Le document suivant contient les résultats de PMD 5.3.5.
Violation | Ligne |
Singleton is not thread safe | 77–81 |
Violation | Ligne |
Avoid unnecessary if..then..else statements when returning booleans | 71–74 |
Violation | Ligne |
A class which only has private constructors should be final | 47–129 |
Violation | Ligne |
The class 'ExportdatabaseDAO' has a Cyclomatic Complexity of 2 (Highest = 13). | 50–350 |
The class 'ExportdatabaseDAO' has a Modified Cyclomatic Complexity of 2 (Highest = 13). | 50–350 |
The class 'ExportdatabaseDAO' has a Standard Cyclomatic Complexity of 2 (Highest = 13). | 50–350 |
Prefer StringBuffer over += for concatenating strings | 232 |
Prefer StringBuffer over += for concatenating strings | 236 |
Prefer StringBuffer over += for concatenating strings | 240 |
Prefer StringBuffer over += for concatenating strings | 243 |
Prefer StringBuffer over += for concatenating strings | 246 |
Prefer StringBuffer over += for concatenating strings | 247 |
Avoid unused method parameters such as 'listItems'. | 259 |
Avoid unused method parameters such as 'plugin'. | 259 |
Avoid unused method parameters such as 'plugin'. | 273 |
The method 'getDaoFromReferenceList' has a Standard Cyclomatic Complexity of 13. | 287–337 |
The method getDaoFromReferenceList() has an NPath complexity of 2437500 | 287–337 |
The method 'getDaoFromReferenceList' has a Modified Cyclomatic Complexity of 13. | 287–337 |
The method 'getDaoFromReferenceList' has a Cyclomatic Complexity of 13. | 287–337 |
Prefer StringBuffer over += for concatenating strings | 295 |
Prefer StringBuffer over += for concatenating strings | 296 |
Prefer StringBuffer over += for concatenating strings | 298 |
Prefer StringBuffer over += for concatenating strings | 299 |
Prefer StringBuffer over += for concatenating strings | 301 |
Prefer StringBuffer over += for concatenating strings | 302 |
Prefer StringBuffer over += for concatenating strings | 306 |
Prefer StringBuffer over += for concatenating strings | 308 |
Prefer StringBuffer over += for concatenating strings | 311 |
Prefer StringBuffer over += for concatenating strings | 312 |
Prefer StringBuffer over += for concatenating strings | 313 |
Violation | Ligne |
A class which only has private constructors should be final | 67–323 |
Avoid unused method parameters such as 'form'. | 256 |
Avoid unused method parameters such as 'pluginForm'. | 256 |
Prefer StringBuffer over += for concatenating strings | 289 |
Prefer StringBuffer over += for concatenating strings | 295 |
Violation | Ligne |
Singleton is not thread safe | 63–67 |
Violation | Ligne |
Avoid unnecessary if..then..else statements when returning booleans | 68–71 |
Violation | Ligne |
A class which only has private constructors should be final | 47–112 |
Use explicit scoping instead of the default package private level | 108–111 |
Violation | Ligne |
The class 'ProcessorExportdatabase' has a Modified Cyclomatic Complexity of 4 (Highest = 13). | 67–452 |
The class 'ProcessorExportdatabase' has a Cyclomatic Complexity of 5 (Highest = 19). | 67–452 |
The class 'ProcessorExportdatabase' has a Standard Cyclomatic Complexity of 4 (Highest = 13). | 67–452 |
If you run in Java5 or newer and have concurrent access, you should use the ConcurrentHashMap implementation | 119 |
Avoid declaring a variable if it is unreferenced before a possible exit point. | 182 |
Avoid declaring a variable if it is unreferenced before a possible exit point. | 185 |
The method 'doActionSetConfiguration' has a Standard Cyclomatic Complexity of 13. | 263–367 |
The method doActionSetConfiguration() has an NPath complexity of 16848 | 263–367 |
The method 'doActionSetConfiguration' has a Cyclomatic Complexity of 19. | 263–367 |
The method 'doActionSetConfiguration' has a Modified Cyclomatic Complexity of 13. | 263–367 |
Avoid really long methods. | 263–367 |
Avoid declaring a variable if it is unreferenced before a possible exit point. | 267 |
Avoid unused method parameters such as 'request'. | 377 |
Avoid unused method parameters such as 'request'. | 396 |
Avoid unused method parameters such as 'plugin'. | 396 |
Avoid unused method parameters such as 'request'. | 413 |