The following document contains the results of PMD 5.3.5.
Violation | Line |
Abstract classes should be named AbstractXXX | 38–201 |
Violation | Line |
Assigning an Object to null is a code smell. Consider refactoring. | 149 |
Substitute calls to size() == 0 (or size() != 0, size() > 0, size() < 1) with calls to isEmpty() | 149 |
Violation | Line |
The field name indicates a constant but its modifiers do not | 53 |
Avoid using redundant field initializer for 'STATUS_ERROR' | 53 |
The field name indicates a constant but its modifiers do not | 54 |
The field name indicates a constant but its modifiers do not | 55 |
Avoid using redundant field initializer for 'ERROR_TYPE_INFO' | 55 |
The field name indicates a constant but its modifiers do not | 56 |
StringBuffers can grow quite a lot, and so may become a source of memory leak (if the owning class has a long life time). | 58 |
If you run in Java5 or newer and have concurrent access, you should use the ConcurrentHashMap implementation | 64 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid catching generic exceptions such as NullPointerException, RuntimeException, Exception in try-catch block | 64 |
Avoid variables with short names like jo | 75 |
Avoid instantiating Boolean objects; reference Boolean.TRUE or Boolean.FALSE or call Boolean.valueOf() instead. | 80 |
Deeply nested if..then statements are hard to read | 80–85 |
Violation | Line |
Document empty method | 114–115 |
Violation | Line |
Private field '_databaseService' could be made final; it is only initialized in the declaration or constructor. | 59 |
Avoid catching generic exceptions such as NullPointerException, RuntimeException, Exception in try-catch block | 90 |
Avoid variables with short names like jo | 100 |
Deeply nested if..then statements are hard to read | 102–112 |
Avoid instantiating Boolean objects; reference Boolean.TRUE or Boolean.FALSE or call Boolean.valueOf() instead. | 105 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid unused imports such as 'org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils' | 44 |
Avoid unused imports such as 'org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils' | 44 |
Avoid unused imports such as 'java.util.List' | 48 |
Avoid unused imports such as 'java.util.List' | 48 |
The class 'ExecuteAction' has a Cyclomatic Complexity of 14 (Highest = 13). | 55–140 |
The class 'ExecuteAction' has a Modified Cyclomatic Complexity of 13 (Highest = 12). | 55–140 |
The class 'ExecuteAction' has a Standard Cyclomatic Complexity of 13 (Highest = 12). | 55–140 |
The method 'run' has a Cyclomatic Complexity of 13. | 58–139 |
The method 'run' has a Standard Cyclomatic Complexity of 12. | 58–139 |
The method 'run' has a Modified Cyclomatic Complexity of 12. | 58–139 |
Avoid catching generic exceptions such as NullPointerException, RuntimeException, Exception in try-catch block | 92 |
Avoid variables with short names like jo | 99 |
Deeply nested if..then statements are hard to read | 102–134 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid unused imports such as 'javax.inject.Inject' | 41 |
Avoid unused imports such as 'javax.inject.Inject' | 41 |
Avoid unused imports such as 'net.sf.json.JSONObject' | 43 |
Avoid unused imports such as 'net.sf.json.JSONObject' | 43 |
Avoid unused imports such as 'org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils' | 45 |
Avoid unused imports such as 'org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils' | 45 |
Avoid unused imports such as '' | 48 |
Avoid unused imports such as '' | 48 |
Avoid unused imports such as '' | 56 |
Avoid unused imports such as '' | 56 |
Avoid unused imports such as '' | 57 |
Avoid unused imports such as '' | 57 |
Use explicit scoping instead of the default package private level | 68 |
Avoid declaring a variable if it is unreferenced before a possible exit point. | 75 |
Avoid unused local variables such as 'plugin'. | 75 |
Avoid instantiating Boolean objects; reference Boolean.TRUE or Boolean.FALSE or call Boolean.valueOf() instead. | 103 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid unused imports such as 'org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils' | 41 |
Avoid unused imports such as 'org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils' | 41 |
