
 1   <#-- WARNING : be careful to white-space and lines break in FreeMarker macros.
 2    # This macro template can be used to output white-space-sensitive formats (like RSS files).
 3    # See http://dev.lutece.${mainSite}/jira/browse/LUTECE-765
 4   -->
 5   <#-- THEME LINKS AND LABELS VARIABLES                                               -->
 6   <#assign logoHeader>images/header-logo-paris.svg</#assign>
 7   <#assign logoFooter>images/footer-logo-paris.svg</#assign>
 8   <#assign mainSite></#assign>
 9   <#assign urlMainSite>http://www.${mainSite?lower_case}</#assign>
 10   <#assign footerLinkContact>${dskey('themeparisfr.site_property.Url.contactURL')!'${urlMainSite}/contact'}</#assign>
 11   <#assign footerLinkLegal>${dskey('themeparisfr.site_property.Url.legalURL')!'${urlMainSite}/mentionslegales'}</#assign>
 12   <#assign footerLinkCgu>${dskey('themeparisfr.site_property.Url.cguURL')!'${urlMainSite}/mentionslegales'}</#assign>
 13   <#assign footerLinkDataProtection>${dskey('themeparisfr.site_property.Url.dataURL')!'${urlMainSite}/mentionslegales'}</#assign>
 14   <#assign footerLinkAccessibility>${dskey('themeparisfr.site_property.Url.accessibilityURL')!'${urlMainSite}/accessibilite'}</#assign>
 15   <#assign footerLinkCookies>${dskey('themeparisfr.site_property.Url.cookieURL')!'${urlMainSite}/cookies'}</#assign>
 16   <#assign footerSocialTitleFb>Facebook</#assign>       
 17   <#assign footerSocialLinkFb></#assign>       
 18   <#assign footerSocialTitleTw>Twitter</#assign>        
 19   <#assign footerSocialLinkTw></#assign>        
 20   <#assign footerSocialTitleIn>Instagram</#assign>        
 21   <#assign footerSocialLinkIn></#assign>        
 22   <#assign footerSocialTitleLi>LinkedIn</#assign>
 23   <#assign footerSocialLinkLi></#assign>
 24   <#assign urlMonCompte>${dskey('themeparisfr.site_property.Url.monparis')!''}</#assign>
 25   <#assign urlDefaultSearch>${dskey('')!}</#assign>
 26   <#assign urlDefaultBannerImage>${dskey('themeparisfr.site_property.banner')}</#assign>
 27   <#assign urlDefaultShowSiteBanner>${dskey('themeparisfr.site_property.banner.showSiteImg.checkbox')}</#assign>
 28   <#assign urlHasDefaultBannerImage>${dskey('themeparisfr.site_property.bannerForm.showBannerImg.checkbox')}</#assign>
 29   <#assign urlHasFormBannerImage>${dskey('themeparisfr.site_property.bannerForm.showFormImg.checkbox')}</#assign>
 30   <#assign urlHasBannerTitle>${dskey('themeparisfr.site_property.bannerForm.showFormTitle.checkbox')}</#assign>
 31   <#assign xssChars>${dskey('themeparisfr.site_property.xss.xssChars')}</#assign>
 32   <#assign xssMessage>${dskey('themeparisfr.site_property.xss.xssMsg')}</#assign>
 33   <#assign isMainSidebarMenu><#if dskey('')?is_number && dskey('')?number=1>true<#else>false</#if></#assign>
 34   <#assign isMainSidebarMenuCollapse><#if dskey('')?is_number && dskey('')?number=1>true<#else>false</#if></#assign>
 35   <#-- END THEME LINKS AND LABELS VARIABLES                                          -->
 36   <#-- MACROS                                                                        -->
 37   <#-- NAVIGATION                                                                    -->
 38   <#-- SkipNav -->
 39   <#-- Params
 40       - title   : Title shown over the banner
 41       - logoImg : Default: Empty string, show logo instead of text title, title is set as title html attribute for the logo image.
 42       - hasMenu : Default: true; 
 43       Nested content : Shows default page menu, but can other item can be add using @mainNavItem macro.
 44   -->
 45   <#macro skipNav>
 46   <nav role="navigation" aria-label="#i18n{themeparisfr.skipNavLabel}">
 47       <ul class="skip-links">
 48           <li><a href="#main">#i18n{themeparisfr.skipNavMain}</a></li>
 49           <li><a id="skip-nav" href="#main-site-menu">#i18n{themeparisfr.skipNavMenu}</a></li>
 50       </ul>
 51   </nav>
 52   <div id="top" class="sr-only sr-only-focusable">#i18n{themeparisfr.gohome}</div>
 53   </#macro>
 54   <#-- cMainNav mainMenu -->
 55   <#-- Params
 56       - title   : Title shown over the banner
 57       - logoImg : Default: Empty string, show logo instead of text title, title is set as title html attribute for the logo image.
 58       - hasMenu : Default: true; 
 59       - isSidebar=false 
 60       - isSibebarCollapsible=false 
 61       - showDefaultMenu=true 
 62       - hasSearchMenu=false 
 63       - typeSearch='field' 
 64       - searchUrl=urlDefaultSearch 
 65       - searchAction='jsp/site/Portal.jsp' 
 66       - searchSolr=false 
 67       - searchParams='' 
 68       - hasLogin=true 
 69       - loginClass='' 
 70       - id='' 
 71       - class='' 
 72       - role='banner' 
 73       - params=''
 74       Nested content : Shows default page menu, but can other item can be add using @mainNavItem macro.
 75   -->
 76   <#macro cMainNav title=favourite logoImg='' hasMenu=true isSidebar=isMainSidebarMenu?boolean isSibebarCollapsible=isMainSidebarMenuCollapse?boolean showDefaultMenu=true hasSearchMenu=false typeSearch='field' searchUrl=urlDefaultSearch searchAction='jsp/site/Portal.jsp' searchSolr=false searchParams='' hasLogin=true loginClass='' id='' class='' role='' params='' deprecated...>
 77   <#if isSidebar>
 78   <#assign isMainSidebarMenu=isSidebar  >
 79   <div id="layout-sidebar-wrapper">
 80   </#if>
 81   <div class="main-header<#if class !=''> ${class!}</#if>"<#if role !=''> role='${role!}'</#if><#if id !=''> id="${id!}"</#if><#if params!=''> ${params}</#if>>
 82       <nav class="navbar navbar-paris navbar-light" aria-label="#i18n{themeparisfr.mainMenu}">
 83           <a class="navbar-brand" href="." aria-label="#i18n{portal.util.labelHome} {title}">
 84               <img src="${logoHeader!}" class="logo" alt="#i18n{themeparisfr.logoAltDesc}">
 85               <span class="sr-only">Paris</span>
 86               <hr>
 87               <span class="main-service-title main-color">
 88                   ${title}
 89                   <#if logoImg !=''><img src="${logoImg}" class="d-inline-block" alt="" aria-hidden="true"></#if>
 90               </span>
 91           </a>
 92           <span class="d-flex align-items-center">
 93               <#if hasSearchMenu && typeSearch='button'>
 94               <a class="d-block d-md-none" href="${searchUrl!}" >
 95                   <svg class="paris-icon paris-icon-search" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false">
 96                       <title id="paris-icon-title-search">search</title>
 97                       <use xlink:href="#paris-icon-search"></use>
 98                   </svg>
 99                   <span class="sr-only">#i18n{portal.util.labelSearch}</span>
 100               </a>
 101               </#if>
 102               <button class="navbar-toggler" data-toggle="offcanvas" data-target="#navbarMainMenu" aria-expanded="false" aria-label="#i18n{themeparisfr.showmenu}">
 103                   <span id="navbar-icon" >
 104                       <span></span>
 105                       <span></span>
 106                       <span></span>
 107                   </span>
 108               </button>
 109           </span>
 110           <div class="navbar-collapse offcanvas-collapse <#if hasMenu>has-menu</#if> align-items-center" id="navbarMainMenu">
 111           <#if hasMenu>
 112               <#assign menu=page_main_menu!>
 113               <div class="navbar-main" aria-label="#i18n{themeparisfr.mainMenu}">
 114                   <ul id="main-site-menu" class="navbar-nav navbar-main">
 115                       <#if showDefaultMenu>
 116                           ${page_main_menu_html!menu}
 117                       </#if>
 118                       <#nested>
 119                       <#if hasSearchMenu && typeSearch='icon'>
 120                           <@cMainNavItem title='' url=searchUrl >
 121                               <svg class="paris-icon paris-icon-search main-color" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false">
 122                                   <title id="paris-icon-title-search">search</title>
 123                                   <use xlink:href="#paris-icon-search"></use>
 124                               </svg>
 125                               <span class="sr-only">#i18n{portal.util.labelSearch}</span>
 126                           </@cMainNavItem>
 127                       </#if>
 128                   </ul>
 129                   <button class="btn btn-link hidden" tabindex="0" aria-label="Voir la suite du menu">
 130                       <i class="fa fa-angle-double-down" aria-hidden="true"></i>
 131                   </button>
 132                   <ul id="navbar-hidden-links" class="navbar-nav hidden"></ul>
 133               </div>
 134           </#if>
 135           <#if hasSearchMenu && typeSearch='field'>
 136               <div class="navbar-menu-search ml-auto" aria-label="#i18n{portal.util.labelSearch}" role="navigation">
 137                   <form class="form-inline" role="search" action="<#if searchAction=''>${urlSearch!}<#else>${searchAction!}</#if>" method="get">
 138                       <input type="hidden" name="page" value="search<#if searchSolr>-solr</#if>">
 139                       <#if searchParams !=''>${searchParams!}</#if>
 140                       <label for="header-query" class="sr-only">#i18n{portal.util.labelSearch}</label>
 141                       <div class="input-group">
 142                           <input type="text" name="query" id="header-query" class="form-control mr-sm-2" placeholder="#i18n{}" >
 143                           <button id="button-main-search" class="btn btn-primary p-0 border-1" type="submit" aria-label="#i18n{}" >
 144                               <@parisIcon name='search' title='#i18n{}' />
 145                           </button>
 146                       </div>
 147                   </form>  
 148               </div>
 149           </#if>
 150           <#if hasLogin>
 151               <div class="navbar-mon-paris<#if loginClass !='' > ${loginClass!}</#if>" aria-label="#i18n{themeparisfr.labelMonParis}" role="navigation">
 152               ${pageinclude_userlogin?default("")}
 153               </div>
 154           </#if>
 155           </div>
 156       </nav>
 157   </div>
 158   <div class="main-service-title"><span>${title}</span></div>
 159   <#if isSidebar>
 160       <#assign menu=page_main_menu!>
 161       <#if isSibebarCollapsible>
 162       <button id="main-sidebar-collapse" type="button" class="btn btn-light bg-white">
 163           <i class="fa fa-bars mr-2"></i>
 164           <small class="text-uppercase font-weight-bold sr-only">#i18n{portal.util.labelShow} / #i18n{portal.util.labelHide}</small>
 165       </button> 
 166       </#if>  
 167       <div class="navbar-main sidebar-nav" id="main-menu-sidebar" aria-label="#i18n{themeparisfr.mainMenu}" role="navigation">
 168           <ul class="navbar-nav navbar-main flex-column">
 169               <#if showDefaultMenu>
 170                   ${page_main_menu_html!menu}
 171               </#if>
 172               <#if hasSearchMenu && typeSearch='icon'>
 173                   <@cMainNavItem title='' url=searchUrl >
 174                       <svg class="paris-icon paris-icon-search main-color" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false">
 175                           <title id="paris-icon-title-search">search</title>
 176                           <use xlink:href="#paris-icon-search"></use>
 177                       </svg>
 178                       <span class="sr-only">#i18n{portal.util.labelSearch}</span>
 179                   </@cMainNavItem>
 180               </#if>
 181           </ul>    
 182           <#nested>
 183           <#if hasSearchMenu && typeSearch='field'>
 184               <div class="navbar-menu-search ml-auto" aria-label="#i18n{portal.util.labelSearch}" role="navigation">
 185                   <form class="form-inline pl-3" role="search" action="<#if searchAction=''>${urlSearch!}<#else>${searchAction!}</#if>" method="get">
 186                       <input type="hidden" name="page" value="search<#if searchSolr>-solr</#if>">
 187                       <#if searchParams !=''>${searchParams!}</#if>
 188                       <div class="input-group">
 189                           <input type="text" name="query" id="query" class="form-control mr-sm-2" placeholder="#i18n{}" aria-label="#i18n{}" aria-describedby="button-main-search">
 190                           <button id="button-main-search" class="btn btn-primary p-0 border-1" type="submit">
 191                               <@parisIcon name='search' title='#i18n{}' />
 192                           </button>
 193                       </div>
 194                   </form>  
 195               </div>
 196           </#if>
 197       </div>
 198       <div id="layout-sidebar">
 199   </#if>
 200   </#macro>
 201   <#-- cMainNavUser -->
 202   <#-- Params
 203       - title   : Title shown over the banner
 204       - logoImg : Default: Empty string, show logo instead of text title, title is set as title html attribute for the logo image.
 205       - hasMenu : Default: true; 
 206       Nested content : Shows default page menu, but can other item can be add using @mainNavItem macro.
 207   -->
 208   <#macro cMainNavUser connected userName urlConnect title='#i18n{themeparisfr.labelConnect}' id='' class='' params=''>
 209   <ul class="navbar-nav mon-paris">
 210       <li class="nav-item">
 211           <#if !connected>
 212               <a class="nav-link btn-connect" href="${urlConnect!'jsp/site/Portal.jsp?page=mylutece&amp;action=login'}" aria-label="#i18n{themeparisfr.titleConnect}" title="${title}">
 213                   <@parisIcon name='user' title=title class='user-logo' /> 
 214                   <span>#i18n{themeparisfr.labelMonParis}</span>
 215               </a>
 216           <#else>
 217               <div class="dropdown<#if class !='' > ${class!}</#if>"<#if id !='' > id="${id!}"</#if><#if params!=''> ${params}</#if> >
 218                   <a class="nav-link" href="#" role="button" id="dropdownMenuUser" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false" >
 219                       <@parisIcon name='user' title=title class='user-logo' /> 
 220                       <span>${userName}</span>  
 221                   </a>
 222                   <div class="dropdown-menu" aria-labelledby="dropdownMenuUser">
 223                       <div class="dropdown-content">
 224                           <ul class="navbar-nav menu-app my-apps">
 225                               <#nested>
 226                               <li>
 227                                   <a class="dropdown-item monparis" href="${urlMonCompte}" title="#i18n{themeparisfr.goToMonParis}">
 228                                       <@parisIcon name='user' title=title class='user-logo' /> 
 229                                       <span>#i18n{themeparisfr.labelMonParis}</span>  
 230                                   </a>
 231                               </li>
 232                               <li>
 233                                   <a class="dropdown-item" href="${urlConnect!}" title="#i18n{themeparisfr.titleDisconnect}">
 234                                       <i class="fa fa-power-off pl-2 pr-3" aria-hidden="true"></i> 
 235                                       <span>#i18n{themeparisfr.labelDisconnect}</span>  
 236                                   </a>
 237                               </li>
 238                           </ul>
 239                       </div>
 240                   </div>
 241               </div>
 242           </#if>
 243       </li>
 244   </ul>
 245   </#macro>
 246   <#-- cDropNav -->
 247   <#-- Params
 248       - title   : Title shown over the banner
 249       - logoImg : Default: Empty string, show logo instead of text title, title is set as title html attribute for the logo image.
 250       - hasMenu : Default: true; 
 251       Nested content : Shows default page menu, but can other item can be add using @mainNavItem macro.
 252   -->
 253   <#macro cDropNav title icon='' caret='' expanded=false id='' class='' params=''>
 254   <#local cId=rand('drop')>
 255   <#if id !=''><#local cId=id /></#if>
 256   <div class="dropdown" <#if class !='' > ${class!}</#if>"<#if params!=''> ${params}</#if>>
 257       <a class="nav-link" href="#" role="button" id="dropdownMenu${cId!}" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="${expanded?c}">
 258           ${icon!} ${title!} ${caret!}
 259       </a>
 260       <div class="dropdown-menu" aria-labelledby="dropdownMenu${cId!}">
 261           <div class="dropdown-content">
 262               <#nested>
 263           </div>
 264       </div>
 265   </div>
 266   </#macro>
 267   <#-- mainNavItem -->
 268   <#-- 
 269       Params
 270       - title   : Default:'Menu', Title 
 271       - url     : Default: Empty string, Url link
 272       - target  : Default: Empty string, values  are _top, _blank, _parent
 273   -->
 274   <#macro cMainNavItem title url target='' id='' class=''  params=''>
 275   <li class="nav-item<#if class !='' > ${class!}</#if>"<#if id !='' > id="${id!}"</#if><#if params!=''> ${params}</#if>>
 276       <a class="nav-link" href="${url}" title="${title!}<#if target='_blank'> #i18n{themeparisfr.newWindowLink}</#if>" <#if target!=''>target="${target}"</#if>>
 277           ${title!}
 278           <#nested>
 279       </a>
 280   </li> 
 281   </#macro>
 282   <#-- cMainBanner -->
 283   <#-- 
 284       Params
 285       - title : Default: Site Favorite value, String title shown over the banner
 286       - titleBorder : Default: true, add a border on banner text for accessibility purpose.
