The following document contains the results of PMD 6.13.0.
Rule | Violation | Line |
LocalVariableNamingConventions | The local variable name '_factoryIndexer' doesn't match '[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' | 399 |
AvoidThrowingRawExceptionTypes | Avoid throwing raw exception types. | 606 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
AvoidReassigningParameters | Avoid reassigning parameters such as 'strPortletId' | 243 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
ExcessiveImports | A high number of imports can indicate a high degree of coupling within an object. | 34–592 |
GodClass | Possible God Class (WMC=54, ATFD=80, TCC=15.556%) | 91–592 |
UnusedPrivateField | Avoid unused private fields such as 'ACCEPT_SITE_COMMENTS'. | 97 |
UnusedPrivateField | Avoid unused private fields such as 'PARAMETER_COMMENT_DOCUMENT'. | 103 |
UnusedPrivateField | Avoid unused private fields such as 'PARAMETER_MANDATORY_FIELD'. | 104 |
UnusedPrivateField | Avoid unused private fields such as 'PARAMETER_XSS_ERROR'. | 105 |
UnusedPrivateField | Avoid unused private fields such as 'PARAMETER_CHECK_EMAIL'. | 106 |
UnusedPrivateField | Avoid unused private fields such as 'MARK_ACCEPT_COMMENT'. | 114 |
UnusedPrivateField | Avoid unused private fields such as 'MARK_DOCUMENT_COMMENTS'. | 120 |
UnusedPrivateField | Avoid unused private fields such as 'MARK_DOCUMENT_COMMENT_FORM'. | 121 |
UnusedPrivateField | Avoid unused private fields such as 'MARK_DOCUMENT_COMMENTS_LIST'. | 122 |
UnusedPrivateField | Avoid unused private fields such as 'TEMPLATE_DOCUMENT_COMMENTS'. | 135 |
MissingOverride | The method 'getPage(HttpServletRequest, int)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 161–191 |
AvoidDeeplyNestedIfStmts | Deeply nested if..then statements are hard to read | 183–186 |
PositionLiteralsFirstInCaseInsensitiveComparisons | Position literals first in String comparisons for EqualsIgnoreCase | 202 |
NPathComplexity | The method 'buildPage(HttpServletRequest, String, String, String, int)' has an NPath complexity of 1020 | 243–365 |
CyclomaticComplexity | The method 'buildPage(HttpServletRequest, String, String, String, int)' has a cyclomatic complexity of 16. | 243–365 |
NcssCount | The method 'buildPage(HttpServletRequest, String, String, String, int)' has a NCSS line count of 62. | 243–365 |
ExcessiveMethodLength | Avoid really long methods. | 243–365 |
PrematureDeclaration | Avoid declaring a variable if it is unreferenced before a possible exit point. | 248 |
PrematureDeclaration | Avoid declaring a variable if it is unreferenced before a possible exit point. | 249 |
UseDiamondOperator | Explicit type arguments can be replaced by Diamond Operator | 249 |
UseDiamondOperator | Explicit type arguments can be replaced by Diamond Operator | 271 |
UseConcurrentHashMap | If you run in Java5 or newer and have concurrent access, you should use the ConcurrentHashMap implementation | 271 |
UseDiamondOperator | Explicit type arguments can be replaced by Diamond Operator | 314 |
MissingOverride | The method 'isInvoked(HttpServletRequest)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 374–387 |
SimplifyBooleanReturns | Avoid unnecessary if..then..else statements when returning booleans | 380–384 |
MissingOverride | The method 'getName()' is missing an @Override annotation. | 394–397 |
ConfusingTernary | Avoid if (x != y) ..; else ..; | 401–410 |
UnnecessaryLocalBeforeReturn | Consider simply returning the value vs storing it in local variable 'strPageTemplateDocument' | 405 |
AvoidSynchronizedAtMethodLevel | Use block level rather than method level synchronization | 426–488 |
PrematureDeclaration | Avoid declaring a variable if it is unreferenced before a possible exit point. | 433 |
UseStringBufferForStringAppends | Prefer StringBuilder (non-synchronized) or StringBuffer (synchronized) over += for concatenating strings | 448 |
ConfusingTernary | Avoid if (x != y) ..; else ..; | 471–479 |
CyclomaticComplexity | The method 'getRelatedDocumentsPortlet(HttpServletRequest, Document, int, int)' has a cyclomatic complexity of 10. | 503–543 |
UnusedFormalParameter | Avoid unused method parameters such as 'nPortletId'. | 503 |
AvoidSynchronizedAtMethodLevel | Use block level rather than method level synchronization | 503–543 |
UseDiamondOperator | Explicit type arguments can be replaced by Diamond Operator | 507 |
UseConcurrentHashMap | If you run in Java5 or newer and have concurrent access, you should use the ConcurrentHashMap implementation | 507 |
