Le document suivant contient les résultats de PMD 6.13.0.
Rule | Violation | Ligne |
CommentRequired | Header comments are required | 36–48 |
ShortVariable | Avoid variables with short names like o | 39 |
Rule | Violation | Ligne |
CommentRequired | Header comments are required | 41–70 |
ImmutableField | Private field '_demand' could be made final; it is only initialized in the declaration or constructor. | 43 |
CommentRequired | Public method and constructor comments are required | 45–48 |
CallSuperInConstructor | It is a good practice to call super() in a constructor | 45–48 |
Rule | Violation | Ligne |
CommentRequired | Header comments are required | 39–49 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifiers 'public static' on field 'DEMAND_CRM_TYPE': the field is declared in an interface type | 41 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifiers 'public static' on field 'DEMAND_MESSAGE_TYPE': the field is declared in an interface type | 42 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'getDateModification': the method is declared in an interface type | 44 |
CommentRequired | Public method and constructor comments are required | 44 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'getDemand': the method is declared in an interface type | 46 |
CommentRequired | Public method and constructor comments are required | 46 |
CommentRequired | Public method and constructor comments are required | 48 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'getType': the method is declared in an interface type | 48 |
Rule | Violation | Ligne |
CommentRequired | Header comments are required | 46–52 |
CommentRequired | Public method and constructor comments are required | 48 |
CommentRequired | Public method and constructor comments are required | 49 |
CommentRequired | Public method and constructor comments are required | 50 |
Rule | Violation | Ligne |
CommentRequired | Header comments are required | 60–166 |
UnusedPrivateField | Avoid unused private fields such as 'MARK_USER_INFORMATION_HASH'. | 64 |
UnusedPrivateField | Avoid unused private fields such as 'MARK_ID_CURRENT_USER'. | 65 |
UnusedPrivateField | Avoid unused private fields such as 'PLUGIN_CRM'. | 67 |
UnusedPrivateField | Avoid unused private fields such as 'PLUGIN_PARIS_CONNECT'. | 68 |
UnusedPrivateField | Avoid unused private fields such as 'DISPLAY_DEMAND_PARIS_CONNECT'. | 69 |
CommentRequired | Public method and constructor comments are required | 73–81 |
NonThreadSafeSingleton | Singleton is not thread safe | 75–78 |
UseDiamondOperator | Explicit type arguments can be replaced by Diamond Operator | 87 |
UseDiamondOperator | Explicit type arguments can be replaced by Diamond Operator | 117 |
AvoidDeeplyNestedIfStmts | Deeply nested if..then statements are hard to read | 133–136 |
MissingOverride | The method 'addInformations(HttpServletRequest, CRMUser, List, Map)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 144–163 |
CommentRequired | Public method and constructor comments are required | 144–163 |
Rule | Violation | Ligne |
MissingSerialVersionUID | Classes implementing Serializable should set a serialVersionUID | 63–137 |
CommentRequired | Header comments are required | 63–137 |
UnusedPrivateField | Avoid unused private fields such as 'VIEW_MESSAGES'. | 66 |
UnusedPrivateField | Avoid unused private fields such as 'PARIS_CONNECT_CONSTANT_UNREAD'. | 67 |
UnusedPrivateField | Avoid unused private fields such as 'PARAMETER_ID_MESSAGE'. | 70 |
UnusedPrivateField | Avoid unused private fields such as 'TEMPLATE_MESSAGE_LIST'. | 72 |
UnusedPrivateField | Avoid unused private fields such as 'MARK_USER_MESSAGE_LIST'. | 75 |
UnusedPrivateField | Avoid unused private fields such as 'MARK_USER_INFORMATION_HASH'. | 76 |
