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Checkstyle Results

The following document contains the results of Checkstyle 8.19 with build-config/lutece_checks.xml ruleset. 

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12 0 0 242


fr/paris/lutece/plugins/geocode/v1/web/rs/dto/ 0 0 24
fr/paris/lutece/plugins/geocode/v1/web/rs/dto/ 0 0 8
fr/paris/lutece/plugins/geocode/v1/web/rs/service/ 0 0 5
fr/paris/lutece/plugins/geocode/v1/web/rs/service/ 0 0 130
fr/paris/lutece/plugins/geocode/v1/web/rs/service/ 0 0 6
fr/paris/lutece/plugins/geocode/v1/web/rs/service/ 0 0 21
fr/paris/lutece/plugins/geocode/v1/web/rs/service/ 0 0 2
fr/paris/lutece/plugins/geocode/v1/web/rs/util/ 0 0 4
fr/paris/lutece/plugins/geocode/v1/web/service/ 0 0 7
fr/paris/lutece/plugins/geocode/v1/web/service/ 0 0 12
fr/paris/lutece/plugins/geocode/v1/web/service/ 0 0 11
fr/paris/lutece/plugins/geocode/v1/web/service/ 0 0 12


Category Rule Violations Severity
blocks LeftCurly
  • option: "nl"
coding DeclarationOrder 13
design FinalClass 2
VisibilityModifier 5
header Header
  • fileExtensions: "java"
  • headerFile: "/opt/datas/jenkins/home/jobs/admin-github-build/workspace/target/checkstyle-header.txt"
javadoc JavadocMethod 32
JavadocType 4
modifier RedundantModifier 10
naming MemberName
  • format: "^_[a-z](_?[a-zA-Z0-9])*$"
  • format: "^_[a-z](_?[a-zA-Z0-9])*$"
whitespace ParenPad
  • option: "space"



Severity Category Rule Message Line
header Header Line does not match expected header line of '/*'. 1
javadoc JavadocType Missing a Javadoc comment. 10
coding DeclarationOrder Static variable definition in wrong order. 18
coding DeclarationOrder Static variable definition in wrong order. 19
coding DeclarationOrder Static variable definition in wrong order. 20
coding DeclarationOrder Static variable definition in wrong order. 21
coding DeclarationOrder Static variable definition in wrong order. 22
coding DeclarationOrder Static variable definition in wrong order. 23
coding DeclarationOrder Static variable definition in wrong order. 24
coding DeclarationOrder Static variable definition in wrong order. 25
blocks LeftCurly '{' at column 38 should be on a new line. 150
blocks LeftCurly '{' at column 51 should be on a new line. 159
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 169
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 169
blocks LeftCurly '{' at column 59 should be on a new line. 169
blocks LeftCurly '{' at column 35 should be on a new line. 177
blocks LeftCurly '{' at column 49 should be on a new line. 186
blocks LeftCurly '{' at column 57 should be on a new line. 195
blocks LeftCurly '{' at column 31 should be on a new line. 204
blocks LeftCurly '{' at column 48 should be on a new line. 213
blocks LeftCurly '{' at column 34 should be on a new line. 222
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 231
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 231
blocks LeftCurly '{' at column 54 should be on a new line. 231


Severity Category Rule Message Line
header Header Line does not match expected header line of '/*'. 1
javadoc JavadocType Missing a Javadoc comment. 10
coding DeclarationOrder Static variable definition in wrong order. 18
coding DeclarationOrder Static variable definition in wrong order. 19
blocks LeftCurly '{' at column 34 should be on a new line. 90
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 98
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 98
blocks LeftCurly '{' at column 53 should be on a new line. 98


Severity Category Rule Message Line
header Header Line does not match expected header line of ' * Copyright (c) 2002-2020, City of Paris'. 2
design VisibilityModifier Variable '_httpTransport' must be private and have accessor methods. 48
coding DeclarationOrder Static variable definition in wrong order. 51
design VisibilityModifier Variable '_mapper' must be private and have accessor methods. 51
javadoc JavadocMethod Expected @param tag for 'transportProvider'. 65


Severity Category Rule Message Line
header Header Line does not match expected header line of ' * Copyright (c) 2002-2020, City of Paris'. 2
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 74
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 74
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 75
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 75
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 76
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 76
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 77
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 77
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 78
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 78
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 79
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 79
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 97
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 97
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 98
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 98
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 99
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 99
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 100
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 100
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 120
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 120
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 121
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 121
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 122
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 122
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 124
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 124
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 125
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 125
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 126
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 126
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 129
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 129
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 130
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 130
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 131
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 131
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 132
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 132
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 133
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 133
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 134
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 134
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 142
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 142
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 146
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 146
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 147
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 147
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 148
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 148
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 150
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 150
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 151
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 151
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whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 155
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whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 156
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 156
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whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 158
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 158
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 159
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 159
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 160
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 160
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 163
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 163
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whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 165
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 165
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 166
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 166
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 167
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 167
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 168
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 168
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 177
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 177
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 178
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 178
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 179
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 179
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 180
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 180
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 181
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 181
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 182
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 182
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 185
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 185
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 186
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 186
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 187
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 187
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 188
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 188
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 189
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 189
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 190
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 190
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 193
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 193
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 194
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 194
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 195
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 195
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 196
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 196
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 197
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 197
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 198
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 198
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 219
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 219
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 220
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 220
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 226
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 226
blocks LeftCurly '{' at column 107 should be on a new line. 226
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 233
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 233
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 234
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 234


