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Plugin botpress


This plugins lets embed bots powered by BotPress into a Lutece site

The integration is based on the Lutete Chatbot plugin providing the conversational UI.

Three modes of integration are possible:

  • Mode 1: The Chatbot is in web page (classic XPage)
  • Mode 2: The Chatbot comes in a popup that opens with a button at the bottom right of any page of the site
  • Mode 3: The Chatbot is integrated in iframe in another site

To integrate a BotPress bot the only information needed is its identifier and the address of the server


Deploy this plugin with the chatbot plugin and Manage BotPress bots access in the Back Office

To declare a BotPress bot in the Lutece Back Office Manage BotPress Bots then click on Add Bot and fill in the following fields:


Mode 1: Web page

Access to the web page is via the following URL:


Mode 2: Integration via a popup

This integration is done by adding the bookmark of the PageInclude proposed by the ChatBot plugin in the HTML template of the site (file WEB-INF/templates/site/page_frameset.html). You must add the following line in this file before closing the body tag.

$ {chat_popup_include}

Mode 3: iFrame

The URL to source the IFRAME is:
