Le document suivant contient les résultats de PMD 6.13.0.
Rule | Violation | Ligne |
FieldNamingConventions | The final field name '_strResourceTypeName' doesn't match '[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' | 41 |
FieldNamingConventions | The final field name '_strResourceTypeDescription' doesn't match '[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' | 42 |
Rule | Violation | Ligne |
FieldNamingConventions | The constant name '_instance' doesn't match '[A-Z][A-Z_0-9]*' | 50 |
Rule | Violation | Ligne |
ClassWithOnlyPrivateConstructorsShouldBeFinal | A class which only has private constructors should be final | 47–206 |
Rule | Violation | Ligne |
ClassNamingConventions | The utility class name 'DatabaseResourceTypeRemovalManager' doesn't match '[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]+(Utils?|Helper|Home|Service)' | 43–74 |
Rule | Violation | Ligne |
AvoidUsingVolatile | Use of modifier volatile is not recommended. | 50 |
Rule | Violation | Ligne |
CloneThrowsCloneNotSupportedException | clone() method should throw CloneNotSupportedException | 120–132 |
Rule | Violation | Ligne |
AvoidSynchronizedAtMethodLevel | Use block level rather than method level synchronization | 100–113 |
ConsecutiveAppendsShouldReuse | StringBuffer (or StringBuilder).append is called consecutively without reusing the target variable. | 201 |
ConsecutiveAppendsShouldReuse | StringBuffer (or StringBuilder).append is called consecutively without reusing the target variable. | 202 |
ConsecutiveAppendsShouldReuse | StringBuffer (or StringBuilder).append is called consecutively without reusing the target variable. | 241 |
ConsecutiveAppendsShouldReuse | StringBuffer (or StringBuilder).append is called consecutively without reusing the target variable. | 243 |
ConsecutiveAppendsShouldReuse | StringBuffer (or StringBuilder).append is called consecutively without reusing the target variable. | 244 |
Rule | Violation | Ligne |
ImmutableField | Private field '_strSort' could be made final; it is only initialized in the declaration or constructor. | 45 |
ImmutableField | Private field '_bSortAsc' could be made final; it is only initialized in the declaration or constructor. | 46 |
Rule | Violation | Ligne |
CloneThrowsCloneNotSupportedException | clone() method should throw CloneNotSupportedException | 103–115 |
Rule | Violation | Ligne |
CallSuperInConstructor | It is a good practice to call super() in a constructor | 55–58 |
ConsecutiveAppendsShouldReuse | StringBuffer (or StringBuilder).append is called consecutively without reusing the target variable. | 113 |
ConsecutiveAppendsShouldReuse | StringBuffer (or StringBuilder).append is called consecutively without reusing the target variable. | 114 |
Rule | Violation | Ligne |
NonThreadSafeSingleton | Singleton is not thread safe | 67–70 |
Rule | Violation | Ligne |
LinguisticNaming | Linguistics Antipattern - The method 'canResourceTypeBeRemoved' indicates linguistically it returns a boolean, but it returns 'String' | 62–73 |
Rule | Violation | Ligne |
ShortVariable | Avoid variables with short names like id | 65 |
Rule | Violation | Ligne |
ImmutableField | Private field '_nDefaultItemsPerPage' could be made final; it is only initialized in the declaration or constructor. | 120 |
NullAssignment | Assigning an Object to null is a code smell. Consider refactoring. | 135 |
UseConcurrentHashMap | If you run in Java5 or newer and have concurrent access, you should use the ConcurrentHashMap implementation | 176 |
UnnecessaryAnnotationValueElement | Avoid the use of value in annotations when its the only element | 196 |
ConfusingTernary | Avoid if (x != y) ..; else ..; | 199 |
UseConcurrentHashMap | If you run in Java5 or newer and have concurrent access, you should use the ConcurrentHashMap implementation | 208 |
NullAssignment | Assigning an Object to null is a code smell. Consider refactoring. | 212 |
UnnecessaryAnnotationValueElement | Avoid the use of value in annotations when its the only element | 224 |
NullAssignment | Assigning an Object to null is a code smell. Consider refactoring. | 238 |
UnnecessaryAnnotationValueElement | Avoid the use of value in annotations when its the only element | 252 |