UnusedPrivateField | Avoid unused private fields such as 'MARK_LUTECE_USER_INFORMATIONS'. | 77 |
UnusedPrivateField | Avoid unused private fields such as 'MARK_ID_CURRENT_USER'. | 78 |
UnusedPrivateField | Avoid unused private fields such as 'MARK_ID_MESSAGE'. | 80 |
UnusedPrivateField | Avoid unused private fields such as 'MARK_AVATAR_URL'. | 81 |
CyclomaticComplexity | The method 'getViewNotificationCrm(HttpServletRequest)' has a cyclomatic complexity of 10. | 85–133 |
CommentRequired | Public method and constructor comments are required | 85–133 |
AvoidDeeplyNestedIfStmts | Deeply nested if..then statements are hard to read | 101–125 |
Rule | Violation | Ligne |
UseStringBufferForStringAppends | Prefer StringBuilder (non-synchronized) or StringBuffer (synchronized) over += for concatenating strings | 116 |
CommentDefaultAccessModifier | To avoid mistakes add a comment at the beginning of the parse method if you want a default access modifier | 135–142 |
DefaultPackage | Use explicit scoping instead of the default package private level | 135–142 |
UseStringBufferForStringAppends | Prefer StringBuilder (non-synchronized) or StringBuffer (synchronized) over += for concatenating strings | 155 |
Rule | Violation | Ligne |
MissingSerialVersionUID | Classes implementing Serializable should set a serialVersionUID | 54–100 |
CommentRequired | Header comments are required | 54–100 |
UnnecessaryAnnotationValueElement | Avoid the use of value in annotations when its the only element | 64 |
CommentRequired | Public method and constructor comments are required | 65–96 |
Rule | Violation | Ligne |
MissingSerialVersionUID | Classes implementing Serializable should set a serialVersionUID | 67–200 |
UnusedPrivateField | Avoid unused private fields such as 'MARK_XPAGE_MYDASHBOARD'. | 76 |
UseDiamondOperator | Explicit type arguments can be replaced by Diamond Operator | 100 |
UseConcurrentHashMap | If you run in Java5 or newer and have concurrent access, you should use the ConcurrentHashMap implementation | 100 |
UseDiamondOperator | Explicit type arguments can be replaced by Diamond Operator | 102 |
InefficientEmptyStringCheck | String.trim().length() == 0 / String.trim().isEmpty() is an inefficient way to validate a blank String. | 110 |
ConfusingTernary | Avoid if (x != y) ..; else ..; | 119 |
UseDiamondOperator | Explicit type arguments can be replaced by Diamond Operator | 125 |
AddEmptyString | Do not add empty strings | 127 |
UseDiamondOperator | Explicit type arguments can be replaced by Diamond Operator | 171 |
UseConcurrentHashMap | If you run in Java5 or newer and have concurrent access, you should use the ConcurrentHashMap implementation | 171 |
UseDiamondOperator | Explicit type arguments can be replaced by Diamond Operator | 186 |
UseConcurrentHashMap | If you run in Java5 or newer and have concurrent access, you should use the ConcurrentHashMap implementation | 186 |
Rule | Violation | Ligne |
MissingSerialVersionUID | Classes implementing Serializable should set a serialVersionUID | 62–168 |
UseConcurrentHashMap | If you run in Java5 or newer and have concurrent access, you should use the ConcurrentHashMap implementation | 88 |
UseDiamondOperator | Explicit type arguments can be replaced by Diamond Operator | 88 |
UnusedPrivateMethod | Avoid unused private methods such as 'createOrUpdateCRMAccount(LuteceUser)'. | 127 |
UseDiamondOperator | Explicit type arguments can be replaced by Diamond Operator | 139 |
UseConcurrentHashMap | If you run in Java5 or newer and have concurrent access, you should use the ConcurrentHashMap implementation | 139 |
UseConcurrentHashMap | If you run in Java5 or newer and have concurrent access, you should use the ConcurrentHashMap implementation | 154 |