Private field '_ftpService' could be made final; it is only initialized in the declaration or constructor. | 57 |
Private field '_actionService' could be made final; it is only initialized in the declaration or constructor. | 58 |
Avoid declaring a variable if it is unreferenced before a possible exit point. | 67 |
Avoid declaring a variable if it is unreferenced before a possible exit point. | 68 |
Avoid unused local variables such as 'plugin'. | 68 |
Avoid instantiating Boolean objects; reference Boolean.TRUE or Boolean.FALSE or call Boolean.valueOf() instead. | 121 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid using implementation types like 'HashMap'; use the interface instead | 55 |
Avoid using implementation types like 'HashMap'; use the interface instead | 55 |
These nested if statements could be combined | 125–128 |
Avoid using implementation types like 'HashMap'; use the interface instead | 144 |
Avoid using implementation types like 'HashMap'; use the interface instead | 144 |
Avoid using implementation types like 'HashMap'; use the interface instead | 149 |
Avoid using implementation types like 'HashMap'; use the interface instead | 149 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid unused imports such as '' | 36 |
Avoid unused imports such as '' | 36 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid unused imports such as 'java.util.Iterator' | 45 |
Avoid unused imports such as 'java.util.Iterator' | 45 |
The class 'WarInstallerAction' has a Standard Cyclomatic Complexity of 10 (Highest = 9). | 53–126 |
The class 'WarInstallerAction' has a Cyclomatic Complexity of 11 (Highest = 10). | 53–126 |
The class 'WarInstallerAction' has a Modified Cyclomatic Complexity of 10 (Highest = 9). | 53–126 |
The method 'run' has a Cyclomatic Complexity of 10. | 56–125 |
Deeply nested if..then statements are hard to read | 88–92 |
Avoid catching generic exceptions such as NullPointerException, RuntimeException, Exception in try-catch block | 98 |
Avoid variables with short names like jo | 108 |
Avoid instantiating Boolean objects; reference Boolean.TRUE or Boolean.FALSE or call Boolean.valueOf() instead. | 113 |
Deeply nested if..then statements are hard to read | 113–119 |
Violation | Line |
Too many fields | 41–301 |
Avoid using implementation types like 'HashMap'; use the interface instead | 51 |
Avoid using implementation types like 'HashMap'; use the interface instead | 51 |
Violation | Line |
It is a good practice to call super() in a constructor | 46–49 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid using implementation types like 'HashMap'; use the interface instead | 56 |
Avoid using implementation types like 'HashMap'; use the interface instead | 56 |
Avoid catching generic exceptions such as NullPointerException, RuntimeException, Exception in try-catch block | 89 |
Avoid instantiating Boolean objects; reference Boolean.TRUE or Boolean.FALSE or call Boolean.valueOf() instead. | 157 |
Violation | Line |
No need to import a type that lives in the same package | 41 |
No need to import a type that lives in the same package | 42 |
Private field '_applicationService' could be made final; it is only initialized in the declaration or constructor. | 58 |
It is a good practice to call super() in a constructor | 96–99 |
Avoid variables with short names like rt | 108 |
Avoid variables with short names like p | 119 |
Assigning an Object to null is a code smell. Consider refactoring. | 193 |
Violation | Line |
A class which only has private constructors should be final | 48–163 |
When doing a String.toLowerCase()/toUpperCase() call, use a Locale | 98 |
When doing a String.toLowerCase()/toUpperCase() call, use a Locale | 98 |
Document empty method | 123–124 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid catching generic exceptions such as NullPointerException, RuntimeException, Exception in try-catch block | 80 |
Avoid variables with short names like jo | 89 |
Avoid appending characters as strings in StringBuffer.append. | 130 |
Avoid concatenating nonliterals in a StringBuffer/StringBuilder constructor or append(). | 132 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid unused imports such as 'java.util.List' | 36 |
