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CPD Results

The following document contains the results of PMD's CPD 6.13.0.


File Line
fr/paris/lutece/plugins/elasticdata/modules/gru/business/ 106
fr/paris/lutece/plugins/elasticdata/modules/gru/business/ 137
            _lTimestampClosure = demand.getClosureDate( );
            Locale locale = LocaleService.getDefault( );
            Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance( locale );
            calendar.setTimeInMillis( _lTimestampClosure );
            _strDayOfWeekClosure = calendar.getDisplayName( Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK, Calendar.LONG, locale );
            _strPrefixedDayOfWeekClosure = ( ( ( calendar.get( Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK ) + 5 ) % 7 ) + 1 ) + " - " + _strDayOfWeekClosure;
            _strMonthClosure = calendar.getDisplayName( Calendar.MONTH, Calendar.LONG, locale );
            _strPrefixedMonthClosure = String.format( "%02d", calendar.get( Calendar.MONTH ) + 1 ) + " - " + _strMonthClosure;
            _strHourClosure = String.format( "%02d", calendar.get( Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY ) );