UseDiamondOperator | Explicit type arguments can be replaced by Diamond Operator | 154 |
Rule | Violation | Ligne |
MissingSerialVersionUID | Classes implementing Serializable should set a serialVersionUID | 63–182 |
UnusedPrivateField | Avoid unused private fields such as 'MARK_XPAGE_MYDASHBOARD'. | 70 |
UseDiamondOperator | Explicit type arguments can be replaced by Diamond Operator | 88 |
UseConcurrentHashMap | If you run in Java5 or newer and have concurrent access, you should use the ConcurrentHashMap implementation | 88 |
UseDiamondOperator | Explicit type arguments can be replaced by Diamond Operator | 90 |
InefficientEmptyStringCheck | String.trim().length() == 0 / String.trim().isEmpty() is an inefficient way to validate a blank String. | 98 |
UseDiamondOperator | Explicit type arguments can be replaced by Diamond Operator | 108 |
UseDiamondOperator | Explicit type arguments can be replaced by Diamond Operator | 153 |
UseConcurrentHashMap | If you run in Java5 or newer and have concurrent access, you should use the ConcurrentHashMap implementation | 153 |
UseConcurrentHashMap | If you run in Java5 or newer and have concurrent access, you should use the ConcurrentHashMap implementation | 168 |
UseDiamondOperator | Explicit type arguments can be replaced by Diamond Operator | 168 |
Rule | Violation | Ligne |
UnusedImports | Avoid unused imports such as 'fr.paris.lutece.portal.service.security.LuteceUser' | 38 |
Rule | Violation | Ligne |
UnusedImports | Avoid unused imports such as 'java.util.Map' | 36 |
Rule | Violation | Ligne |
UnusedImports | Avoid unused imports such as 'fr.paris.lutece.util.url.UrlItem' | 61 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Ligne |
CommentRequired | Header comments are required | 3 | 36–48 |
ShortVariable | Avoid variables with short names like o | 3 | 39 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Ligne |
CommentRequired | Header comments are required | 3 | 41–70 |
ImmutableField | Private field '_demand' could be made final; it is only initialized in the declaration or constructor. | 3 | 43 |
CommentRequired | Public method and constructor comments are required | 3 | 45–48 |
CallSuperInConstructor | It is a good practice to call super() in a constructor | 3 | 45–48 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Ligne |
CommentRequired | Header comments are required | 3 | 39–49 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifiers 'public static' on field 'DEMAND_CRM_TYPE': the field is declared in an interface type | 3 | 41 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifiers 'public static' on field 'DEMAND_MESSAGE_TYPE': the field is declared in an interface type | 3 | 42 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'getDateModification': the method is declared in an interface type | 3 | 44 |
CommentRequired | Public method and constructor comments are required | 3 | 44 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'getDemand': the method is declared in an interface type | 3 | 46 |
CommentRequired | Public method and constructor comments are required | 3 | 46 |
CommentRequired | Public method and constructor comments are required | 3 | 48 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'getType': the method is declared in an interface type | 3 | 48 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Ligne |
UnusedImports | Avoid unused imports such as 'fr.paris.lutece.portal.service.security.LuteceUser' | 4 | 38 |
CommentRequired | Header comments are required | 3 | 46–52 |
CommentRequired | Public method and constructor comments are required | 3 | 48 |
CommentRequired | Public method and constructor comments are required | 3 | 49 |
CommentRequired | Public method and constructor comments are required | 3 | 50 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Ligne |
