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Résultats PMD

Le document suivant contient les résultats de PMD 5.3.5.



Violation Ligne
StringBuffer (or StringBuilder).append is called consecutively without reusing the target variable. 115
Avoid using implementation types like 'LinkedHashMap'; use the interface instead 190
Avoid using implementation types like 'LinkedHashMap'; use the interface instead 190
StringBuffer (or StringBuilder).append is called consecutively without reusing the target variable. 203
StringBuffer (or StringBuilder).append is called consecutively without reusing the target variable. 204
System.arraycopy is more efficient 222225
When doing a String.toLowerCase()/toUpperCase() call, use a Locale 328
Avoid using implementation types like 'LinkedHashMap'; use the interface instead 364
Avoid using implementation types like 'LinkedHashMap'; use the interface instead 364


Violation Ligne
Avoid variables with short names like id 98


Violation Ligne
Avoid variables with short names like id 84
Avoid using final local variables, turn them into fields 175


Violation Ligne
Avoid variables with short names like id 98


Violation Ligne
A method/constructor shouldnt explicitly throw java.lang.Exception 56
A method/constructor shouldnt explicitly throw java.lang.Exception 56
A method/constructor shouldnt explicitly throw java.lang.Exception 67
A method/constructor shouldnt explicitly throw java.lang.Exception 67


Violation Ligne
Avoid variables with short names like b 102


Violation Ligne
It is a good practice to call super() in a constructor 5659
Avoid variables with short names like rt 66
Avoid variables with short names like p 71


Violation Ligne
If you run in Java5 or newer and have concurrent access, you should use the ConcurrentHashMap implementation 87


Violation Ligne
Avoid using Literals in Conditional Statements 78
debug logging that involves string concatenation should be guarded with isDebugEnabled() checks 85
Avoid catching generic exceptions such as NullPointerException, RuntimeException, Exception in try-catch block 102


Violation Ligne
Avoid using Literals in Conditional Statements 122
debug logging that involves string concatenation should be guarded with isDebugEnabled() checks 129
Avoid catching generic exceptions such as NullPointerException, RuntimeException, Exception in try-catch block 135