Avoid unused imports such as 'java.util.List' | 36 |
Avoid unused imports such as '' | 39 |
Avoid unused imports such as '' | 39 |
Avoid unused imports such as '' | 41 |
Avoid unused imports such as '' | 41 |
No need to import a type that lives in the same package | 42 |
No need to import a type that lives in the same package | 43 |
Avoid unused imports such as '' | 43 |
Avoid unused imports such as '' | 43 |
Avoid unused imports such as '' | 44 |
Avoid unused imports such as '' | 44 |
Private field '_environmentService' could be made final; it is only initialized in the declaration or constructor. | 59 |
It is a good practice to call super() in a constructor | 70–73 |
Avoid variables with short names like rt | 82 |
Avoid variables with short names like p | 93 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid unused imports such as 'java.util.Iterator' | 47 |
Avoid unused imports such as 'java.util.Iterator' | 47 |
A class which only has private constructors should be final | 51–205 |
Class cannot be instantiated and does not provide any static methods or fields | 51–205 |
Avoid using implementation types like 'HashMap'; use the interface instead | 54 |
Avoid using implementation types like 'HashMap'; use the interface instead | 54 |
Avoid catching generic exceptions such as NullPointerException, RuntimeException, Exception in try-catch block | 132 |
Substitute calls to size() == 0 (or size() != 0, size() > 0, size() < 1) with calls to isEmpty() | 139 |
Assigning an Object to null is a code smell. Consider refactoring. | 143 |
Avoid catching generic exceptions such as NullPointerException, RuntimeException, Exception in try-catch block | 150 |
When doing a String.toLowerCase()/toUpperCase() call, use a Locale | 161 |
When doing a String.toLowerCase()/toUpperCase() call, use a Locale | 161 |
Deeply nested if..then statements are hard to read | 164–167 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid unused imports such as '' | 39 |
Avoid unused imports such as '' | 39 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 56 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 65–66 |
Avoid using implementation types like 'HashMap'; use the interface instead | 65 |
Avoid using implementation types like 'HashMap'; use the interface instead | 65 |
Avoid using implementation types like 'HashMap'; use the interface instead | 66 |
Avoid using implementation types like 'HashMap'; use the interface instead | 66 |
Violation | Line |
Rather than using a lot of String arguments, consider using a container object for those values. | 63 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid using implementation types like 'HashMap'; use the interface instead | 53 |
Avoid using implementation types like 'HashMap'; use the interface instead | 53 |
Violation | Line |
A class which only has private constructors should be final | 70–260 |
Singleton is not thread safe | 84–90 |
Rather than using a lot of String arguments, consider using a container object for those values. | 119 |
Avoid unused private methods such as 'getGoalToString(List)'. | 158 |
Avoid unused method parameters such as 'strTagName'. | 194 |
Avoid concatenating nonliterals in a StringBuffer/StringBuilder constructor or append(). | 209 |
Avoid catching generic exceptions such as NullPointerException, RuntimeException, Exception in try-catch block | 229 |
Avoid variables with short names like sw | 231 |
Avoid variables with short names like pw | 232 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid using implementation types like 'HashMap'; use the interface instead | 57 |
Avoid using implementation types like 'HashMap'; use the interface instead | 57 |
Avoid using implementation types like 'HashMap'; use the interface instead | 72 |
Avoid using implementation types like 'HashMap'; use the interface instead | 72 |
Avoid catching generic exceptions such as NullPointerException, RuntimeException, Exception in try-catch block | 112 |
When doing a String.toLowerCase()/toUpperCase() call, use a Locale | 124 |
Avoid unused method parameters such as 'locale'. | 189 |
Avoid instantiating Integer objects. Call Integer.valueOf() instead. | 204 |
Avoid instantiating Boolean objects; reference Boolean.TRUE or Boolean.FALSE or call Boolean.valueOf() instead. | 204 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid unused imports such as '' | 58 |