 287       - onlyHome : Default: true, banner will be displayed only on home.
 288       - imageSrc : Default: Site property themeparisfr.site_property.Url.bannerURL or ${urlDefaultBannerImage} see above, background image for banner idealy 1440*300 px
 289   -->
 290   <#macro cMainBanner title=favourite onlyHome=true darken=true imageSrc=urlDefaultBannerImage class='' id='main-banner' params=''  >
 291   <#-- Comment tester une XPage ???? -->
 292   <#local bannerClass=class />
 293   <#if imageSrc !='' && urlDefaultShowSiteBanner?number=1><#local bannerClass+=' bg-banner' /></#if>
 294   <#if page_id??>
 295       <#if onlyHome && page_id gt 1>
 296           <#return>
 297       <#else>
 298           <#if page_id gt 1 >
 299               <#local bannerClass+=' internal' />    
 300           </#if>
 301       </#if>
 302   </#if>
 303   <div class="banner<#if darken> darken</#if><#if bannerClass !='' > ${bannerClass!}</#if>"<#if id !='' > id="${id!}"</#if><#if params!=''> ${params}</#if> <#if urlDefaultShowSiteBanner?number=1 && imageSrc !='' > style="background-image:url(${imageSrc!});"</#if>>
 304       <#if urlHasBannerTitle?number=1 && title?trim !=''><h1>${title}</h1></#if>
 305       <#nested>
 306   </div>
 307   </#macro>
 308   <#-- cBreadCrumb -->
 309   <#-- 
 310       Params
 311       - home : Default: 'Home', String name of the home page
 312       - items : Default: '', list of items
 313   -->
 314   <#macro cBreadCrumb home='#i18n{themeparisfr.home}' items='' class='' params=''>
 315   <nav aria-label="#i18n{themeparisfr.breadcrumb}" class="breadcrumb-nav<#if class!=''> ${class!}</#if>"<#if params!=''> ${params!}</#if>>
 316   	<div class="container">
 317   		<ol class="breadcrumb">
 318               <#if home!=''>
 319                   <li class="breadcrumb-item">
 320                       <a target="_top" href=".">${home!}</a>
 321                   </li>
 322               </#if>
 323               <#if items?has_content>
 324                   <#assign iMax=items?size>
 325                   <#assign idx=1>
 326                   <#list items as i>
 327                       <li class="breadcrumb-item <#if iMax==idx>active</#if>"<#if iMax==idx> aria-current="page"</#if>>
 328                           <#if idx lt iMax>
 329                           <a href="${i.url!}" title="${i.title!}" target="_top">
 330                           </#if>
 331                           ${i.title!}
 332                           <#if idx lt iMax>
 333                           </a>
 334                           </#if>
 335                       </li>
 336                       <#assign idx+=1>
 337                   </#list>
 338               </#if>
 339              <#nested> 
 340           </ol>
 341   	</div>
 342   </nav>
 343   </#macro> 
 344   <#-- _footerMenu -->
 345   <#-- 
 346   Private : Only for cMainFooter's macros
 347   -->
 348   <#macro _footerMenu>
 349   <@cMainNavItem title='${mainSite}' url=urlMainSite target="_blank" />
 350   <@cMainNavItem title='#i18n{}' url="jsp/site/Portal.jsp?page=map" />
 351   <@cMainNavItem title='#i18n{themeparisfr.labelContact}' url=footerLinkContact target="_blank" />
 352   <@cMainNavItem title='#i18n{themeparisfr.labelLegalInfo}' url=footerLinkLegal target="_blank" />
 353   <@cMainNavItem title='#i18n{themeparisfr.labelCgu}' url=footerLinkCgu target="_blank" />
 354   <@cMainNavItem title='#i18n{themeparisfr.labelDataProtection}' url=footerLinkDataProtection target="_blank" />
 355   <@cMainNavItem title='#i18n{themeparisfr.labelAccessibility}' url=footerLinkAccessibility target="_blank" />
 356   <@cMainNavItem title='#i18n{themeparisfr.labelCookies}' url=footerLinkCookies target="_blank" />
 357   </#macro>
 358   <#-- mainFooter -->
 359   <#-- Params
 360       - title : Default: 'Service', String title shown after the logo
 361       -nested_pos : Default:'after', Position of nested content, 2 values before or after
 362       Only nested content
 363   -->
 364   <#macro cMainFooter title='${mainSite}' nested_pos='after'>
 365   <#if isMainSidebarMenu?? || isMainSidebarMenu></div></div></#if>
 366   <footer role="contentinfo">
 367       <div class="container">
 368           <div class="row flex-column m-0">
 369               <div class="main-footer col pb-3">
 370                   <a class="logo" href="${urlMainSite}" target="_blank">
 371                       <img src="${logoFooter}" class="d-inline-block" alt="" aria-hidden="true"> 
 372                       <span class="sr-only">${mainSite} #i18n{themeparisfr.newWindowLink}</span>
 373                   </a>
 374                   <hr>
 375                   <a title="${title!}" href=".">${title!}</a>
 376               </div>
 377               <div class="col justify-content-center mt-3">
 378                   <nav class="navbar" aria-label="#i18n{themeparisfr.footerInfo}">
 379                       <ul class="nav">
 380                           <#if nested_pos='before'>
 381                               <#nested>
 382                           </#if>
 383                           <@_footerMenu />
 384                           <#if nested_pos='after'>
 385                               <#nested>
 386                           </#if>    
 387                       </ul>    
 388                   </nav>
 389               </div>
 390           </div>
 391       </div>
 392   </footer>
 393   <@parisIconPack />
 394   </#macro> 
 395   <#-- cMainFooterSocial -->
 396   <#-- Params
 397       -pos : Default:'bottom', Position of nested content, 2 values top or bottom
 398       Only nested content
 399   -->
 400   <#macro cMainFooterSocial title nested_pos='after' socialNested='' align='around' classColMain='col-md-7' classColSocial='col-md-5'>
 401   <#if isMainSidebarMenu?? || isMainSidebarMenu></div></div></#if>
 402   <footer class="social" role="contentinfo">
 403       <div class="row m-0">
 404           <div class="col-12 <#if classColMain !=''> ${classColMain}</#if>">
 405               <div class="main-footer justify-content-${align} py-4">
 406                   <div class="d-flex align-items-center">
 407                       <a class="logo" title="${mainSite} #i18n{themeparisfr.newWindowLink}" href="${urlMainSite}" target="_blank"><img src="${logoFooter}" class="d-inline-block" alt="" title="${mainSite}"></a>
 408                       <hr>
 409                       <a class="site" title="${title}" href=".">${title}</a>
 410                   </div>
 411               </div>  
 412               <div class="main-footer justify-content-${align}">
 413                   <nav class="navbar d-flex align-items-center" aria-label="#i18n{themeparisfr.footerInfo}">
 414                       <ul class="nav">
 415                           <#if nested_pos='before'><#nested></#if>
 416                           <@_footerMenu />
 417                           <#if nested_pos='after'>
 418                               <#nested>
 419                           </#if>    
 420                       </ul>    
 421                   </nav>
 422               </div>
 423           </div>
 424           <div class="col-12 main-bg-color<#if classColSocial !=''> ${classColSocial}</#if>">
 425               <div class="social-links">
 426                   <#if socialNested !=''><div class="d-flex justify-content-center align-items-center">${socialNested}</div></#if>
 427                   <h2 class="paris-footer-social-title text-center text-gray">#i18n{themeparisfr.labelFollow}</h2>
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 584               <g transform="translate(0.25 0.25)">
 585                   <path d="M18.391,49.594a.494.494,0,0,0-.5.492v4.369a1.484,1.484,0,0,1-1.489,1.476H2.481A1.484,1.484,0,0,1,.993,54.455V41.632a1.484,1.484,0,0,1,1.489-1.476H6.888a.492.492,0,1,0,0-.984H2.481A2.474,2.474,0,0,0,0,41.632V54.455a2.474,2.474,0,0,0,2.481,2.46H16.406a2.474,2.474,0,0,0,2.481-2.46V50.086A.494.494,0,0,0,18.391,49.594Zm0,0" transform="translate(0 -36.916)"/>
 586                   <path d="M123.756,1.025a2.609,2.609,0,0,0-3.69,0L109.72,11.37a.58.58,0,0,0-.149.255l-1.36,4.911a.58.58,0,0,0,.714.714l4.911-1.361a.58.58,0,0,0,.255-.149L124.436,5.4a2.612,2.612,0,0,0,0-3.69ZM110.984,11.747,119.45,3.28l2.731,2.731-8.467,8.467Zm-.545,1.095,2.182,2.182-3.018.836Zm13.178-8.266L123,5.191,120.27,2.46l.615-.615a1.45,1.45,0,0,1,2.05,0l.681.68A1.452,1.452,0,0,1,123.616,4.576Zm0,0" transform="translate(-105.098 -0.261)"/>
 587               </g>
 588           </symbol>
 589           <symbol id="paris-icon-upload" viewBox="0 0 48 48" width="48" height="48">
 590               <path d="M13.66 33.08L30.66 33.08L30.66 37.08L13.66 37.08L13.66 37.08L13.66 33.08ZM23.81 15.83L23.81 31.65L20.52 31.65L20.52 15.82L15.48 20.86L13.16 18.53L22.15 9.53L31.15 18.53L28.83 20.86L28.83 20.86L23.81 15.83Z"></path>
 591           </symbol>
 592           <!-- Alert icons -->
 593           <symbol id="paris-icon-alert-warning" viewBox="0 0 32 32">
 594               <path d="M2.222,6.667A2.223,2.223,0,0,0,0,8.889v8.889a2.222,2.222,0,0,0,4.444,0V8.889A2.223,2.223,0,0,0,2.222,6.667M2.222,0A2.222,2.222,0,1,1,0,2.222,2.222,2.222,0,0,1,2.222,0" transform="translate(4 13) rotate(180)"/>
 595           </symbol>   
 596           <symbol id="paris-icon-alert-danger" viewBox="0 0 32 32">
 597               <path d="M14.912,12.552,20.8,6.661l1.859,1.86-5.89,5.891L22.663,20.3,20.8,22.162l-5.891-5.889L9.021,22.164,7.162,20.3l5.89-5.891L7.16,8.521,9.02,6.662Z" transform="translate(-6 -14)"/>
 598           </symbol>
 599           <symbol id="paris-icon-alert-info" viewBox="0 0 32 32">
 600               <path d="M2.18,6.54A2.181,2.181,0,0,0,0,8.72v8.72a2.18,2.18,0,0,0,4.36,0V8.72A2.181,2.181,0,0,0,2.18,6.54M2.18,0A2.18,2.18,0,1,1,0,2.18,2.18,2.18,0,0,1,2.18,0"  />
 601           </symbol>
 602           <symbol id="paris-icon-alert-check" viewBox="0 0 32 32">
 603               <path d="M20.782,1.758,8.821,14.15,4.2,9.224.5,12.946l8.268,8.811L24.428,5.536Z" transform="translate(0 -10)"/>
 604           </symbol>
 605           <symbol id="paris-icon-alert-close" viewBox="0 0 32 32">
 606               <path d="M13.32,11.342,18,6.661l1.477,1.478L14.8,12.82,19.479,17.5,18,18.978,13.32,14.3,8.639,18.98,7.161,17.5l4.68-4.681L7.16,8.139,8.638,6.662Z" />
 607           </symbol>
 608           <symbol id="paris-icon-mail" viewBox="0 0 32 32">
 609               <path d="M8,12.0175112 L8,21 L24,21 L24,12.079919 L15.9965153,17.3969692 L8,12.0175112 Z M22.0112562,11 L10.0705809,11 L16.0034847,14.9912143 L22.0112562,11 L22.0112562,11 Z M6,9 L26,9 L26,23 L6,23 L6,9 Z"></path>
 610           </symbol>
 611       </defs>
 612   </svg>
 613   </#macro>
 614   <#-- macro parisIcons     
 615   name                       
 616   title                      
 617   id                         
 618   class                      
 619   params                     
 620   -->
 621   <#macro parisIcon name title id='' class='' params=''>
 622   <#assign svgId=random /> 
 623   <svg class="paris-icon paris-icon-${name!}<#if class!=''> ${class!}</#if>"<#if id!=''> id="${id!}"</#if> aria-labelledby="svg-label-${name}" role="img" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" <#if params!=''> ${params!}</#if>>
 624       <title id="svg-label-${name}">${title!}</title>
 625       <use xlink:href="#paris-icon-${name!}"></use>
 626   </svg>
 627   </#macro>
 628   <#-- END PARIS ICON PACK                                                                    -->
 629   <#-- HTML TAGS                  -->
 630   <#-- Name :   cImg              -->
 631   <#-- Attributes List  :         -->
 632   <#-- src                        -->
 633   <#-- title                      -->
 634   <#-- alt                        -->
 635   <#-- id                         -->
 636   <#-- class                      -->
 637   <#-- params                     -->
 638   <#macro cImg src title alt='' id='' class='img-fluid' params=''>
 639   <img src="${src!}" <#if title !=''>title="${title!}" </#if><#if alt !='' || title!=''><#if alt !=''>alt="${alt!}<#else>${title!}</#if>"</#if> class="<#if class!=''>${class!}</#if>"<#if id!=''> id="${id!}"</#if><#if params!=''> ${params!}</#if> >
 640   </#macro>
 641   <#-- Name :   cTitle            -->
 642   <#-- Attributes List  :         -->
 643   <#-- level                      -->
 644   <#-- id                         -->
 645   <#-- class                      -->
 646   <#-- params                     -->
 647   <#macro cTitle level=1 id='' class='' params=''>
 648   <h${level}<#if class!=''> class="${class!}"</#if><#if id!=''> id="${id!}"</#if><#if params!=''> ${params!}</#if>>
 649   <#nested/>
 650   </h${level}>
 651   </#macro>
 652   <#-- Name :   cInline           -->
 653   <#-- Attributes List  :         -->
 654   <#-- type: section, div         -->
 655   <#-- class (default) : ''       -->
 656   <#-- id                         -->
 657   <#-- params                     -->
 658   <#macro cInline type='span' class='' id='' params=''>
 659   <${type}<#if class!=''> class="${class}"</#if><#if id!=''> id="${id}"</#if><#if params!=''> ${params}</#if>>
 660   <#nested>
 661   </${type}>
 662   </#macro>
 663   <#-- Name :   cBlock            -->
 664   <#-- Attributes List  :         -->
 665   <#-- type: section, div         -->
 666   <#-- class (default) : ''       -->
 667   <#-- id                         -->
 668   <#-- params                     -->
 669   <#macro cBlock type='div' class='' id='' params=''>
 670   <${type}<#if class!=''> class="${class}"</#if><#if id!=''> id="${id}"</#if><#if params!=''> ${params}</#if>>
 671   <#nested>
 672   </${type}>
 673   </#macro>
 674   <#-- Name :   cText    Inline text elements     -->
 675   <#-- Attributes List  :                         -->
 676   <#-- type: p, div, span, blockquote, strong, small   -->
 677   <#-- id                                         -->
 678   <#-- class                                      -->
 679   <#-- params                                     -->
 680   <#macro cText type='p' id='' class='' params=''>
 681   <${type}<#if class!=''> class="${class!}"</#if><#if id!=''> id="${id!}"</#if><#if params!=''> ${params!}</#if>>
 682   <#nested/>
 683   </${type}>
 684   </#macro>
 685   <#-- Name :   cSection          -->
 686   <#-- Attributes List  :         -->
 687   <#-- type: section, div         -->
 688   <#-- class (default) : ''       -->
 689   <#-- id                         -->
 690   <#-- params                     -->
 691   <#macro cSection type='section' class='' id='' params=''>
 692   <${type}<#if class!=''> class="${class}"</#if><#if id!=''> id="${id}"</#if><#if params!=''> ${params}</#if>>
 693   <#nested>
 694   </${type}>
 695   </#macro>
 696   <#-- Name : cFigure             -->
 697   <#-- Attributes List  :         -->
 698   <#-- desc                       -->
 699   <#-- id                         -->
 700   <#-- class                      -->
 701   <#-- params                     -->
 702   <#macro cFigure caption='' id='' class='figure' params=''>
 703   <figure <#if class!=''>class="${class!}"</#if><#if id!=''> id="${id!}"</#if><#if params!=''> ${params!}</#if>>
 704   <#nested/>
 705   <#if caption!=''><figcaption class="figure-caption">${caption}</figcaption></#if>
 706   </figure>
 707   </#macro>
 708   <#-- Name : FigCaption          -->
 709   <#-- Attributes List  :         -->
 710   <#-- desc                       -->
 711   <#-- id                         -->
 712   <#-- class                      -->
 713   <#-- params                     -->
 714   <#macro cFigCaption id='' class='' params=''>
 715   <figcaption <#if class!=''>class="${class!}"</#if><#if id!=''> id="${id!}"</#if><#if params!=''> ${params!}</#if>>
 716   <#nested/>
 717   </figcaption>
 718   </#macro>
 719   <#-- Name : cPicture            -->
 720   <#-- Attributes List  :         -->
 721   <#-- id                         -->
 722   <#-- class                      -->
 723   <#-- params                     -->
 724   <#macro cPicture id='' class='' params=''>
 725   <picture<#if class!=''> class="${class!}"</#if><#if id!=''> id="${id!}"</#if><#if params!=''> ${params!}</#if>>
 726   <#nested/>
 727   </picture>
 728   </#macro>
 729   <#-- Name :   cPicSource       -->
 730   <#-- Attributes List  :        -->
 731   <#-- srcset                    -->
 732   <#-- media                     -->
 733   <#-- type                      -->
 734   <#macro cPictureSrc srcset media='' type='' class='' id='' params=''>
 735   <source srcset="${srcset}" <#if media!=''>media="${media!}"</#if><#if type!=''> type="${type!}"</#if><#if class!=''> class="${class!}"</#if><#if id!=''> id="${id!}"</#if><#if params!=''> ${params!}</#if>>
 736   </#macro>
 737   <#-- Name : chList              -->
 738   <#-- Attributes List  :         -->
 739   <#-- type                       -->