CommentRequired | Header comments are required | 3 | 60–166 |
UnusedPrivateField | Avoid unused private fields such as 'MARK_USER_INFORMATION_HASH'. | 3 | 64 |
UnusedPrivateField | Avoid unused private fields such as 'MARK_ID_CURRENT_USER'. | 3 | 65 |
UnusedPrivateField | Avoid unused private fields such as 'PLUGIN_CRM'. | 3 | 67 |
UnusedPrivateField | Avoid unused private fields such as 'PLUGIN_PARIS_CONNECT'. | 3 | 68 |
UnusedPrivateField | Avoid unused private fields such as 'DISPLAY_DEMAND_PARIS_CONNECT'. | 3 | 69 |
CommentRequired | Public method and constructor comments are required | 3 | 73–81 |
NonThreadSafeSingleton | Singleton is not thread safe | 3 | 75–78 |
UseDiamondOperator | Explicit type arguments can be replaced by Diamond Operator | 3 | 87 |
UseDiamondOperator | Explicit type arguments can be replaced by Diamond Operator | 3 | 117 |
AvoidDeeplyNestedIfStmts | Deeply nested if..then statements are hard to read | 3 | 133–136 |
MissingOverride | The method 'addInformations(HttpServletRequest, CRMUser, List, Map)' is missing an @Override annotation. | 3 | 144–163 |
CommentRequired | Public method and constructor comments are required | 3 | 144–163 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Ligne |
MissingSerialVersionUID | Classes implementing Serializable should set a serialVersionUID | 3 | 63–137 |
CommentRequired | Header comments are required | 3 | 63–137 |
UnusedPrivateField | Avoid unused private fields such as 'VIEW_MESSAGES'. | 3 | 66 |
UnusedPrivateField | Avoid unused private fields such as 'PARIS_CONNECT_CONSTANT_UNREAD'. | 3 | 67 |
UnusedPrivateField | Avoid unused private fields such as 'PARAMETER_ID_MESSAGE'. | 3 | 70 |
UnusedPrivateField | Avoid unused private fields such as 'TEMPLATE_MESSAGE_LIST'. | 3 | 72 |
UnusedPrivateField | Avoid unused private fields such as 'MARK_USER_MESSAGE_LIST'. | 3 | 75 |
UnusedPrivateField | Avoid unused private fields such as 'MARK_USER_INFORMATION_HASH'. | 3 | 76 |
UnusedPrivateField | Avoid unused private fields such as 'MARK_LUTECE_USER_INFORMATIONS'. | 3 | 77 |
UnusedPrivateField | Avoid unused private fields such as 'MARK_ID_CURRENT_USER'. | 3 | 78 |
UnusedPrivateField | Avoid unused private fields such as 'MARK_ID_MESSAGE'. | 3 | 80 |
UnusedPrivateField | Avoid unused private fields such as 'MARK_AVATAR_URL'. | 3 | 81 |
CyclomaticComplexity | The method 'getViewNotificationCrm(HttpServletRequest)' has a cyclomatic complexity of 10. | 3 | 85–133 |
CommentRequired | Public method and constructor comments are required | 3 | 85–133 |
AvoidDeeplyNestedIfStmts | Deeply nested if..then statements are hard to read | 3 | 101–125 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Ligne |
UseStringBufferForStringAppends | Prefer StringBuilder (non-synchronized) or StringBuffer (synchronized) over += for concatenating strings | 3 | 116 |
CommentDefaultAccessModifier | To avoid mistakes add a comment at the beginning of the parse method if you want a default access modifier | 3 | 135–142 |
DefaultPackage | Use explicit scoping instead of the default package private level | 3 | 135–142 |
UseStringBufferForStringAppends | Prefer StringBuilder (non-synchronized) or StringBuffer (synchronized) over += for concatenating strings | 3 | 155 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Ligne |
UnusedImports | Avoid unused imports such as 'java.util.Map' | 4 | 36 |
MissingSerialVersionUID | Classes implementing Serializable should set a serialVersionUID | 3 | 54–100 |
CommentRequired | Header comments are required | 3 | 54–100 |
UnnecessaryAnnotationValueElement | Avoid the use of value in annotations when its the only element | 3 | 64 |
CommentRequired | Public method and constructor comments are required | 3 | 65–96 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Ligne |
