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CPD Results

The following document contains the results of PMD's CPD 6.13.0.


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        model.put( BudgetUtils.MARK_CAMPAIGN_SERVICE, CampaignService.getInstance( ) );

     * CopyPasted from SolrSearchApp to have the same freemarkers as if it was a search
    private static List<HashMap<String, Object>> getGeolocModel( List<SolrSearchResult> listResultsGeoloc )
        List<HashMap<String, Object>> points = new ArrayList<HashMap<String, Object>>( listResultsGeoloc.size( ) );
        HashMap<String, String> iconKeysCache = new HashMap<String, String>( );

        for ( SolrSearchResult result : listResultsGeoloc )
            Map<String, Object> dynamicFields = result.getDynamicFields( );

            for ( String key : dynamicFields.keySet( ) )
                if ( key.endsWith( SolrItem.DYNAMIC_GEOJSON_FIELD_SUFFIX ) )
                    HashMap<String, Object> h = new HashMap<String, Object>( );
                    String strJson = (String) dynamicFields.get( key );
                    GeolocItem geolocItem = null;

                        geolocItem = GeolocItem.fromJSON( strJson );
                    catch( IOException e )
                        AppLogService.error( "SolrSearchApp: error parsing geoloc JSON: " + strJson + ", exception " + e );

                    if ( geolocItem != null )
                        String strType = result.getId( ).substring( result.getId( ).lastIndexOf( "_" ) + 1 );
                        String strIcon;

                        if ( iconKeysCache.containsKey( geolocItem.getIcon( ) ) )
                            strIcon = iconKeysCache.get( geolocItem.getIcon( ) );
                            strIcon = IconService.getIcon( strType, geolocItem.getIcon( ) );
                            iconKeysCache.put( geolocItem.getIcon( ), strIcon );

                        geolocItem.setIcon( strIcon );
                        h.put( SOLRSEARCHAPP_MARK_POINTS_GEOJSON, geolocItem.toJSON( ) );
                        h.put( SOLRSEARCHAPP_MARK_POINTS_ID,
                                result.getId( ).substring( result.getId( ).indexOf( "_" ) + 1, result.getId( ).lastIndexOf( "_" ) ) );
                        h.put( SOLRSEARCHAPP_MARK_POINTS_FIELDCODE, key.substring( 0, key.lastIndexOf( "_" ) ) );
                        if ( strType.equals( "doc" ) )

                            h.put( SOLRSEARCHAPP_MARK_POINTS_TYPE, "gagnant" );

                        points.add( h );
        return points;
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        DAOUtil daoUtil = new DAOUtil( SQL_QUERY_SELECTALL, plugin );
        daoUtil.executeQuery( );

        while ( ) )
            Vote vote = new Vote( );

            vote.setUserId( daoUtil.getString( 1 ) );
            vote.setProjetId( daoUtil.getInt( 2 ) );
            vote.setDateVote( daoUtil.getTimestamp( 3 ) );
            vote.setArrondissement( daoUtil.getInt( 4 ) );
            vote.setAge( daoUtil.getInt( 5 ) );
            vote.setBirthDate( daoUtil.getString( 6 ) );
            vote.setIpAddress( daoUtil.getString( 7 ) );
            vote.setTitle( daoUtil.getString( 8 ) );
            vote.setLocation( daoUtil.getString( 9 ) );
            vote.setTheme( daoUtil.getString( 10 ) );
            vote.setStatus( daoUtil.getInt( 11 ) );
            vote.setId( daoUtil.getInt( 12 ) );
            vote.setStatusExportStats( daoUtil.getInt( 13 ) );

            voteList.add( vote );
        } );

        return voteList;

     * Load the data of all the votes and returns them as a List
     * @param plugin
     *            The plugin
     * @return The List which contains the data of all the votes
    public List<Vote> selectVotesListByExportStatus( Plugin plugin, int status )
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                populate( myAccountForm, request );

                // !SecurityTokenService.getInstance().validate(request,
                // MyInfosXPage.TOKEN_DO_SAVE_MY_INFOS)

                // Check constraints
                bError = !bCapchaVerified || !validateBean( form, getLocale( request ) );

                if ( !CampaignService.getInstance( ).isDuring( ParticipatoryBudgetConstants.VOTE ) && StringUtils.isBlank( form.getNickname( ) ) )
                    bError = true;
                    addError( MESSAGE_ERROR_NICKNAME_MISSING, getLocale( request ) );

