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Résultats PMD

Le document suivant contient les résultats de PMD 5.5.1.



Violation Ligne
Returning '_byValue' may expose an internal array. 108
The user-supplied array 'value' is stored directly. 117


Violation Ligne
Document empty constructor 5759


Violation Ligne
When doing a String.toLowerCase()/toUpperCase() call, use a Locale 61
Avoid variables with short names like md 62
Avoid variables with short names like sb 69


Violation Ligne
All methods are static. Consider using a utility class instead. Alternatively, you could add a private constructor or make the class abstract to silence this warning. 47110


Violation Ligne
Avoid variables with short names like in 96


Violation Ligne
Avoid unused imports such as '' 41
Avoid unused imports such as '' 41
Avoid unused imports such as '' 46
Avoid unused imports such as '' 46
Avoid unused imports such as '' 47
Avoid unused imports such as '' 47
Assigning an Object to null is a code smell. Consider refactoring. 166
Assigning an Object to null is a code smell. Consider refactoring. 256


Violation Ligne
Assigning an Object to null is a code smell. Consider refactoring. 101
Avoid declaring a variable if it is unreferenced before a possible exit point. 143


Violation Ligne
Abstract classes should be named AbstractXXX 5084
Perhaps '_nDefaultItemsPerPage' could be replaced by a local variable. 60
Do not add empty strings 78


Violation Ligne
The class 'PostAvatarServlet' has a Cyclomatic Complexity of 6 (Highest = 11). 65181
The class 'PostAvatarServlet' has a Standard Cyclomatic Complexity of 6 (Highest = 10). 65181
The class 'PostAvatarServlet' has a Modified Cyclomatic Complexity of 6 (Highest = 10). 65181
The method 'doPost' has a Modified Cyclomatic Complexity of 10. 96180
The method 'doPost' has a Cyclomatic Complexity of 11. 96180
The method 'doPost' has a Standard Cyclomatic Complexity of 10. 96180


Violation Ligne
Use explicit scoping instead of the default package private level 6364
Use explicit scoping instead of the default package private level 6566
The Logger variable declaration does not contain the static and final modifiers 67
Private field '_logger' could be made final; it is only initialized in the declaration or constructor. 67
debug logging that involves string concatenation should be guarded with isDebugEnabled() checks 83