UseDiamondOperator | Explicit type arguments can be replaced by Diamond Operator | 510 |
UnusedPrivateMethod | Avoid unused private methods such as 'getAddCommentForm(HttpServletRequest,String,String,String,String,String,String)'. | 554–555 |
UseObjectForClearerAPI | Rather than using a lot of String arguments, consider using a container object for those values. | 554–555 |
UseDiamondOperator | Explicit type arguments can be replaced by Diamond Operator | 557 |
UseConcurrentHashMap | If you run in Java5 or newer and have concurrent access, you should use the ConcurrentHashMap implementation | 557 |
EmptyCatchBlock | Avoid empty catch blocks | 574–579 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
ExcessiveImports | A high number of imports can indicate a high degree of coupling within an object. | 34–632 |
UseDiamondOperator | Explicit type arguments can be replaced by Diamond Operator | 104 |
UseUnderscoresInNumericLiterals | Number 1000000 should separate every third digit with an underscore | 113 |
UseDiamondOperator | Explicit type arguments can be replaced by Diamond Operator | 145 |
UseDiamondOperator | Explicit type arguments can be replaced by Diamond Operator | 146 |
UseDiamondOperator | Explicit type arguments can be replaced by Diamond Operator | 159 |
AvoidCatchingGenericException | Avoid catching generic exceptions such as NullPointerException, RuntimeException, Exception in try-catch block | 180 |
AvoidCatchingGenericException | Avoid catching generic exceptions such as NullPointerException, RuntimeException, Exception in try-catch block | 192 |
SignatureDeclareThrowsException | A method/constructor should not explicitly throw java.lang.Exception | 209 |
AvoidCatchingGenericException | Avoid catching generic exceptions such as NullPointerException, RuntimeException, Exception in try-catch block | 234 |
SignatureDeclareThrowsException | A method/constructor should not explicitly throw java.lang.Exception | 255 |
UnnecessaryWrapperObjectCreation | Unnecessary wrapper object creation | 259 |
UseDiamondOperator | Explicit type arguments can be replaced by Diamond Operator | 286 |
CyclomaticComplexity | The method 'getContentToIndex(Document, SolrItem)' has a cyclomatic complexity of 18. | 326–437 |
ExcessiveMethodLength | Avoid really long methods. | 326–437 |
ConsecutiveAppendsShouldReuse | StringBuffer (or StringBuilder).append is called consecutively without reusing the target variable. | 329 |
AppendCharacterWithChar | Avoid appending characters as strings in StringBuffer.append. | 330 |
ConfusingTernary | Avoid if (x != y) ..; else ..; | 336–426 |
UnusedLocalVariable | Avoid unused local variables such as 'address'. | 341 |
AppendCharacterWithChar | Avoid appending characters as strings in StringBuffer.append. | 361 |
ShortVariable | Avoid variables with short names like nI | 367 |
SimpleDateFormatNeedsLocale | When instantiating a SimpleDateFormat object, specify a Locale | 381 |
ControlStatementBraces | This statement should have braces | 393 |
ConfusingTernary | Avoid if (x != y) ..; else ..; | 402–425 |
AppendCharacterWithChar | Avoid appending characters as strings in StringBuffer.append. | 408 |
UseDiamondOperator | Explicit type arguments can be replaced by Diamond Operator | 478 |
PreserveStackTrace | New exception is thrown in catch block, original stack trace may be lost | 552 |
IdenticalCatchBranches | 'catch' branch identical to 'SAXException' branch | 554–557 |
PreserveStackTrace | New exception is thrown in catch block, original stack trace may be lost | 556 |
UseDiamondOperator | Explicit type arguments can be replaced by Diamond Operator | 583 |
ShortVariable | Avoid variables with short names like it | 587 |
AvoidCatchingGenericException | Avoid catching generic exceptions such as NullPointerException, RuntimeException, Exception in try-catch block | 604 |
ShortVariable | Avoid variables with short names like sb | 627 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
CommentRequired | Header comments are required | 38–41 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
UnusedImports | Avoid unused imports such as 'java.util.Hashtable' | 78 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName | Unnecessary use of fully qualified name 'org.apache.tika.parser.html.HtmlParser' due to existing import 'org.apache.tika.parser.html.HtmlParser' | 547 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