                // TODO [JPO, 2019-10-12] Desactivated code to make OpenPB working without SuggestPOI
                // if (!bError && !MyInfosService.setAdressValid(form) ){
                // bError = true;
                // addError(MESSAGE_ERROR_ADRESS_GEOLOC_FORMAT, getLocale(request));
                // }

                if ( !bError && ( form.getNickname( ) != null
                        && ( MyInfosService.loadUserNickname( user.getName( ) ) != null
                                && !form.getNickname( ).equals( MyInfosService.loadUserNickname( user.getName( ) ) )
                                || MyInfosService.loadUserNickname( user.getName( ) ) == null )
                        && MyInfosService.isNicknameAlreadyExist( form.getNickname( ) ) ) )
                    bError = true;
                    addError( MESSAGE_ERROR_NICKNAME_ALREADY_EXIST, getLocale( request ) );

                if ( !bError )
                    // update avatar
                    CampaignAvatarService.updateAvatar( request, user.getName( ) );
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        DAOUtil daoUtil = new DAOUtil( SQL_QUERY_ALL, plugin );
        daoUtil.executeQuery( );

        while ( ) )
            BizStatFile file = new BizStatFile( );

            file.setIdBizStatFile( daoUtil.getInt( 1 ) );
            file.setStatus( daoUtil.getString( 2 ) );
            file.setFileName( daoUtil.getString( 3 ) );
            file.setIdAdminUser( daoUtil.getInt( 4 ) );
            file.setAdminUserAccessCode( daoUtil.getString( 5 ) );
            file.setAdminUserEmail( daoUtil.getString( 6 ) );
            file.setReason( daoUtil.getString( 7 ) );
            file.setDescription( daoUtil.getString( 8 ) );
            file.setError( daoUtil.getString( 9 ) );
            file.setCreationDate( daoUtil.getTimestamp( 10 ) );
            file.setContentSize( daoUtil.getInt( 11 ) );

            files.add( file );
        } );

        return files;
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            daoUtil.setString( 1, strUserId );
            daoUtil.setInt( 2, nIdproject );

            daoUtil.executeQuery( );

            if ( ) )
                vote = new Vote( );

                vote.setUserId( daoUtil.getString( 1 ) );
                vote.setProjetId( daoUtil.getInt( 2 ) );
                vote.setDateVote( daoUtil.getTimestamp( 3 ) );
                vote.setArrondissement( daoUtil.getInt( 4 ) );
                vote.setAge( daoUtil.getInt( 5 ) );
                vote.setBirthDate( daoUtil.getString( 6 ) );
                vote.setIpAddress( daoUtil.getString( 7 ) );
                vote.setTitle( daoUtil.getString( 8 ) );
                vote.setLocation( daoUtil.getString( 9 ) );
                vote.setTheme( daoUtil.getString( 10 ) );
                vote.setStatus( daoUtil.getInt( 11 ) );
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            daoUtil.executeQuery( );

            while ( ) )
                Vote vote = new Vote( );

                vote.setUserId( daoUtil.getString( 1 ) );
                vote.setProjetId( daoUtil.getInt( 2 ) );
                vote.setDateVote( daoUtil.getTimestamp( 3 ) );
                vote.setArrondissement( daoUtil.getInt( 4 ) );
                vote.setAge( daoUtil.getInt( 5 ) );
                vote.setBirthDate( daoUtil.getString( 6 ) );
                vote.setIpAddress( daoUtil.getString( 7 ) );
                vote.setTitle( daoUtil.getString( 8 ) );
                vote.setLocation( daoUtil.getString( 9 ) );
                vote.setTheme( daoUtil.getString( 10 ) );
                vote.setStatus( daoUtil.getInt( 11 ) );

                voteList.add( vote );

        return voteList;

    public void deleteAll( String strUserId, Plugin plugin )
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    private VoteHistoryHome( )

     * Create an instance of the vote class
     * @param vote
     *            The instance of the Vote which contains the informations to store
     * @return The instance of vote which has been created with its primary key.
    public static Vote create( Vote vote )
        _dao.insert( vote, _plugin );

        return vote;

