
 1   <#include "minimal_header.html" />
 2   <section id="main" class="page-error error-500">
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 6       <div class="jumbotron center">
 7           <h1>#i18n{portal.util.error404.title}  <small>Error 404</small></h1>
 8           <br />
 9           <p>#i18n{portal.util.error404.text}</p>
 10           <p>
 11               <a href="" class="btn btn-lg btn-info">
 12                   <i class="fa fa-home"></i> #i18n{portal.util.labelBackHome}
 13               </a>
 14           </p>    
 15       </div>
 16   </div>
 17   </section>
 18   <!-- /content -->
 19   <footer style="position:fixed;bottom:0;left:0;right:0">
 20   <#include "minimal_footer.html" />
 21   </footer>
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 30   <script>var _tooltip = jQuery.fn.tooltip ;</script>
 31   <!-- End fix -->
 32   <script>