ExcessiveImports | A high number of imports can indicate a high degree of coupling within an object. | 3 | 34–592 |
UnusedImports | Avoid unused imports such as 'java.util.Hashtable' | 4 | 78 |
GodClass | Possible God Class (WMC=54, ATFD=80, TCC=15.556%) | 3 | 91–592 |
UnusedPrivateField | Avoid unused private fields such as 'ACCEPT_SITE_COMMENTS'. | 3 | 97 |
UnusedPrivateField | Avoid unused private fields such as 'PARAMETER_COMMENT_DOCUMENT'. | 3 | 103 |
UnusedPrivateField | Avoid unused private fields such as 'PARAMETER_MANDATORY_FIELD'. | 3 | 104 |
UnusedPrivateField | Avoid unused private fields such as 'PARAMETER_XSS_ERROR'. | 3 | 105 |
UnusedPrivateField | Avoid unused private fields such as 'PARAMETER_CHECK_EMAIL'. | 3 | 106 |
UnusedPrivateField | Avoid unused private fields such as 'MARK_ACCEPT_COMMENT'. | 3 | 114 |
UnusedPrivateField | Avoid unused private fields such as 'MARK_DOCUMENT_COMMENTS'. | 3 | 120 |
UnusedPrivateField | Avoid unused private fields such as 'MARK_DOCUMENT_COMMENT_FORM'. | 3 | 121 |
UnusedPrivateField | Avoid unused private fields such as 'MARK_DOCUMENT_COMMENTS_LIST'. | 3 | 122 |
UnusedPrivateField | Avoid unused private fields such as 'TEMPLATE_DOCUMENT_COMMENTS'. | 3 | 135 |
MissingOverride | The method 'getPage(HttpServletRequest, int)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 161–191 |
AvoidDeeplyNestedIfStmts | Deeply nested if..then statements are hard to read | 3 | 183–186 |
PositionLiteralsFirstInCaseInsensitiveComparisons | Position literals first in String comparisons for EqualsIgnoreCase | 3 | 202 |
NPathComplexity | The method 'buildPage(HttpServletRequest, String, String, String, int)' has an NPath complexity of 1020 | 3 | 243–365 |
CyclomaticComplexity | The method 'buildPage(HttpServletRequest, String, String, String, int)' has a cyclomatic complexity of 16. | 3 | 243–365 |
NcssCount | The method 'buildPage(HttpServletRequest, String, String, String, int)' has a NCSS line count of 62. | 3 | 243–365 |
ExcessiveMethodLength | Avoid really long methods. | 3 | 243–365 |
AvoidReassigningParameters | Avoid reassigning parameters such as 'strPortletId' | 2 | 243 |
PrematureDeclaration | Avoid declaring a variable if it is unreferenced before a possible exit point. | 3 | 248 |
PrematureDeclaration | Avoid declaring a variable if it is unreferenced before a possible exit point. | 3 | 249 |
UseDiamondOperator | Explicit type arguments can be replaced by Diamond Operator | 3 | 249 |
UseDiamondOperator | Explicit type arguments can be replaced by Diamond Operator | 3 | 271 |
UseConcurrentHashMap | If you run in Java5 or newer and have concurrent access, you should use the ConcurrentHashMap implementation | 3 | 271 |
UseDiamondOperator | Explicit type arguments can be replaced by Diamond Operator | 3 | 314 |
MissingOverride | The method 'isInvoked(HttpServletRequest)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 374–387 |
SimplifyBooleanReturns | Avoid unnecessary if..then..else statements when returning booleans | 3 | 380–384 |
MissingOverride | The method 'getName()' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 394–397 |
ConfusingTernary | Avoid if (x != y) ..; else ..; | 3 | 401–410 |
UnnecessaryLocalBeforeReturn | Consider simply returning the value vs storing it in local variable 'strPageTemplateDocument' | 3 | 405 |
AvoidSynchronizedAtMethodLevel | Use block level rather than method level synchronization | 3 | 426–488 |
PrematureDeclaration | Avoid declaring a variable if it is unreferenced before a possible exit point. | 3 | 433 |
UseStringBufferForStringAppends | Prefer StringBuilder (non-synchronized) or StringBuffer (synchronized) over += for concatenating strings | 3 | 448 |
ConfusingTernary | Avoid if (x != y) ..; else ..; | 3 | 471–479 |
CyclomaticComplexity | The method 'getRelatedDocumentsPortlet(HttpServletRequest, Document, int, int)' has a cyclomatic complexity of 10. | 3 | 503–543 |
UnusedFormalParameter | Avoid unused method parameters such as 'nPortletId'. | 3 | 503 |
AvoidSynchronizedAtMethodLevel | Use block level rather than method level synchronization | 3 | 503–543 |
UseDiamondOperator | Explicit type arguments can be replaced by Diamond Operator | 3 | 507 |
UseConcurrentHashMap | If you run in Java5 or newer and have concurrent access, you should use the ConcurrentHashMap implementation | 3 | 507 |
UseDiamondOperator | Explicit type arguments can be replaced by Diamond Operator | 3 | 510 |