     * Remove the vote whose identifier is specified in parameter
     * @param nVoteId
     *            The vote Id
     * @param plugin
     *            the Plugin
    public static void remove( String strUserId, int nProjetId )
        _dao.delete( strUserId, nProjetId, _plugin );

     * Load the data of all the vote objects and returns them in form of a list
     * @return the list which contains the data of all the vote objects
    public static List<Vote> getVotesList( )
        return _dao.selectVotesList( _plugin );

     * @param nUserId
     * @param nProjetId
    public static void removeAll( String strUserId )
        _dao.deleteAll( strUserId, _plugin );

     * @param nUserId
     * @return
    public static List<Vote> getVoteUser( String strUserId )
        return _dao.selectVotesUser( strUserId, _plugin );

     * @param nUserId
     * @param nLocation
     * @return
    public static int getVoteUserArrondissement( String strUserId, int nLocation )
        return _dao.countNbVotesUserArrondissement( strUserId, nLocation, _plugin );

     * @param nUserId
     * @param nLocation
     * @return
    public static int getVoteUserNotLocation( String strUserId, int nLocation )
        return _dao.countNbVotesUser( strUserId, nLocation, _plugin );

     * @param strUserId
     * @param nIdProject
     * @return
    public static Vote getVoteUser( String strUserId, int nIdProject )
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            daoUtil.setString( 1, strUserId );

            daoUtil.executeQuery( );

            while ( ) )
                Vote vote = new Vote( );

                vote.setUserId( daoUtil.getString( 1 ) );
                vote.setProjetId( daoUtil.getInt( 2 ) );
                vote.setDateVote( daoUtil.getTimestamp( 3 ) );
                vote.setArrondissement( daoUtil.getInt( 4 ) );
                vote.setAge( daoUtil.getInt( 5 ) );
                vote.setBirthDate( daoUtil.getString( 6 ) );
                vote.setIpAddress( daoUtil.getString( 7 ) );
                vote.setTitle( daoUtil.getString( 8 ) );
                vote.setLocation( daoUtil.getString( 9 ) );
                vote.setTheme( daoUtil.getString( 10 ) );
                vote.setStatus( daoUtil.getInt( 11 ) );

                voteList.add( vote );

        return voteList;
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    private void doVote( LuteceUser user, String strProjectId, HttpServletRequest request )

        Vote vote = new Vote( );
        vote.setUserId( user.getName( ) );
        vote.setProjetId( Integer.parseInt( strProjectId ) );
        vote.setIpAddress( request.getRemoteAddr( ) );

        String strTheme = request.getParameter( ParticipatoryBudgetConstants.PROJECT_THEME );
        if ( strTheme == null )
            strTheme = (String) request.getAttribute( ParticipatoryBudgetConstants.PROJECT_THEME );
        vote.setTheme( strTheme );

        String strTitle = request.getParameter( ParticipatoryBudgetConstants.PROJECT_TITLE );
        if ( strTitle == null )
            strTitle = (String) request.getAttribute( ParticipatoryBudgetConstants.PROJECT_TITLE );
        vote.setTitle( strTitle );

        String strLocation = request.getParameter( ParticipatoryBudgetConstants.PROJECT_LOCATION );
        if ( strLocation == null )
            strLocation = (String) request.getAttribute( ParticipatoryBudgetConstants.PROJECT_LOCATION );
        vote.setLocation( strLocation );
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            daoUtil.executeQuery( );

            while ( ) )
                Vote vote = new Vote( );

                vote.setUserId( daoUtil.getString( 1 ) );
                vote.setProjetId( daoUtil.getInt( 2 ) );
                vote.setDateVote( daoUtil.getTimestamp( 3 ) );
                vote.setArrondissement( daoUtil.getInt( 4 ) );
                vote.setAge( daoUtil.getInt( 5 ) );
                vote.setBirthDate( daoUtil.getString( 6 ) );
                vote.setIpAddress( daoUtil.getString( 7 ) );
                vote.setTitle( daoUtil.getString( 8 ) );
                vote.setLocation( daoUtil.getString( 9 ) );
                vote.setTheme( daoUtil.getString( 10 ) );
                vote.setStatus( daoUtil.getInt( 11 ) );

                voteList.add( vote );

        return voteList;
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            daoUtil.setString( 1, strUserId );

            daoUtil.executeQuery( );

            while ( ) )
                Vote vote = new Vote( );