Avoid unused imports such as '' | 58 |
Avoid unused imports such as '' | 60 |
Avoid unused imports such as '' | 60 |
Avoid unused imports such as '' | 61 |
Avoid unused imports such as '' | 61 |
Avoid unused imports such as '' | 62 |
Avoid unused imports such as '' | 62 |
Avoid unused imports such as 'java.nio.file.Files' | 63 |
Avoid unused imports such as 'java.nio.file.Files' | 63 |
Avoid unused imports such as 'java.nio.file.Path' | 64 |
Avoid unused imports such as 'java.nio.file.Path' | 64 |
Avoid unused imports such as 'java.nio.file.Paths' | 65 |
Avoid unused imports such as 'java.nio.file.Paths' | 65 |
Avoid unused imports such as '' | 66 |
Avoid unused imports such as '' | 66 |
Avoid using implementation types like 'HashMap'; use the interface instead | 70 |
Use explicit scoping instead of the default package private level | 70 |
Avoid using implementation types like 'HashMap'; use the interface instead | 70 |
Use explicit scoping instead of the default package private level | 72–73 |
Use explicit scoping instead of the default package private level | 74–75 |
Use explicit scoping instead of the default package private level | 76–77 |
Use explicit scoping instead of the default package private level | 78–79 |
Use block level rather than method level synchronization | 83–92 |
Avoid printStackTrace(); use a logger call instead. | 144 |
Deeply nested if..then statements are hard to read | 234–240 |
Avoid throwing raw exception types. | 238 |
Avoid throwing raw exception types. | 255 |
Violation | Line |
Rather than using a lot of String arguments, consider using a container object for those values. | 83 |
Avoid variables with short names like r | 117 |
Avoid variables with short names like m | 120 |
Document empty method | 136–137 |
Violation | Line |
Rather than using a lot of String arguments, consider using a container object for those values. | 74 |
Violation | Line |
Class cannot be instantiated and does not provide any static methods or fields | 58–248 |
A class which only has private constructors should be final | 58–248 |
Avoid catching generic exceptions such as NullPointerException, RuntimeException, Exception in try-catch block | 115 |
Rather than using a lot of String arguments, consider using a container object for those values. | 123 |
Avoid unused local variables such as 'strError'. | 132 |
Avoid catching generic exceptions such as NullPointerException, RuntimeException, Exception in try-catch block | 148 |
Avoid empty if statements | 154–169 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid variables with short names like se | 50 |
Avoid variables with short names like se | 59 |
Violation | Line |
If you run in Java5 or newer and have concurrent access, you should use the ConcurrentHashMap implementation | 70 |
Use bitwise inversion to invert boolean values | 99 |
Avoid declaring a variable if it is unreferenced before a possible exit point. | 113 |
Substitute calls to size() == 0 (or size() != 0, size() > 0, size() < 1) with calls to isEmpty() | 118 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid excessively long variable names like CONSTANTE__ENVIRONMENT_SERVER_APPLICATION_INSTANCE_LIST | 66 |
Avoid excessively long variable names like CONSTANTE__SERVER_APPLICATION_INSTANCE_FTP_WEBAPP_Url | 70 |
Avoid excessively long variable names like CONSTANTE__SERVER_APPLICATION_INSTANCE_MAVEN_PROFILE | 71 |
Avoid excessively long variable names like PROPERTY_LABEL_CODE_SERVER_APPLICATION_INSTANCE_TOMCAT | 122 |
Avoid excessively long variable names like PROPERTY_LABEL_CODE_SERVER_APPLICATION_INSTANCE_MYSQL | 123 |
Avoid excessively long variable names like PROPERTY_ID_WORKFLOW_TAG_AUTOMATICALLY_AND_DEPLOY_SITE | 141 |
Avoid excessively long variable names like PROPERTY_WEBSERVICE_EVIRONMENTS_JSON_DICTIONARY_NAME | 156 |
Avoid excessively long variable names like PROPERTY_WEBSERVICE_SERVER_ACTIONS_JSON_DICTIONARY_NAME | 159 |
Avoid excessively long variable names like PROPERTY_WEBSERVICE_ACTION_RESULT_JSON_PROPERTY_RESULT | 160 |
Avoid excessively long variable names like PROPERTY_WEBSERVICE_INSTALLABLE_WAR_ACTION_OBJECT_NAME | 161 |
