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Résultats PMD

Le document suivant contient les résultats de PMD 6.13.0.

Violations By Priority

Priority 1


Rule Violation Ligne
LocalVariableNamingConventions The local variable name 'UserInformations' doesn't match '[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 85

Priority 3


Rule Violation Ligne
CyclomaticComplexity The method 'getIdentityInformations(String)' has a cyclomatic complexity of 11. 83126
UseDiamondOperator Explicit type arguments can be replaced by Diamond Operator 85
UseConcurrentHashMap If you run in Java5 or newer and have concurrent access, you should use the ConcurrentHashMap implementation 85

Priority 4


Rule Violation Ligne
UnusedImports Avoid unused imports such as '' 44



Rule Violation Priority Ligne
UnusedImports Avoid unused imports such as '' 4 44
CyclomaticComplexity The method 'getIdentityInformations(String)' has a cyclomatic complexity of 11. 3 83126
UseDiamondOperator Explicit type arguments can be replaced by Diamond Operator 3 85
LocalVariableNamingConventions The local variable name 'UserInformations' doesn't match '[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' 1 85
UseConcurrentHashMap If you run in Java5 or newer and have concurrent access, you should use the ConcurrentHashMap implementation 3 85