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Résultats CPD

Le document suivant contient les résultats de l'inspection CPD CPD 6.13.0.


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@Path( RestConstants.BASE_PATH + Constants.API_PATH + Constants.VERSION_PATH )
public class SwaggerRest
    private static final String BASE_INFOS_SCHEMES = "schemes";
    private static final String BASE_INFOS_HOST = "host";
    private static final String BASE_INFOS_BASE_PATH = "basePath";

     * Get Swagger.json
     * @param request
     * @param strVersion
     * @return the swagger.json
     * @throws
     * @throws
    @Path( Constants.SWAGGER_PATH )
    @Produces( MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON )
    public Response getSwagger( @Context HttpServletRequest request, @PathParam( Constants.VERSION ) String strVersion )
            throws MalformedURLException, IOException
        File fileJson = new File( getJsonFilePath( strVersion ) );
        if ( fileJson.exists( ) )
            Map<String, String> mapBaseInfos = getBaseInfos( AppPathService.getBaseUrl( request ), strVersion );

            ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper( );
            ObjectNode objectNode = mapper.readValue( fileJson, ObjectNode.class );

            if ( objectNode.path( BASE_INFOS_HOST ).isMissingNode( ) )
                objectNode.put( BASE_INFOS_HOST, mapBaseInfos.get( BASE_INFOS_HOST ) );
            if ( objectNode.path( BASE_INFOS_SCHEMES ).isMissingNode( ) )
                objectNode.putArray( BASE_INFOS_SCHEMES ).add( mapBaseInfos.get( BASE_INFOS_SCHEMES ) );
            if ( objectNode.path( BASE_INFOS_BASE_PATH ).isMissingNode( ) )
                objectNode.put( BASE_INFOS_BASE_PATH, mapBaseInfos.get( BASE_INFOS_BASE_PATH ) );
            String strSwaggerJson = mapper.writerWithDefaultPrettyPrinter( ).writeValueAsString( objectNode );
            return Response.status( Response.Status.OK ).entity( strSwaggerJson ).build( );
        AppLogService.error( Constants.ERROR_NOT_FOUND_RESOURCE );
        return Response.status( Response.Status.NOT_FOUND )
                .entity( JsonUtil.buildJsonResponse( new ErrorJsonResponse( ), Constants.ERROR_NOT_FOUND_RESOURCE ) ) )
                .build( );

     * Get the swagger.json file path
     * @param strVersion
     * @param strFileName
     * @return
    private String getJsonFilePath( String strVersion )
        return AppPathService.getWebAppPath( ) + Constants.SWAGGER_DIRECTORY_PATH + Constants.API_PATH + Constants.SWAGGER_PATH + Constants.SWAGGER_VERSION_PATH
                + strVersion + Constants.SWAGGER_JSON;

     * Get the base informations (host, scheme, baseUrl)
     * @param strBaseUrl
     * @param strVersion
     * @return
     * @throws MalformedURLException
    private Map<String, String> getBaseInfos( String strBaseUrl, String strVersion ) throws MalformedURLException
        Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>( );
        URL url = new URL( strBaseUrl );

        String strScheme = url.getProtocol( );
        String strHost = url.getHost( );
        String strBasePath = url.getPath( );
        int nPort = url.getPort( );

        if ( nPort != -1 )
            strHost += ":" + nPort;

        strBasePath = strBasePath + Constants.SWAGGER_REST_PATH + Constants.API_PATH + Constants.SWAGGER_VERSION_PATH + strVersion;

        map.put( BASE_INFOS_SCHEMES, strScheme );
        map.put( BASE_INFOS_HOST, strHost );
        map.put( BASE_INFOS_BASE_PATH, strBasePath );

        return map;
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@Path( RestConstants.BASE_PATH + Constants.PLUGIN_PATH + Constants.VERSION_PATH_V1 + Constants.IDENTITY_PATH )
public final class IdentityStoreRestService
    private static final String ERROR_NO_IDENTITY_FOUND = "No identity found";
    private static final String ERROR_NO_IDENTITY_TO_UPDATE = "no identity to update";
    private static final String ERROR_DURING_TREATMENT = "An error occurred during the treatment.";
    private final ObjectMapper _objectMapper;

     * private constructor
    public IdentityStoreRestService( )
        _objectMapper = new ObjectMapper( );
        _objectMapper.enable( SerializationFeature.INDENT_OUTPUT );
        _objectMapper.enable( SerializationFeature.WRAP_ROOT_VALUE );
        _objectMapper.enable( DeserializationFeature.UNWRAP_ROOT_VALUE );
        _objectMapper.disable( DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES );

     * Gives Identity from a connectionId or customerID either connectionId or customerId must be provided if connectionId AND customerId are provided, they
     * must be consistent otherwise an AppException is thrown
     * @param strConnectionId
     *            connection ID
     * @param strCustomerId
     *            customerID
     * @param strHeaderClientAppCode
     *            client code
     * @param strQueryClientAppCode
     *            client code, will be removed, use Header parameter instead
     * @return the identity
    @Produces( MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON )
    public Response getIdentity( @QueryParam( Constants.PARAM_ID_CONNECTION ) String strConnectionId,
            @QueryParam( Constants.PARAM_ID_CUSTOMER ) String strCustomerId, @HeaderParam( Constants.PARAM_CLIENT_CODE ) String strHeaderClientAppCode,
            @QueryParam( Constants.PARAM_CLIENT_CODE ) String strQueryClientAppCode ) throws IdentityStoreException
        String strClientAppCode = IdentityStoreService.getTrustedClientCode( strHeaderClientAppCode, strQueryClientAppCode );
            IdentityStoreGetRequest identityStoreRequest = new IdentityStoreGetRequest( strConnectionId, strCustomerId, strClientAppCode, _objectMapper );

            return Response.ok( identityStoreRequest.doRequest( ) ).build( );
        catch( Exception exception )
            return getErrorResponse( exception );

     * build error response from exception
     * @param e
     *            exception
     * @return ResponseDto from exception
    private Response getErrorResponse( Exception e )
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        if ( e instanceof IdentityNotFoundException )
            strMessage = ERROR_NO_IDENTITY_FOUND;
            status = Response.Status.NOT_FOUND;
            strMessage = ERROR_DURING_TREATMENT;
            status = Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST;

        return buildResponse( strMessage, status );

     * Builds a {@code Response} object from the specified message and status
     * @param strMessage
     *            the message
     * @param status
     *            the status
     * @return the {@code Response} object
    private Response buildResponse( String strMessage, Response.StatusType status )
            ResponseDto response = new ResponseDto( );
            response.setStatus( status.toString( ) );
            response.setMessage( strMessage );

            return Response.status( status ).type( MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON ).entity( _objectMapper.writeValueAsString( response ) ).build( );
        catch( JsonProcessingException jpe )
            return Response.status( status ).type( MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN ).entity( strMessage ).build( );

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public final class Constants
    public static final String API_PATH = "identitystore/api";
    public static final String VERSION_PATH = "/v{" + Constants.VERSION + "}";
    public static final String ID_PATH = "/{" + Constants.ID + "}";
    public static final String FILE_NAME_PATH = "/{" + Constants.FILE_NAME + ": .*\\.*}";
    public static final String FILE_NAME = "filename";
    public static final String VERSION = "version";
    public static final String ID = "id";
    public static final String SWAGGER_DIRECTORY_PATH = "/plugins/";
    public static final String SWAGGER_PATH = "/swagger";
    public static final String SWAGGER_VERSION_PATH = "/v";
    public static final String SWAGGER_REST_PATH = "rest/";
    public static final String SWAGGER_JSON = "/swagger.json";
    public static final String EMPTY_OBJECT = "{}";
    public static final String ERROR_NOT_FOUND_VERSION = "Version not found";
    public static final String ERROR_NOT_FOUND_RESOURCE = "Resource not found";
    public static final String ERROR_BAD_REQUEST_EMPTY_PARAMETER = "Empty parameter";
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        IdentityRequestValidator.instance( ).checkIdentity( _strConnectionId, _strCustomerId );
        IdentityRequestValidator.instance( ).checkClientApplication( _strClientAppCode );

     * get the identity
     * @throws IdentityStoreException
     *             if there is an exception during the treatment
    protected String doSpecificRequest( ) throws IdentityStoreException
        final IdentitySearchResponse response = new IdentitySearchResponse( );

        IdentityService.instance( ).search( _strCustomerId, _strConnectionId, response, _strClientAppCode, null );

        if ( response.getIdentities( ) != null && !response.getIdentities( ).isEmpty( ) )
                return _objectMapper.writeValueAsString( DtoConverter.convert( response.getIdentities( ).get( 0 ) ) );
            catch( JsonProcessingException e )
                throw new IdentityStoreException( ERROR_JSON_MAPPING, e );

        return null;
