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CPD Results

The following document contains the results of PMD's CPD 5.5.1.


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        application.setId( newPrimaryKey( plugin ) );

        daoUtil.setInt( 1, application.getId( ) );
        daoUtil.setString( 2, application.getTitle( ) );
        daoUtil.setString( 3, application.getDescription( ) );
        daoUtil.setInt( 4, application.getIdCategory( ) );
        daoUtil.setInt( 5, application.getOrder( ) );
        daoUtil.setInt( 6, application.getIdIcon( ) );
        daoUtil.setString( 7, application.getPomUrl( ) );
        daoUtil.setString( 8, application.getWebappUrl( ) );
        daoUtil.setString( 9, application.getSqlScriptUrl( ) );
        daoUtil.setString( 10, application.getArtifactId( ) );
        daoUtil.setString( 11, application.getPresentation( ) );
        daoUtil.setString( 12, application.getInstallation( ) );
        daoUtil.setString( 13, application.getVersion( ) );
        daoUtil.setInt( 14, application.getBuildStatus( ) );
        daoUtil.setInt( 15, application.getPublishStatus( ) );

        daoUtil.executeUpdate( );
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            application = new Application( );

            application.setId( daoUtil.getInt( 1 ) );
            application.setTitle( daoUtil.getString( 2 ) );
            application.setDescription( daoUtil.getString( 3 ) );
            application.setIdCategory( daoUtil.getInt( 4 ) );
            application.setOrder( daoUtil.getInt( 5 ) );
            application.setIdIcon( daoUtil.getInt( 6 ) );
            application.setPomUrl( daoUtil.getString( 7 ) );
            application.setWebappUrl( daoUtil.getString( 8 ) );
            application.setSqlScriptUrl( daoUtil.getString( 9 ) );
            application.setCategory( daoUtil.getString( 10 ) );
            application.setArtifactId( daoUtil.getString( 11 ) );
            application.setPresentation( daoUtil.getString( 12 ) );
            application.setInstallation( daoUtil.getString( 13 ) );
            application.setVersion( daoUtil.getString( 14 ) );
            application.setBuildStatus( daoUtil.getInt( 15 ) );
            application.setPublishStatus( daoUtil.getInt( 16 ) );
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fr/paris/lutece/plugins/appstore/web/ 234
        Component component = new Component( );

        if ( request.getParameter( PARAMETER_COMPONENT_TITLE ).equals( "" ) )
            return AdminMessageService.getMessageUrl( request, Messages.MANDATORY_FIELDS, AdminMessage.TYPE_STOP );

        if ( request.getParameter( PARAMETER_COMPONENT_DESCRIPTION ).equals( "" ) )
            return AdminMessageService.getMessageUrl( request, Messages.MANDATORY_FIELDS, AdminMessage.TYPE_STOP );

        if ( request.getParameter( PARAMETER_COMPONENT_ARTIFACT_ID ).equals( "" ) )
            return AdminMessageService.getMessageUrl( request, Messages.MANDATORY_FIELDS, AdminMessage.TYPE_STOP );

        component.setTitle( request.getParameter( PARAMETER_COMPONENT_TITLE ) );
        component.setDescription( request.getParameter( PARAMETER_COMPONENT_DESCRIPTION ) );
        component.setArtifactId( request.getParameter( PARAMETER_COMPONENT_ARTIFACT_ID ) );
        component.setGroupId( request.getParameter( PARAMETER_COMPONENT_GROUP_ID ) );
        component.setComponentType( request.getParameter( PARAMETER_COMPONENT_COMPONENT_TYPE ) );
        ComponentInfoService.setReleaseVersion( component );

        ComponentHome.create( component );
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        DAOUtil daoUtil = new DAOUtil( SQL_QUERY_SELECTALL, plugin );
        daoUtil.executeQuery( );

        while ( ) )
            Component component = new Component( );

            component.setId( daoUtil.getInt( 1 ) );
            component.setGroupId( daoUtil.getString( 2 ) );
            component.setTitle( daoUtil.getString( 3 ) );
            component.setDescription( daoUtil.getString( 4 ) );
            component.setArtifactId( daoUtil.getString( 5 ) );
            component.setVersion( daoUtil.getString( 6 ) );
            component.setComponentType( daoUtil.getString( 7 ) );

            componentList.add( component );
        } );

        return componentList;