 740   <#-- id                         -->
 741   <#-- class                      -->
 742   <#-- role : default "listbox"   -->
 743   <#-- params                     -->
 744   <#macro chList type='u' id='' class='' role='listbox' params=''>
 745   <${type}l class="<#if class != ''>${class}</#if>"<#if id!=''> id="${id}"</#if><#if role!=''> role="${role}"</#if><#if params!=''> ${params}</#if> >
 746       <#nested>
 747   </${type}l>
 748   </#macro>
 749   <#-- Name : chItem              -->
 750   <#-- Attributes List  :         -->
 751   <#-- id                         -->
 752   <#-- class                      -->
 753   <#-- role : default "option"    -->
 754   <#-- params                     -->
 755   <#macro chItem id='' class='' role='option' params=''>
 756   <li <#if class != ''>class="${class}"</#if><#if id!=''> id="${id}"</#if><#if role!=''> role="${role}"</#if><#if params!=''> ${params}</#if>>
 757   <#nested>
 758   </li>
 759   </#macro>
 760   <#-- Name : cBadge              -->
 761   <#-- Attributes List  :         -->
 762   <#-- type  : pill, default ""   -->
 763   <#-- id                         -->
 764   <#-- class                      -->
 765   <#-- params                     -->
 766   <#macro cBadge class='' id='' params=''>
 767   <span class="badge<#if class != ''> ${class}</#if>"<#if id!=''> id="${id}"</#if><#if params!=''> ${params}</#if> >
 768   <#nested>
 769   </span>
 770   </#macro>
 771   <#-- Name : chItem              -->
 772   <#-- Attributes List  :         -->
 773   <#-- id                         -->
 774   <#-- class                      -->
 775   <#-- params                     -->
 776   <#macro chItem id='' class='' params=''>
 777   <li <#if class != ''>class="${class}"</#if><#if id!=''> id="${id}"</#if><#if params!=''> ${params}</#if>>
 778   <#nested>
 779   </li>
 780   </#macro>
 781   <#-- Name : cTable              -->
 782   <#-- Attributes List  :         -->
 783   <#-- caption                    -->
 784   <#-- breakpoint                 -->
 785   <#-- themed                     -->
 786   <#-- collapsible                -->
 787   <#-- id                         -->
 788   <#-- class                      -->
 789   <#-- params                     -->
 790   <#macro cTable caption='' summary='' breakpoint='' themed=true collapsible=true class='' id='' params=''>
 791   <div class="table-responsive<#if breakpoint!=''>${breakpoint}</#if>">
 792   <table class="table<#if themed> ctable<#if collapsible> xs-collapsed</#if></#if><#if class !=''> ${class}</#if>"<#if summary !=''> summary="${summary!}"</#if><#if id !=''> id="${id!}"</#if><#if params!=''> ${params}</#if> >
 793       <#if caption !=''> <caption class="sr-only">${caption!}</caption></#if>
 794       <#nested>
 795   </table>
 796   </div>
 797   </#macro>
 798   <#-- Name : cThead              -->
 799   <#-- Attributes List  :         -->
 800   <#-- class                      -->
 801   <#-- id                         -->
 802   <#-- params                     -->
 803   <#macro cThead class='' id='' params=''>
 804   <thead <#if class!=''>thead-${class!}</#if><#if id !=''> id="${id!}"</#if><#if params!=''> ${params!}</#if> >
 805   <#nested>
 806   </thead>
 807   </#macro>
 808   <#-- Name : cTfoot              -->
 809   <#-- Attributes List  :         -->
 810   <#-- class                      -->
 811   <#-- id                         -->
 812   <#-- params                     -->
 813   <#macro cTfoot class='' id='' params=''>
 814   <tfoot <#if class!=''>thead-${class!}</#if><#if id !=''> id="${id!}"</#if><#if params!=''> ${params!}</#if> >
 815   <#nested>
 816   </tfoot>
 817   </#macro>
 818   <#-- Name : cTbody              -->
 819   <#-- Attributes List  :         -->
 820   <#-- class                      -->
 821   <#-- id                         -->
 822   <#-- params                     -->
 823   <#macro cTbody class='' id='' params=''>
 824   <tbody <#if class!=''>${class!}</#if><#if id !=''> id="${id!}"</#if><#if params!=''> ${params!}</#if> >
 825   <#nested>
 826   </tbody>
 827   </#macro>
 828   <#-- Name : cTr                 -->
 829   <#-- Attributes List  :         -->
 830   <#-- class                      -->
 831   <#-- id                         -->
 832   <#-- params                     -->
 833   <#macro cTr class='' id='' params=''>
 834   <tr<#if class!=''> class="${class!}"</#if><#if id !=''> id="${id!}"</#if><#if params!=''> ${params!}</#if> >
 835   <#nested>
 836   </tr>
 837   </#macro>
 838   <#-- Name : cTh                 -->
 839   <#-- Attributes List  :         -->
 840   <#-- scope                      -->
 841   <#-- class                      -->
 842   <#-- id                         -->
 843   <#-- params                     -->
 844   <#macro cTh id='' class='' scope='col' role='columnheader' params=''>
 845   <th scope="${scope!}" class="<#if class != ''>${class}</#if>"<#if id!=''> id="${id}"</#if><#if params!=''> ${params}</#if> >
 846       <#nested>
 847   </th>
 848   </#macro>
 849   <#-- Name : cTd                 -->
 850   <#-- Attributes List  :         -->
 851   <#-- id                         -->
 852   <#-- class                      -->
 853   <#-- scope                      -->
 854   <#-- headers                    -->
 855   <#-- role                       -->
 856   <#-- colspan                    -->
 857   <#-- nospan                     -->
 858   <#-- params                     -->
 859   <#macro cTd id='' class='' scope='' headers='' role='cell' colspan='' nospan=false params=''>
 860   <td<#if scope!=''> scope="${scope!}"</#if><#if colspan!=''> colspan="${colspan!}"</#if><#if headers!=''> headers="${headers!}"</#if><#if class != ''> class="${class}"</#if><#if id!=''> id="${id}"</#if><#if params!=''> ${params}</#if><#if role!=''> role="${role!}"</#if>>
 861   <#if !nospan><span><#nested></span><#else><#nested></#if>
 862   </td>
 863   </#macro>
 864   <#-- MACRO FOR LAYOUT / GRID    -->
 865   <#-- Name : cHeader             -->
 866   <#-- Attributes List  :         -->
 867   <#-- title                      -->
 868   <#-- titleUrl                   -->
 869   <#-- titleClass                 -->
 870   <#-- class                      -->
 871   <#-- id                         -->
 872   <#-- params                     -->
 873   <#macro cHeader title='' titleUrl='' titleUrlClass='' class='' id='' params=''>
 874   <header <#if class!=''> class="${class!}"</#if><#if id!=''> id="${id!}"</#if><#if params!=''> ${params!}</#if> >
 875       <#if title !=''><@cTitle><#if titleUrl !=''><a href="${titleUrl!}"<#if titleUrlClass !=''> class="${titleUrlClass!}"</#if> title="${title!}"></#if>${title!}<#if titleUrl !=''></a></#if></@cTitle></#if>
 876       <#nested>
 877   </header>
 878   </#macro>
 879   <#-- Name : cFooter             -->
 880   <#-- Attributes List  :         -->
 881   <#-- title                      -->
 882   <#-- class                      -->
 883   <#-- id                         -->
 884   <#-- params                     -->
 885   <#macro cFooter title='' class='' id='' params=''>
 886   <footer<#if class!=''> class="${class}"</#if><#if id!=''> id="${id}"</#if><#if params!=''> ${params}</#if> >
 887       <#if title !=''><@cTitle>${title}</@cTitle></#if>
 888       <#nested>
 889   </footer>
 890   </#macro>  
 891   <#-- Name : cArticle             -->
 892   <#-- Attributes List  :         -->
 893   <#-- title                      -->
 894   <#-- class                      -->
 895   <#-- titleUrl                   -->
 896   <#-- titleClass                 -->
 897   <#-- id                         -->
 898   <#-- params                     -->
 899   <#macro cArticle title='#i18n{themeparisfr.defaultArticleTitle}' titleClass='' class='portlet' id='' params=''>
 900   <article class="<#if class!=''> ${class}</#if>"<#if id!=''> id="${id}"</#if><#if params!=''> ${params}</#if> >
 901       <#if title!=''><@cHeader title=title class=titleClass /></#if> 
 902       <@cSection type='div' class='article-content'>
 903           <#nested>
 904       </@cSection>
 905   </article>
 906   </#macro>
 907   <#-- Name :   cContainer        -->
 908   <#-- Attributes List  :         -->
 909   <#-- class (default) : row      -->
 910   <#-- id                         -->
 911   <#-- params                     -->
 912   <#macro cContainer type='' class='' id='' params=''>
 913   <#if class!=''>
 914       <#local cClass>container<#if type!=''>-${type}</#if> ${class}</#local> 
 915   <#else>
 916       <#local cClass>container<#if type!=''>-fluid</#if></#local>
 917   </#if>
 918   <@cSection type='div' class=cClass id=id params=params >
 919   <#nested>
 920   </@cSection>
 921   </#macro>
 922   <#-- Name :   cRow              -->
 923   <#-- Attributes List  :         -->
 924   <#-- class (default) : row      -->
 925   <#-- id                         -->
 926   <#-- params                     -->
 927   <#macro cRow class='' id='' params=''>
 928   <@cSection type='div' class='row ${class}' id=id params=params >
 929   <#nested>
 930   </@cSection>
 931   </#macro>
 932   <#-- Name :   cCol                      -->
 933   <#-- Attributes List  :                 -->
 934   <#-- Attributes                         -->
 935   <#-- cols                              -->
 936   <#-- class                              -->
 937   <#-- id                                 -->
 938   <#-- params                             -->
 939   <#macro cCol cols='' default='col' class='' id='' params=''>
 940   <#if cols!=''>
 941       <#local cClass>col-${cols} ${class}</#local> 
 942   <#else>
 943       <#local cClass>${default!} ${class}</#local>
 944   </#if>
 945   <@cSection type='div' class=cClass id=id params=params >
 946   <#nested>
 947   </@cSection>
 948   </#macro>
 949   <#-- Progress macro
 950       token : the progress manager Feed Token
 951       interval : refresh period in milli seconds (if the feed token is provided) 
 952       showReport : display the messages report (if the feed token is provided) -->
 953   <#macro cProgress label labelClass='' class='' color='primary' id='' params='' value=0 min=0 max=100 text='' progressId='progressbar' token='' role='progressbar' showReport=false intervalTime=2000 >
 954   <#if max?number != 100><#assign progPercent=( (value?number / max?number ) * 100) /><#else><#assign progPercent=value /></#if>
 955   <p id="${progressId}-label" class="label-progress<#if labelClass!=''> ${labelClass}</#if>">${label}</p>
 956   <#if role='progressbar'>
 957   <div class="progress<#if class!=''> ${class}</#if>"<#if id!=''> id="${id}"</#if><#if params!=''> ${params}</#if>>
 958       <div id="${progressId}" aria-labelledby="${progressId}-label" class="progress-bar bg-${color}<#if token!=''> progressmanager</#if>" <#if role!=''>role="${role}"</#if> style="width:${progPercent?replace(',','.')}%;" <#if role='progressbar'>aria-valuenow="${value}"  aria-valuemin="${min}" aria-valuemax="${max}"</#if> <#if token!=''>token="${token}" intervalTime=${intervalTime} showReport=${showReport?c}</#if> >
 959           <#if text=''>${progPercent}%<#else>${text}</#if>
 960       </div>
 961   </div>
 962   <#else>
 963   <div class="progress<#if class!=''> ${class}</#if>"<#if id!=''> id="${id}"</#if><#if params!=''> ${params}</#if>>
 964       <p id="${progressId}" aria-hidden="true" class="progress-bar bg-${color}<#if token!=''> progressmanager</#if>" style="width:${progPercent?replace(',','.')}%;">
 965           <#if text=''>${progPercent}%<#else>${text}</#if>
 966       </p>
 967   </div>
 968   </#if>
 969   <#if showReport ><p id="${progressId}-report" class="progress-bar-report" lastline=0></p></#if>
 970   </#macro>
 971   <#-- Macro for FORMS                -->
 972   <#-- Name :   cStepDone             -->
 973   <#-- Attributes List  :             -->
 974   <#-- step                           -->
 975   <#-- title                          --> 
 976   <#-- actionName='action_doGoToStep' --> 
 977   <#-- actionLabel='Modifier'         --> 
 978   <#-- class                          -->
 979   <#-- id                             -->
 980   <#-- params                         -->
 981   <#macro cStepDone step title idx actionName='action_doGoToStep' actionLabel='#i18n{themeparisfr.labelUpdate}' actionAriaLabelKey='themeparisfr.ariaLabelUpdate' actionHref='' actionClass='' actionParams='' class='' id='' params=''>
 982   <@cSection type='div' class='step step-done ${class!}' id=id params=params>
 983   	<@cSection type='div' class='step-title'>
 984           <@cContainer>
 985               <@cTitle>
 986                   <@cText type='span'>${title}</@cText>
 987                   <#if actionHref !=''>
 988                       <@cSection type='div' class='d-none d-sm-block pl-2'>
 989                           <a class="btn btn-primary btn-sm-block<#if actionClass !=''> ${actionClass}</#if>" href="${actionHref}" title="#i18n{themeparisfr.labelUpdate}" aria-label="${i18n(actionAriaLabelKey, title)?html}"<#if actionParams !=''> ${actionParams}</#if>>
 990                               ${actionLabel!}
 991                           </a>
 992                       </@cSection>   
 993                   <#elseif actionName !=''>
 994                       <@cSection type='div' class='d-none d-sm-block pl-2'>
 995                           <button class="btn btn-primary btn-sm-block" name="${actionName}" type="submit" value="${idx!}" aria-label="${i18n(actionAriaLabelKey, title)?html}" formnovalidate>
 996                           ${actionLabel!}
 997                           </button>
 998                       </@cSection>    
 999                   </#if>
 1000               </@cTitle>    
 1001           </@cContainer>    
 1002   	</@cSection>
 1003   	<@cContainer>
 1004           <@cSection class='step-content'>
 1005               <#nested>   
 1006               <#if actionHref !=''>
 1007                   <@cSection type='div' class='d-block d-sm-none'>
 1008                       <a class="btn btn-primary btn-sm-block<#if actionClass !=''> ${actionClass}</#if>" href="${actionHref}" title="#i18n{themeparisfr.labelUpdate}" aria-label="${i18n(actionAriaLabelKey, title)?html}"<#if actionParams !=''> ${actionParams}</#if>>
 1009                           ${actionLabel!}
 1010                       </a>
 1011                   </@cSection>   
 1012               <#elseif actionName !=''>
 1013                   <@cSection type='div' class='d-block d-sm-none'>
 1014                       <button class="btn btn-primary btn-sm-block" name="${actionName}" type="submit" value="${idx!}" aria-label="${i18n(actionAriaLabelKey, title)?html}" formnovalidate>
 1015                       ${actionLabel!}
 1016                       </button>
 1017                   </@cSection>    
 1018               </#if>
 1019           </@cSection>
 1020       </@cContainer>
 1021   </@cSection>
 1022   </#macro>
 1023   <#macro cStepCurrent step title actionNextStep='' labelNextStep='#i18n{themeparisfr.labelNextStep}' actionPrevStep='' labelPrevStep='#i18n{themeparisfr.labelPrevStep}' actionSaveStep='' labelSaveStep='#i18n{themeparisfr.labelSaveStep}' actionSaveForBackUpStep='' labelForBackUpStep='#i18n{forms.step.saveResponse}' actionResetBackUpStep='' labelResetBackUpStep='#i18n{forms.step.resetResponse}' showPrevStep=true hasSteps=true hasMandatory=true class='' params=''>
 1024   <@cSection type='div' id='current_step' class='step step-current ${class!}' params=params >
 1025   	<@cSection type='div' class='step-title'>
 1026   		<@cContainer>
 1027               <#if hasSteps>
 1028                   <@cTitle params='data-step="${step}" title="${title}"'><@cText type='span'>${title}</@cText></@cTitle>
 1029               <#else>
 1030                   <@cTitle class="no-step" params='title="${title}"'>${title}</@cTitle>    
 1031               </#if>
 1032           </@cContainer>
 1033   	</@cSection>
 1034       <@cContainer>
 1035           <@cSection class="step-content">
 1036               <#if hasMandatory>
 1037                   <@cFormRow>
 1038                       <@cCol class="sr-only">
 1039                           <@cText class="mandatory-warning">#i18n{themeparisfr.msgMandatory}</@cText>
 1040                       </@cCol>
 1041                   </@cFormRow>	
 1042               </#if>
 1043               <#nested>
 1044               <#if hasMandatory>
 1045                   <@cFormRow>
 1046                       <@cCol cols='12 col-md-10'>
 1047                           <@cText class="mandatory-warning">#i18n{themeparisfr.msgMandatory}</@cText>
 1048                       </@cCol>
 1049                   </@cFormRow>	
 1050               </#if>
 1051               <@cFormRow>	
 1052                   <@cCol cols='12' class='d-flex justify-content-end mb-5'>
 1053                       <#if actionPrevStep !='' && showPrevStep >
 1054                           <button class="btn btn-link-action mr-2 mt-1 order-sm-1" name="${actionPrevStep}" type="submit">
 1055                               <span class="d-inline mr-2">${labelPrevStep}</span> 
 1056                           </button>
 1057                       </#if> 
 1058                       <#if actionNextStep !=''>
 1059                           <button class="btn btn-action mr-2 mt-1 order-sm-2" name="${actionNextStep}" type="submit">
 1060                               <span class="d-inline mr-2">${labelNextStep}</span> 
 1061                           </button>
 1062                       </#if>    
 1063                       <#if actionSaveForBackUpStep !=''>    
 1064                           <button class="btn btn-action mr-2 mt-1 order-sm-2" name="${actionSaveForBackUpStep}" type="submit">
 1065                               <span class="d-inline mr-2">#i18n{themeparisfr.labelSaveStep}</span> 
 1066                           </button>
 1067                       </#if>
 1068                       <#if actionResetBackUpStep !=''>    
 1069                           <button class="btn btn-action mr-2 mt-1 order-sm-2" name="${actionResetBackUpStep}" type="submit">
 1070                               <span class="d-inline mr-2">${labelResetBackUpStep}</span> 
 1071                           </button>
 1072                       </#if>
 1073                       <#if actionSaveStep !=''>    
 1074                           <button class="btn btn-action mr-2 mt-1 order-sm-2" name="${actionSaveStep}" type="submit">
 1075                               <span class="d-inline mr-2">${labelSaveStep}</span> 
 1076                           </button>
 1077                       </#if>
 1078                   </@cCol>
 1079               </@cFormRow>
 1080   	    </@cSection>
 1081       </@cContainer>    
 1082   </@cSection>   
 1083   <script>
 1084   $( function() {
 1085   	<#if step?number gt 1 >
 1086   	var current = document.querySelector('#current_step');
 1087   	var y = current.offsetTop - 180;
 1088   	window.scrollBy(0, y);
 1089   	</#if>
 1090   });
 1091   </script> 
 1092   </#macro>
 1093   <#macro cStepNext step title class='' id='' params=''>
 1094   <#local stepClass>step step-next<#if class!=''>${class}</#if></#local>
 1095   <@cSection type='div' class=stepClass id=id params=params>
 1096       <@cSection type='div' class='step-title'>
 1097           <@cSection type='div' class='container'>
 1098               <@cTitle params=' data-step="${step}"'><@cText type='span'>${title}</@cText></@cTitle>
 1099           </@cSection>
 1100       </@cSection>
 1101   </@cSection>
 1102   </#macro>
 1103   <#macro cStepGroup title iterable=false iteration=0 iterationMax=10 labelAddIteration='#i18n{themeparisfr.labelAdd}' labelDelIteration='#i18n{themeparisfr.labelDelete}' headerParams='' help='' class='' id='' params=''>
 1104   <@cFormRow>
 1105   	<@cSection type='div' class='col step-group ${class!}' id=id params=params >
 1106   	    <a name="last_"></a>
 1107           <@cRow>
 1108               <#local headerClass>col px-3 <#if iterable && iteration gt 0>d-flex justify-content-between</#if></#local>
 1109               <@cHeader class=headerClass params=headerParams >
 1110                   <@cTitle>${title!} <#if iteration gt 0>(${iteration+1})</#if></@cTitle>
 1111                   <#if iterable && iteration gt 0>
 1112                       <@cSection type='div' class='text-right'>
 1113                           <button class="btn btn-link-action" name="action_removeIteration"  value="rm_${iteration}" type="submit">
 1114                               <i class="fa fa-trash" aria-hidden="true"></i> <small class="d-inline">${labelDelIteration}</small>
 1115                           </button>
 1116                       </@cSection>
 1117                   </#if>
 1118               </@cHeader>
 1119           </@cRow>
 1120   		<#if help!=''>
 1121   			<@cFormRow>
 1122   				<@cCol>
 1123                       <@cAccordion id=iteration title='${i18n( "themeparisfr.msgHelpAbout", title )}' class='outline my-5' >
 1124                       ${help}
 1125                       </@cAccordion>			
 1126                   </@cCol>
 1127   			</@cFormRow>
 1128   		</#if>
 1129   		<#nested>
 1130   		<#if iterable && iteration lte iterationMax>
 1131               <@cFormRow>
 1132                   <@cCol class='px-4 px-sm-5 d-flex justify-content-end'>
 1133                       <button class="btn btn-action btn-sm" name="action_addIteration" value="add_${iteration}" type="submit">
 1134                           <span class="fa fa-plus-circle"></span> ${labelAddIteration}
 1135                       </button>
 1136                   </@cCol>	
 1137               </@cFormRow>	
 1138   	    </#if>
 1139   	</@cSection>		
 1140   </@cFormRow>
 1141   </#macro>
 1142   <#-- cForm FORM        -->
 1143   <#macro cForm class='' id='' params='' name='' method='post' role='' action='' >
 1144   <form <#if class!=''>class="${class}"</#if> <#if id!=''> id="${id!name}"</#if><#if action!=''> action="${action}"</#if><#if method!=''> method="${method}"</#if><#if name!=''> name="${name}"</#if><#if role!=''> aria-label="${role}"</#if><#if params!=''> ${params}</#if>>
 1145   <#nested>
 1146   </form>
 1147   </#macro>
 1148   <#-- cFormRow FORM ROW -->
 1149   <#macro cFormRow class='' id='' params=''>
 1150   <div class="form-row<#if class!=''> ${class}</#if>"<#if id!=''> id="${id}"</#if><#if params!=''> ${params}</#if>>
 1151   <#nested>
 1152   </div>
 1153   </#macro>
 1154   <#-- cLabel LABEL      -->
 1155   <#macro cLabel label class='' id='' params='' for='' showLabel=true required=false >
 1156   <label class="<#if class!=''>${class}</#if><#if !showLabel> sr-only</#if>"<#if for!=''> for="${for!}"</#if><#if id!=''> id="${id}"</#if><#if params!=''> ${params}</#if>>
 1157   ${label!} <#if required><abbr class="main-warning-color" tabindex="-1" title="#i18n{themeparisfr.labelMandatory}">*</abbr></#if>
 1158   </label>
 1159   </#macro>
 1160   <#-- cFieldset Fieldset      -->
 1161   <#macro cFieldset legend='' class='' id='' params='' for='' showLabel=true required=false >
 1162   <fieldset class="<#if class!=''>${class}</#if><#if !showLabel> sr-only</#if>"<#if for!=''> for="${for!}"</#if><#if id!=''> id="${id}"</#if><#if params!=''> ${params}</#if>>
 1163   <#if legend!=''><legend>${legend!}<#if required> <abbr class="main-warning-color" tabindex="-1" title="#i18n{themeparisfr.labelMandatory}">*</abbr></#if></legend></#if>
 1164   <#nested>
 1165   </fieldset>
 1166   </#macro>
 1167   <#-- cInput TEXT/SEARCH/PASSWORD/EMAIL/HIDDEN/DATE...         -->
 1168   <#macro cInput name class='form-control' id='' type='text' value='' placeholder='' required=false disabled=false readonly=false pattern='' accept='' title='' maxlength=0 min=0 max=0 helpMsg='' errorMsg='' params=''>
 1169   <input type="${type!}" class="<#if class!=''> ${class!}</#if><#if errorMsg!=''> is-invalid</#if>" name="${name!}" id="<#if id!=''>${id}<#else>${name!}</#if>" value="${value!}"<#if placeholder!=''> placeholder="${placeholder!}"</#if><#if title!=''> title="${title}"</#if><#if maxlength &gt; 0> maxlength="${maxlength}"</#if><#if disabled> disabled</#if><#if readonly> readonly</#if><#if params!=''> ${params}</#if><#if pattern!=''> pattern=${pattern}</#if><#if accept !=''> accept=${accept}</#if><#if min!=0> min="${min}"</#if><#if max!=0> max="${max}"</#if><#if required> required</#if><#if errorMsg!=''> is-invalid aria-invalid="true" aria-describedby="error_<#if id!=''>${id!}<#else>${name}</#if>"<#elseif helpMsg!=''> aria-describedby="help_<#if id!=''>${id!}<#else>${name}"</#if></#if>>
 1170   <#assign idMsg><#if id!=''>${id}<#else>${name!}</#if></#assign>
 1171   <#if helpMsg !=''><@cFormHelp idMsg helpMsg /></#if>
 1172   <#if errorMsg !=''><@cFormError idMsg errorMsg /></#if>
 1173   </#macro>
 1174   <#-- cTextArea        -->
 1175   <#macro cTextArea name class='form-control' id='' placeholder='' required=false disabled=false readonly=false title='' maxlength=0 helpMsg='' rows=0 errorMsg='' params=''>
 1176   <textarea class="<#if class!=''> ${class!}</#if><#if errorMsg!=''> is-invalid</#if>" name="${name!}" id="<#if id!=''>${id}<#else>${name!}</#if>" <#if placeholder!=''> placeholder="${placeholder!}"</#if><#if title!=''> title="${title}"</#if><#if maxlength &gt; 0> maxlength="${maxlength}"</#if><#if disabled> disabled</#if><#if readonly> readonly</#if><#if params!=''> ${params}</#if><#if rows!=0>rows=${rows}</#if><#if required> required</#if><#if errorMsg!=''> is-invalid aria-invalid="true" aria-describedby="error_<#if id!=''>${id!}<#else>${name}</#if>"<#elseif helpMsg!=''> aria-describedby="help_<#if id!=''>${id!}<#else>${name}"</#if></#if>>
 1177   <#nested>
 1178   </textarea>
 1179   <#assign idMsg><#if id!=''>${id}<#else>${name!}</#if></#assign>
 1180   <#if helpMsg !=''><@cFormHelp idMsg helpMsg /></#if>
 1181   <#if errorMsg !=''><@cFormError idMsg errorMsg /></#if>
 1182   </#macro>
 1183   <#-- cField = FormGroup + label + nested input and else     -->
 1184   <#macro cField label='' labelClass='' labelData='' for='' showLabel=true required=false class='' id='' params='' >
 1185   <div class="form-group<#if class!=''> ${class}</#if>"<#if id!=''> id="${id}"</#if><#if params!=''> ${params}</#if>>
 1186   <#if label!=''>
 1187   <#assign fieldLabel>${label!} ${labelData!}</#assign>
 1188   <@cLabel label=fieldLabel class=labelClass for=for showLabel=showLabel required=required />
 1189   </#if>
 1190   <#nested>
 1191   </div>
 1192   </#macro>
 1193   <#macro cInputDropFiles name handler={} type='dropzone' nbFiles=1 showAllFilesBtn=1 nbCol=1 maxFileSize=0 accept='' label='#i18n{themeparisfr.labelUploadFiles}' showLabel=1 labelPos=1 labelSelect='#i18n{themeparisfr.labelSelect}' labelSubmit='#i18n{themeparisfr.labelSubmit}' labelDelete='#i18n{themeparisfr.labelDelete}' required=false disabled=false multiple=true noJs=false helpMsg='' hasFiles=false errorMsg='' class='' id='' params='' >
 1194   <#local cId><#if id!=''>${id!}<#else>${name!}</#if></#local>
 1195   <#local nbFiles = nbFiles?number >
 1196   <#local maxFileSize = maxFileSize?number >
 1197   <#if handler?has_content>
 1198   <#local deleteBtnName='_form_upload_delete_${cId}' >
 1199   <input type="hidden" name="asynchronousupload.handler" value="${handler.handlerName}">
 1200   <div class="form-row group-files">
 1201   	<div class="col">
 1202           <#if nbCol == 1 && labelPos == 1>
 1203               <label id="lb${cId!}" <#if showLabel=0>class="sr-only sr-only-focusable" </#if>for="${cId!}">${label}</label>
 1204           </#if>
 1205           <#if type="dropzone">
 1206               <div class="file-input <#if errorMsg!=''> is-invalid</#if>">
 1207                   <input type="file" class="form-control my-1 ${cssClass!}<#if handler?has_content> ${handler.handlerName}</#if><#if class!=''> ${class}</#if>" <#if required>aria-required="true"</#if> name="${name}" id="${cId!}" <#if multiple>multiple="multiple"</#if><#if nbFiles gt 0> data-nof="${nbFiles}"</#if><#if maxFileSize gt 0> data-mfs="${maxFileSize}"</#if><#if accept !=''> accept="${accept}" data-atf="${accept}"</#if>>
 1208                   <p>
 1209                       <svg class="paris-icon paris-icon-upload" role="img" aria-labelledby="paris-icon-title-group" focusable="false">
 1210                           <title id="paris-icon-title-group">#i18n{}</title>
 1211                           <use xlink:href="#paris-icon-upload"></use>
 1212                       </svg>
 1213                   </p>
 1214                   <p class="text-uppercase">#i18n{themeparisfr.labelDropFiles} #i18n{}</p>
 1215               </div>    
 1216               <#if errorMsg!=''><div class="invalid-feedback" id="${cId}Error">${errorMsg}</div></#if>
 1217           <#elseif type="button">
 1218               <div class="custom-file<#if errorMsg!=''> is-invalid</#if>">
 1219                   <input type="file" <#if required>aria-required="true"</#if><#if helpMsg!=''> aria-labelledby="${cId}Help"</#if> name="${name}" id="${cId}" class="custom-file-input ${cssClass!} ${uploadHandler.handlerName}"<#if multiple> multiple</#if><#if accept !=''> accept=${accept}</#if>>
 1220                   <label class="custom-file-label" for="${cId}" data-browse="#i18n{}">#i18n{}</label>
 1221                   <#if helpMsg!=''><small id="${cId}Help" class="form-text text-muted">${helpMsg}</small></#if>	
 1222                   <button hidden class="btn btn-action" name="${handler.uploadSubmitPrefix}${cId}" id="${handler.uploadSubmitPrefix}${cId}" value="${handler.uploadSubmitPrefix}${cId}" type="submit" >
 1223                       <i class="fa fa-upload"></i>
 1224                       <span class="file-input-text-noscript">#i18n{}</span>
 1225                       <span class="file-input-text-js" style="display:none;">#i18n{}</span>
 1226                   </button>
 1227               </div>	
 1228               <#if errorMsg!=''><div class="invalid-feedback" id="${cId}Error">${errorMsg}</div></#if>
 1229           </#if>	
 1230           <#if nbCol != 1>
 1231           </div>
 1232           <div class="col pl-3">
 1233               <#if nbCol != 1 && labelPos != 1>
 1234               <label id="lb${cId!}" class="<#if showLabel=0>sr-only sr-only-focusable<#else>mt-3</#if>" for="${cId!}">${label}</label>
 1235               </#if>
 1236           </#if>
 1237           <div id="_file_error_box_${cId}"></div>
 1238           <div id="progress_${cId}" class="progress" style="display:none;">
 1239               <div id="progress-bar_${cId}" class="progress-bar progress-bar-success progress-bar-striped"></div>
 1240           </div>
 1241           <div class="form-group" <#if !hasFiles>style="display:none;"</#if> id="_file_deletion_label_${cId!}">
 1242               <label>#i18n{themeparisfr.labelFileSent}</label>
 1243               <div id="_file_deletion_${cId}" class="col py-2 pl-0 files-group">
 1244                   <#nested>
 1245               </div>
 1246           </div>
 1247           <#if nbFiles gt 1 && showAllFilesBtn = 1 >
 1248               <div class="col select-all">
 1249                   <button id="btn-select-all-${cId}" type="button" class="btn btn-link-primary">
 1250                       <i class="fa fa-check" aria-hidden="true"></i> #i18n{portal.util.labelCheckAll}
 1251                   </button>
 1252                   <button id="rmAll-${cId}" class="btn btn-danger" disabled name="${deleteBtnName!}" value="${deleteBtnName!}" type="button" <#if noJs>nojs</#if>>
 1253                       <i class="fa fa-trash" aria-hidden="true"></i>  #i18n{portal.util.labelDelete}
 1254                   </button>
 1255               </div>
 1256           </#if>
 1257       </div>
 1258   </div>
 1259   <script>
 1260   $( function(){
 1261       <#if showAllFilesBtn != 1 >
 1262       var hasChecked = false, countFiles=<#if hasFiles>1<#else>0</#if>;
 1263       btnAll( '${cId}', hasChecked, countFiles )
 1264       $( '#btn-select-all-${cId}' ).on( 'click', function(){
 1265           nbListFiles = $('.files-group .files-item').length;
 1266           btnAll( '${cId}', hasChecked, nbListFiles )
 1267           hasChecked = !hasChecked;
 1268       });
 1269       </#if>
 1270       mapFilesNumber.set( "${cId!}", ${nbFiles!} );
 1271       <#if errorMsg!=''>mapFileErrors.set( "${cId!}", "${errorMsg!}" );</#if>
 1272       <#-- Add FileUpload option to control number of files max to upload -->
 1273       <#if nbFiles?number &gt; 0>$('#${cId!}').fileupload( {dropZone: $('#${cId!}')<#if accept !=''>,acceptFileTypes: /(\.|\/)(${accept?replace('.','')?replace(',','|')})$/i</#if>});</#if>
 1274   });
 1275   </script>
 1276   <#else>
 1277   <div class="custom-file">
 1278       <input type="file" <#if required>aria-required="true"</#if><#if helpMsg!=''> aria-labelledby="${name}Help"</#if> name="${name}" id="${cId}" class="custom-file-input ${cssClass!}<#if class!=''> ${class}</#if>"<#if multiple> multiple</#if>>
 1279       <label class="custom-file-label" for="${name}" data-browse="#i18n{}"></label>
 1280       <#if helpMsg!=''><small id="${name}Help" class="form-text text-muted">${helpMsg}</small></#if>	
 1281   </div>	
 1282   <script src="js/plugins/forms/bs-custom-file-input.min.js"></script>
 1283   <script>
 1284   $( function(){
 1285       bsCustomFileInput.init()
 1286   });
 1287   </script>
 1288   </#if>
 1289   </#macro>
 1290   <#-- cInputDropFilesItem                     -->
 1291   <#-- --------------------------------------  -->
 1292   <#-- Attributes                              -->
 1293   <#-- --------------------------------------  -->
 1294   <#-- name                                    -->
 1295   <#-- label                                   -->
