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Checkstyle Results

The following document contains the results of Checkstyle 8.19 with build-config/lutece_checks.xml ruleset. 

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28 0 7 143


fr/paris/lutece/plugins/dansmarue/modules/rest/dto/ 0 0 1
fr/paris/lutece/plugins/dansmarue/modules/rest/pojo/ 0 0 3
fr/paris/lutece/plugins/dansmarue/modules/rest/pojo/ 0 0 3
fr/paris/lutece/plugins/dansmarue/modules/rest/pojo/ 0 0 1
fr/paris/lutece/plugins/dansmarue/modules/rest/pojo/ 0 0 1
fr/paris/lutece/plugins/dansmarue/modules/rest/rs/ 0 2 8
fr/paris/lutece/plugins/dansmarue/modules/rest/service/ 0 0 1
fr/paris/lutece/plugins/dansmarue/modules/rest/service/ 0 2 5
fr/paris/lutece/plugins/dansmarue/modules/rest/service/ 0 0 1
fr/paris/lutece/plugins/dansmarue/modules/rest/service/ 0 0 1
fr/paris/lutece/plugins/dansmarue/modules/rest/service/ 0 3 72
fr/paris/lutece/plugins/dansmarue/modules/rest/service/ 0 0 1
fr/paris/lutece/plugins/dansmarue/modules/rest/service/ 0 0 1
fr/paris/lutece/plugins/dansmarue/modules/rest/service/formatters/ 0 0 1
fr/paris/lutece/plugins/dansmarue/modules/rest/service/formatters/ 0 0 1
fr/paris/lutece/plugins/dansmarue/modules/rest/service/formatters/ 0 0 1
fr/paris/lutece/plugins/dansmarue/modules/rest/service/formatters/ 0 0 14
fr/paris/lutece/plugins/dansmarue/modules/rest/service/formatters/ 0 0 1
fr/paris/lutece/plugins/dansmarue/modules/rest/service/upload/handler/ 0 0 10
fr/paris/lutece/plugins/dansmarue/modules/rest/service/upload/handler/ 0 0 1
fr/paris/lutece/plugins/dansmarue/modules/rest/util/ 0 0 5
fr/paris/lutece/plugins/dansmarue/modules/rest/util/constants/ 0 0 1
fr/paris/lutece/plugins/dansmarue/modules/rest/util/constants/ 0 0 2
fr/paris/lutece/plugins/dansmarue/modules/rest/util/date/ 0 0 1
fr/paris/lutece/plugins/dansmarue/modules/rest/util/exception/ 0 0 2
fr/paris/lutece/plugins/dansmarue/modules/rest/xpage/signalement/ 0 0 4


Category Rule Violations Severity
blocks LeftCurly
  • option: "nl"
  • option: "alone"
coding ArrayTrailingComma 2
DeclarationOrder 15
ExplicitInitialization 1
  • max: "3"
  • max: "5"
design FinalClass 1
HideUtilityClassConstructor 1
MutableException 1
VisibilityModifier 5
header Header
  • fileExtensions: "java"
  • headerFile: "/opt/datas/jenkins/home/jobs/admin-github-build/workspace/target/checkstyle-header.txt"
imports UnusedImports 2
javadoc JavadocMethod 10
JavadocType 1
sizes ParameterNumber 4
whitespace ParenPad
  • option: "space"
  • tokens: "ASSIGN,EQUAL"



Severity Category Rule Message Line
header Header Line does not match expected header line of ' * Copyright (c) 2002-2020, City of Paris'. 2


Severity Category Rule Message Line
header Header Line does not match expected header line of ' * Copyright (c) 2002-2020, City of Paris'. 2
design VisibilityModifier Variable '_nErrorCode' must be private and have accessor methods. 43
design VisibilityModifier Variable '_strErrorMessage' must be private and have accessor methods. 46