Avoid excessively long variable names like PROPERTY_WEBSERVICE_INSTALLABLE_WAR_ACTION_DICTIONARY_NAME | 162 |
Avoid excessively long variable names like PROPERTY_DEPLOYMENT_SERVER_APPLICATION_FTP_USER_LOGIN | 167 |
Avoid excessively long variable names like PROPERTY_DEPLOYMENT_SERVER_APPLICATION_FTP_USER_PASSWORD | 168 |
Violation | Line |
Possible God class (WMC=112, ATFD=237, TCC=0.0) | 34–898 |
A high number of imports can indicate a high degree of coupling within an object. | 34–898 |
Avoid unused imports such as '' | 64 |
Avoid unused imports such as '' | 64 |
All methods are static. Consider using a utility class instead. Alternatively, you could add a private constructor or make the class abstract to silence this warning. | 86–898 |
Avoid using Literals in Conditional Statements | 120 |
Avoid variables with short names like jo | 176 |
Avoid variables with short names like jo | 191 |
Avoid variables with short names like jo | 206 |
StringBuffer (or StringBuilder).append is called consecutively without reusing the target variable. | 257 |
This statement may have some unnecessary parentheses | 310 |
Avoid variables with short names like jo | 441 |
The method getJSONForWorkflowAction() has an NPath complexity of 9376 | 496–535 |
Avoid variables with short names like jo | 499 |
Rather than using a lot of String arguments, consider using a container object for those values. | 537–538 |
Avoid variables with short names like jo | 540 |
Avoid variables with short names like e | 630 |
Return an empty array rather than null. | 671–690 |
Switch statements should have a default label | 818–826 |
Switch statements should have a default label | 839–847 |
Violation | Line |
The class 'FTPUtils' has a Standard Cyclomatic Complexity of 8 (Highest = 10). | 52–300 |
The class 'FTPUtils' has a Cyclomatic Complexity of 8 (Highest = 10). | 52–300 |
The class 'FTPUtils' has a Modified Cyclomatic Complexity of 8 (Highest = 10). | 52–300 |
All methods are static. Consider using a utility class instead. Alternatively, you could add a private constructor or make the class abstract to silence this warning. | 53–300 |
The method 'uploadFile' has a Modified Cyclomatic Complexity of 10. | 55–129 |
The method 'uploadFile' has a Cyclomatic Complexity of 10. | 55–129 |
The method 'uploadFile' has a Standard Cyclomatic Complexity of 10. | 55–129 |
Avoid empty catch blocks | 114–117 |
Avoid empty catch blocks | 191–194 |
Avoid declaring a variable if it is unreferenced before a possible exit point. | 211 |
Avoid unused local variables such as 'ftp'. | 211 |
Avoid using final local variables, turn them into fields | 234 |
debug logging that involves string concatenation should be guarded with isDebugEnabled() checks | 264 |
Avoid empty catch blocks | 288–291 |
Violation | Line |
The class 'FileUtil' has a Cyclomatic Complexity of 4 (Highest = 10). | 40–108 |
All methods are static. Consider using a utility class instead. Alternatively, you could add a private constructor or make the class abstract to silence this warning. | 41–108 |
Avoid concatenating nonliterals in a StringBuffer/StringBuilder constructor or append(). | 62 |
The method 'list' has a Cyclomatic Complexity of 10. | 80–106 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid variables with short names like t | 73 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid unused imports such as 'java.util.ArrayList' | 36 |
Avoid unused imports such as 'java.util.ArrayList' | 36 |
Avoid unused imports such as 'java.util.List' | 37 |
Avoid unused imports such as 'java.util.List' | 37 |
Class cannot be instantiated and does not provide any static methods or fields | 39–67 |
Avoid unused private fields such as 'RELEASE_PREPARE_BASE'. | 46 |
Avoid unused private fields such as 'RELEASE_PREPARE_ARGS'. | 47 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid unused imports such as 'org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNCancelException' | 36 |
Avoid unused imports such as 'org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNCancelException' | 36 |
Avoid unused imports such as 'org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNErrorCode' | 37 |
Avoid unused imports such as 'org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNErrorCode' | 37 |