 1296   <#-- idx                                     -->
 1297   <#-- fileSize                                -->
 1298   <#-- ext                                     -->
 1299   <#-- maxChars                                -->
 1300   <#-- urlDl                                   -->
 1301   <#-- maxChars                                -->
 1302   <#-- urlRm                                   -->
 1303   <#-- id                                      -->
 1304   <#-- params                                  -->
 1305   <#macro cInputDropFilesItem name label idx handler fileSize=0 ext='' maxChars=24 urlDl='' urlRm='' class=''>
 1306   <#local fileLabel><#if label?length gt maxChars>${label[0..maxChars]}...<#else>${label}</#if></#local>
 1307   <#if handler?has_content>
 1308       <#local handlerName>${handler.handlerName}</#local>
 1309       <#local cUrlDl>jsp/site/plugins/asynchronousupload/DoDownloadFile.jsp?fieldname=${name}&field_index=${idx}&fileName=${label}&asynchronousupload.handler=${handler.handlerName}</#local>
 1310       <#local cUrlRm>#</#local>
 1311       <#local cName>${handler.uploadCheckboxPrefix}${name}${idx}</#local>
 1312       <#local cId>${handler.uploadCheckboxPrefix}${name}${idx}</#local>
 1313   <#else>
 1314       <#local cUrlDl>${urlDl}</#local>
 1315       <#local cUrlRm>${urlRm!}</#local>
 1316       <#local cName>_form_upload_checkbox_${name}${idx}</#local>
 1317       <#local cId>_form_upload_checkbox_${name}${idx}</#local>
 1318   </#if>
 1319   <div class="files-item<#if class!=''> ${class}</#if>" id="_file_uploaded_${name}${idx}">
 1320       <label class="files-item-label" for="${cId}">
 1321           <input type="checkbox" name="${cName}" id="${cId}"> 
 1322           <a class="files-item-link" title="${label}" href="${cUrlDl}" data-type="${ext!}" data-img="">
 1323               <span>${fileLabel}</span>
 1324           </a>
 1325           <br>
 1326           <#if fileSize??>
 1327               <#if fileSize < 1024 >
 1328                   <#assign octetUnit="o">
 1329                   <#assign octetNumber=fileSize>
 1330               <#elseif fileSize < 1024 * 1024 >
 1331                   <#assign octetUnit="Ko">
 1332                   <#assign octetNumber=fileSize/1024>
 1333               <#else>
 1334                   <#assign octetUnit="Mo">
 1335                   <#assign octetNumber=fileSize/(1024*1024)>
 1336               </#if>
 1337           </#if>
 1338           <small><#if fileSize?has_content>${octetNumber?string["0"]} ${octetUnit}</#if></small>
 1339       </label>
 1340       <a href="${cUrlRm!}" class="text-danger deleteSingleFile" fieldname="${name}"  handlername="${handlerName!}" index="${idx}"> 
 1341           <i class="fa fa-times fa-fw"></i> 
 1342       </a>
 1343   </div>
 1344   </#macro>
 1345   <#-- cInputGroup                             -->
 1346   <#-- --------------------------------------  -->
 1347   <#-- Attributes                              -->
 1348   <#-- --------------------------------------  -->
 1349   <#-- class                                   -->
 1350   <#-- id                                      -->
 1351   <#-- params                                  -->
 1352   <#macro cInputGroup class='' id='' params='' >
 1353   <div class="input-group<#if class!=''> ${class!}</#if>"<#if id!=''> id="${id}"</#if><#if params!=''> ${params}</#if>>
 1354   <#nested>
 1355   </div>
 1356   </#macro>
 1357   <#-- cInputGroupAddon                        -->
 1358   <#-- --------------------------------------  -->
 1359   <#-- Attributes                              -->
 1360   <#-- --------------------------------------  -->
 1361   <#-- class                                   -->
 1362   <#-- id                                      -->
 1363   <#-- params                                  -->
 1364   <#macro cInputGroupAddon append=true addonText='' class='' id='' params='' >
 1365   <div class="input-group-<#if append>append<#else>prepend</#if><#if class!=''> ${class!}</#if>"<#if id!=''> id="${id}"</#if><#if params!=''> ${params}</#if>>
 1366       <#if addonText !=''><@cInputGroupAddonText>${addonText!}</@cInputGroupAddonText></#if>
 1367       <#nested>
 1368   </div>
 1369   </#macro>
 1370   <#-- cInputGroupAddonText                    -->
 1371   <#-- --------------------------------------  -->
 1372   <#-- Attributes                              -->
 1373   <#-- --------------------------------------  -->
 1374   <#-- class                                   -->
 1375   <#-- id                                      -->
 1376   <#-- params                                  -->
 1377   <#macro cInputGroupAddonText tag='span' class='' id='' params='' >
 1378   <${tag} class="input-group-text<#if class!=''> ${class!}</#if>"<#if id!=''> id="${id}"</#if><#if params!=''> ${params}</#if>>
 1379       <#nested>
 1380   </${tag}>
 1381   </#macro>
 1382   <#-- cRadio RADIO BUTTON                     -->
 1383   <#-- --------------------------------------  -->
 1384   <#-- Attributes                              -->
 1385   <#-- --------------------------------------  -->
 1386   <#-- name  : mandatory                       -->
 1387   <#-- label : mandatory                       -->
 1388   <#-- type  : default 'radio'                 -->
 1389   <#-- class : default ''                      -->
 1390   <#-- id : default ''                         -->
 1391   <#-- value : default ''                      -->
 1392   <#-- params : default ''                     -->
 1393   <#-- inline : boolean default false          -->
 1394   <#-- disabled : boolean default false        -->
 1395   <#-- readonly : boolean default false        -->
 1396   <#-- checked : boolean default false         -->
 1397   <#-- required : boolean default false        -->
 1398   <#macro cRadio name label type='radio' class='' id='' value='' params='' inline=false disabled=false readonly=false checked=false required=false>
 1399   <#if id=''><#assign cId=name + random()><#else><#assign cId=id ></#if>    
 1400   <#if type='radio'>
 1401   <div class="custom-control custom-radio<#if inline> custom-control-inline</#if><#if class!=''> ${class}</#if>">
 1402       <input type="radio" id="${cId!}" name="${name!}" class="custom-control-input" <#if value!=''>value="${value}"</#if><#if disabled> disabled</#if><#if required> required</#if><#if readonly> readonly</#if><#if checked> checked</#if><#if params!=''> ${params!}</#if>>
 1403       <label class="custom-control-label" for="${cId!}">${label!}</label>
 1404       <#nested>
 1405   </div>
 1406   <#elseif type='button'>
 1407   <input type="radio" name="${name!}" class="btn-check<#if class!=''> ${class}</#if>" id="${cId!}" autocomplete="off"<#if value!=''> value="${value}"</#if><#if disabled> disabled</#if><#if required> required</#if><#if readonly> readonly</#if><#if checked> checked</#if><#if params!=''> ${params!}</#if>>
 1408   <label class="btn btn-outline" for="${cId!}">${label!}</label>
 1409   <#nested>
 1410   </#if>
 1411   </#macro>
 1412   <#-- cCheckbox CHECKBOX                      -->
 1413   <#-- --------------------------------------  -->
 1414   <#-- Attributes                              -->
 1415   <#-- --------------------------------------  -->
 1416   <#-- name  : mandatory                       -->
 1417   <#-- label : mandatory                       -->
 1418   <#-- type  : default 'checkbox'              -->
 1419   <#-- class : default 'custom-checkbox'       -->
 1420   <#-- id : default ''                         -->
 1421   <#-- value : default ''                      -->
 1422   <#-- params : default ''                     -->
 1423   <#-- inline : boolean default false          -->
 1424   <#-- disabled : boolean default false        -->
 1425   <#-- readonly : boolean default false        -->
 1426   <#-- checked : boolean default false         -->
 1427   <#-- required : boolean default false        -->
 1428   <#macro cCheckbox name label type='checkbox' class='custom-checkbox' id='' value='' params='' inline=false disabled=false readonly=false checked=false required=false>
 1429   <#if id=''><#assign cId=name + rand( .now?long?number ) ><#else><#assign cId=id ></#if>  
 1430   <#if type='checkbox'>
 1431   <div class="custom-control <#if inline> custom-control-inline</#if><#if class!=''> ${class}</#if>">
 1432       <input type="checkbox" id="${cId!}" name="${name!}" class="custom-control-input" <#if value!=''>value="${value}"</#if><#if disabled> disabled</#if><#if required> required</#if><#if readonly> readonly</#if><#if checked> checked</#if><#if params!=''> ${params!}</#if>>
 1433       <label class="custom-control-label" for="${cId!}">${label!}<#if required> <abbr class="main-warning-color" tabindex="-1" title="#i18n{themeparisfr.labelMandatory}">*</abbr></#if></label>
 1434   </div>
 1435   <#elseif type='button'>
 1436   <input type="checkbox" name="${name!}" class="btn-check<#if class!=''> ${class}</#if>" id="${cId!}" autocomplete="off"<#if value!=''> value="${value}"</#if><#if disabled> disabled</#if><#if required> required</#if><#if readonly> readonly</#if><#if checked> checked</#if><#if params!=''> ${params!}</#if>>
 1437   <label class="btn btn-outline" for="${cId!}">${label!}</label>
 1438   </#if>  
 1439   </#macro>
 1440   <#-- cSelect SELECT                          -->
 1441   <#-- --------------------------------------  -->
 1442   <#-- Attributes                              -->
 1443   <#-- --------------------------------------  -->
 1444   <#-- name                                    -->
 1445   <#-- class : defaut "custom-select"          -->
 1446   <#-- id                                      -->
 1447   <#-- params                                  -->
 1448   <#-- role : defaut "listbox"                 -->
 1449   <#-- multiple : defaut "listbox"             -->
 1450   <#-- disabled : defaut false                 -->
 1451   <#-- readonly : defaut false                 -->
 1452   <#-- required : defaut false                 -->
 1453   <#-- helpMsg : defaut ""                     -->
 1454   <#-- errorMsg : defaut ""                    -->
 1455   <#macro cSelect name class='custom-select' id='' params='' multiple=false disabled=false readonly=false required=false helpMsg='' errorMsg=''>
 1456   <select name="${name!}" class="form-control<#if class!=''> ${class!}</#if>"<#if id!=''> id="${id}"</#if><#if params!=''> ${params}</#if><#if disabled> disabled</#if><#if readonly> readonly</#if><#if multiple> multiple</#if>>
 1457   <#nested>
 1458   </select>
 1459   <#if  helpMsg!=''><@cFormHelp label=helpMsg id=id /></#if>
 1460   <#if  errorMsg!=''>
 1461   <#assign idErr><#if id!=''>${id}<#else>${name!}</#if></#assign>
 1462   <@cFormError label=errorMsg id=idErr />
 1463   </#if>
 1464   </#macro>
 1465   <#-- cOption SELECT                          -->
 1466   <#-- --------------------------------------  -->
 1467   <#-- Attributes                              -->
 1468   <#-- --------------------------------------  -->
 1469   <#-- class                                   -->
 1470   <#-- id                                      -->
 1471   <#-- params                                  -->
 1472   <#macro cOption label value class='' selected=false disabled=false params=''>
 1473   <option <#if class!=''>class="${class}"</#if> value="${value!}"<#if selected> selected</#if><#if disabled> disabled</#if><#if params!=''>${params}</#if>>${label!}</option>
 1474   </#macro>
 1475   <#-- cOptgroup SELECT                        -->
 1476   <#-- --------------------------------------  -->
 1477   <#-- Attributes                              -->
 1478   <#-- --------------------------------------  -->
 1479   <#-- class                                   -->
 1480   <#-- id                                      -->
 1481   <#-- params                                  -->
 1482   <#macro cOptgroup label class='' disabled=false params=''>
 1483   <optgroup label="${label!}" <#if class!=''>class="${class}"</#if><#if disabled> disabled</#if><#if params!=''>${params}</#if>>
 1484   <#nested>
 1485   </optgroup>
 1486   </#macro>
 1487   <#-- cFormHelp                               -->
 1488   <#-- --------------------------------------  -->
 1489   <#-- Attributes                              -->
 1490   <#-- --------------------------------------  -->
 1491   <#-- class                                   -->
 1492   <#-- id                                      -->
 1493   <#-- params                                  -->
 1494   <#macro cFormHelp id label class='' params=''>
 1495   <small id="help_${id!}" class="form-text text-muted<#if class!=''> ${class!}</#if>"<#if params!=''> ${params!}</#if>>${label!}</small>
 1496   </#macro>
 1497   <#-- cFormError                              -->
 1498   <#-- --------------------------------------  -->
 1499   <#-- Attributes                              -->
 1500   <#-- --------------------------------------  -->
 1501   <#-- class                                   -->
 1502   <#-- id                                      -->
 1503   <#-- params                                  -->
 1504   <#macro cFormError id label class='' params=''>
 1505   <div class="invalid-feedback<#if class!=''> ${class!}</#if>" role="alert" id="error_${id!}"<#if params!=''> ${params!}</#if>>${label!}</div>
 1506   </#macro>
 1507   <#macro cPasswordCheck id >
 1508   <#local checkMsg><span class="charlength"><i class="fa fa-check"></i> #i18n{themeparisfr.labelNbChars}</span> <span class="uppercase"><i class="fa fa-check"></i> #i18n{themeparisfr.labelNbUppercase} </span> <span class="digit"><i class="fa fa-check"></i> #i18n{themeparisfr.labelNbDigit}</span></#local>
 1509   <@cFormHelp id checkMsg />
 1510   </#macro>
 1511   <#-- cBtn BUTTON                             -->
 1512   <#-- --------------------------------------  -->
 1513   <#-- Attributes                              -->
 1514   <#-- --------------------------------------  -->
 1515   <#-- label                                   -->
 1516   <#-- class                                   -->
 1517   <#-- id                                      -->
 1518   <#-- params                                  -->
 1519   <#-- type                                    -->
 1520   <#-- nestedPos                               -->
 1521   <#-- disabled                                -->
 1522   <#macro cBtn label class='primary' id='' params='' type='submit' nestedPos='before' disabled=false>
 1523   <button class="btn btn-${class!}" type="${type!}"<#if id!=''> id="${id!}"</#if><#if params!=''>${params!}</#if><#if disabled> disabled</#if>> 
 1524       <#if nestedPos='before'><#nested></#if><#if label!=''><span class="btn-label">${label!}</span></#if><#if nestedPos='after'><#nested></#if>
 1525   </button>
 1526   </#macro>
 1527   <#-- cLink                                  -->
 1528   <#-- -------------------------------------- -->
 1529   <#-- Attributes                             -->
 1530   <#-- -------------------------------------- -->
 1531   <#-- href: Mandatory                        -->
 1532   <#-- label: Mandatory                       -->
 1533   <#-- title:                                 -->
 1534   <#-- nestedPos: 'after'                     -->
 1535   <#-- target:                                -->
 1536   <#-- class:                                 -->
 1537   <#-- id:                                    -->
 1538   <#-- params:                                -->
 1539   <#macro cLink href label title='' nestedPos='after' target='' class='' id='' params=''>
 1540   <a href="${href!}" <#if id!=''> id="${id!}"</#if> <#if class !='' >class="${class!}"</#if> title="<#if title!=''>${title!}<#else>${label!}</#if><#if target='_blank'> #i18n{themeparisfr.newWindowLink}</#if>"<#if target!=''> target="${target}"</#if><#if params!=''> ${params}</#if> > 
 1541   <#if nestedPos!='after'><#nested></#if>
 1542   <#if label!=''><span class="link-label">${label!}</span></#if> 
 1543   <#if nestedPos='after'> <#nested></#if>
 1544   <#if target='_blank'><span class="sr-only sr-only-focusable">#i18n{themeparisfr.newWindowLink}</span></#if>
 1545   </a>
 1546   </#macro>
 1547   <#-- cBtnImg BUTTON                          -->
 1548   <#-- --------------------------------------  -->
 1549   <#-- Attributes                              -->
 1550   <#-- --------------------------------------  -->
 1551   <#-- img                                     -->
 1552   <#-- title                                   -->
 1553   <#-- type                                    -->
 1554   <#-- class   default action                  -->
 1555   <#-- id                                      -->
 1556   <#-- params                                  -->
 1557   <#-- nestedPos                               -->
 1558   <#-- disabled                                -->
