[Summary] [Package List] [Test Cases]
Tests | Errors | Failures | Skipped | Success Rate | Time |
1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0% | 1 |
Note: failures are anticipated and checked for with assertions while errors are unanticipated.
[Summary] [Package List] [Test Cases]
Package | Tests | Errors | Failures | Skipped | Success Rate | Time |
1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0% | 1 |
Note: package statistics are not computed recursively, they only sum up all of its testsuites numbers.
Class | Tests | Errors | Failures | Skipped | Success Rate | Time | |
antrunsql | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0% | 1 |
[Summary] [Package List] [Test Cases]
antrunsql | 1 | |
[sql] Failed to execute: ALTER TABLE geocodes_country ADD INDEX IDX_COUNTRY_CODE (code ASC) , ADD INDEX IDX_COUNTRY_NAME (value ASC) [sql] Failed to execute: ALTER TABLE geocodes_city ADD INDEX IDX_CITY_CODE (code ASC) , ADD INDEX IDX_CITY_NAME (value ASC) , ADD INDEX IDX_COUNTRY_CODE_CITIES (code_country ASC) [sql] Failed to execute: CREATE TABLE identitystore_identity ( id_identity int GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY(START WITH 1), connection_id varchar(100) NULL UNIQUE, customer_id varchar(50) NOT NULL UNIQUE, date_create timestamp(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, last_update_date timestamp(3) DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, is_deleted smallint default 0, date_delete timestamp(3) NULL, is_merged smallint default 0, date_merge timestamp(3) NULL, id_master_identity int NULL, is_mon_paris_active smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, expiration_date timestamp(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP + INTERVAL '36 MONTH', PRIMARY KEY (id_identity) ) [sql] Failed to execute: CREATE INDEX identitystore_identity_connection_id ON identitystore_identity (connection_id) [sql] Failed to execute: CREATE INDEX identitystore_identity_customer_id ON identitystore_identity (customer_id) [sql] Failed to execute: CREATE INDEX identitystore_identity_master_id ON identitystore_identity (id_master_identity) [sql] Failed to execute: CREATE INDEX identitystore_identity_expiration_date ON identitystore_identity (expiration_date) [sql] Failed to execute: CREATE TABLE identitystore_ref_attribute ( id_attribute int GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY(START WITH 1), name varchar(100) NOT NULL default '' UNIQUE, key_name varchar(100) NOT NULL default '' UNIQUE, description varchar(255) NULL, key_type int NOT NULL default '0', key_weight int NOT NULL default '0', certifiable smallint default 0, pivot smallint default 0, mandatory_for_creation smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, common_search_key VARCHAR(100) NULL, validation_regex varchar(510) DEFAULT '^[A-Za-zÀ-Üà-üds''-]+$', validation_error_message varchar(255) DEFAULT 'uniquement caractères alphanumériques, apostrophe, espace et tirets.', validation_error_message_key varchar(128) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'identitystore.attribute.status.validation.error.only.alphanum.apostrophe.space.dash', PRIMARY KEY (id_attribute) ) [sql] Failed to execute: ALTER TABLE identitystore_ref_certification_attribute_level ADD CONSTRAINT fk_attribute_ref_certification_level_id_attribute FOREIGN KEY (id_attribute) REFERENCES identitystore_ref_attribute (id_attribute) [sql] Failed to execute: CREATE TABLE identitystore_identity_attribute ( id_identity int NOT NULL default '0', id_attribute int NOT NULL default '0', attribute_value LONGVARCHAR NULL, id_certification int NOT NULL default '0', id_file int default '0', lastupdate_date timestamp(3) NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, lastupdate_application VARCHAR(100) NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id_identity, id_attribute) ) [sql] Failed to execute: ALTER TABLE identitystore_identity_attribute ADD CONSTRAINT fk_identity_attribute_id_identity FOREIGN KEY (id_identity) REFERENCES identitystore_identity (id_identity) [sql] Failed to execute: ALTER TABLE identitystore_identity_attribute ADD CONSTRAINT fk_identity_attribute_id_attribute FOREIGN KEY (id_attribute) REFERENCES identitystore_ref_attribute (id_attribute) [sql] Failed to execute: CREATE INDEX ix_attribute_value ON identitystore_identity_attribute (attribute_value ASC) [sql] Failed to execute: CREATE TABLE identitystore_identity_attribute_certificate ( id_attribute_certificate int GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY(START WITH 1), certifier_code varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', certificate_date timestamp(3) NOT NULL, certificate_level int NOT NULL default '0', expiration_date timestamp(3) NULL default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id_attribute_certificate) ) [sql] Failed to execute: CREATE TABLE identitystore_client_application_certifiers ( id_client_app int NOT NULL, certifier_code varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY (id_client_app, certifier_code) ) [sql] Failed to execute: CREATE INDEX identitystore_client_application_certifiers_id_client_app ON identitystore_client_application_certifiers (id_client_app) [sql] Failed to execute: CREATE TABLE identitystore_identity_attribute_history ( id_history int GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY(START WITH 1), change_type int NOT NULL, change_satus varchar(255) NOT NULL, change_message varchar(255) default null, author_type varchar(255) NOT NULL, author_name varchar(255) default null, client_code varchar(255) default null, id_identity int NOT NULL, attribute_key varchar(50) NOT NULL, attribute_value varchar(255) default null, certification_process varchar(255) default null, certification_date timestamp(3) default null, modification_date timestamp(3) NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, metadata json DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id_history) ) [sql] Failed to execute: CREATE TABLE identitystore_service_contract ( id_service_contract int GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY(START WITH 1), id_client_app integer NOT NULL, name character varying(255) DEFAULT ''::character varying NOT NULL, organizational_entity character varying(255) DEFAULT ''::character varying NOT NULL, moa_entity_name character varying(255) DEFAULT ''::character varying NOT NULL, moa_responsible_name character varying(255) DEFAULT ''::character varying NOT NULL, moa_contact_name character varying(255) DEFAULT ''::character varying NOT NULL, moe_entity_name character varying(255) DEFAULT ''::character varying NOT NULL, moe_responsible_name character varying(255) DEFAULT ''::character varying NOT NULL, contact_name character varying(255) DEFAULT ''::character varying NOT NULL, service_type character varying(255) DEFAULT ''::character varying NOT NULL, starting_date date NOT NULL, ending_date date, data_retention_period_in_months integer NOT NULL, authorized_creation smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, authorized_update smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, authorized_deletion smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, authorized_search smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, authorized_import smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, authorized_export smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, authorized_merge smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, authorized_account_update smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, authorized_decertification smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, authorized_agent_history_read smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id_service_contract) ) [sql] Failed to execute: ALTER TABLE identitystore_service_contract ADD CONSTRAINT fk_service_contract_id_client_app FOREIGN KEY (id_client_app) REFERENCES identitystore_client_application (id_client_app) [sql] Failed to execute: CREATE TABLE identitystore_service_contract_attribute_right ( id_service_contract int NOT NULL, id_attribute int NOT NULL, searchable smallint NOT NULL default 0, readable smallint NOT NULL default 0, writable smallint NOT NULL default 0, mandatory smallint NOT NULL default 0, PRIMARY KEY (id_service_contract, id_attribute) ) [sql] Failed to execute: ALTER TABLE identitystore_service_contract_attribute_right ADD CONSTRAINT fk_attribute_right_id_attribute FOREIGN KEY (id_attribute) REFERENCES identitystore_ref_attribute (id_attribute) [sql] Failed to execute: ALTER TABLE identitystore_service_contract_attribute_right ADD CONSTRAINT fk_attribute_right_id_service_contract FOREIGN KEY (id_service_contract) REFERENCES identitystore_service_contract (id_service_contract) [sql] Failed to execute: ALTER TABLE identitystore_service_contract_attribute_requirement ADD CONSTRAINT fk_attribute_requirement_id_service_contract FOREIGN KEY (id_service_contract) REFERENCES identitystore_service_contract (id_service_contract) [sql] Failed to execute: ALTER TABLE identitystore_service_contract_attribute_requirement ADD CONSTRAINT fk_attribute_requirement_id_attribute FOREIGN KEY (id_attribute) REFERENCES identitystore_ref_attribute (id_attribute) [sql] Failed to execute: ALTER TABLE identitystore_service_contract_attribute_certification ADD CONSTRAINT fk_attribute_certification_id_service_contract FOREIGN KEY (id_service_contract) REFERENCES identitystore_service_contract (id_service_contract) [sql] Failed to execute: ALTER TABLE identitystore_service_contract_attribute_certification ADD CONSTRAINT fk_attribute_certification_id_attribute FOREIGN KEY (id_attribute) REFERENCES identitystore_ref_attribute (id_attribute) [sql] Failed to execute: ALTER TABLE identitystore_identity_search_rule_attribute ADD CONSTRAINT fk_identity_search_rule_attribute_id_attribute FOREIGN KEY (id_attribute) REFERENCES identitystore_ref_attribute (id_attribute) [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO identitystore_identity_search_rule_attribute (id_rule, id_attribute) SELECT MAX(r.id_rule), a.id_attribute FROM identitystore_identity_search_rule r, identitystore_ref_attribute a WHERE a.key_name = 'login' GROUP BY a.id_attribute [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO identitystore_identity_search_rule_attribute (id_rule, id_attribute) SELECT MAX(r.id_rule), a.id_attribute FROM identitystore_identity_search_rule r, identitystore_ref_attribute a WHERE a.key_name = 'email' GROUP BY a.id_attribute [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO identitystore_identity_search_rule_attribute (id_rule, id_attribute) SELECT MAX(r.id_rule), a.id_attribute FROM identitystore_identity_search_rule r, identitystore_ref_attribute a WHERE a.key_name = 'family_name' GROUP BY a.id_attribute [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO identitystore_identity_search_rule_attribute (id_rule, id_attribute) SELECT MAX(r.id_rule), a.id_attribute FROM identitystore_identity_search_rule r, identitystore_ref_attribute a WHERE a.key_name = 'first_name' GROUP BY a.id_attribute [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO identitystore_identity_search_rule_attribute (id_rule, id_attribute) SELECT MAX(r.id_rule), a.id_attribute FROM identitystore_identity_search_rule r, identitystore_ref_attribute a WHERE a.key_name = 'birthdate' GROUP BY a.id_attribute [sql] Failed to execute: CREATE TABLE identitystore_identity_history ( id_history int GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY(START WITH 1), change_type int not null, change_status varchar(255), change_message varchar(255), author_type varchar(255), author_name varchar(255), client_code varchar(255), customer_id varchar(50) NOT NULL, modification_date timestamp(3) default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, metadata json default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id_history) ) [sql] Failed to execute: CREATE INDEX identitystore_identity_history_cuid ON identitystore_identity_history (customer_id) [sql] Failed to execute: CREATE TABLE identitystore_duplicate_rule ( id_rule int GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY(START WITH 1), code varchar(100) NOT NULL UNIQUE, name varchar(100) NOT NULL, description varchar, nb_filled_attributes int, nb_equal_attributes int, nb_missing_attributes int, priority INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 100, active smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, daemon smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, daemon_last_exec_date TIMESTAMP(3) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id_rule) ) [sql] Failed to execute: CREATE TABLE identitystore_quality_suspicious_identity ( id_suspicious_identity int GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY(START WITH 1), customer_id varchar(50) default '' NOT NULL, id_duplicate_rule INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, date_create timestamp(3) default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, last_update_date timestamp(3), date_delete timestamp(3), is_deleted smallint default 0, PRIMARY KEY (id_suspicious_identity) ) [sql] Failed to execute: CREATE INDEX identitystore_quality_suspicious_identity_cuid ON identitystore_quality_suspicious_identity (customer_id) [sql] Failed to execute: ALTER TABLE identitystore_ref_attribute_values ADD CONSTRAINT fk_id_attribute FOREIGN KEY (id_attribute) REFERENCES identitystore_ref_attribute (id_attribute) [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO identitystore_ref_attribute (key_name, name, description, key_type, certifiable, pivot, key_weight) VALUES ('gender', 'Genre', '0:Non défini / 1:Homme / 2:Femme', 0, 1, 1, 3), ('family_name', 'Nom de famille de naissance', '', 0, 1, 1, 18), ('preferred_username', 'Nom usuel','', 0, 0, 0, 15), ('first_name', 'Prénoms', 'Prénoms usuels', 0, 1, 1, 10), ('birthdate', 'Date de naissance', 'au format DD/MM/YYYY', 0, 1, 1, 17), ('birthplace_code', 'Code INSEE commune de naissance', '', 0, 1, 1, 5), ('birthcountry_code', 'Code INSEE pays de naissance', '', 0, 1, 1, 3), ('birthplace', 'Libellé INSEE commune de naissance', '', 0, 1, 0, 5), ('birthcountry', 'Libellé INSEE pays de naissance', '', 0, 1, 0, 3), ('email', 'Email', '', 0, 1, 0, 20), ('login', 'Login de connexion (email utilisé, 0)', '', 0, 1, 0, 20), ('mobile_phone', 'Téléphone portable', 'Réservé pour l''envoi de SMS', 0, 1, 0, 0), ('fixed_phone', 'Téléphone fixe', '',0, 0, 0, 0), ('address', 'Adresse', '', 0, 1, 0, 0), ('address_detail', 'Complément d''adresse', '', 0, 1, 0, 0), ('address_postal_code','Code postal','Champ d''adresse : code postal',0, 1, 0, 0), ('address_city','Ville','Champ d''adresse : ville',0, 1, 0, 0), ('fc_key' , '(FC, 0) Key' , 'Format Pivot FranceConnect - Key' , 0, 0, 0, 0) |
[Summary] [Package List] [Test Cases]
antrunsql | |
antrunsql | |