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CPD Results

The following document contains the results of PMD's CPD 5.3.5.


File Line
fr/paris/lutece/plugins/gis/modules/address/service/ 99
fr/paris/lutece/plugins/gis/modules/address/service/ 190
    public Set<> searchAddress( HttpServletRequest request, String address, String SRID) 
    		throws RemoteException
        String responseWebService = null;
        AdresseService adresseService = new AdresseServiceLocator(  );

            URL urlWS = null;

            Stub portType = null;

            String strUrlWS = this.getUrlWS(  );
            if ( (  strUrlWS == null ) || strUrlWS.equals( "" ) )
                portType = (Stub) adresseService.getAdresseServiceHttpPort(  );
                    urlWS = new URL( strUrlWS );
                catch ( MalformedURLException e )
                    AppLogService.error( e.getMessage(  ), e );

                portType = (Stub) adresseService.getAdresseServiceHttpPort( urlWS );

            portType.setUsername( getUserName(  ) );
            portType.setPassword( getPassword(  ) );

            setTimeout( portType );

            responseWebService = ( (AdresseServicePortType) portType ).searchAddress( getDefaultCity(  ),