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Résultats CPD

Le document suivant contient les résultats de l'inspection CPD CPD 6.13.0.


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    private String _strCreatorUserConnectId;

     * Returns the Id
     * @return The Id
    public int getId( )
        return _nId;

     * Sets the Id
     * @param nId
     *            The Id
    public void setId( int nId )
        _nId = nId;

     * Returns the IdForm
     * @return The IdForm
    public int getIdForm( )
        return _nIdForm;

     * Sets the IdForm
     * @param nIdForm
     *            The IdForm
    public void setIdForm( int nIdForm )
        _nIdForm = nIdForm;

     * Returns the StartingValidityDate
     * @return The StartingValidityDate
    public LocalDate getStartingValidityDate( )
        return _dateStartingValidityDate;

     * Sets the StartingValidityDate
     * @param dateStartingValidityDate
     *            The StartingValidityDate
    public void setStartingValidityDate( LocalDate dateStartingValidityDate )
        _dateStartingValidityDate = dateStartingValidityDate;

     * Returns the EndingValidityDate
     * @return The EndingValidityDate
    public LocalDate getEndingValidityDate( )
        return _dateEndingValidityDate;

     * Sets the EndingValidityDate
     * @param dateEndingValidityDate
     *            The EndingValidityDate
    public void setEndingValidityDate( LocalDate dateEndingValidityDate )
        _dateEndingValidityDate = dateEndingValidityDate;

     * Returns the Comment
     * @return The Comment
    public String getComment( )
        return _strComment;

     * Sets the Comment
     * @param strComment
     *            The Comment
    public void setComment( String strComment )
        _strComment = strComment;

     * Returns the CreationDate
     * @return The CreationDate
    public LocalDate getCreationDate( )
        return _dateCreationDate;

     * Sets the CreationDate
     * @param dateCreationDate
     *            The CreationDate
    public void setCreationDate( LocalDate dateCreationDate )
        _dateCreationDate = dateCreationDate;

     * UserConnectId
     * @return The _strCreatorUserConnectId
    public String getCreatorUserName( )
        return _strCreatorUserConnectId;

     * Sets the strCreatorUserConnectId
     * @param creatorUserConnectId
     *            The creatorUserConnectId
    public void setCreatorUserName( String creatorUserConnectId )
        _strCreatorUserConnectId = creatorUserConnectId;

     * Returns the StartingValidityTime
     * @return The StartingValidityTime
    public LocalTime getStartingValidityTime( )
        return _timeStartingValidityTime;

     * Sets the StartingValidityTime
     * @param timeStartingValidityTime
     *            The StartingValidityTime
    public void setStartingValidityTime( LocalTime timeStartingValidityTime )
        _timeStartingValidityTime = timeStartingValidityTime;

     * Returns the EndingValidityTime
     * @return The EndingValidityTime
    public LocalTime getEndingValidityTime( )
        return _timeEndingValidityTime;

     * Sets the EndingValidityTime
     * @param timeEndingValidityTime
     *            The EndingValidityTime
    public void setEndingValidityTime( LocalTime timeEndingValidityTime )
        _timeEndingValidityTime = timeEndingValidityTime;

     * Gets the DateCalendarAllDaySlotEnd
     * @return The DateCalendarAllDaySlotEnd
    public LocalDate getCalendarAllDaySlotEnd( )
        return _dateEndingValidityDate.plusDays( 1 );
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            daoUtil.setDate( 2, startingDate );
            daoUtil.setInt( 3, nIdForm );

            daoUtil.executeQuery( );

            while ( ) )
                Comment comment = new Comment( );
                int nIndex = 1;