                vote.setUserId( daoUtil.getString( 1 ) );
                vote.setProjetId( daoUtil.getInt( 2 ) );
                vote.setDateVote( daoUtil.getTimestamp( 3 ) );
                vote.setArrondissement( daoUtil.getInt( 4 ) );
                vote.setAge( daoUtil.getInt( 5 ) );
                vote.setBirthDate( daoUtil.getString( 6 ) );
                vote.setIpAddress( daoUtil.getString( 7 ) );
                vote.setTitle( daoUtil.getString( 8 ) );
                vote.setLocation( daoUtil.getString( 9 ) );
                vote.setTheme( daoUtil.getString( 10 ) );
                vote.setStatus( daoUtil.getInt( 11 ) );
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        DAOUtil daoUtil = new DAOUtil( SQL_QUERY_SELECTALL, plugin );
        daoUtil.executeQuery( );

        while ( ) )
            Vote vote = new Vote( );

            vote.setUserId( daoUtil.getString( 1 ) );
            vote.setProjetId( daoUtil.getInt( 2 ) );
            vote.setDateVote( daoUtil.getTimestamp( 3 ) );
            vote.setArrondissement( daoUtil.getInt( 4 ) );
            vote.setAge( daoUtil.getInt( 5 ) );
            vote.setBirthDate( daoUtil.getString( 6 ) );
            vote.setIpAddress( daoUtil.getString( 7 ) );
            vote.setTitle( daoUtil.getString( 8 ) );
            vote.setLocation( daoUtil.getString( 9 ) );
            vote.setTheme( daoUtil.getString( 10 ) );
            vote.setStatus( daoUtil.getInt( 11 ) );
            vote.setId( daoUtil.getInt( 12 ) );
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            daoUtil.setString( 1, strUserId );

            daoUtil.executeQuery( );

            while ( ) )
                Vote vote = new Vote( );

                vote.setUserId( daoUtil.getString( 1 ) );
                vote.setProjetId( daoUtil.getInt( 2 ) );
                vote.setDateVote( daoUtil.getTimestamp( 3 ) );
                vote.setArrondissement( daoUtil.getInt( 4 ) );
                vote.setAge( daoUtil.getInt( 5 ) );
                vote.setBirthDate( daoUtil.getString( 6 ) );
                vote.setIpAddress( daoUtil.getString( 7 ) );
                vote.setTitle( daoUtil.getString( 8 ) );
                vote.setLocation( daoUtil.getString( 9 ) );
                vote.setTheme( daoUtil.getString( 10 ) );
                vote.setStatus( daoUtil.getInt( 11 ) );
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            daoUtil.executeQuery( );

            while ( ) )
                Vote vote = new Vote( );

                vote.setUserId( daoUtil.getString( 1 ) );
                vote.setProjetId( daoUtil.getInt( 2 ) );
                vote.setDateVote( daoUtil.getTimestamp( 3 ) );
                vote.setArrondissement( daoUtil.getInt( 4 ) );
                vote.setAge( daoUtil.getInt( 5 ) );
                vote.setBirthDate( daoUtil.getString( 6 ) );
                vote.setIpAddress( daoUtil.getString( 7 ) );
                vote.setTitle( daoUtil.getString( 8 ) );
                vote.setLocation( daoUtil.getString( 9 ) );
                vote.setTheme( daoUtil.getString( 10 ) );
                vote.setStatus( daoUtil.getInt( 11 ) );
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            Vote vote = new Vote( );

            vote.setUserId( daoUtil.getString( 1 ) );
            vote.setProjetId( daoUtil.getInt( 2 ) );
            vote.setDateVote( daoUtil.getTimestamp( 3 ) );
            vote.setArrondissement( daoUtil.getInt( 4 ) );
            vote.setAge( daoUtil.getInt( 5 ) );
            vote.setBirthDate( daoUtil.getString( 6 ) );
            vote.setIpAddress( daoUtil.getString( 7 ) );
            vote.setTitle( daoUtil.getString( 8 ) );
            vote.setLocation( daoUtil.getString( 9 ) );
            vote.setTheme( daoUtil.getString( 10 ) );
            vote.setStatus( daoUtil.getInt( 11 ) );
            vote.setStatusExportStats( daoUtil.getInt( 12 ) );
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        vote.setLocation( strLocation );