 1559   <#macro cBtnImg src title class='action' id='' type='submit' params='' imgPos='before' disabled=false>
 1560   <@cBtn label='' class='${class!} btn-img' type=submit  disabled=disabled>
 1561       <@cFigure caption=''>
 1562           <#if imgPos='before'>
 1563               <@cImg src="${src!}" title="${title!}" alt='' />
 1564           </#if>
 1565           <@cFigCaption>
 1566               <#nested>
 1567           </@cFigCaption>
 1568           <#if imgPos='after'>
 1569               <@cImg src="${src!}" title="${title!}" alt='' class='after' />
 1570           </#if>
 1571       </@cFigure>
 1572   </@cBtn>
 1573   </#macro>
 1574   <#-- cBtnGroup GROUP BUTTONS                 -->
 1575   <#-- --------------------------------------  -->
 1576   <#-- Attributes                              -->
 1577   <#-- --------------------------------------  -->
 1578   <#-- label   Obligatoire                     -->
 1579   <#-- class   default ''                      -->
 1580   <#-- id                                      -->
 1581   <#-- type    value: '' / vertical            -->
 1582   <#-- params                                  -->
 1583   <#macro cBtnGroup label class='' id='' type='' params='' >
 1584   <#local btnClass>btn-group<#if type='vertical'>-vertical</#if><#if class!=''> ${class}</#if></#local>
 1585   <@cSection type='div' class=btnClass id=id params='${params} role="group" aria-label="${label}"'>
 1586       <#nested>
 1587   </@cSection>
 1588   </#macro>
 1589   <#-- cBtnToolbar TOOLBAR OF GROUP BUTTONS    -->
 1590   <#-- --------------------------------------  -->
 1591   <#-- Attributes                              -->
 1592   <#-- --------------------------------------  -->
 1593   <#-- class   default action                  -->
 1594   <#-- id                                      -->
 1595   <#-- params                                  -->
 1596   <#macro cBtnToolbar label type='' class='' id='' params='' >
 1597   <#local btnClass>btn-toolbar<#if type='vertical'>-vertical</#if><#if class!=''> ${class}</#if></#local>
 1598   <@cSection type='div' class=btnClass id=id params='${params} role="toolbar" aria-label="${label}"'>
 1599       <#nested>
 1600   </@cSection>
 1601   </#macro>
 1602   <#-- END FORM                                               -->
 1603   <#-- COMPONENTS                                             -->
 1604   <#-- icon ICON                                                           
 1605   Icons change prefix if needed. FontAwesome 5 is the default library 
 1606    -->
 1607   <#macro cIcon label class id='' params='' prefix='fas fa-' type='span'>
 1608   <#local labelTitle><#if label !=''>title="${label}"<#else></#if></#local>
 1609   <@cText type=type class='${prefix}${class!"check"}' id=id params='${labelTitle!} aria-hidden="true" ${params}'>
 1610   <#nested>
 1611   </@cText>
 1612   </#macro>
 1613   <#-- cList                          -->
 1614   <#-- items: Mandatory               -->
 1615   <#-- type: default / more / files   -->
 1616   <#-- itemsShown: 0                  -->
 1617   <#-- labelMore: 'VOIR PLUS'         -->
 1618   <#-- class:                         -->
 1619   <#-- id:                            -->
 1620   <#-- params:                        -->
 1621   <#macro cList items type='default' itemsShown=0 indexShown=false labelMore=i18n("themeparisfr.labelShowMore") class='' id='' params=''>        
 1622   <ul class="custom-list list-${type!}<#if class!=''> ${class}</#if>" <#if id!=''> id="${id}"</#if><#if params!=''> ${params}</#if> >
 1623   <#if items?has_content>
 1624       <#list items as i>
 1625           <li class="<#if i.class?? && i.class !=''>${i.class}</#if><#if type='more' && i?index &gt; itemsShown>extra hidden</#if>">
 1626               <a class="d-flex justify-content-between" href="${i.url!'return false;'}" title="${i.title}" <#if !=''> target="${}"</#if><#if type='files'> download="${i.title!?replace(' ','_')?replace('"','_')?replace('\'','_')}"</#if>>
 1627                   <span>${i.title!} <#if indexShown>${i?index}</#if></span>
 1628                   <#if type='files'>
 1629                   <div class="files-info">
 1630                       <small>${i.size!}</small>
 1631                       <span>${i.type!}</span>
 1632                   </div>    
 1633                   </#if>
 1634               </a>
 1635           </li>
 1636       </#list>
 1637   </#if>
 1638   <#nested>
 1639   <#if type ='more'>
 1640       <li class="more">
 1641           <@cLink href='#' nestedPos='before' class='text-danger btn-more' label=labelMore title=labelMore >
 1642               <@cIcon label=labelMore class='plus' /> 
 1643           </@cLink>
 1644       </li>
 1645   </#if> 
 1646   </ul>
 1647   </#macro>  
 1648   <#-- @macro cInfoStep                                       -->
 1649   <#-- @summary Macro for Editorials Contents                 -->
 1650   <#-- @tags step, indicator, progressbar                     -->
 1651   <#-- @param steps       | Mandatory |                       -->
 1652   <#-- @param haspicto    | false     |                       -->
 1653   <#-- @param hasidx | false  |                               -->
 1654   <#-- @param title | false   |                               -->
 1655   <#-- @param shownMore | 0 |                                 -->
 1656   <#-- @param labelMore | i18n("themeparisfr.labelShowMore")| -->
 1657   <#-- @param a11StatusMsg | '' |                             -->
 1658   <#-- @param class | '' |                                    -->
 1659   <#-- @param id | '' |                                       -->
 1660   <#-- @param params | '' |                                   -->
 1661   <#-- @nested | false | No content                            -->
 1662   <#macro cInfoStep steps haspicto=false hasidx=false title=false showMore=0 labelMore=i18n("themeparisfr.labelShowMore") a11StatusMsg='' class='' id='' params=''>
 1663   <div class="info-step">
 1664       <ol class="<#if hasidx> list-idx</#if><#if class!=''> ${class}</#if>"<#if id!=''> id="${id}"</#if><#if params!=''> ${params}</#if> >
 1665       <#if steps?has_content>
 1666           <#list steps as step>
 1667           <#if class='pie'>
 1668               <li class="step-${step?index + 1}<#if step.status!=''> ${step.status!}</#if>">
 1669                   <span>${step?index + 1} - ${step.title!}</span>
 1670                   <#if step.status?contains('active')><span class="sr-only">${a11StatusMsg}</span></#if>
 1671               </li>
 1672           <#else>
 1673               <li<#if step.status??> class="${step.status}"</#if>>
 1674                   <#if haspicto>
 1675                       <figure class="p-3" data-idx="${step?index + 1}" aria-hidden="true">
 1676                           <img src="${step.url!}" class="img-fluid" title="${step.title!}" alt="${step.title!}" aria-hidden="true">
 1677                       </figure>
 1678                   <#else>
 1679                       <div class="idx" data-idx="${step?index + 1}" aria-hidden="true">
 1680                           <span>${step?index + 1}</span>
 1681                       </div>
 1682                   </#if>
 1683                   <#if step.content??>
 1684                       <#if showMore gt 0>
 1685                           <#local content>
 1686                           <#if step.content?length gt showMore>
 1687                               <#assign truncated=step.content?truncate_w(showMore, '') >
 1688                               ${truncated}<span class="ellipsis">...</span>
 1689                               <span class="extra sr-only">${step.content?remove_beginning(truncated)}</span>
 1690                               <span class="d-block text-center mt-2">
 1691                                   <@cLink href='#' nestedPos='before' class='btn-infostep-more main-color text-decoration-none h6' label=labelMore title=labelMore >
 1692                                       <@cIcon label=i18n("portal.util.labelBack") class='angle-up hidden' />
 1693                                   </@cLink>
 1694                               </span>
 1695                           <#else>
 1696                           ${step.content}
 1697                           </#if>
 1698                           </#local>
 1699                       </#if>
 1700                   </#if>
 1701                   <#if title>
 1702                       <h2 id="step-title-${step?index + 1}" class="h3 text-center font-weight-bold mt-2">${step.title!}</h2>
 1703                       <#if step.content??><p class="infostep-more">${content!}</p></#if>
 1704                   <#else>
 1705                       <p id="step-title-${step?index + 1}" class="mt-2">${step.title!}<#if step.content??> ${content!}</#if></p>
 1706                   </#if>
 1707               </li>
 1708           </#if>
 1709           </#list>
 1710       </#if>
 1711       <#nested>    
 1712       </ol>
 1713   </div>
 1714   </#macro>    
 1715   <#-- cContentFrame      -->
 1716   <#-- title: Mandatory   -->
 1717   <#-- class:             -->
 1718   <#-- id:                -->
 1719   <#-- params:            -->
 1720   <#-- Macro for Editorials Contents   -->
 1721   <#macro cContentFrame title class='' id='' params=''>
 1722   <div class="content-frame ${class}" <#if id!=''> id="${id}"</#if><#if params!=''> ${params}</#if> >
 1723   <#if title?? && title !=''><h3>${title}</h3></#if>
 1724   <#nested>    
 1725   </div>
 1726   </#macro> 
 1727   <#-- cCard                      -->
 1728   <#-- title: Mandatory           -->
 1729   <#-- titleClass: Mandatory      -->
 1730   <#-- titleUrl: Mandatory        -->
 1731   <#-- subtitle: Mandatory        -->
 1732   <#-- subtitleClass: Mandatory   -->
 1733   <#-- class:                     -->
 1734   <#-- id:                        -->
 1735   <#-- img: Mandatory             -->
 1736   <#-- imgAlt: Mandatory          -->
 1737   <#-- header: Mandatory          -->
 1738   <#-- headerClass: Mandatory     -->
 1739   <#-- headerimg: Mandatory       -->
 1740   <#-- subHeader: Mandatory       -->
 1741   <#-- subHeaderClass: Mandatory  -->
 1742   <#-- footer: Mandatory          -->
 1743   <#-- footerClass: Mandatory     -->
 1744   <#-- orientation:               -->
 1745   <#-- hoverEffect:               -->
 1746   <#-- shadow:                    -->
 1747   <#-- params:                    -->
 1748   <#macro cCard title='' titleClass='' titleUrl='' subtitle='' subtitleClass='' class='' id='' img='' imgAlt='' header='' headerClass='' headerImg='' subHeader='' subHeaderClass='' footer='' footerClass='' orientation='v' hoverEffect=true shadow=true params=''>
 1749   <#if orientation='v'>
 1750       <div class="card ${class!}<#if !shadow> no-shadow</#if>"<#if id!=''> id="${id}"</#if><#if params!=''> ${params!}</#if>>
 1751           <#if header!=''><div class="card-header<#if headerClass !=''> ${headerClass}</#if><#if headerImg!=''> card-header-img</#if>"<#if headerImg!=''>style="background-image:url(${headerImg});"</#if>>${header!}</div></#if>
 1752           <#if subHeader!=''><div class="card-sub-header<#if subHeaderClass !=''> ${subHeaderClass}</#if>">${subHeader!}</div>
 1753           </#if>
 1754           <#if img!=''><figure<#if hoverEffect> class="card-figure"</#if>><img src="${img!}" class="card-img-top" alt="${imgAlt!}"></figure></#if>
 1755           <div class="card-body">
 1756               <#if title!=''><h3 class="card-title<#if titleClass !=''> ${titleClass}</#if>"><#if titleUrl!=''><a href="${titleUrl}" class="card-title-link" title=""></#if>${title}<#if titleUrl!=''></a></#if></h3></#if>
 1757               <#if subtitle!=''><h4 class="card-subtitle mb-2 text-muted<#if subtitleClass !=''> ${subtitleClass}</#if>">${subtitle}</h4></#if>
 1758               <#nested>
 1759           </div>
 1760           <#if footer!=''><div class="card-footer text-muted<#if footerClass !=''> ${footerClass}</#if>">${footer!}</div></#if>
 1761       </div>
 1762   <#else>
 1763       <div class="card ${class!}"<#if id!=''> id="${id}"</#if><#if params!=''> ${params!}</#if>>
 1764           <div class="row no-gutters">
 1765               <#if img!=''>
 1766               <div class="col-md-4">
 1767                   <img src="${img!}" class="card-img" alt="${imgAlt!}">
 1768               </div>
 1769               </#if>
 1770               <div class="<#if img!=''>col-md-8<#else>col</#if>">
 1771                   <div class="card-body">
 1772                       <#if title!=''><h5 class="card-title">${title}</h5></#if>
 1773                       <#if subtitle!=''><h6 class="card-subtitle mb-2 text-muted">${subtitle}</h6></#if>
 1774                       <#nested>
 1775                   </div>
 1776                   <#if footer!=''><div class="card-footer text-muted">${footer!}</div></#if>
 1777               </div>
 1778           </div>
 1779       </div>
 1780   </#if>    
 1781   </#macro>
 1782   <#-- cCardFloating              -->
 1783   <#-- id: Mandatory              -->
 1784   <#-- title: ''                  -->
 1785   <#-- class:                     -->
 1786   <#-- dismissible: true          -->
 1787   <#-- shadow:                    -->
 1788   <#-- params:                    -->
 1789   <#macro cCardFloating id title='' class='' dismissible=true shadow=true params=''>
 1790   <div class="card card-floating<#if class!=''> ${class!}</#if><#if !shadow> no-shadow</#if>" id="${id!}-card" <#if params!=''> ${params!}</#if>>
 1791       <div class="card-header">
 1792           <#if dismissible><span class="ml-auto"><@cIcon class='times' label='#i18n{themeparisfr.labelClose}' params='data-target="#${id!}-card" data-dismiss="alert" role="button"' /></span></#if>
 1793       </div>
 1794       <div class="card-body">
 1795           <h3 class="card-title">${title!}</h3>
 1796           <#if title!=''></#if>
 1797           <#nested>
 1798       </div>
 1799   </div>
 1800   </#macro>
 1801   <#-- cCardLayout -->
 1802   <#-- type: group / deck / columns -->
 1803   <#macro cCardLayout type='group' class='' id='' params=''>
 1804   <div class="card-${type!}<#if class !='' > ${class!}</#if>"<#if id!=''> id="${id}"</#if><#if params!=''> ${params}</#if>>
 1805       <#nested>
 1806   </div>
 1807   </#macro>
 1808   <#-- cAccordion             -->
 1809   <#-- title: Mandatory       -->
 1810   <#-- id: Mandatory          -->
 1811   <#-- class:    ''           -->
 1812   <#-- titleClass:''          -->
 1813   <#-- btnClass:''            -->
 1814   <#-- params: ''             -->
 1815   <#-- header: ''             -->
 1816   <#-- border:  true          -->
 1817   <#-- state:  true           -->
 1818   <#-- hasCollapse:  true     -->
 1819   <#macro cAccordion title id class='' titleClass='' subTitle='' subTitleClass='' btnClass='' params='' header='' border=false state=true hasCollapse=true>
 1820   <div class="accordion" id="acc${id!}">
 1821       <div class="card ${class!}<#if border> with-border</#if><#if subTitle !=''> with-subtitle</#if>" ${params!} >
 1822           <div class="card-header<#if !state> collapsed</#if>" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#collapseAcc${id}" aria-expanded="<#if state>true<#else>false</#if>">
 1823               <button class="btn btn-link btn-block btn-header-accordion" type="button" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#collapseAcc${id}" aria-expanded="<#if state>true<#else>false</#if>" aria-controls="collapseAcc${id}">
 1824               <#if class?starts_with('outline')>
 1825                   <div class="card-header-prepend">
 1826                       <div class="rounded-bg-icon">
 1827                           <@parisIcon name='alert-info' title='#i18n{themeparisfr.labelInfo}' />
 1828                       </div>    
 1829                   </div>    
 1830                   <h3<#if titleClass !=''> class="${titleClass}"</#if> id="headingAcc${id}">${title}</h3>
 1831                    <#if header !=''>${header}</#if>
 1832                   <#if hasCollapse><span class="card-header-separator"></span></#if>
 1833               <#else>
 1834                   <h3 class="card-title<#if titleClass !=''> ${titleClass}</#if>" id="headingAcc${id}">${title}</h3>
 1835                   <#if header !=''>${header}</#if>
 1836               </#if>
 1837               <#if hasCollapse>
 1838               <span class="btn-accordion<#if btnClass !=''> ${btnClass}</#if>" >
 1839                   <span class="sr-only">${title}</span>
 1840                   <@parisIcon name='arrow-bottom' class=btnClass title='' />
 1841               </span>
 1842               </#if>
 1843               </button>
 1844               <#if subTitle !=''><p class="card-subtitle w-100<#if subTitleClass !=''> ${subTitleClass}</#if>">${subTitle}</p></#if>
