommentRequired Header comments are required 3 3958
MissingSerialVersionUID Classes implementing Serializable should set a serialVersionUID 3 3958
CallSuperInConstructor It is a good practice to call super() in a constructor 3 4143
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 4143
UncommentedEmptyConstructor Document empty constructor 3 4143
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 4548
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 5057


Rule Violation Priority Ligne
CommentRequired Header comments are required 3 4063
MissingSerialVersionUID Classes implementing Serializable should set a serialVersionUID 3 4063
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 4447
ShortVariable Avoid variables with short names like e 3 44
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 4852
ShortVariable Avoid variables with short names like e 3 48
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 5357


Rule Violation Priority Ligne
CommentRequired Header comments are required 3 3964
DataClass The class 'SuperThematique' is suspected to be a Data Class (WOC=0.000%, NOPA=0, NOAM=4, WMC=4) 3 3964
ShortVariable Avoid variables with short names like id 3 41
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'id' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 41
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'libelleSuperThematique' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 42
ShortVariable Avoid variables with short names like id 3 49


Rule Violation Priority Ligne
DataClass The class 'Thematique' is suspected to be a Data Class (WOC=0.000%, NOPA=0, NOAM=8, WMC=8) 3 4187
CommentRequired Header comments are required 3 4187
ShortVariable Avoid variables with short names like id 3 43
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'id' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 43
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'intituleThematique' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 44
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'numeroLotThematique' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 45
FieldNamingConventions The field name 'superThematique' doesn't match '_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 46
ShortVariable Avoid variables with short names like id 3 53


Rule Violation Priority Ligne
MissingSerialVersionUID Classes implementing Serializable should set a serialVersionUID 3 3958
CommentRequired Header comments are required 3 3958
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 4143
CallSuperInConstructor It is a good practice to call super() in a constructor 3 4143
UncommentedEmptyConstructor Document empty constructor 3 4143
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 4548
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 5057


Rule Violation Priority Ligne
MissingSerialVersionUID Classes implementing Serializable should set a serialVersionUID 3 4059
CommentRequired Header comments are required 3 4059
UncommentedEmptyConstructor Document empty constructor 3 4244
CallSuperInConstructor It is a good practice to call super() in a constructor 3 4244
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 4244
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 4649
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 5158


Rule Violation Priority Ligne
CommentRequired Header comments are required 3 4059
MissingSerialVersionUID Classes implementing Serializable should set a serialVersionUID 3 4059
UncommentedEmptyConstructor Document empty constructor 3 4244
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 4244
CallSuperInConstructor It is a good practice to call super() in a constructor 3 4244
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 4649
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 5158


Rule Violation Priority Ligne
CommentRequired Header comments are required 3 48149
FieldNamingConventions The final field name '_gson' doesn't match '[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 50
FieldNamingConventions The final field name '_referentielBaseUrl' doesn't match '[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 51
FieldNamingConventions The final field name '_xGraviteeApiKey' doesn't match '[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 52
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 5465
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 6879
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 8287
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 8893
CommentRequired Protected method constructor comments are required 3 95121
TooFewBranchesForASwitchStatement A switch with less than three branches is inefficient, use a if statement instead. 3 108116
SwitchStmtsShouldHaveDefault Switch statements should have a default label 3 108116
AvoidReassigningParameters Avoid reassigning parameters such as 'mapHeadersRequest' 2 123
CommentRequired Protected method constructor comments are required 3 123133


Rule Violation Priority Ligne
ClassNamingConventions The utility class name 'Constants' doesn't match '[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]+(Utils?|Helper|Home|Service)' 1 3899
ClassWithOnlyPrivateConstructorsShouldBeFinal A class which only has private constructors should be final 1 3899
CommentRequired Header comments are required 3 3899
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 3 44
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 3 45
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 3 46
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 3 47
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 3 48
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 3 49
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 3 50
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 3 51
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 3 52
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 3 53
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 3 54
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 3 55
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 3 56
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 3 57
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 3 58
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 3 59
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 3 60
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 3 61
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 3 63
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 3 64
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 3 65
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 3 66
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 3 67
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 3 68
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 3 69
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 3 70
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 3 71
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 3 72
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 3 73
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 3 74
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 3 75
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 3 76
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 3 77
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 3 78
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 3 79
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 3 80
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 3 81
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 3 87
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 3 91
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 3 93
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 3 95
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 3 96
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 3 98


Rule Violation Priority Ligne
UnusedImports Avoid unused imports such as '' 4 37
CommentRequired Header comments are required 3 4250
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 45
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 47
ShortVariable Avoid variables with short names like id 3 47
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 49
ShortVariable Avoid variables with short names like id 3 49


Rule Violation Priority Ligne
UnusedImports Avoid unused imports such as 'java.util.Optional' 4 41
CommentRequired Header comments are required 3 4379
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 78


Rule Violation Priority Ligne
UnusedImports Avoid unused imports such as '' 4 37
CommentRequired Header comments are required 3 4248
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 45
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 47


Rule Violation Priority Ligne
UnusedImports Avoid unused imports such as '' 4 37
UnusedImports Avoid unused imports such as 'java.util.List' 4 40
CommentRequired Header comments are required 3 4245
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 44


Rule Violation Priority Ligne
CommentRequired Header comments are required 3 4461
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 46
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 48
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 50
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 52
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 54
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 56
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 58
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 60


Rule Violation Priority Ligne
CommentRequired Header comments are required 3 4181