                comment.setId( daoUtil.getInt( nIndex++ ) );
                comment.setIdForm( daoUtil.getInt( nIndex++ ) );
                comment.setStartingValidityDate( daoUtil.getDate( nIndex++ ).toLocalDate( ) );
                Time startingTime = daoUtil.getTime( nIndex++ );
                if ( startingTime != null )
                    comment.setStartingValidityTime( startingTime.toLocalTime( ) );
                comment.setEndingValidityDate( daoUtil.getDate( nIndex++ ).toLocalDate( ) );
                Time endingTime = daoUtil.getTime( nIndex++ );
                if ( endingTime != null )
                    comment.setEndingValidityTime( endingTime.toLocalTime( ) );
                comment.setComment( daoUtil.getString( nIndex++ ) );
                comment.setCreationDate( daoUtil.getDate( nIndex++ ).toLocalDate( ) );
                comment.setCreatorUserName( daoUtil.getString( nIndex++ ) );

                commentList.add( comment );

            return commentList;

     * {@inheritDoc }
    public List<Comment> selectCommentsListInclusive( Plugin plugin, Date startingDate, Date endingDate, int nIdForm )
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            daoUtil.executeQuery( );

            while ( ) )
                Comment comment = new Comment( );
                int nIndex = 1;

                comment.setId( daoUtil.getInt( nIndex++ ) );
                comment.setIdForm( daoUtil.getInt( nIndex++ ) );
                comment.setStartingValidityDate( daoUtil.getDate( nIndex++ ).toLocalDate( ) );
                Time startingTime = daoUtil.getTime( nIndex++ );
                if ( startingTime != null )
                    comment.setStartingValidityTime( startingTime.toLocalTime( ) );
                comment.setEndingValidityDate( daoUtil.getDate( nIndex++ ).toLocalDate( ) );
                Time endingTime = daoUtil.getTime( nIndex++ );
                if ( endingTime != null )
                    comment.setEndingValidityTime( endingTime.toLocalTime( ) );
                comment.setComment( daoUtil.getString( nIndex++ ) );
                comment.setCreationDate( daoUtil.getDate( nIndex++ ).toLocalDate( ) );
                comment.setCreatorUserName( daoUtil.getString( nIndex++ ) );

                commentList.add( comment );

            return commentList;

     * {@inheritDoc }
    public List<Comment> selectCommentsList( Plugin plugin, Date startingDate, Date endingDate, int nIdForm )
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            daoUtil.executeQuery( );

            while ( ) )
                Comment comment = new Comment( );
                int nIndex = 1;

                comment.setId( daoUtil.getInt( nIndex++ ) );
                comment.setIdForm( daoUtil.getInt( nIndex++ ) );
                comment.setStartingValidityDate( daoUtil.getDate( nIndex++ ).toLocalDate( ) );
                Time startingTime = daoUtil.getTime( nIndex++ );
                if ( startingTime != null )
                    comment.setStartingValidityTime( startingTime.toLocalTime( ) );
                comment.setEndingValidityDate( daoUtil.getDate( nIndex++ ).toLocalDate( ) );
                Time endingTime = daoUtil.getTime( nIndex++ );
                if ( endingTime != null )
                    comment.setEndingValidityTime( endingTime.toLocalTime( ) );
                comment.setComment( daoUtil.getString( nIndex++ ) );
                comment.setCreationDate( daoUtil.getDate( nIndex++ ).toLocalDate( ) );
                comment.setCreatorUserName( daoUtil.getString( nIndex++ ) );

                commentList.add( comment );

            return commentList;

     * {@inheritDoc }
    public List<Comment> selectCommentsList( Plugin plugin, Date startingDate, Date endingDate, int nIdForm )
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        if ( luteceUser == null )
            throw new UserNotSignedException( );
        AppointmentFilterDTO appointmentFilter = new AppointmentFilterDTO( );
        appointmentFilter.setGuid( luteceUser.getName( ) );
        List<AppointmentDTO> listAppointmentDTO = AppointmentService.findListAppointmentsDTOByFilter( appointmentFilter );
        for ( AppointmentDTO apptDto : listAppointmentDTO )
            Form form = FormService.findFormLightByPrimaryKey( apptDto.getIdForm( ) );
            if ( form.getIdWorkflow( ) > 0 && WorkflowService.getInstance( ).isAvailable( ) )