        MyInfosForm myInfos = MyInfosService.loadUserInfos( user );
        String strBirthDate = null;
        String strArrondissement = null;
        if ( myInfos != null )
            strBirthDate = myInfos.getBirthdate( );
            strArrondissement = myInfos.getArrondissement( );

        if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( strBirthDate ) )
            vote.setBirthDate( strBirthDate );
                vote.setAge( MyInfosService.getAge( strBirthDate ) );
            catch( ParseException ex )
                AppLogService.error( "Error storing vote " + ex.getMessage( ), ex );

        if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( strArrondissement ) )
                vote.setArrondissement( Integer.parseInt( strArrondissement ) );
            catch( NumberFormatException ex )
                AppLogService.error( "Error storing vote " + ex.getMessage( ), ex );

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            daoUtil.setString( 1, vote.getUserId( ) );
            daoUtil.setInt( 2, vote.getProjetId( ) );
            daoUtil.setTimestamp( 3, vote.getDateVote( ) );
            daoUtil.setInt( 4, vote.getArrondissement( ) );
            daoUtil.setInt( 5, vote.getAge( ) );
            daoUtil.setString( 6, vote.getBirthDate( ) );
            daoUtil.setString( 7, vote.getIpAddress( ) );
            daoUtil.setString( 8, vote.getTitle( ) );
            daoUtil.setString( 9, vote.getLocation( ) );
            daoUtil.setString( 10, vote.getTheme( ) );
            daoUtil.setInt( 11, vote.geStatus( ) );

            daoUtil.executeUpdate( );
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        campaignTheme.setId( newPrimaryKey( plugin ) );

        daoUtil.setInt( nCpt++, campaignTheme.getId( ) );
        daoUtil.setString( nCpt++, campaignTheme.getCodeCampaign( ) );
        daoUtil.setString( nCpt++, campaignTheme.getCode( ) );
        daoUtil.setString( nCpt++, campaignTheme.getTitle( ) );
        daoUtil.setString( nCpt++, campaignTheme.getDescription( ) );
        daoUtil.setBoolean( nCpt++, campaignTheme.getActive( ) );
        File image = campaignTheme.getImage( );
        if ( image != null )
            daoUtil.setInt( nCpt++, image.getIdFile( ) );
            daoUtil.setIntNull( nCpt++ );
        daoUtil.setString( nCpt++, campaignTheme.getFrontRgb( ) );

        daoUtil.executeUpdate( );
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            Vote vote = new Vote( );

            vote.setUserId( daoUtil.getString( 1 ) );
            vote.setProjetId( daoUtil.getInt( 2 ) );
            vote.setDateVote( daoUtil.getTimestamp( 3 ) );
            vote.setArrondissement( daoUtil.getInt( 4 ) );
            vote.setAge( daoUtil.getInt( 5 ) );
            vote.setBirthDate( daoUtil.getString( 6 ) );
            vote.setIpAddress( daoUtil.getString( 7 ) );
            vote.setTitle( daoUtil.getString( 8 ) );
            vote.setLocation( daoUtil.getString( 9 ) );
            vote.setTheme( daoUtil.getString( 10 ) );
            vote.setStatus( daoUtil.getInt( 11 ) );
            vote.setId( daoUtil.getInt( 12 ) );
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                Vote vote = new Vote( );

                vote.setUserId( daoUtil.getString( 1 ) );
                vote.setProjetId( daoUtil.getInt( 2 ) );
                vote.setDateVote( daoUtil.getTimestamp( 3 ) );
                vote.setArrondissement( daoUtil.getInt( 4 ) );
                vote.setAge( daoUtil.getInt( 5 ) );
                vote.setBirthDate( daoUtil.getString( 6 ) );
                vote.setIpAddress( daoUtil.getString( 7 ) );
                vote.setTitle( daoUtil.getString( 8 ) );
                vote.setLocation( daoUtil.getString( 9 ) );
                vote.setTheme( daoUtil.getString( 10 ) );
                vote.setStatus( daoUtil.getInt( 11 ) );
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        MyVoteService _myVoteService = SpringContextService.getBean( MyVoteService.BEAN_NAME );
        String arrondissement = null;

        boolean isValidated = false;
        LuteceUser user = SecurityService.getInstance( ).getRegisteredUser( request );
        if ( user != null )
            arrondissement = BudgetUtils.getArrondissementDisplay( user );
            isValidated = _myVoteService.isUserVoteValidated( user.getName( ) );