 1845           </div>
 1846           <#if hasCollapse>
 1847               <div id="collapseAcc${id}" class="collapse <#if state>show</#if>" role="region" aria-labelledby="headingAcc${id}"  data-parent="#acc${id!}">
 1848                   <div class="card-body">
 1849                       <#nested>
 1850                   </div>
 1851               </div>
 1852               <div class="card-footer d-block d-sm-none text-center">
 1853                   <button class="btn btn-link btn-accordion" type="button" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#collapseAcc${id}" aria-expanded="<#if state>true<#else>false</#if>" aria-controls="collapseAcc${id}">
 1854                       <svg class="paris-icon paris-icon-arrow-bottom" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false">
 1855                           <use xlink:href="#paris-icon-arrow-bottom"></use>
 1856                       </svg>
 1857                   </button>	
 1858               </div>
 1859           </#if>
 1860       </div>
 1861   </div>
 1862   </#macro>
 1863   <#-- cAlert                                     -->
 1864   <#-- title: '#i18n{themeparisfr.labelWarning}'  -->
 1865   <#-- dismissible:  true                         -->
 1866   <#-- class:    'primary'                        -->
 1867   <#-- id:  ''                                    -->
 1868   <#-- outline:  false                            -->
 1869   <#-- params: ''                                 -->
 1870   <#macro cAlert title='' dismissible=true class='primary' classText='' outline=true id='' params='' >
 1871   <#local parisIconName='alert-info' />
 1872   <#local ariaLabel='status' />
 1873   <#if class?starts_with('danger')>
 1874       <#local parisIconName='alert-danger' />
 1875       <#local ariaLabel='alert' />
 1876   <#elseif class?starts_with('warning')>
 1877       <#local parisIconName='alert-warning' />
 1878       <#local ariaLabel='alert' />
 1879   <#elseif class?starts_with('success')>
 1880       <#local parisIconName='alert-check' />
 1881       <#local ariaLabel='status' />
 1882   </#if>
 1883   <div class="alert<#if outline> alert-outline </#if> alert-${class}<#if dismissible> alert-dismissible fade show</#if>" role="${ariaLabel}">
 1884   <div class="alert-icon">
 1885       <div class="rounded-bg-icon">
 1886           <@parisIcon name=parisIconName title='#i18n{themeparisfr.labelInfo}' />
 1887       </div>
 1888   </div>
 1889   <div class="alert-text<#if classText!=''> ${classText!}</#if>">
 1890       <#if title !=''><div class="alert-title">${title!}</div></#if>
 1891       <#nested>
 1892   </div>
 1893   <#if dismissible>
 1894   <div class="alert-dismiss">
 1895       <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert" aria-label="#i18n{themeparisfr.labelClose}">
 1896           <@parisIcon 'alert-close' '#i18n{themeparisfr.labelClose}' />
 1897       </button>
 1898   </div>
 1899   </#if>
 1900   </div>
 1901   </#macro>
 1902   <#-- cModal                                         -->
 1903   <#-- title: Mandatory                               -->
 1904   <#-- id: Mandatory                                  -->
 1905   <#-- size:    ''                                    -->
 1906   <#-- static:  false                                 -->
 1907   <#-- pos:    'centered'                             -->
 1908   <#-- role:    ''                                    -->
 1909   <#-- type:    ''                                    -->
 1910   <#-- scrollable:  false                             -->
 1911   <#-- dismissible:  true                             -->
 1912   <#-- dismissLabel='#i18n{themeparisfr.labelClose}'  -->
 1913   <#-- footer: ''                                     -->
 1914   <#-- class:    ''                                   -->
 1915   <#-- params: ''                                     -->
 1916   <#macro cModal title id size='lg' static=false pos='centered' role='' type='' scrollable=false dismissible=true dismissLabel='#i18n{themeparisfr.labelClose}' footer='' class='' params=''>
 1917   <div class="modal cmodal fade<#if class!=''> ${class}</#if>" id="${id}Modal"<#if static> data-backdrop="static"</#if> tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="modal${id}Title" aria-hidden="true" <#if params!=''> ${params}</#if>>
 1918       <div class="modal-dialog <#if pos!=''>modal-dialog-${pos} </#if> <#if scrollable>modal-dialog-scrollable</#if><#if size!=''>modal-${size}</#if>"<#if role !=''> role="${role}"</#if>>
 1919           <div class="modal-content">
 1920               <div class="modal-header">
 1921                   <h5 class="modal-title" id="modal${id}Title">${title}</h5>
 1922                   <#if dismissible>
 1923                       <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="#i18n{themeparisfr.labelClose}">
 1924                           <@parisIcon name='close' title='#i18n{themeparisfr.labelClose}' />
 1925                       </button> 
 1926                   </#if>
 1927               </div>
 1928               <div class="modal-body">
 1929                   <#nested>
 1930               </div>
 1931               <div class="modal-footer">
 1932                   ${footer!}
 1933                   <#if dismissible>
 1934                       <button type="button" class="btn <#if type='info'>btn-link-primary<#else>btn-link-action</#if>" data-dismiss="modal">${dismissLabel}</button>
 1935                   </#if>
 1936               </div>
 1937           </div>
 1938       </div>
 1939   </div>
 1940   </#macro>
 1941   <#-- cCarousel                                      -->
 1942   <#-- id: Mandatory                                  -->
 1943   <#-- items: null / sequence                         -->
 1944   <#-- indicatorSize: 1                               -->
 1945   <#-- controls:  false                               -->
 1946   <#-- labelPrev: ''                                  -->
 1947   <#-- labelNext: ''                                  -->
 1948   <#-- class:    ''                                   -->
 1949   <#-- params: ''                                     -->
 1950   <#macro cCarousel id='manege' items='' indicatorSize=1 controls=false label='Carousel' labelPrev='' labelNext='' class='' params=''>
 1951   <#local itemSize = indicatorSize />
 1952   <#if items != ''><#local itemSize = items?size - 1 /></#if>
 1953   <div id="${id!}" class="carousel carousel-themed slide" data-ride="carousel" aria-roledescription="carousel" aria-label="${label}">
 1954   <#if itemSize &gt; 1>
 1955       <ol class="carousel-indicators pagination">
 1956       <#list 0..( itemSize - 1) as idx>
 1957           <li class="page-item<#if idx=0> active</#if>" data-target="#${id!}" data-slide-to="${idx}" aria-label="Slide ${idx}" aria-selected="false" aria-controls="carousel-item-${idx}"><span class="page-link">${idx+1}</span></li>
 1958       </#list>
 1959       </ol>
 1960   </#if>
 1961       <div class="carousel-inner">
 1962       <#if items != ''>
 1963           <#local itemIdx = 1>
 1964           <#local isActive = true>
 1965           <#list items as cItem>
 1966               <@cCarouselItem img=cItem.img active=isActive idx=itemIdx max=itemSize alt=cItem.alt title=cItem.title subtitle=cItem.subTitle class=cItem.class params=cItem.class />
 1967               <#local itemIdx = itemIdx + 1 />
 1968               <#local isActive = false />
 1969           </#list>
 1970       <#else>
 1971           <#nested>
 1972       </#if>
 1973       </div>
 1974       <#if controls>
 1975       <a class="carousel-control-prev" href="#${id!}" role="button" data-slide="prev">
 1976           <span class="carousel-bg-control">
 1977               <span class="carousel-control-prev-icon" aria-hidden="true"></span>
 1978               <span class="sr-only">${labelPrev}</span>
 1979           </span>
 1980       </a>
 1981       <a class="carousel-control-next" href="#${id!}" role="button" data-slide="next">
 1982           <span class="carousel-bg-control">
 1983               <span class="carousel-control-next-icon" aria-hidden="true"></span>
 1984               <span class="sr-only">${labelNext}</span>
 1985           </span>
 1986       </a>
 1987       </#if>
 1988   </div>
 1989   </#macro>
 1990   <#-- cCarouselItem           -->
 1991   <#-- img: Mandatory          -->
 1992   <#-- active:  false          -->
 1993   <#-- alt: ''                 -->
 1994   <#-- title: ''               -->
 1995   <#-- subtitle: ''            -->
 1996   <#-- class:    ''            -->
 1997   <#-- params: ''              -->
 1998   <#macro cCarouselItem img active=false id='manege' idx=1 max=1 alt='' title='' subtitle='' class='' params=''>
 1999   <div id="${id}-item-${idx}" class="carousel-item<#if active> active</#if><#if class !=''> ${class}</#if>" role="group" aria-roledescription="slide" aria-label="${idx} of ${max}"<#if params !=''> ${params}</#if>>
 2000       <img src="${img!}" class="d-block w-100" alt="${alt!'...'}">
 2001       <div class="carousel-caption">
 2002           <h3>${title}</h3>
 2003           <p>${subtitle}</p>
 2004       </div>
 2005   </div>
 2006   </#macro>  
 2007   <#-- cPagination            -->
 2008   <#-- paginator: Mandatory   -->
 2009   <#-- label:'Pagination'     -->
 2010   <#-- class: ''              -->
 2011   <#-- id: ''                 -->
 2012   <#-- params: ''             -->
 2013   <#macro cPagination paginator label='Pagination' class='' id='' params='' >
 2014   <nav aria-label="${label!}" <#if id!=''> id="${id}"</#if><#if class!=''> class="${class}"</#if><#if params!=''> ${params}</#if> >
 2015   <#if (paginator.pagesCount > 1) >
 2016   	<@cPaginationLinks paginator=paginator class=class />
 2017   </#if>
 2018   </nav>
 2019   </#macro>
 2020   <#-- cPaginationLinks       -->
 2021   <#-- paginator: Mandatory   -->
 2022   <#-- class: ''              -->
 2023   <#macro cPaginationLinks paginator class=''>
 2024   <#local nbLinkPagesToDisplay = 10 />
 2025   <#local offsetPrev = nbLinkPagesToDisplay / 2 />
 2026   <#local offsetNext = nbLinkPagesToDisplay / 2 />
 2027   <#if ( paginator.pageCurrent <= nbLinkPagesToDisplay - offsetPrev )>
 2028   	<#local offsetPrev = paginator.pageCurrent - 1 />
 2029   	<#local offsetNext = nbLinkPagesToDisplay - offsetPrev />
 2030   <#elseif ( paginator.pageCurrent + offsetNext > paginator.pagesCount )>
 2031   	<#local offsetNext = paginator.pagesCount - paginator.pageCurrent />
 2032   	<#local offsetPrev = nbLinkPagesToDisplay - offsetNext />
 2033   </#if>
 2034   <ul class="pagination<#if class!=''> ${class}</#if>">
 2035   <#if ( paginator.pageCurrent - offsetPrev > 1 )>
 2036   	<li class="page-item">
 2037   		<a class="page-link" href="${paginator.firstPageLink?xhtml}" title="${paginator.labelFirst}">
 2038   			<svg xmlns="" width="9.638" height="15.153" viewBox="0 0 9.638 15.153">
 2039   				<g transform="translate(8.279 13.676) rotate(180)">
 2040   					<g transform="translate(0 0)">
 2041   						<path class="a" d="M1.309,0,0,1.423,4.3,6.1,0,10.776,1.309,12.2,6.92,6.1Z"/>
 2042   					</g>
 2043   				</g>
 2044   			</svg>
 2045   		</a>
 2046   	</li>
 2047   </#if>
 2048   <#if (paginator.pageCurrent > 1) >
 2049   	<li class="page-item">
 2050   		<a class="page-link" href="${paginator.previousPageLink?xhtml}" title="#i18n{themeparisfr.labelPrev}">
 2051   			<svg xmlns="" width="9.638" height="15.153" viewBox="0 0 9.638 15.153">
 2052   				<g transform="translate(8.279 13.676) rotate(180)">
 2053   					<g transform="translate(0 0)">
 2054   						<path class="a" d="M1.309,0,0,1.423,4.3,6.1,0,10.776,1.309,12.2,6.92,6.1Z"/>
 2055   					</g>
 2056   				</g>
 2057   			</svg>
 2058   		</a>
 2059   	</li>
 2060   <#else>
 2061   	<li class="page-item disabled">
 2062   		<a class="page-link" href="${paginator.firstPageLink?xhtml}" title="${paginator.labelFirst}">
 2063   			<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 9.638 15.153">
 2064   				<g transform="translate(8.279 13.676) rotate(180)">
 2065   					<path class="a" d="M1.309,0,0,1.423,4.3,6.1,0,10.776,1.309,12.2,6.92,6.1Z"/>
 2066   				</g>
 2067   			</svg>
 2068   		</a>
 2069   	</li>
 2070   </#if>
 2071   <#if ( paginator.pageCurrent - offsetPrev > 1 )>
 2072   	<li class="page-item group">
 2073   		<a class="page-link" href="${(paginator.pagesLinks?first).url?xhtml}" title="#i18n{themeparisfr.labelNextGroup}"><strong>...</strong></a>
 2074   	</li>
 2075   </#if>
 2076   <#list paginator.pagesLinks as link>
 2077   	<#if ( link.index == paginator.pageCurrent )>
 2078   		<li class="page-item active" disabled aria-current="page" >
 2079   			<span class="page-link">${}</span>
 2080   		</li>
 2081   	<#else>
 2082   		<li class="page-item">
 2083   			<a class="page-link" title="${}" href="${link.url?xhtml}">${}</a>
 2084   		</li>
 2085   	</#if>
 2086   </#list>
 2087   <#if ( paginator.pageCurrent + offsetNext < paginator.pagesCount) >
 2088   	<li class="page-item group">
 2089   		<a class="page-link" href="${(paginator.pagesLinks?last).url?xhtml}" title="#i18n{themeparisfr.labelNextGroup}" >
 2090   			<strong>...</strong>
 2091   		</a>
 2092   	</li>
 2093   </#if>
 2094   <#if (paginator.pageCurrent < paginator.pagesCount) >
 2095   	<li class="page-item">
 2096   		<a class="page-link" href="${paginator.nextPageLink?xhtml}" title="#i18n{themeparisfr.labelNext}">
 2097   			<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 9.638 15.153">
 2098   				<g transform="translate(1.359 1.477)">
 2099   					<path class="a" d="M1.309,0,0,1.423,4.3,6.1,0,10.776,1.309,12.2,6.92,6.1Z"/>
 2100   				</g>
 2101   			</svg>
 2102   		</a>
 2103   	</li>
 2104   	<#if ( paginator.pageCurrent + offsetNext < paginator.pagesCount) >
 2105   		<li class="page-item">
 2106   			<a class="page-link" href="${paginator.lastPageLink?xhtml}" title="${paginator.labelLast}">
 2107   				${paginator.labelLast}
 2108   			</a>
 2109   		</li>
 2110   	</#if>
 2111   <#else>
 2112   	<li class="page-item disabled">
 2113   		<a class="page-link" href="${paginator.lastPageLink?xhtml}" title="${paginator.labelLast}" >
 2114   			<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 9.638 15.153">
 2115   				<g transform="translate(1.359 1.477)">
 2116   					<path class="a" d="M1.309,0,0,1.423,4.3,6.1,0,10.776,1.309,12.2,6.92,6.1Z"/>
 2117   				</g>
 2118   			</svg>
 2119   		</a>
 2120   	</li>
 2121   </#if>
 2122   </ul>
 2123   </#macro>
 2124   <#-- cTabs                  -->
 2125   <#-- navigation: true       -->
 2126   <#-- id: ''                 -->
 2127   <#-- class: ''              -->
 2128   <#-- params: ''             -->
 2129   <#macro cTabs navigation=true id='' class='' params='' >
 2130   <#if navigation><nav></#if>
 2131   <ul class="nav nav-tabs<#if class!=''> ${class!}</#if>"<#if !navigation> role="tablist"</#if><#if id !=''> id="${id!}"</#if><#if params!=''> ${params!}</#if> >
 2132     <#nested>
 2133   </ul>
 2134   <#if navigation></nav></#if>
 2135   </#macro>
 2136   <#-- cTab                   -->
 2137   <#-- url: Mandatory         -->
 2138   <#-- id: ''                 -->
 2139   <#-- active: false          -->
 2140   <#-- navigation: true       -->
 2141   <#-- disabled: false        -->
 2142   <#-- class: ''              -->
 2143   <#-- params: ''             -->
 2144   <#macro cTab url id='' active=false navigation=true disabled=false class='' params=''>
 2145     <li class="nav-item" <#if !navigation> role="presentation"</#if>>
 2146       <<#if navigation>a<#else>button type="button"</#if> id="<#if id=''>tab_${url!?remove_beginning("#")}<#else>${id}</#if>" class="nav-link <#if !navigation>btn</#if> <#if active>active</#if> <#if disabled>disabled</#if><#if class!=''> ${class!}</#if>"<#if !navigation> data-toggle="tab" role="tab"  </#if><#if disabled> disabled tabindex="-1" aria-disabled="true"</#if> <#if active>tabindex=0</#if> href="${url!}">
 2147           <#nested>
 2148       </<#if navigation>a<#else>button</#if>>
 2149     </li>
 2150   </#macro>
 2151   <#-- cTabContent            -->
 2152   <#-- id: ''                 -->
 2153   <#-- class: ''              -->
 2154   <#-- params: ''             -->
 2155   <#macro cTabContent id class='' params=''>
 2156   <div class="tab-content<#if class!=''> ${class!}</#if>" id="${id}" ${params!} >
 2157       <#nested>
 2158   </div>
 2159   </#macro>
 2160   <#-- cTabPane               -->
 2161   <#-- id: Mandatory          -->
 2162   <#-- active: false          -->
 2163   <#-- disabled: false        -->
 2164   <#-- class: ''              -->
 2165   <#-- params: ''             -->
 2166   <#macro cTabPane id active=false disabled=false class='' params=''>
 2167   <div class="tab-pane fade <#if active>show active</#if><#if disabled> disabled</#if><#if class!=''> ${class!}</#if>"<#if disabled>disabled aria-disabled="true"</#if> id="${id}" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="tab_${id}" ${params!}>    
