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 43   			<h2>#i18n{}</h2>
 44   			<table class="table table-striped">
 45   				<tr>
 46   					<th>#i18n{}</th>
 47   					<th>#i18n{}</th>
 48   					<th>#i18n{}</th>
 49   					<th>#i18n{}</th>
 50   					<th>#i18n{}</th>
 51   				</tr>
 52   				<#list entry_list as entry>
 53   					<tr>
 54   						<td><a href="jsp/site/RunStandaloneApp.jsp?page=${}">${}</a></td>
 55   						<#if entry.plugin??>
 56   							<#assign plugin=entry.plugin>
 57   						<#else>
 58   							<#assign plugin=core_plugin>
 59   						</#if>
 60   						<td>${}</td>
 61   						<td>${plugin.version}</td>
 62   						<td>#i18n{${plugin.description}}</td>
 63   						<td>#i18n{${plugin.provider}}</td>
 64   					</tr>
 65   				</#list>
 66   			</table>
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