ConfusingTernary | Avoid if (x != y) ..; else ..; | 255 |
ConfusingTernary | Avoid if (x != y) ..; else ..; | 262 |
NullAssignment | Assigning an Object to null is a code smell. Consider refactoring. | 263 |
UseConcurrentHashMap | If you run in Java5 or newer and have concurrent access, you should use the ConcurrentHashMap implementation | 265 |
UnnecessaryAnnotationValueElement | Avoid the use of value in annotations when its the only element | 280 |
ConfusingTernary | Avoid if (x != y) ..; else ..; | 283 |
NullAssignment | Assigning an Object to null is a code smell. Consider refactoring. | 301 |
UnnecessaryAnnotationValueElement | Avoid the use of value in annotations when its the only element | 315 |
UnnecessaryAnnotationValueElement | Avoid the use of value in annotations when its the only element | 339 |
Rule | Violation | Ligne |
ImmutableField | Private field '_nDefaultItemsPerPage' could be made final; it is only initialized in the declaration or constructor. | 100 |
NullAssignment | Assigning an Object to null is a code smell. Consider refactoring. | 121 |
UnnecessaryAnnotationValueElement | Avoid the use of value in annotations when its the only element | 139 |
NullAssignment | Assigning an Object to null is a code smell. Consider refactoring. | 147 |
UnnecessaryAnnotationValueElement | Avoid the use of value in annotations when its the only element | 186 |
ConfusingTernary | Avoid if (x != y) ..; else ..; | 193–208 |
NullAssignment | Assigning an Object to null is a code smell. Consider refactoring. | 196 |
UnnecessaryAnnotationValueElement | Avoid the use of value in annotations when its the only element | 248 |
UnnecessaryAnnotationValueElement | Avoid the use of value in annotations when its the only element | 283 |
ConfusingTernary | Avoid if (x != y) ..; else ..; | 304–312 |
Rule | Violation | Ligne |
BooleanGetMethodName | A getX() method which returns a boolean should be named isX() | 77–80 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Ligne |
FieldNamingConventions | The final field name '_strResourceTypeName' doesn't match '[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' | 1 | 41 |
FieldNamingConventions | The final field name '_strResourceTypeDescription' doesn't match '[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' | 1 | 42 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Ligne |
CloneThrowsCloneNotSupportedException | clone() method should throw CloneNotSupportedException | 3 | 120–132 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Ligne |
AvoidSynchronizedAtMethodLevel | Use block level rather than method level synchronization | 3 | 100–113 |
ConsecutiveAppendsShouldReuse | StringBuffer (or StringBuilder).append is called consecutively without reusing the target variable. | 3 | 201 |
ConsecutiveAppendsShouldReuse | StringBuffer (or StringBuilder).append is called consecutively without reusing the target variable. | 3 | 202 |
ConsecutiveAppendsShouldReuse | StringBuffer (or StringBuilder).append is called consecutively without reusing the target variable. | 3 | 241 |
ConsecutiveAppendsShouldReuse | StringBuffer (or StringBuilder).append is called consecutively without reusing the target variable. | 3 | 243 |
ConsecutiveAppendsShouldReuse | StringBuffer (or StringBuilder).append is called consecutively without reusing the target variable. | 3 | 244 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Ligne |
ImmutableField | Private field '_strSort' could be made final; it is only initialized in the declaration or constructor. | 3 | 45 |
ImmutableField | Private field '_bSortAsc' could be made final; it is only initialized in the declaration or constructor. | 3 | 46 |
BooleanGetMethodName | A getX() method which returns a boolean should be named isX() | 4 | 77–80 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Ligne |
CloneThrowsCloneNotSupportedException | clone() method should throw CloneNotSupportedException | 3 | 103–115 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Ligne |
FieldNamingConventions | The constant name '_instance' doesn't match '[A-Z][A-Z_0-9]*' | 1 | 50 |
CallSuperInConstructor | It is a good practice to call super() in a constructor | 3 | 55–58 |