Avoid unused imports such as 'org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNErrorMessage' | 38 |
Avoid unused imports such as 'org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNErrorMessage' | 38 |
Avoid unused private fields such as 'bCancelled'. | 46 |
Perhaps 'bCancelled' could be replaced by a local variable. | 46 |
Violation | Line |
A high number of imports can indicate a high degree of coupling within an object. | 34–294 |
Avoid unused imports such as '' | 38 |
Avoid unused imports such as '' | 38 |
Avoid unused imports such as 'org.w3c.dom.Document' | 46 |
Avoid unused imports such as 'org.w3c.dom.Document' | 46 |
Avoid unused imports such as 'org.w3c.dom.Node' | 47 |
Avoid unused imports such as 'org.w3c.dom.Node' | 47 |
Avoid unused imports such as 'org.w3c.dom.NodeList' | 48 |
Avoid unused imports such as 'org.w3c.dom.NodeList' | 48 |
Avoid unused imports such as '' | 56 |
Avoid unused imports such as '' | 56 |
Avoid unused imports such as '' | 60 |
Avoid unused imports such as '' | 60 |
Avoid unused imports such as 'javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder' | 70 |
Avoid unused imports such as 'javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder' | 70 |
Avoid unused imports such as 'javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory' | 71 |
Avoid unused imports such as 'javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory' | 71 |
Avoid unused imports such as 'javax.xml.transform.Transformer' | 73 |
Avoid unused imports such as 'javax.xml.transform.Transformer' | 73 |
Avoid unused imports such as 'javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory' | 75 |
Avoid unused imports such as 'javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory' | 75 |
Avoid unused imports such as 'javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource' | 76 |
Avoid unused imports such as 'javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource' | 76 |
Avoid unused imports such as '' | 77 |
Avoid unused imports such as '' | 77 |
All methods are static. Consider using a utility class instead. Alternatively, you could add a private constructor or make the class abstract to silence this warning. | 80–294 |
Avoid variables with short names like jc | 128 |
Avoid variables with short names like u | 129 |
Avoid variables with short names like jc | 141 |
Avoid variables with short names like m | 142 |
Avoid reassigning parameters such as 'strVersion' | 148 |
String.indexOf(char) is faster than String.indexOf(String). | 157 |
Prefer StringBuffer over += for concatenating strings | 164 |
Prefer StringBuffer over += for concatenating strings | 165 |
Prefer StringBuffer over += for concatenating strings | 166 |
Avoid printStackTrace(); use a logger call instead. | 170 |
Avoid variables with short names like is | 185 |
Avoid variables with short names like is | 208 |
Consider simply returning the value vs storing it in local variable 'strVersion' | 213 |
Avoid variables with short names like is | 225 |
Consider simply returning the value vs storing it in local variable 'strVersion' | 230 |
Avoid printStackTrace(); use a logger call instead. | 287 |
Violation | Line |
All methods are static. Consider using a utility class instead. Alternatively, you could add a private constructor or make the class abstract to silence this warning. | 48–182 |
Violation | Line |
All methods are static. Consider using a utility class instead. Alternatively, you could add a private constructor or make the class abstract to silence this warning. | 42–115 |
Consider simply returning the value vs storing it in local variable 'url' | 89 |
Avoid unused local variables such as 'url'. | 108 |
New exception is thrown in catch block, original stack trace may be lost | 112 |
Violation | Line |
Possible God class (WMC=66, ATFD=37, TCC=0.029411764705882353) | 1–463 |
A high number of imports can indicate a high degree of coupling within an object. | 1–463 |
All methods are static. Consider using a utility class instead. Alternatively, you could add a private constructor or make the class abstract to silence this warning. | 47–463 |
Rather than using a lot of String arguments, consider using a container object for those values. | 65 |
Consider simply returning the value vs storing it in local variable 'pPullResult' | 223 |