                apptDto.setListWorkflowActions( WorkflowService.getInstance( ).getActions( apptDto.getIdAppointment( ), Appointment.APPOINTMENT_RESOURCE_TYPE,
                        form.getIdWorkflow( ), luteceUser ) );


        model = ( model == null ) ? new HashMap<>( ) : model;
        model.put( MARK_LIST_APPOINTMENTS, listAppointmentDTO );
        model.put( MARK_FORM_LIST, FormService.findAllInReferenceList( ) );
        model.put( MARK_LOCALE_DATE_TIME, ) );
        HtmlTemplate template = AppTemplateService.getTemplate( TEMPLATE_MY_APPOINTMENTS, locale, model );
        return template.getHtml( );

     * Get the HTML content of a user's "My appointments" page
     * @param request
     *            The request
     * @param locale
     *            The locale
     * @return The HTML content, or null if the user is not logged in
     * @throws UserNotSignedException
     *             If the user has not signed in
    public static String getMyAppointmentsHtml( HttpServletRequest request, Locale locale, Map<String, Object> model ) throws UserNotSignedException
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        _comment.setComment( request.getParameter( PARAMETER_COMMENT ) );
        _comment.setStartingValidityDate( DateUtil.formatDate( request.getParameter( PARAMETER_STARTING_VALIDITY_DATE ), getLocale( ) ).toInstant( )
                .atZone( ZoneId.systemDefault( ) ).toLocalDate( ) );
        _comment.setEndingValidityDate( DateUtil.formatDate( request.getParameter( PARAMETER_ENDING_VALIDITY_DATE ), getLocale( ) ).toInstant( )
                .atZone( ZoneId.systemDefault( ) ).toLocalDate( ) );
        if ( !request.getParameter( PARAMETER_STARTING_VALIDITY_TIME ).isEmpty( ) )
            _comment.setStartingValidityTime( LocalTime.parse( request.getParameter( PARAMETER_STARTING_VALIDITY_TIME ) ) );

        if ( !request.getParameter( PARAMETER_ENDING_VALIDITY_TIME ).isEmpty( ) )
            _comment.setEndingValidityTime( LocalTime.parse( request.getParameter( PARAMETER_ENDING_VALIDITY_TIME ) ) );

        // Check constraints
        if ( !validateBean( _comment, VALIDATION_ATTRIBUTES_PREFIX ) || !validateDateStartEndValidity( _comment ) )
            addError( INFO_COMMENT_ERROR, getLocale( ) );

            CommentService.createAndNotifyMailingList( _comment, nIdMailingList, getLocale( ) );
Fichier Ligne
fr/paris/lutece/plugins/appointment/service/ 88
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        Slot slotToAdd;
        TimeSlot timeSlot;
        LocalDate dateToCompare;
        // Need to check if this date is not before the form date creation
        WeekDefinition firsWeek = ).sorted( ( week1, week2 ) -> week1.getDateOfApply( ).compareTo( week2.getDateOfApply( ) ) )
                .findFirst( ).orElse( null );
        final LocalDate firstDateOfReservationRule = firsWeek.getDateOfApply( );
        LocalDate startingDateToUse = startingDate;
        if ( firstDateOfReservationRule != null && startingDate.isBefore( firstDateOfReservationRule ) )
            startingDateToUse = firstDateOfReservationRule;
        // Get all the closing day of this period
        List<LocalDate> listDateOfClosingDay = ClosingDayService.findListDateOfClosingDayByIdFormAndDateRange( nIdForm, startingDateToUse, endingDate );
        // Get all the slot between these two dates
        Map<LocalDateTime, Slot> mapSlot = SlotService.buildMapSlotsByIdFormAndDateRangeWithDateForKey( nIdForm, startingDateToUse.atStartOfDay( ),
                endingDate.atTime( LocalTime.MAX ) );