        if ( arrondissement != null )
            model.put( MARK_ARRONDISSEMENT_VOTE_USER, arrondissement );
            model.put( MARK_ARRONDISSEMENT_VOTE_USER, "notConnected" );

        model.put( BudgetUtils.MARK_VOTE_VALIDATED, isValidated );
        model.put( MARK_REMOVE_ARR_FILTER, request.getParameter( PARAMETER_REMOVE_ARR_FILTER ) );

        model.put( BudgetUtils.MARK_CAMPAIGN_SERVICE, CampaignService.getInstance( ) );
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            file = new BizStatFile( );
            file.setIdBizStatFile( daoUtil.getInt( 1 ) );
            file.setStatus( daoUtil.getString( 2 ) );
            file.setFileName( daoUtil.getString( 3 ) );
            file.setIdAdminUser( daoUtil.getInt( 4 ) );
            file.setAdminUserAccessCode( daoUtil.getString( 5 ) );
            file.setAdminUserEmail( daoUtil.getString( 6 ) );
            file.setReason( daoUtil.getString( 7 ) );
            file.setDescription( daoUtil.getString( 8 ) );
            file.setError( daoUtil.getString( 9 ) );
            file.setCreationDate( daoUtil.getTimestamp( 10 ) );
            file.setValue( daoUtil.getBytes( 11 ) );
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        DAOUtil daoUtil = new DAOUtil( SQL_INSERT, plugin );

        daoUtil.setString( 1, bizStatFile.getStatus( ) );
        daoUtil.setString( 2, bizStatFile.getFileName( ) );
        daoUtil.setInt( 3, bizStatFile.getIdAdminUser( ) );
        daoUtil.setString( 4, bizStatFile.getAdminUserAccessCode( ) );
        daoUtil.setString( 5, bizStatFile.getAdminUserEmail( ) );
        daoUtil.setString( 6, bizStatFile.getReason( ) );
        daoUtil.setString( 7, bizStatFile.getDescription( ) );
        daoUtil.setString( 8, bizStatFile.getError( ) );
        daoUtil.setBytes( 9, bizStatFile.getValue( ) );
        // Creation date is set by the DB

        daoUtil.executeUpdate( );
File Line
fr/paris/lutece/plugins/participatorybudget/business/notify/ 60
fr/paris/lutece/plugins/participatorybudget/business/notify/ 83
        DAOUtil daoUtil = new DAOUtil( SQL_QUERY_INSERT );

        int nPos = 0;

        daoUtil.setInt( ++nPos, config.getIdTask( ) );
        daoUtil.setString( ++nPos, config.getSenderName( ) );
        daoUtil.setString( ++nPos, config.getSenderEmail( ) );
        daoUtil.setString( ++nPos, config.getSubject( ) );
        daoUtil.setString( ++nPos, config.getMessage( ) );
        daoUtil.setString( ++nPos, config.getRecipientsCc( ) );
        daoUtil.setString( ++nPos, config.getRecipientsBcc( ) );
        daoUtil.setBoolean( ++nPos, config.isAbonnes( ) );

        daoUtil.executeUpdate( );
File Line
fr/paris/lutece/plugins/participatorybudget/business/campaign/ 127
fr/paris/lutece/plugins/participatorybudget/business/campaign/ 122
fr/paris/lutece/plugins/participatorybudget/business/campaign/ 129
fr/paris/lutece/plugins/participatorybudget/business/campaign/ 161

     * {@inheritDoc }
    public void changeCampainCode( String oldCampaignCode, String newCampaignCode, Plugin plugin )
        try ( DAOUtil daoUtil = new DAOUtil( SQL_QUERY_CHANGEALL_CAMPAIGN_CODE, plugin ) )
            daoUtil.setString( 1, newCampaignCode );
            daoUtil.setString( 2, oldCampaignCode );
            daoUtil.executeUpdate( );

     * {@inheritDoc }
    public void delete( int nKey, Plugin plugin )
        DAOUtil daoUtil = new DAOUtil( SQL_QUERY_DELETE, plugin );
        daoUtil.setInt( 1, nKey );
        daoUtil.executeUpdate( ); );

     * {@inheritDoc }
    public void store( CampaignArea campaignArea, Plugin plugin )