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PMD Results

The following document contains the results of PMD 5.3.5.



Violation Line
Avoid unused private fields such as 'PARAMETER_KEY'. 51
Avoid unused private fields such as 'MESSAGE_URL_NOT_EXISTS'. 52
Use explicit scoping instead of the default package private level 54
Prefer StringBuffer over += for concatenating strings 62
String.indexOf(char) is faster than String.indexOf(String). 70


Violation Line
The class 'ShortUrlApp' has a Cyclomatic Complexity of 4 (Highest = 10). 63178
The method 'getPage' has a Cyclomatic Complexity of 10. 88130
Unnecessary use of fully qualified name 'java.sql.Timestamp' due to existing import 'java.sql.Timestamp' 121
Avoid unused method parameters such as 'timestamp'. 133
Unnecessary use of fully qualified name 'java.sql.Timestamp' due to existing import 'java.sql.Timestamp' 138
Avoid unused method parameters such as 'strAbbreviation'. 143
Avoid unused method parameters such as 'strPageName'. 147
If you run in Java5 or newer and have concurrent access, you should use the ConcurrentHashMap implementation 148
Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 155
Avoid using for statements without curly braces 158159
Avoid using for statements without curly braces 160161
Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 164
Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes. 166
Avoid using for statements without curly braces 172173