        // Get or build all the event for the period
        while ( !dateTemp.isAfter( endingDate ) )
            dateToCompare = dateTemp;
            // Find the closest date of apply of reservation rule with the given
            // date
            reservationRuleToApply = null;
            closestweeDef = Utilities.getClosestWeekDefinitionInPast( listDateReservationRule, dateToCompare );
            if ( closestweeDef != null )

                reservationRuleToApply = mapReservationRule.get( closestweeDef );

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                comment = new Comment( );
                int nIndex = 1;

                comment.setId( daoUtil.getInt( nIndex++ ) );
                comment.setIdForm( daoUtil.getInt( nIndex++ ) );
                comment.setStartingValidityDate( daoUtil.getDate( nIndex++ ).toLocalDate( ) );
                Time startingTime = daoUtil.getTime( nIndex++ );
                if ( startingTime != null )
                    comment.setStartingValidityTime( startingTime.toLocalTime( ) );
                comment.setEndingValidityDate( daoUtil.getDate( nIndex++ ).toLocalDate( ) );
                Time endingTime = daoUtil.getTime( nIndex++ );
                if ( endingTime != null )
                    comment.setEndingValidityTime( endingTime.toLocalTime( ) );
                comment.setComment( daoUtil.getString( nIndex++ ) );
                comment.setCreationDate( daoUtil.getDate( nIndex++ ).toLocalDate( ) );
                comment.setCreatorUserName( daoUtil.getString( nIndex ) );
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fr/paris/lutece/plugins/appointment/business/appointment/ 378
fr/paris/lutece/plugins/appointment/business/appointment/ 449
            addFilterParametersToDAOUtil( appointmentFilter, daoUtil );
            daoUtil.executeQuery( );

            while ( ) )
                Appointment appt = buildAppointment( daoUtil );

                Slot slot = builSlot( daoUtil, 18 );
                User user = buildUser( daoUtil, 12 );

                if ( isFirst || daoUtil.isLast( ) )

                    appt.setSlot( SlotHome.findByIdAppointment( appt.getIdAppointment( ) ) );


                    appt.addSlot( slot );
                appt.setUser( user );

                Appointment apptAdded = mapAppointment.get( appt.getIdAppointment( ) );
                if ( apptAdded == null )
                    mapAppointment.put( appt.getIdAppointment( ), appt );
                    apptAdded.addSlot( slot );

                isFirst = false;

        return new ArrayList<>( mapAppointment.values( ) );
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        List<AppointmentDTO> listAppointments = new ArrayList<>( );
        if ( _appointmentForm.getEnableMandatoryEmail( )
                && !AppointmentUtilities.checkNbMaxAppointmentsDefinedOnCategory( _notValidatedAppointment, strEmail, _appointmentForm, listAppointments ) )
            StringJoiner builder = new StringJoiner( StringUtils.SPACE );
            String lf = System.getProperty( "line.separator" );
            for ( AppointmentDTO appt : listAppointments )
                builder.add( appt.getLastName( ) );
                builder.add( appt.getFirstName( ) );
                builder.add( appt.getDateOfTheAppointment( ) );
                builder.add( appt.getStartingTime( ).toString( ) );
                builder.add( lf );
            Object [ ] tabAppointment = {
                    builder.toString( )

            String strErrorMessageDateWithAppointments = I18nService.getLocalizedString( ERROR_MESSAGE_NB_MAX_APPOINTMENTS_ON_A_CATEGORY, tabAppointment,
                    locale );
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fr/paris/lutece/plugins/appointment/business/slot/ 294
        Slot slot = new Slot( );
        slot.setIdSlot( daoUtil.getInt( nIndex++ ) );
        slot.setStartingTimeStampDate( daoUtil.getTimestamp( nIndex++ ) );
        slot.setEndingTimeStampDate( daoUtil.getTimestamp( nIndex++ ) );
        slot.setIsOpen( daoUtil.getBoolean( nIndex++ ) );
        slot.setIsSpecific( daoUtil.getBoolean( nIndex++ ) );
        slot.setMaxCapacity( daoUtil.getInt( nIndex++ ) );
        slot.setNbRemainingPlaces( daoUtil.getInt( nIndex++ ) );
        slot.setNbPotentialRemainingPlaces( daoUtil.getInt( nIndex++ ) );
        slot.setNbPlacestaken( daoUtil.getInt( nIndex++ ) );
        slot.setIdForm( daoUtil.getInt( nIndex ) );
        return slot;