 2168       <#nested>
 2169   </div>
 2170   </#macro>
 2171   <#-- MACRO cConsentTac : Consent RGPD needs Tarteaucitron library - /      -->
 2172   <#-- Attributes                                                                                        -->
 2173   <#-- privacyLink='//' -->
 2174   <#-- denyAll='false' Show / Hide Denyall button                                                        -->
 2175   <#-- cookieMenu='Gestion des cookies'                                                                  -->
 2176   <#-- cookiePolicyLink=''                                         -->
 2177   <#-- hashtag='cookiepolicyparisfr'                                                                     -->
 2178   <#-- cookiename='cookieparisfr'                                                                        -->
 2179   <#macro cConsentTac title='Ce site' privacyLink='//' denyAll=false cookieMenu='Gestion des cookies' cookiePolicyLink='' hashtag='cookiepolicyparisfr' cookiename='cookieparisfr' nocredit=false>
 2180   <link rel="stylesheet" href="js/tarteaucitron/css/theme-parisfr-tac.css" >
 2181   <script src="js/tarteaucitron/tarteaucitron.js"></script>
 2182   <!-- Service Mon Paris -->
 2183   <script>
 2185     "key": "monparis",
 2186     "type": "api",
 2187     "name": "Mon Paris",
 2188     "uri": "",
 2189     "readmoreLink": "${cookiePolicyLink}",
 2190     "needconsent": false,
 2191     "useExternalCss" : true,
 2192     "mandatory": true,
 2194     "js": function () {
 2195       "use strict";
 2196       // When user allow cookie
 2197     },
 2198     "fallback": function () {
 2199       "use strict";
 2200       // when use deny cookie
 2201     }
 2202   };
 2203   tarteaucitron.init({
 2204       "privacyUrl": "${privacyLink}", /* Privacy policy url */
 2205       "hashtag": "#${hashtag}",       /* Open the panel with this hashtag */
 2206       "cookieName": "${cookiename}",  /* Cookie name */
 2207       "orientation": "bottom",        /* Banner position (top - bottom) */
 2208       "showAlertSmall": false,        /* Show the small banner on bottom right */
 2209       "cookieslist": true,            /* Show the cookie list */
 2210       "adblocker": true,             /* Show a Warning if an adblocker is detected */
 2211       "AcceptAllCta" : true,          /* Show the accept all button when highPrivacy on */
 2212       "DenyAllCta" : ${denyAll?c},           /* Show the Deny all button when highPrivacy on */
 2213       "highPrivacy": true,            /* Disable auto consent */
 2214       "handleBrowserDNTRequest": true, /* If Do Not Track == 1, disallow all */
 2215       "removeCredit": ${nocredit?c},          /* Remove credit link */
 2216       "moreInfoLink": true,           /* Show more info link */
 2217       "useExternalCss": true,         /* If false, the tarteaucitron.css file will be loaded */        
 2218       "readmoreLink": "${cookiePolicyLink}", /* Change the default readmore link */
 2219       "mandatory": true,             /* Show a message about mandatory cookies */
 2220   });
 2221   <#nested>
 2222   </script>
 2223   </#macro>
 2224   <#-- Services List for @cConsentTac                                                -->
 2225   <#-- Refer to doc for correct use with embed for services. Most of them need to upldate your js/html source code :      -->
 2226   <#-- Most used: monparis, twitter, addThis, dailymotion, facebook, googlefonts, slideshare, vimeo,  youtube             -->
 2227   <#-- MACRO cConsentTacService :            -->
 2228   <#-- Attributes                            -->
 2229   <#-- code: 'monparis'                      -->
 2230   <#macro cConsentTacService code='monparis'>
 2231   <#nested>
 2232   (tarteaucitron.job = tarteaucitron.job ||   []).push('${code}');
 2233   </#macro>
 2234   <#-- MACRO cConsentTacServiceMatomo :                                             -->
 2235   <#-- Attributes                                                                   -->
 2236   <#-- id: 0                                                                        -->
 2237   <#-- host:                                  -->
 2238   <#-- matomo: 0=use nested to get Matomo params  / 1  use id and host macro params -->
 2239   <#macro cConsentTacServiceMatomo id=0 host=''>
 2240   <@cConsentTacService code='matomohightrack'>
 2241   tarteaucitron.user.matomoId = ${id};
 2242   tarteaucitron.user.matomoHost = '${host}';
 2243   </@cConsentTacService>
 2244   </#macro>
 2245   <#-- MACRO cErrorMessage -->
 2246   <#-- Attributes          -->
 2247   <#-- title  : mandatory  -->
 2248   <#-- text   : mandatory  -->
 2249   <#-- linkUrl: ''         -->
 2250   <#-- linkLabelUrl: ''    -->
 2251   <#-- id: ''              -->
 2252   <#-- class: ''           -->
 2253   <#-- params: ''          -->
 2254   <#macro cErrorMessage title text linkUrl='' linkLabelUrl='' id='' class='text-center' params=''>
 2255   <#local linkLabelUrl>${linkLabelUrl}</#local>
 2256   <@cContainer>
 2257     <@cRow class='align-items-center justify-content-center'>
 2258       <@cCol class='col mt-5 pt-5 ${class!}' id=id params=params >
 2259         <@cTitle class='main-info-color font-black'>
 2260           <@parisIcon name='info' title=title params='style="fill:var( --main-info-color);width:64px;height:64px;"'/> ${title}
 2261         </@cTitle>
 2262         <@cTitle level=2 class='py-5 font-extra-bold dark-color'>${text}</@cTitle>
 2263         <#nested>
 2264         <@cText class="text-center">
 2265         <#if linkUrl !=''>
 2266           <#if linkLabelUrl=''>
 2267               <#local linkLabelUrl>#i18n{portal.util.labelBackHome}</#local>
 2268           </#if>
 2269           <@cLink href=linkUrl label=linkLabelUrl  class='btn btn-action mt-5' />
 2270         </#if>
 2271         </@cText>
 2272       </@cCol>
 2273     </@cRow>
 2274   </@cContainer>
 2275   </#macro>
 2276   <#-- cToastr                                 -->
 2277   <#-- --------------------------------------  -->
 2278   <#-- Attributes                              -->
 2279   <#-- --------------------------------------  -->
 2280   <#-- infos                                   -->
 2281   <#-- warnings                                -->
 2282   <#-- errors                                  -->
 2283   <#-- msg                                     -->
 2284   <#-- msgType                                 -->
 2285   <#macro cToastr infos warnings errors msg='' msgType='info'>
 2286   <script>
 2287   $( function(){
 2288   <#if warnings?has_content>
 2289   <#list warnings as warning >
 2290       toastr.warning("${warning.message}");
 2291   </#list>	
 2292   </#if>
 2293   <#if errors?has_content>
 2294   <#list errors as error >
 2295       toastr.error("${error.message}");
 2296   </#list>	
 2297   </#if>
 2298   <#if infos?has_content>
 2299   <#list infos as info >
 2301   </#list>	
 2302   </#if>
 2303   <#if msg !=''>
 2304   <#if msgType='info'>
 2306   </#if>
 2307   <#if msgType='warning'>
 2308       toastr.warning("${msg}");
 2309   </#if>
 2310   <#if msgType='danger'>
 2311       toastr.warning("${msg}");
 2312   </#if>
 2313   </#if>
 2314   });
 2315   </script>
 2316   </#macro>
 2317   <#-- THEME DATE PICKER COMPONENT                            -->
 2318   <#-- getThemeDatePicker                                     -->
 2319   <#-- ------------------------------------------------------ -->
 2320   <#-- @tag | date, datepicker, flatpikr                      -->
 2321   <#-- ------------------------------------------------------ -->
 2322   <#-- @summary | Add datepicker with flatpickr lib           -->
 2323   <#-- ------------------------------------------------------ -->
 2324   <#-- @param idField | mandatory |  -->
 2325   <#-- @param showFormat | ''     |  -->
 2326   <#-- @param minDate | ''        |  -->
 2327   <#-- @param maxDate | ''        |  -->
 2328   <#-- @param defaultDate | ''    |  -->
 2329   <#-- @param mode    | 'single'  |  -->
 2330   <#-- @param time    | false     |  --> 
 2331   <#-- @param range   | false     |  --> 
 2332   <#-- @param rangeIdField | ''   |  -->
 2333   <#-- @param customArrows | ['<svg xmlns="" class="icon icon-tabler icon-tabler-chevron-left" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke-width="2" stroke="currentColor" fill="none" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"><path stroke="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none"></path><polyline points="15 6 9 12 15 18"></polyline></svg>','<svg xmlns="" class="icon icon-tabler icon-tabler-chevron-right" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke-width="2" stroke="currentColor" fill="none" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"><path stroke="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none"></path><polyline points="9 6 15 12 9 18"></polyline></svg>'] |  -->
 2334   <#-- ------------------------------------------------------ -->
 2335   <#-- @nested        | true      | Shows default page menu, but can other item can be add using @mainNavItem macro. -->
 2336   <#-- ------------------------------------------------------ -->
 2337   <#macro getThemeDatePicker idField format='' showFormat='' minDate='' maxDate='' defaultDate='' mode='single' time=false range=false rangeIdField='' customArrows=['<svg xmlns="" class="icon icon-tabler icon-tabler-chevron-left" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke-width="2" stroke="currentColor" fill="none" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"><path stroke="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none"></path><polyline points="15 6 9 12 15 18"></polyline></svg>','<svg xmlns="" class="icon icon-tabler icon-tabler-chevron-right" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke-width="2" stroke="currentColor" fill="none" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"><path stroke="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none"></path><polyline points="9 6 15 12 9 18"></polyline></svg>']>
 2338   <script>
 2339   $( function() {
 2340   <#if showFormat == ''>
 2341   let showFormat${idField} = getFlatPickerDateFormat( browserCurrentLocale );
 2342   <#else>
 2343   let showFormat${idField} = '${showFormat}';
 2344   </#if>
 2345   <#-- The server parses dates on a per locale basis. The formats here much match those specified by -->
 2346   <#if format == ''>    
 2347   let dtFormat${idField}='Y-m-d H:i:S'; // Default for most DB
 2348   <#else>
 2349   let dtFormat${idField}='${format}';
 2350   </#if>
 2351   $('#${idField}').flatpickr( 
 2352       { allowInput    : true, 
 2353           mode        : "${mode}",
 2354           enableTime  : ${time?c}, 
 2355           altInput    : true, 
 2356           altFormat   : showFormat${idField}, 
 2357           dateFormat  : dtFormat${idField}, 
 2358           "locale"    : browserLang<#if defaultDate !=''>, 
 2359           defaultDate : "${defaultDate}"</#if><#if minDate !=''>, 
 2360           minDate     : "${minDate?date("yyyy-MM-dd")}"</#if><#if maxDate !=''>, 
 2361           maxDate     : "${maxDate?date("yyyy-MM-dd")}"</#if><#if customArrows?size == 2 >,
 2362           prevArrow   : '${customArrows[0]}',
 2363           nextArrow   : '${customArrows[1]}'</#if><#if range && rangeIdField !=''>,
 2364           "plugins"   : [new rangePlugin( {input:"#${rangeIdField}" } )]<#else> // ! Range usage error -> Missing id (rangeidField param) for end range field</#if>
 2365       });
 2366   });
 2367   </script>
 2368   </#macro>
 2369   <#-- INIT THEME DATE PICKER COMPONENT                       -->
 2370   <#-- initThemeDatePicker                                    -->
 2371   <#-- ------------------------------------------------------ -->
 2372   <#-- @tag | date, datepicker, flatpikr                      -->
 2373   <#-- ------------------------------------------------------ -->
 2374   <#-- @summary | Init datepicker flatpickr lib               -->
 2375   <#-- ------------------------------------------------------ -->
 2376   <#macro initThemeDatePicker>
 2377   <#if themePickerIsLoaded?? && themePickerIsLoaded>
 2378   <#else>
 2379   <link rel="stylesheet" href="js/flatpickr/bootstrap-flatpickr.min.css">
 2380   <link rel="stylesheet" href="js/flatpickr/style/themeparisfr-flatpickr-min.css">
 2381   <script src="js/util/lutece.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
 2382   <script src="js/flatpickr/bootstrap-flatpickr.min.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
 2383   <script src="js/flatpickr/plugins/rangePlugin.min.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
 2384   <script src="js/flatpickr/locales/" charset="utf-8"></script>
 2385   <script>
 2386   // Get current browser lang
 2387   var browserCurrentLocale = navigator.language
 2388   var browserLang = browserCurrentLocale.split('-')[0]
 2389   if( !browserCurrentLocale.startsWith('fr') ){
 2390       let langLib = 'js/flatpickr/locales/bootstrap-flatpickr.' + browserLang + '.js';
 2391       loadScript( langLib );
 2392   }
 2393   </script>
 2394   <#assign themePickerIsLoaded = true />
 2395   </#if>
 2396   </#macro>
 2397   <#-- END COMPONENTS                     -->
 2398   <#-- END THEME MACROS                   -->
 2399   <#-- DEPRECATED MACROS                  -->
 2400   <#-- Compatibility version 1            -->
 2401   <#-- cStepContent -->
 2402   <#macro cStepContent title id='' class='' help='' iterable=false iteration=0 labelAddIteration='Ajouter' labelDelIteration='#i18n{themeparisfr.labelDelete}' params=''></#macro>
 2403   <#-- cCustomListArrow USE cList  DEPRECATED  -->
 2404   <#macro cCustomListArrow items=''>
 2405   <@cList items />
 2406   </#macro>  
 2407   <#-- cCustomList USE cList DEPRECATED  -->
 2408   <#macro cCustomList items type='arrow' class='' id='' params=''>
 2409   <@cList items type class id params >
 2410       <#nested>    
 2411   </@cList>
 2412   </#macro>  
 2413   <#-- MACRO consentement cookies CNIL            -->
 2414   <#-- Name : DEPRECATED  cConsent                -->
 2415   <#-- Attributes List  :                         -->
 2416   <#-- title : 'Ce site'                          -->
 2417   <#-- linkLabel='cookies'                        -->
 2418   <#-- link='/pages/mentions-legales-234'         -->
 2419   <#-- id='cookie-banner-parisfr'                 -->
 2420   <#-- class                                      -->
 2421   <#-- params                                     -->
 2422   <#macro cConsent title='Ce site' linkLabel='cookies' link='/pages/mentions-legales-234' id='cookie-banner-parisfr' class='' params=''>
 2423   <#-- Managed in init_site.js -->
 2424   <@cSection type='div' class='cookies ${class}' id=id >
 2425     <@cSection type='div' class='cookies-banner'>
 2426       <@cText class='cookies-banner-text'>
 2427           <#local legalLink><@cLink href=link label=linkLabel class='font-' /></#local>
 2428           ${i18n( "themeparisfr.msgLegal", title, legalLink )}
 2429       </@cText>
 2430       <@cBtn label='#i18n{themeparisfr.labelAccept}' type='button' class='action' id='cookie-banner-parisfr-accept' />            
 2431     </@cSection>
 2432   </@cSection>
 2433   </#macro>
 2434   <#-- END DEPRECATED MACROS -->
 2435   <#-- INTERNAL FUNCTIONS -->
 2436   <#--
 2437   * Generates a "random" integer between min and max (inclusive)
 2438   *
 2439   * Note the values this function returns are based on the current
 2440   * second the function is called and thus are highly deterministic
 2441   * and SHOULD NOT be used for anything other than inconsequential
 2442   * purposes, such as picking a random image to display.
 2443   -->
 2444   <#function rand v>
 2445     <#local now = .now?long?c />
 2446     <#local randomNum = v + ( now?substring(now?length-1) + now?substring(now?length-2))?number />
 2447     <#if (randomNum gt 1)>
 2448       <#assign _rand = randomNum % 1 />
 2449     <#else>
 2450       <#assign _rand = randomNum />
 2451     </#if>
 2452     <#local n = .now?long?c />
 2453     <#local randomN = (n?substring( n?length-1) + n?substring( n?length-2 ))?number />
 2454     <#return ( randomN + (( 30 - randomN ) * _rand))?round />
 2455   </#function>
 2456   <#assign rnd="0.${turnoverstr(.now?long?string)}"?number />
 2457   <#function random >
 2458   <#local h="0.${turnoverstr(.now?long?string)}" />
 2459   <#local r=h?number + rnd />
 2460   <#if r gte 1>
 2461       <#local r=r-1 />
 2462   </#if>
 2463   <#assign rnd=r />
 2464   <#return r />
 2465   </#function>
 2466   <#function turnoverstr str >
 2467   <#local l = str?length />
 2468   <#local r = ""/>
 2469   <#list 1..l as i>
 2470       <#local r = r+str?substring(l-i,l-i+1) />
 2471   </#list>
 2472   <#return r/>
 2473   </#function>