ConsecutiveAppendsShouldReuse | StringBuffer (or StringBuilder).append is called consecutively without reusing the target variable. | 3 | 113 |
ConsecutiveAppendsShouldReuse | StringBuffer (or StringBuilder).append is called consecutively without reusing the target variable. | 3 | 114 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Ligne |
ClassWithOnlyPrivateConstructorsShouldBeFinal | A class which only has private constructors should be final | 1 | 47–206 |
AvoidUsingVolatile | Use of modifier volatile is not recommended. | 2 | 50 |
NonThreadSafeSingleton | Singleton is not thread safe | 3 | 67–70 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Ligne |
ClassNamingConventions | The utility class name 'DatabaseResourceTypeRemovalManager' doesn't match '[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]+(Utils?|Helper|Home|Service)' | 1 | 43–74 |
LinguisticNaming | Linguistics Antipattern - The method 'canResourceTypeBeRemoved' indicates linguistically it returns a boolean, but it returns 'String' | 3 | 62–73 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Ligne |
ShortVariable | Avoid variables with short names like id | 3 | 65 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Ligne |
ImmutableField | Private field '_nDefaultItemsPerPage' could be made final; it is only initialized in the declaration or constructor. | 3 | 120 |
NullAssignment | Assigning an Object to null is a code smell. Consider refactoring. | 3 | 135 |
UseConcurrentHashMap | If you run in Java5 or newer and have concurrent access, you should use the ConcurrentHashMap implementation | 3 | 176 |
UnnecessaryAnnotationValueElement | Avoid the use of value in annotations when its the only element | 3 | 196 |
ConfusingTernary | Avoid if (x != y) ..; else ..; | 3 | 199 |
UseConcurrentHashMap | If you run in Java5 or newer and have concurrent access, you should use the ConcurrentHashMap implementation | 3 | 208 |
NullAssignment | Assigning an Object to null is a code smell. Consider refactoring. | 3 | 212 |
UnnecessaryAnnotationValueElement | Avoid the use of value in annotations when its the only element | 3 | 224 |
NullAssignment | Assigning an Object to null is a code smell. Consider refactoring. | 3 | 238 |
UnnecessaryAnnotationValueElement | Avoid the use of value in annotations when its the only element | 3 | 252 |
ConfusingTernary | Avoid if (x != y) ..; else ..; | 3 | 255 |
ConfusingTernary | Avoid if (x != y) ..; else ..; | 3 | 262 |
NullAssignment | Assigning an Object to null is a code smell. Consider refactoring. | 3 | 263 |
UseConcurrentHashMap | If you run in Java5 or newer and have concurrent access, you should use the ConcurrentHashMap implementation | 3 | 265 |
UnnecessaryAnnotationValueElement | Avoid the use of value in annotations when its the only element | 3 | 280 |
ConfusingTernary | Avoid if (x != y) ..; else ..; | 3 | 283 |
NullAssignment | Assigning an Object to null is a code smell. Consider refactoring. | 3 | 301 |
UnnecessaryAnnotationValueElement | Avoid the use of value in annotations when its the only element | 3 | 315 |
UnnecessaryAnnotationValueElement | Avoid the use of value in annotations when its the only element | 3 | 339 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Ligne |
ImmutableField | Private field '_nDefaultItemsPerPage' could be made final; it is only initialized in the declaration or constructor. | 3 | 100 |
NullAssignment | Assigning an Object to null is a code smell. Consider refactoring. | 3 | 121 |
UnnecessaryAnnotationValueElement | Avoid the use of value in annotations when its the only element | 3 | 139 |
NullAssignment | Assigning an Object to null is a code smell. Consider refactoring. | 3 | 147 |
UnnecessaryAnnotationValueElement | Avoid the use of value in annotations when its the only element | 3 | 186 |
ConfusingTernary | Avoid if (x != y) ..; else ..; | 3 | 193–208 |
NullAssignment | Assigning an Object to null is a code smell. Consider refactoring. | 3 | 196 |
UnnecessaryAnnotationValueElement | Avoid the use of value in annotations when its the only element | 3 | 248 |
UnnecessaryAnnotationValueElement | Avoid the use of value in annotations when its the only element | 3 | 283 |
ConfusingTernary | Avoid if (x != y) ..; else ..; | 3 | 304–312 |