Severity Category Rule Message Line
header Header Line does not match expected header line of ' * Copyright (c) 2002-2020, City of Paris'. 2
design VisibilityModifier Variable '_nErrorCode' must be private and have accessor methods. 43
design VisibilityModifier Variable '_strErrorMessage' must be private and have accessor methods. 46


Severity Category Rule Message Line
header Header Line does not match expected header line of ' * Copyright (c) 2002-2020, City of Paris'. 2


Severity Category Rule Message Line
header Header Line does not match expected header line of ' * Copyright (c) 2002-2020, City of Paris'. 2


Severity Category Rule Message Line
header Header Line does not match expected header line of ' * Copyright (c) 2002-2020, City of Paris'. 2
sizes ParameterNumber More than 7 parameters (found 12). 303
sizes ParameterNumber More than 7 parameters (found 11). 358
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 1344
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 1344
blocks LeftCurly '{' at column 71 should be on a new line. 1344
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 1345
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 1345
javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 1478
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 1505


Severity Category Rule Message Line
header Header Line does not match expected header line of ' * Copyright (c) 2002-2020, City of Paris'. 2


Severity Category Rule Message Line
header Header Line does not match expected header line of ' * Copyright (c) 2002-2020, City of Paris'. 2
coding DeclarationOrder Variable access definition in wrong order. 124
coding DeclarationOrder Variable access definition in wrong order. 127
sizes ParameterNumber More than 7 parameters (found 9). 182
sizes ParameterNumber More than 7 parameters (found 12). 257
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 387
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 387


Severity Category Rule Message Line
header Header Line does not match expected header line of ' * Copyright (c) 2002-2020, City of Paris'. 2


Severity Category Rule Message Line
header Header Line does not match expected header line of ' * Copyright (c) 2002-2020, City of Paris'. 2


Severity Category Rule Message Line
header Header Line does not match expected header line of ' * Copyright (c) 2002-2020, City of Paris'. 2
coding DeclarationOrder Static variable definition in wrong order. 240
coding DeclarationOrder Static variable definition in wrong order. 243
coding DeclarationOrder Static variable definition in wrong order. 246
coding DeclarationOrder Static variable definition in wrong order. 249
coding DeclarationOrder Static variable definition in wrong order. 252
coding DeclarationOrder Static variable definition in wrong order. 255
javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 475
blocks LeftCurly '{' at column 62 should be on a new line. 531
blocks LeftCurly '{' at column 61 should be on a new line. 580
coding NestedIfDepth Nested if-else depth is 4 (max allowed is 3). 1394
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 1394
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 1394
blocks LeftCurly '{' at column 79 should be on a new line. 1394
coding NestedIfDepth Nested if-else depth is 4 (max allowed is 3). 1399
coding NestedIfDepth Nested if-else depth is 4 (max allowed is 3). 1406
javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 1754
javadoc JavadocMethod Expected @param tag for 'guid'. 1782
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 1844
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 1844
blocks LeftCurly '{' at column 50 should be on a new line. 1844
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 1863
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 1863
blocks RightCurly '}' at column 9 should be alone on a line. 1866
blocks LeftCurly '{' at column 16 should be on a new line. 1866
javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 1920
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 1926
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 1926
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 1928
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 1928
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 1932
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 1932
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 1933
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 1933
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 1934
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 1934
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 1935
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 1935
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 1936
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 1936
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 1937
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 1937
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 1939
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 1939
javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 1949
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 1955
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 1955
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 1957
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 1957
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 1961
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 1961
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 1962
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 1962
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 1963
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 1963
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 1964
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 1964
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 1965
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 1965
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 1966
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 1966
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 1968
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 1968
coding ReturnCount Return count is 6 (max allowed for non-void methods/lambdas is 5). 2326
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 2454
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 2457
blocks LeftCurly '{' at column 53 should be on a new line. 2457
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 2462
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 2465
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 2467
javadoc JavadocMethod Expected @param tag for 'guid'. 2495
javadoc JavadocMethod Expected @param tag for 'attributeName'. 2495
coding ReturnCount Return count is 9 (max allowed for non-void methods/lambdas is 5). 2520
coding ReturnCount Return count is 7 (max allowed for non-void methods/lambdas is 5). 2719
javadoc JavadocMethod Unused Javadoc tag. 2854


