[sql] Failed to execute: ALTER TABLE grustoragedb_notification ADD CONSTRAINT fk_grustoragedb_notification_demand_id FOREIGN KEY (demand_id, demand_type_id) REFERENCES grustoragedb_demand (demand_id, type_id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE RESTRICT
[sql] Failed to execute: CREATE TABLE grustoragedb_notification_content ( id_notification_content int GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY(START WITH 1), notification_id int NOT NULL, notification_type varchar(255) default '' NOT NULL, status_id int NULL, content mediumblob, PRIMARY KEY (id_notification_content) )
[sql] Failed to execute: CREATE INDEX index_notification_id ON grustoragedb_notification_content (notification_id)
[sql] Failed to execute: CREATE INDEX index_notification_type ON grustoragedb_notification_content (notification_type)
[sql] Failed to execute: CREATE TABLE elastic_mapping ( id_mapping int(11) NOT NULL, id_customer int(11) NOT NULL , id_user int(11), PRIMARY KEY (id_mapping) )