Consider simply returning the value vs storing it in local variable 'mergeResult' | 241 |
Avoid variables with short names like i | 247 |
Prefer StringBuffer over += for concatenating strings | 252 |
Prefer StringBuffer over += for concatenating strings | 253 |
Prefer StringBuffer over += for concatenating strings | 254 |
Avoid variables with short names like i | 262 |
Rather than using a lot of String arguments, consider using a container object for those values. | 314 |
Avoid using final local variables, turn them into fields | 334 |
Avoid variables with short names like i | 339 |
Avoid reassigning parameters such as 'strRepoUrl' | 371 |
Avoid catching generic exceptions such as NullPointerException, RuntimeException, Exception in try-catch block | 443 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid unused private fields such as 'bCancelled'. | 42 |
Perhaps 'bCancelled' could be replaced by a local variable. | 42 |
Violation | Line |
Perhaps 'bCancelled' could be replaced by a local variable. | 42 |
Avoid unused private fields such as 'bCancelled'. | 42 |
Violation | Line |
A high number of imports can indicate a high degree of coupling within an object. | 34–263 |
The class 'SVNUtils' has a Modified Cyclomatic Complexity of 4 (Highest = 10). | 72–263 |
The class 'SVNUtils' has a Standard Cyclomatic Complexity of 4 (Highest = 10). | 72–263 |
The class 'SVNUtils' has a Cyclomatic Complexity of 4 (Highest = 10). | 72–263 |
Avoid variables with short names like o2 | 77 |
Avoid variables with short names like o1 | 77 |
The method 'doSvnCheckoutSite' has a Modified Cyclomatic Complexity of 10. | 112–209 |
The method 'doSvnCheckoutSite' has a Standard Cyclomatic Complexity of 10. | 112–209 |
The method 'doSvnCheckoutSite' has a Cyclomatic Complexity of 10. | 112–209 |
Avoid declaring a variable if it is unreferenced before a possible exit point. | 115 |
These nested if statements could be combined | 120–125 |
Avoid variables with short names like sw | 157 |
Avoid variables with short names like pw | 158 |
Avoid unused local variables such as 'errorLog'. | 161 |
Avoid empty catch blocks | 170–174 |
Avoid catching generic exceptions such as NullPointerException, RuntimeException, Exception in try-catch block | 181 |
Avoid variables with short names like sw | 185 |
Avoid variables with short names like pw | 186 |
Avoid unused local variables such as 'errorLog'. | 189 |
Avoid empty catch blocks | 198–202 |
Avoid using final local variables, turn them into fields | 214 |
Avoid unused local variables such as 'referenceItem'. | 225 |
These nested if statements could be combined | 229–232 |
Violation | Line |
Possible God class (WMC=165, ATFD=563, TCC=0.1693548387096774) | 34–1515 |
A high number of imports can indicate a high degree of coupling within an object. | 34–1515 |
The class 'DeploymentJspBean' has a Cyclomatic Complexity of 5 (Highest = 26). | 108–1515 |
The class 'DeploymentJspBean' has a Modified Cyclomatic Complexity of 4 (Highest = 17). | 108–1515 |
Avoid really long classes. | 108–1515 |
The class 'DeploymentJspBean' has a Standard Cyclomatic Complexity of 4 (Highest = 17). | 108–1515 |
Private field '_applicationService' could be made final; it is only initialized in the declaration or constructor. | 112 |
Private field '_environmentService' could be made final; it is only initialized in the declaration or constructor. | 113 |
Private field '_serverApplicationService' could be made final; it is only initialized in the declaration or constructor. | 114 |
Private field '_databaseService' could be made final; it is only initialized in the declaration or constructor. | 116 |
Private field '_workflowDeploySiteService' could be made final; it is only initialized in the declaration or constructor. | 117 |
Private field '_ftpService' could be made final; it is only initialized in the declaration or constructor. | 119 |
Avoid unused private fields such as '_ftpService'. | 119 |
Private field '_actionService' could be made final; it is only initialized in the declaration or constructor. | 121 |
Private field '_nDefaultItemsPerPage' could be made final; it is only initialized in the declaration or constructor. | 125 |
