Résultats PMD
Le document suivant contient les résultats de PMD 5.5.1.
Violation |
Ligne |
Too many fields |
41–432 |
Violation |
Ligne |
Avoid short class names like Icon |
41–168 |
Returning '_byValue' may expose an internal array. |
100 |
The user-supplied array 'value' is stored directly. |
109 |
Violation |
Ligne |
Use block level rather than method level synchronization |
89–104 |
Violation |
Ligne |
Avoid unused imports such as 'fr.paris.lutece.portal.web.constants.Parameters' |
41 |
Avoid unused imports such as 'fr.paris.lutece.portal.web.constants.Parameters' |
41 |
Violation |
Ligne |
All methods are static. Consider using a utility class instead. Alternatively, you could add a private constructor or make the class abstract to silence this warning. |
54–119 |
Avoid variables with short names like tr |
104 |
Violation |
Ligne |
Document empty constructor |
59–61 |
Violation |
Ligne |
All methods are static. Consider using a utility class instead. Alternatively, you could add a private constructor or make the class abstract to silence this warning. |
43–71 |
Violation |
Ligne |
If you run in Java5 or newer and have concurrent access, you should use the ConcurrentHashMap implementation |
107 |
If you run in Java5 or newer and have concurrent access, you should use the ConcurrentHashMap implementation |
136 |
If you run in Java5 or newer and have concurrent access, you should use the ConcurrentHashMap implementation |
152 |
Violation |
Ligne |
Abstract classes should be named AbstractXXX |
41–53 |
No abstract method which means that the keyword is most likely used to prevent instantiation. Use a private or protected constructor instead. |
41–53 |
Violation |
Ligne |
Avoid unused private fields such as 'PARAMETER_APPLICATION_POM_URL'. |
74 |
If you run in Java5 or newer and have concurrent access, you should use the ConcurrentHashMap implementation |
139 |
Do not add empty strings |
141 |
If you run in Java5 or newer and have concurrent access, you should use the ConcurrentHashMap implementation |
162 |
Avoid declaring a variable if it is unreferenced before a possible exit point. |
181 |
If you run in Java5 or newer and have concurrent access, you should use the ConcurrentHashMap implementation |
290 |
The method doModifyApplication() has an NPath complexity of 256 |
310–384 |
Avoid declaring a variable if it is unreferenced before a possible exit point. |
313 |
Violation |
Ligne |
If you run in Java5 or newer and have concurrent access, you should use the ConcurrentHashMap implementation |
98 |
Do not add empty strings |
100 |
If you run in Java5 or newer and have concurrent access, you should use the ConcurrentHashMap implementation |
121 |
Avoid declaring a variable if it is unreferenced before a possible exit point. |
137 |
If you run in Java5 or newer and have concurrent access, you should use the ConcurrentHashMap implementation |
204 |
Avoid declaring a variable if it is unreferenced before a possible exit point. |
222 |
Violation |
Ligne |
Avoid unused private fields such as 'PARAMETER_COMPONENT_VERSION'. |
68 |
If you run in Java5 or newer and have concurrent access, you should use the ConcurrentHashMap implementation |
103 |
Do not add empty strings |
105 |
If you run in Java5 or newer and have concurrent access, you should use the ConcurrentHashMap implementation |
126 |
Avoid declaring a variable if it is unreferenced before a possible exit point. |
142 |
If you run in Java5 or newer and have concurrent access, you should use the ConcurrentHashMap implementation |
216 |
Avoid declaring a variable if it is unreferenced before a possible exit point. |
234 |
Violation |
Ligne |
The class 'IconJspBean' has a Cyclomatic Complexity of 4 (Highest = 18). |
65–412 |
Private field '_nDefaultItemsPerPage' could be made final; it is only initialized in the declaration or constructor. |
111 |
The method 'getIconData' has a Cyclomatic Complexity of 18. |
305–373 |
The method getIconData() has an NPath complexity of 784 |
305–373 |
Avoid declaring a variable if it is unreferenced before a possible exit point. |
312 |
Avoid declaring a variable if it is unreferenced before a possible exit point. |
313 |