The following document contains the results of PMD 6.13.0.
Rule | Violation | Line |
AvoidReassigningParameters | Avoid reassigning parameters such as 'strCriteriaParameterValue' | 266 |
AvoidReassigningParameters | Avoid reassigning parameters such as 'strCriteriaParameterValue' | 266 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
UncommentedEmptyMethodBody | Document empty method body | 56–58 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
AvoidCatchingGenericException | Avoid catching generic exceptions such as NullPointerException, RuntimeException, Exception in try-catch block | 62 |
AvoidCatchingGenericException | Avoid catching generic exceptions such as NullPointerException, RuntimeException, Exception in try-catch block | 89 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
GodClass | Possible God Class (WMC=58, ATFD=36, TCC=3.684%) | 63–510 |
UncommentedEmptyConstructor | Document empty constructor | 107–109 |
UnnecessaryConstructor | Avoid unnecessary constructors - the compiler will generate these for you | 107–109 |
UseDiamondOperator | Explicit type arguments can be replaced by Diamond Operator | 123 |
ShortVariable | Avoid variables with short names like sr | 124 |
PrematureDeclaration | Avoid declaring a variable if it is unreferenced before a possible exit point. | 124 |
ConfusingTernary | Avoid if (x != y) ..; else ..; | 196–203 |
CyclomaticComplexity | The method 'getAllAttributes()' has a cyclomatic complexity of 10. | 214–258 |
UseDiamondOperator | Explicit type arguments can be replaced by Diamond Operator | 216 |
CollapsibleIfStatements | These nested if statements could be combined | 274–277 |
StringToString | Avoid calling toString() on String objects; this is unnecessary. | 322 |
ShortVariable | Avoid variables with short names like sb | 333 |
InsufficientStringBufferDeclaration | StringBuffer constructor is initialized with size 16, but has at least 26 characters appended. | 333 |
ConsecutiveAppendsShouldReuse | StringBuffer (or StringBuilder).append is called consecutively without reusing the target variable. | 334 |
ConsecutiveAppendsShouldReuse | StringBuffer (or StringBuilder).append is called consecutively without reusing the target variable. | 335 |
ConsecutiveAppendsShouldReuse | StringBuffer (or StringBuilder).append is called consecutively without reusing the target variable. | 336 |
PositionLiteralsFirstInCaseInsensitiveComparisons | Position literals first in String comparisons for EqualsIgnoreCase | 409 |
SimplifyBooleanExpressions | Avoid unnecessary comparisons in boolean expressions | 446 |
UseStringBufferForStringAppends | Prefer StringBuilder (non-synchronized) or StringBuffer (synchronized) over += for concatenating strings | 448 |
UseStringBufferForStringAppends | Prefer StringBuilder (non-synchronized) or StringBuffer (synchronized) over += for concatenating strings | 451 |
NullAssignment | Assigning an Object to null is a code smell. Consider refactoring. | 489 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
UseVarargs | Consider using varargs for methods or constructors which take an array the last parameter. | 441 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
UncommentedEmptyMethodBody | Document empty method body | 3 | 56–58 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
AvoidCatchingGenericException | Avoid catching generic exceptions such as NullPointerException, RuntimeException, Exception in try-catch block | 3 | 62 |
AvoidCatchingGenericException | Avoid catching generic exceptions such as NullPointerException, RuntimeException, Exception in try-catch block | 3 | 89 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
GodClass | Possible God Class (WMC=58, ATFD=36, TCC=3.684%) | 3 | 63–510 |
UncommentedEmptyConstructor | Document empty constructor | 3 | 107–109 |
UnnecessaryConstructor | Avoid unnecessary constructors - the compiler will generate these for you | 3 | 107–109 |
UseDiamondOperator | Explicit type arguments can be replaced by Diamond Operator | 3 | 123 |
ShortVariable | Avoid variables with short names like sr | 3 | 124 |
PrematureDeclaration | Avoid declaring a variable if it is unreferenced before a possible exit point. | 3 | 124 |
ConfusingTernary | Avoid if (x != y) ..; else ..; | 3 | 196–203 |
CyclomaticComplexity | The method 'getAllAttributes()' has a cyclomatic complexity of 10. | 3 | 214–258 |
UseDiamondOperator | Explicit type arguments can be replaced by Diamond Operator | 3 | 216 |
AvoidReassigningParameters | Avoid reassigning parameters such as 'strCriteriaParameterValue' | 2 | 266 |
AvoidReassigningParameters | Avoid reassigning parameters such as 'strCriteriaParameterValue' | 2 | 266 |
CollapsibleIfStatements | These nested if statements could be combined | 3 | 274–277 |
StringToString | Avoid calling toString() on String objects; this is unnecessary. | 3 | 322 |
ShortVariable | Avoid variables with short names like sb | 3 | 333 |
InsufficientStringBufferDeclaration | StringBuffer constructor is initialized with size 16, but has at least 26 characters appended. | 3 | 333 |
ConsecutiveAppendsShouldReuse | StringBuffer (or StringBuilder).append is called consecutively without reusing the target variable. | 3 | 334 |
ConsecutiveAppendsShouldReuse | StringBuffer (or StringBuilder).append is called consecutively without reusing the target variable. | 3 | 335 |
ConsecutiveAppendsShouldReuse | StringBuffer (or StringBuilder).append is called consecutively without reusing the target variable. | 3 | 336 |
PositionLiteralsFirstInCaseInsensitiveComparisons | Position literals first in String comparisons for EqualsIgnoreCase | 3 | 409 |
UseVarargs | Consider using varargs for methods or constructors which take an array the last parameter. | 4 | 441 |
SimplifyBooleanExpressions | Avoid unnecessary comparisons in boolean expressions | 3 | 446 |
UseStringBufferForStringAppends | Prefer StringBuilder (non-synchronized) or StringBuffer (synchronized) over += for concatenating strings | 3 | 448 |
UseStringBufferForStringAppends | Prefer StringBuilder (non-synchronized) or StringBuffer (synchronized) over += for concatenating strings | 3 | 451 |
NullAssignment | Assigning an Object to null is a code smell. Consider refactoring. | 3 | 489 |