UnusedPrivateMethod | Avoid unused private methods such as 'getAddCommentForm(HttpServletRequest,String,String,String,String,String,String)'. | 3 | 554–555 |
UseObjectForClearerAPI | Rather than using a lot of String arguments, consider using a container object for those values. | 3 | 554–555 |
UseDiamondOperator | Explicit type arguments can be replaced by Diamond Operator | 3 | 557 |
UseConcurrentHashMap | If you run in Java5 or newer and have concurrent access, you should use the ConcurrentHashMap implementation | 3 | 557 |
EmptyCatchBlock | Avoid empty catch blocks | 3 | 574–579 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
ExcessiveImports | A high number of imports can indicate a high degree of coupling within an object. | 3 | 34–632 |
UseDiamondOperator | Explicit type arguments can be replaced by Diamond Operator | 3 | 104 |
UseUnderscoresInNumericLiterals | Number 1000000 should separate every third digit with an underscore | 3 | 113 |
UseDiamondOperator | Explicit type arguments can be replaced by Diamond Operator | 3 | 145 |
UseDiamondOperator | Explicit type arguments can be replaced by Diamond Operator | 3 | 146 |
UseDiamondOperator | Explicit type arguments can be replaced by Diamond Operator | 3 | 159 |
AvoidCatchingGenericException | Avoid catching generic exceptions such as NullPointerException, RuntimeException, Exception in try-catch block | 3 | 180 |
AvoidCatchingGenericException | Avoid catching generic exceptions such as NullPointerException, RuntimeException, Exception in try-catch block | 3 | 192 |
SignatureDeclareThrowsException | A method/constructor should not explicitly throw java.lang.Exception | 3 | 209 |
AvoidCatchingGenericException | Avoid catching generic exceptions such as NullPointerException, RuntimeException, Exception in try-catch block | 3 | 234 |
SignatureDeclareThrowsException | A method/constructor should not explicitly throw java.lang.Exception | 3 | 255 |
UnnecessaryWrapperObjectCreation | Unnecessary wrapper object creation | 3 | 259 |
UseDiamondOperator | Explicit type arguments can be replaced by Diamond Operator | 3 | 286 |
CyclomaticComplexity | The method 'getContentToIndex(Document, SolrItem)' has a cyclomatic complexity of 18. | 3 | 326–437 |
ExcessiveMethodLength | Avoid really long methods. | 3 | 326–437 |
ConsecutiveAppendsShouldReuse | StringBuffer (or StringBuilder).append is called consecutively without reusing the target variable. | 3 | 329 |
AppendCharacterWithChar | Avoid appending characters as strings in StringBuffer.append. | 3 | 330 |
ConfusingTernary | Avoid if (x != y) ..; else ..; | 3 | 336–426 |
UnusedLocalVariable | Avoid unused local variables such as 'address'. | 3 | 341 |
AppendCharacterWithChar | Avoid appending characters as strings in StringBuffer.append. | 3 | 361 |
ShortVariable | Avoid variables with short names like nI | 3 | 367 |
SimpleDateFormatNeedsLocale | When instantiating a SimpleDateFormat object, specify a Locale | 3 | 381 |
ControlStatementBraces | This statement should have braces | 3 | 393 |
LocalVariableNamingConventions | The local variable name '_factoryIndexer' doesn't match '[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' | 1 | 399 |
ConfusingTernary | Avoid if (x != y) ..; else ..; | 3 | 402–425 |
AppendCharacterWithChar | Avoid appending characters as strings in StringBuffer.append. | 3 | 408 |
UseDiamondOperator | Explicit type arguments can be replaced by Diamond Operator | 3 | 478 |
UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName | Unnecessary use of fully qualified name 'org.apache.tika.parser.html.HtmlParser' due to existing import 'org.apache.tika.parser.html.HtmlParser' | 4 | 547 |
PreserveStackTrace | New exception is thrown in catch block, original stack trace may be lost | 3 | 552 |
IdenticalCatchBranches | 'catch' branch identical to 'SAXException' branch | 3 | 554–557 |
PreserveStackTrace | New exception is thrown in catch block, original stack trace may be lost | 3 | 556 |
UseDiamondOperator | Explicit type arguments can be replaced by Diamond Operator | 3 | 583 |
ShortVariable | Avoid variables with short names like it | 3 | 587 |
AvoidCatchingGenericException | Avoid catching generic exceptions such as NullPointerException, RuntimeException, Exception in try-catch block | 3 | 604 |
AvoidThrowingRawExceptionTypes | Avoid throwing raw exception types. | 1 | 606 |
ShortVariable | Avoid variables with short names like sb | 3 | 627 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
CommentRequired | Header comments are required | 3 | 38–41 |