UnusedImports | Avoid unused imports such as 'fr.paris.lutece.util.url.UrlItem' | 4 | 61 |
MissingSerialVersionUID | Classes implementing Serializable should set a serialVersionUID | 3 | 67–200 |
UnusedPrivateField | Avoid unused private fields such as 'MARK_XPAGE_MYDASHBOARD'. | 3 | 76 |
UseDiamondOperator | Explicit type arguments can be replaced by Diamond Operator | 3 | 100 |
UseConcurrentHashMap | If you run in Java5 or newer and have concurrent access, you should use the ConcurrentHashMap implementation | 3 | 100 |
UseDiamondOperator | Explicit type arguments can be replaced by Diamond Operator | 3 | 102 |
InefficientEmptyStringCheck | String.trim().length() == 0 / String.trim().isEmpty() is an inefficient way to validate a blank String. | 3 | 110 |
ConfusingTernary | Avoid if (x != y) ..; else ..; | 3 | 119 |
UseDiamondOperator | Explicit type arguments can be replaced by Diamond Operator | 3 | 125 |
AddEmptyString | Do not add empty strings | 3 | 127 |
UseDiamondOperator | Explicit type arguments can be replaced by Diamond Operator | 3 | 171 |
UseConcurrentHashMap | If you run in Java5 or newer and have concurrent access, you should use the ConcurrentHashMap implementation | 3 | 171 |
UseDiamondOperator | Explicit type arguments can be replaced by Diamond Operator | 3 | 186 |
UseConcurrentHashMap | If you run in Java5 or newer and have concurrent access, you should use the ConcurrentHashMap implementation | 3 | 186 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Ligne |
MissingSerialVersionUID | Classes implementing Serializable should set a serialVersionUID | 3 | 62–168 |
UseConcurrentHashMap | If you run in Java5 or newer and have concurrent access, you should use the ConcurrentHashMap implementation | 3 | 88 |
UseDiamondOperator | Explicit type arguments can be replaced by Diamond Operator | 3 | 88 |
UnusedPrivateMethod | Avoid unused private methods such as 'createOrUpdateCRMAccount(LuteceUser)'. | 3 | 127 |
UseDiamondOperator | Explicit type arguments can be replaced by Diamond Operator | 3 | 139 |
UseConcurrentHashMap | If you run in Java5 or newer and have concurrent access, you should use the ConcurrentHashMap implementation | 3 | 139 |
UseConcurrentHashMap | If you run in Java5 or newer and have concurrent access, you should use the ConcurrentHashMap implementation | 3 | 154 |
UseDiamondOperator | Explicit type arguments can be replaced by Diamond Operator | 3 | 154 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Ligne |
MissingSerialVersionUID | Classes implementing Serializable should set a serialVersionUID | 3 | 63–182 |
UnusedPrivateField | Avoid unused private fields such as 'MARK_XPAGE_MYDASHBOARD'. | 3 | 70 |
UseDiamondOperator | Explicit type arguments can be replaced by Diamond Operator | 3 | 88 |
UseConcurrentHashMap | If you run in Java5 or newer and have concurrent access, you should use the ConcurrentHashMap implementation | 3 | 88 |
UseDiamondOperator | Explicit type arguments can be replaced by Diamond Operator | 3 | 90 |
InefficientEmptyStringCheck | String.trim().length() == 0 / String.trim().isEmpty() is an inefficient way to validate a blank String. | 3 | 98 |
UseDiamondOperator | Explicit type arguments can be replaced by Diamond Operator | 3 | 108 |
UseDiamondOperator | Explicit type arguments can be replaced by Diamond Operator | 3 | 153 |
UseConcurrentHashMap | If you run in Java5 or newer and have concurrent access, you should use the ConcurrentHashMap implementation | 3 | 153 |
UseConcurrentHashMap | If you run in Java5 or newer and have concurrent access, you should use the ConcurrentHashMap implementation | 3 | 168 |
UseDiamondOperator | Explicit type arguments can be replaced by Diamond Operator | 3 | 168 |