PMD Results
The following document contains the results of PMD 5.3.5.
Violation |
Line |
A class which only has private constructors should be final |
68–327 |
Avoid short class names like Tipi |
68–327 |
Private field 'processor' could be made final; it is only initialized in the declaration or constructor. |
85 |
debug logging that involves string concatenation should be guarded with isDebugEnabled() checks |
126 |
debug logging that involves string concatenation should be guarded with isDebugEnabled() checks |
127 |
debug logging that involves string concatenation should be guarded with isDebugEnabled() checks |
152 |
debug logging that involves string concatenation should be guarded with isDebugEnabled() checks |
153 |
Avoid empty catch blocks |
242–245 |
Violation |
Line |
Abstract classes should be named AbstractXXX |
52–131 |
Avoid unnecessary constructors - the compiler will generate these for you |
59–62 |
Violation |
Line |
Avoid variables with short names like X |
51 |
Avoid variables with short names like W |
52 |
Unnecessary final modifier in final class |
76–106 |
Violation |
Line |
No need to import a type that lives in the same package |
48 |
No need to import a type that lives in the same package |
49 |
The class 'TipiTask' has a Cyclomatic Complexity of 10 (Highest = 9). |
57–115 |
Private field 'processor' could be made final; it is only initialized in the declaration or constructor. |
59 |
Use block level rather than method level synchronization |
64–113 |
When instantiating a SimpleDateFormat object, specify a Locale |
102 |
Violation |
Line |
A class which only has private constructors should be final |
41–53 |
Violation |
Line |
A class which only has private constructors should be final |
56–100 |