Private field '_handler' could be made final; it is only initialized in the declaration or constructor. | 127 |
The method getManageApplication() has an NPath complexity of 200 | 148–208 |
Avoid declaring a variable if it is unreferenced before a possible exit point. | 235 |
Avoid declaring a variable if it is unreferenced before a possible exit point. | 265 |
Avoid declaring a variable if it is unreferenced before a possible exit point. | 272 |
Avoid declaring a variable if it is unreferenced before a possible exit point. | 372 |
Method names should not start with capital letters | 433 |
Avoid really long methods. | 450–591 |
The method 'getFormDeployApplication' has a Cyclomatic Complexity of 25. | 450–591 |
The method getFormDeployApplication() has an NPath complexity of 16470 | 450–591 |
The method 'getFormDeployApplication' has a Modified Cyclomatic Complexity of 14. | 450–591 |
The method 'getFormDeployApplication' has a Standard Cyclomatic Complexity of 14. | 450–591 |
Avoid declaring a variable if it is unreferenced before a possible exit point. | 457 |
Avoid declaring a variable if it is unreferenced before a possible exit point. | 458 |
Avoid declaring a variable if it is unreferenced before a possible exit point. | 459 |
Avoid declaring a variable if it is unreferenced before a possible exit point. | 460 |
New exception is thrown in catch block, original stack trace may be lost | 484 |
Assigning an Object to null is a code smell. Consider refactoring. | 523 |
Assigning an Object to null is a code smell. Consider refactoring. | 557 |
Avoid unused local variables such as 'hashServerApplicationInstanceMysql'. | 565 |
The method 'getProcessDeployApplication' has a Cyclomatic Complexity of 15. | 593–667 |
Avoid declaring a variable if it is unreferenced before a possible exit point. | 597 |
Avoid declaring a variable if it is unreferenced before a possible exit point. | 602 |
Avoid declaring a variable if it is unreferenced before a possible exit point. | 606 |
Avoid declaring a variable if it is unreferenced before a possible exit point. | 727–728 |
The method 'doProcessAction' has a Cyclomatic Complexity of 13. | 827–881 |
Avoid catching generic exceptions such as NullPointerException, RuntimeException, Exception in try-catch block | 867 |
Avoid unused method parameters such as 'plugin'. | 900 |
Avoid unused local variables such as 'bHasSucceed'. | 905 |
Avoid catching generic exceptions such as NullPointerException, RuntimeException, Exception in try-catch block | 919 |
Avoid variables with short names like jo | 940 |
Avoid unused local variables such as 'commandResult'. | 995 |
Avoid declaring a variable if it is unreferenced before a possible exit point. | 995 |
If you run in Java5 or newer and have concurrent access, you should use the ConcurrentHashMap implementation | 1025 |
If you run in Java5 or newer and have concurrent access, you should use the ConcurrentHashMap implementation | 1067 |
Avoid variables with short names like jo | 1152 |
The method 'getFormDeployData' has a Modified Cyclomatic Complexity of 17. | 1182–1308 |
The method 'getFormDeployData' has a Standard Cyclomatic Complexity of 17. | 1182–1308 |
Avoid really long methods. | 1182–1308 |
The method 'getFormDeployData' has a Cyclomatic Complexity of 26. | 1182–1308 |
The method getFormDeployData() has an NPath complexity of 7040 | 1182–1308 |
Avoid declaring a variable if it is unreferenced before a possible exit point. | 1197 |
Avoid unused local variables such as 'mRequest'. | 1199 |
Avoid declaring a variable if it is unreferenced before a possible exit point. | 1199 |
Avoid declaring a variable if it is unreferenced before a possible exit point. | 1326 |
Rather than using a lot of String arguments, consider using a container object for those values. | 1426–1427 |
If you run in Java5 or newer and have concurrent access, you should use the ConcurrentHashMap implementation | 1482 |
Violation | Line |
Private field '_ftpService' could be made final; it is only initialized in the declaration or constructor. | 66 |
Private field '_serverApplicationService' could be made final; it is only initialized in the declaration or constructor. | 67 |
Private field '_applicationService' could be made final; it is only initialized in the declaration or constructor. | 68 |