Severity Category Rule Message Line
header Header Line does not match expected header line of ' * Copyright (c) 2002-2020, City of Paris'. 2
naming MemberName Name 'df' must match pattern '^_[a-z](_?[a-zA-Z0-9])*$'. 56
design VisibilityModifier Variable 'df' must be private and have accessor methods. 56
coding DeclarationOrder Static variable definition in wrong order. 61
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 158
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 158


Severity Category Rule Message Line
header Header Line does not match expected header line of ' * Copyright (c) 2002-2020, City of Paris'. 2
design VisibilityModifier Variable '_httpClient' must be private and have accessor methods. 61
design VisibilityModifier Variable '_strEndPoint' must be private and have accessor methods. 62
javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 64
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 70
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 71
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 101
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 102
javadoc JavadocMethod Unable to get class information for @throws tag 'IdentityNotFoundException'. 136
javadoc JavadocMethod Unable to get class information for @throws tag 'IdentityStoreException'. 138
javadoc JavadocMethod Expected @throws tag for 'Exception'. 141
javadoc JavadocMethod Expected @throws tag for 'Exception'. 165
javadoc JavadocMethod Expected @param tag for 'strApiEndPointUrl'. 175
javadoc JavadocMethod Expected @param tag for '<T>'. 203
javadoc JavadocMethod Expected @throws tag for 'JsonProcessingException'. 204
javadoc JavadocMethod Expected @throws tag for 'InstantiationException'. 204
javadoc JavadocMethod Expected @throws tag for 'IllegalAccessException'. 204
javadoc JavadocMethod Expected @param tag for '<T>'. 233
javadoc JavadocMethod Expected @throws tag for 'JsonProcessingException'. 234
javadoc JavadocMethod Expected @throws tag for 'InstantiationException'. 234
javadoc JavadocMethod Expected @throws tag for 'IllegalAccessException'. 234


Severity Category Rule Message Line
header Header Line does not match expected header line of ' * Copyright (c) 2002-2020, City of Paris'. 2
javadoc JavadocMethod Expected @throws tag for 'Exception'. 98


Severity Category Rule Message Line
header Header Line does not match expected header line of '/*'. 1
design FinalClass Class Constants should be declared as final. 3
javadoc JavadocType Missing a Javadoc comment. 3
blocks LeftCurly '{' at column 24 should be on a new line. 3


Severity Category Rule Message Line
header Header Line does not match expected header line of ' * Copyright (c) 2002-2020, City of Paris'. 2
design FinalClass Class CustomResponseStatusValidator should be declared as final. 38
javadoc JavadocType Missing a Javadoc comment. 38
naming StaticVariableName Name 'instance' must match pattern '^_[a-z](_?[a-zA-Z0-9])*$'. 40
javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 42
coding DeclarationOrder Constructor definition in wrong order. 51
javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 51


Severity Category Rule Message Line
header Header Line does not match expected header line of ' * Copyright (c) 2002-2020, City of Paris'. 2
javadoc JavadocMethod Expected @throws tag for 'Exception'. 92
javadoc JavadocMethod Expected @throws tag for 'Exception'. 107
javadoc JavadocMethod Expected @throws tag for 'Exception'. 122
javadoc JavadocMethod Expected @return tag. 134
javadoc JavadocMethod Expected @param tag for 'strNameCountry'. 134
javadoc JavadocMethod Expected @param tag for 'dateRef'. 134
javadoc JavadocMethod Expected @throws tag for 'Exception'. 135
javadoc JavadocMethod Expected @return tag. 147
javadoc JavadocMethod Expected @param tag for 'strCodeCountry'. 147
javadoc JavadocMethod Expected @param tag for 'dateRef'. 147
javadoc JavadocMethod Expected @throws tag for 'Exception'. 148


Severity Category Rule Message Line
header Header Line does not match expected header line of ' * Copyright (c) 2002-2020, City of Paris'. 2
modifier RedundantModifier Redundant 'final' modifier. 58
modifier RedundantModifier Redundant 'final' modifier. 58
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 70
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 70
modifier RedundantModifier Redundant 'final' modifier. 82
modifier RedundantModifier Redundant 'final' modifier. 82
modifier RedundantModifier Redundant 'final' modifier. 94
modifier RedundantModifier Redundant 'final' modifier. 94
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 106
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 106


Severity Category Rule Message Line
header Header Line does not match expected header line of ' * Copyright (c) 2002-2020, City of Paris'. 2
modifier RedundantModifier Redundant 'public' modifier. 52
javadoc JavadocMethod Expected @param tag for 'strApiEndPointUrl'. 52
modifier RedundantModifier Redundant 'public' modifier. 59
javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 61
modifier RedundantModifier Redundant 'public' modifier. 61
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 61
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 62
javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 66
modifier RedundantModifier Redundant 'public' modifier. 66
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 66
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 67