Rule Violation Priority Ligne
CommentRequired Header comments are required 3 4147
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 44
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 46


Rule Violation Priority Ligne
CommentRequired Header comments are required 3 4167


Rule Violation Priority Ligne
CommentRequired Header comments are required 3 4148
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 43
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 45
ShortVariable Avoid variables with short names like id 3 45
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 47
ShortVariable Avoid variables with short names like id 3 47


Rule Violation Priority Ligne
CommentRequired Header comments are required 3 4561
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 48
ShortVariable Avoid variables with short names like id 3 50
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 50
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 52
ShortVariable Avoid variables with short names like id 3 54
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 54
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 56
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 58
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 60


Rule Violation Priority Ligne
UnusedImports Avoid unused imports such as 'com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonMappingException' 4 37
CommentRequired Header comments are required 3 49135
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 5255
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 5659
ShortVariable Avoid variables with short names like id 3 83
ShortVariable Avoid variables with short names like id 3 110


Rule Violation Priority Ligne
CommentRequired Header comments are required 3 51191
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 5457
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 5861
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 3 63
AvoidDuplicateLiterals The String literal "error during mapping response" appears 5 times in this file; the first occurrence is on line 88 3 88


Rule Violation Priority Ligne
CommentRequired Header comments are required 3 50109
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 5356
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 5760


Rule Violation Priority Ligne
CommentRequired Header comments are required 3 4684
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 4952
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 5356


Rule Violation Priority Ligne
CommentRequired Header comments are required 3 48272
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 5154
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 5558
AvoidDuplicateLiterals The String literal "error during mapping response" appears 5 times in this file; the first occurrence is on line 76 3 76
AvoidDuplicateLiterals The String literal "L'id renseigné est null" appears 4 times in this file; the first occurrence is on line 87 3 87
AvoidThrowingRawExceptionTypes Avoid throwing raw exception types. 1 87
AvoidThrowingRawExceptionTypes Avoid throwing raw exception types. 1 115
PrematureDeclaration Avoid declaring a variable if it is unreferenced before a possible exit point. 3 140
AvoidThrowingRawExceptionTypes Avoid throwing raw exception types. 1 143
PrematureDeclaration Avoid declaring a variable if it is unreferenced before a possible exit point. 3 166
AvoidThrowingRawExceptionTypes Avoid throwing raw exception types. 1 169
AvoidThrowingRawExceptionTypes Avoid throwing raw exception types. 1 173
PrematureDeclaration Avoid declaring a variable if it is unreferenced before a possible exit point. 3 196
AvoidThrowingNullPointerException Avoid throwing null pointer exceptions. 1 199
AvoidThrowingRawExceptionTypes Avoid throwing raw exception types. 1 203


Rule Violation Priority Ligne
CommentRequired Header comments are required 3 51205
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 5457
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 5861


Rule Violation Priority Ligne
CommentRequired Header comments are required 3 50109
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 5356
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 5760


Rule Violation Priority Ligne
CommentRequired Header comments are required 3 53139
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 5659
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 6063
FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 3 65


Rule Violation Priority Ligne
UnusedImports Avoid unused imports such as 'com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonMappingException' 4 37
CommentRequired Header comments are required 3 49135
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 5255
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 5659
ShortVariable Avoid variables with short names like id 3 83
ShortVariable Avoid variables with short names like id 3 110


Rule Violation Priority Ligne
CommentRequired Header comments are required 3 52227
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 5558
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 5962
AvoidDuplicateLiterals The String literal "error during mapping response" appears 7 times in this file; the first occurrence is on line 83 3 83
ShortVariable Avoid variables with short names like id 3 89
PrematureDeclaration Avoid declaring a variable if it is unreferenced before a possible exit point. 3 91
AvoidThrowingRawExceptionTypes Avoid throwing raw exception types. 1 94
ShortVariable Avoid variables with short names like id 3 140
PrematureDeclaration Avoid declaring a variable if it is unreferenced before a possible exit point. 3 142
AvoidThrowingRawExceptionTypes Avoid throwing raw exception types. 1 145


Rule Violation Priority Ligne
CommentRequired Header comments are required 3 55163
MissingOverride The method 'create(Gson, TypeToken)' is missing an @Override annotation. 3 5965
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 5965
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 7383
CallSuperInConstructor It is a good practice to call super() in a constructor 3 7383
MissingOverride The method 'read(JsonReader)' is missing an @Override annotation. 3 106112
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 106112
ShortVariable Avoid variables with short names like in 3 106
AvoidSynchronizedAtMethodLevel Use block level rather than method level synchronization 3 114152
AvoidCatchingGenericException Avoid catching generic exceptions such as NullPointerException, RuntimeException, Exception in try-catch block 3 118
PreserveStackTrace New exception is thrown in catch block, original stack trace may be lost 3 145
PreserveStackTrace New exception is thrown in catch block, original stack trace may be lost 3 145
PreserveStackTrace New exception is thrown in catch block, original stack trace may be lost 3 145
PreserveStackTrace New exception is thrown in catch block, original stack trace may be lost 3 145
PreserveStackTrace New exception is thrown in catch block, original stack trace may be lost 3 145
AvoidSynchronizedAtMethodLevel Use block level rather than method level synchronization 3 154162
CommentRequired Public method and constructor comments are required 3 154162
MissingOverride The method 'write(JsonWriter, Date)' is missing an @Override annotation. 3 154162