Severity Category Rule Message Line
header Header Line does not match expected header line of ' * Copyright (c) 2002-2020, City of Paris'. 2


Severity Category Rule Message Line
header Header Line does not match expected header line of ' * Copyright (c) 2002-2020, City of Paris'. 2


Severity Category Rule Message Line
header Header Line does not match expected header line of ' * Copyright (c) 2002-2020, City of Paris'. 2


Severity Category Rule Message Line
header Header Line does not match expected header line of ' * Copyright (c) 2002-2020, City of Paris'. 2


Severity Category Rule Message Line
header Header Line does not match expected header line of ' * Copyright (c) 2002-2020, City of Paris'. 2


Severity Category Rule Message Line
header Header Line does not match expected header line of ' * Copyright (c) 2002-2020, City of Paris'. 2
coding ExplicitInitialization Variable '_formatWithGuid' explicitly initialized to 'null' (default value for its type). 72
whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not followed by whitespace. 170
whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not preceded with whitespace. 170
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 183
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 183
blocks LeftCurly '{' at column 103 should be on a new line. 183
blocks RightCurly '}' at column 21 should be alone on a line. 187
blocks LeftCurly '{' at column 28 should be on a new line. 187
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 252
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 252
blocks LeftCurly '{' at column 71 should be on a new line. 252
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 253
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 253


Severity Category Rule Message Line
header Header Line does not match expected header line of ' * Copyright (c) 2002-2020, City of Paris'. 2


Severity Category Rule Message Line
header Header Line does not match expected header line of ' * Copyright (c) 2002-2020, City of Paris'. 2
design VisibilityModifier Variable '_uploadDirectory' must be private and have accessor methods. 71
coding DeclarationOrder Static variable definition in wrong order. 92
coding DeclarationOrder Static variable definition in wrong order. 95
coding DeclarationOrder Static variable definition in wrong order. 98
coding DeclarationOrder Static variable definition in wrong order. 101
coding DeclarationOrder Static variable definition in wrong order. 104
coding DeclarationOrder Static variable definition in wrong order. 107
coding DeclarationOrder Constructor definition in wrong order. 112
coding ArrayTrailingComma Array should contain trailing comma. 164


Severity Category Rule Message Line
header Header Line does not match expected header line of ' * Copyright (c) 2002-2020, City of Paris'. 2


Severity Category Rule Message Line
header Header Missing a header - not enough lines in file. 1
javadoc JavadocType Missing a Javadoc comment. 5
design HideUtilityClassConstructor Utility classes should not have a public or default constructor. 5
javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 7
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 9


Severity Category Rule Message Line
header Header Line does not match expected header line of ' * Copyright (c) 2002-2020, City of Paris'. 2


Severity Category Rule Message Line
header Header Line does not match expected header line of ' * Copyright (c) 2002-2020, City of Paris'. 2
design FinalClass Class SiraRestConstants should be declared as final. 39


Severity Category Rule Message Line
header Header Line does not match expected header line of ' * Copyright (c) 2002-2020, City of Paris'. 2


Severity Category Rule Message Line
header Header Line does not match expected header line of ' * Copyright (c) 2002-2020, City of Paris'. 2
design MutableException The field '_strParseError' must be declared final. 46


Severity Category Rule Message Line
header Header Line does not match expected header line of ' * Copyright (c) 2002-2020, City of Paris'. 2
imports UnusedImports Unused import - javax.inject.Named. 42
imports UnusedImports Unused import - 61
coding ArrayTrailingComma Array should contain trailing comma. 289