     * Build a User business object from the resultset
     * @param daoUtil
     *            the prepare statement util object
     * @return a new User with all its attributes assigned
    private User buildUser( DAOUtil daoUtil, int nIndex )
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            listSlotsImpactedByDate.addAll( SlotService.findSlotWithAppointmentByDateRange( nIdForm, week.getDateOfApply( ).atStartOfDay( ),
                    week.getEndingDateOfApply( ).atTime( LocalTime.MAX ) ) );


        // If there are slots impacted
        if ( CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty( listSlotsImpacted ) )
            List<Integer> listIdSlotsImpacted = ).map( Slot::getIdSlot ).collect( Collectors.toList( ) );
            List<Slot> listSlotsImpactedWithAppointment = ).filter( slot -> listIdSlotsImpacted.contains( slot.getIdSlot( ) ) )
                    .collect( Collectors.toList( ) );
            // if there are appointments impacted
            if ( CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty( listSlotsImpactedWithAppointment ) )
                // If the ending time of the time slot has changed or if the max
                // capacity has decreased
                if ( bEndingTimeHasChanged || nMaxCapacity < oldTimeSlot.getMaxCapacity( ) )
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    private int _nIdForm;

     * List of the working days that define the week definition
    private List<WorkingDay> _listWorkingDays;

     * Get the id of the rule of the reservation
     * @return the id of the rule of the reservation
    public int getIdReservationRule( )
        return _nIdReservationRule;

     * Set the id of the rule of the reservation
     * @param nIdReservationRule
     *            the id to set
    public void setIdReservationRule( int nIdReservationRule )
        this._nIdReservationRule = nIdReservationRule;

     * Returns the Name
     * @return The Name
    public String getName( )
        return _strName;

     * Sets the Name
     * @param strName
     *            The Name
    public void setName( String strName )
        _strName = strName;

     * Returns the Description
     * @return The Description
    public String getDescriptionRule( )
        return _strDescriptionRule;

     * Sets the Description
     * @param strDescription
     *            The Description
    public void setDescriptionRule( String strDescription )
        _strDescriptionRule = strDescription;

     * Returns the Color
     * @return The Color
    public String getColor( )
        return _strColor;

     * Sets the Color
     * @param strColor
     *            The Color
    public void setColor( String strColor )
        _strColor = strColor;

     * Returns the Enable
     * @return The Enable
    public boolean getEnable( )
        return _bEnable;

     * Sets the Enable
     * @param bEnable
     *            The Enable
    public void setEnable( boolean bEnable )
        _bEnable = bEnable;

     * Get the maximum capacity for a slot
     * @return the maximum capacity for a slot
    public int getMaxCapacityPerSlot( )
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        List<WeekDefinition> listWeekDefinition = WeekDefinitionService.findByReservationRule( nIdReservationRule );

        if ( ).anyMatch( week -> week.getDateOfApply( ).isBefore( dateNow ) ) )

            return redirect( request, VIEW_MANAGE_TYPICAL_WEEK, PARAMETER_ID_FORM, nIdForm, PARAMETER_ID_RULE, nIdReservationRule );
        if ( AppointmentUtilities.weekIsOpenInFO( _appointmentForm, listWeekDefinition, getLocale( ) ) )

            addError( ERROR_MESSAGE_WEEK_IS_OPEN_FO, getLocale( ) );
            return redirect( request, VIEW_MANAGE_TYPICAL_WEEK, PARAMETER_ID_FORM, nIdForm, PARAMETER_ID_RULE, nIdReservationRule );
