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CPD Results

The following document contains the results of PMD's CPD 6.13.0.


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        DAOUtil daoUtil = new DAOUtil( SQL_QUERY_SELECTALL, plugin );
        daoUtil.executeQuery( );

        while ( ) )
            Site site = new Site( );
            int nIndex = 1;

            site.setId( daoUtil.getInt( nIndex++ ) );
            site.setName( daoUtil.getString( nIndex++ ) );
            site.setDescription( daoUtil.getString( nIndex++ ) );
            site.setArtifactId( daoUtil.getString( nIndex++ ) );
            site.setIdCluster( daoUtil.getInt( nIndex++ ) );
            site.setCluster( daoUtil.getString( nIndex++ ) );
            site.setScmUrl( daoUtil.getString( nIndex++ ) );
            site.setJiraKey( daoUtil.getString( nIndex++ ) );
            site.setTheme( daoUtil.getBoolean( nIndex++ ) );

            siteList.add( site );
        } );
        return siteList;

     * {@inheritDoc }
    public List<Integer> selectIdSitesList( Plugin plugin )
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            git.push( ).setCredentialsProvider( new UsernamePasswordCredentialsProvider( strLogin, strPassword ) ).call( );
        catch( InvalidRemoteException e )

            ReleaserUtils.addTechnicalError( commandResult, e.getMessage( ), e );

        catch( TransportException e )
            ReleaserUtils.addTechnicalError( commandResult, e.getMessage( ), e );

        catch( IOException e )
            ReleaserUtils.addTechnicalError( commandResult, e.getMessage( ), e );
        catch( GitAPIException e )
            ReleaserUtils.addTechnicalError( commandResult, e.getMessage( ), e );


            if ( fLocalRepo != null )

                fLocalRepo.close( );

            if ( git != null )

                git.close( );




     * Update master branch.
     * @param context
     *            the context
     * @param locale
     *            the locale
    public void updateMasterBranch( WorkflowReleaseContext context, Locale locale )
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            site = new Site( );
            int nIndex = 1;

            site.setId( daoUtil.getInt( nIndex++ ) );
            site.setName( daoUtil.getString( nIndex++ ) );
            site.setDescription( daoUtil.getString( nIndex++ ) );
            site.setArtifactId( daoUtil.getString( nIndex++ ) );
            site.setIdCluster( daoUtil.getInt( nIndex++ ) );
            site.setCluster( daoUtil.getString( nIndex++ ) );
            site.setScmUrl( daoUtil.getString( nIndex++ ) );
            site.setJiraKey( daoUtil.getString( nIndex++ ) );
            site.setTheme( daoUtil.getBoolean( nIndex++ ) );
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                    commandResult.setProgressValue( commandResult.getProgressValue( ) + 10 );


            catch( InvalidRemoteException e )

                ReleaserUtils.addTechnicalError( commandResult, e.getMessage( ), e );

            catch( TransportException e )
                ReleaserUtils.addTechnicalError( commandResult, e.getMessage( ), e );

            catch( IOException e )
                ReleaserUtils.addTechnicalError( commandResult, e.getMessage( ), e );
            catch( GitAPIException e )
                ReleaserUtils.addTechnicalError( commandResult, e.getMessage( ), e );

                if ( fLocalRepo != null )

                    fLocalRepo.close( );

                if ( git != null )

                    git.close( );


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            catch( InvalidRemoteException e )

                ReleaserUtils.addTechnicalError( commandResult, e.getMessage( ), e );

            catch( TransportException e )
                ReleaserUtils.addTechnicalError( commandResult, e.getMessage( ), e );

            catch( IOException e )
                ReleaserUtils.addTechnicalError( commandResult, e.getMessage( ), e );
            catch( GitAPIException e )
                ReleaserUtils.addTechnicalError( commandResult, e.getMessage( ), e );

                if ( fLocalRepo != null )

                    fLocalRepo.close( );

                if ( git != null )

                    git.close( );


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            catch( InvalidRemoteException e )

                ReleaserUtils.addTechnicalError( commandResult, e.getMessage( ), e );

            catch( TransportException e )
                ReleaserUtils.addTechnicalError( commandResult, e.getMessage( ), e );

            catch( IOException e )
                ReleaserUtils.addTechnicalError( commandResult, e.getMessage( ), e );
            catch( GitAPIException e )
                ReleaserUtils.addTechnicalError( commandResult, e.getMessage( ), e );

                if ( fLocalRepo != null )

                    fLocalRepo.close( );

                if ( git != null )

                    git.close( );


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        catch( InvalidRemoteException e )

            ReleaserUtils.addTechnicalError( commandResult, e.getMessage( ), e );

        catch( TransportException e )
            ReleaserUtils.addTechnicalError( commandResult, e.getMessage( ), e );

        catch( IOException e )
            ReleaserUtils.addTechnicalError( commandResult, e.getMessage( ), e );
        catch( GitAPIException e )
            ReleaserUtils.addTechnicalError( commandResult, e.getMessage( ), e );


            if ( fLocalRepo != null )

                fLocalRepo.close( );

            if ( git != null )

                git.close( );


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            daoUtil.executeQuery( );

            while ( ) )
                WorkflowContextHistory workflowContext = new WorkflowContextHistory( );
                int nIndex = 1;

                workflowContext.setId( daoUtil.getInt( nIndex++ ) );
                workflowContext.setDateBegin( daoUtil.getTimestamp( nIndex++ ) );
                workflowContext.setDateEnd( daoUtil.getTimestamp( nIndex++ ) );
                workflowContext.setArtifactId( daoUtil.getString( nIndex++ ) );
                workflowContext.setData( daoUtil.getString( nIndex++ ) );
                workflowContext.setUser( daoUtil.getString( nIndex ) );

                workflowContextList.add( workflowContext );

            return workflowContextList;
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        site.setId( newPrimaryKey( plugin ) );
        int nIndex = 1;

        daoUtil.setInt( nIndex++, site.getId( ) );
        daoUtil.setString( nIndex++, site.getArtifactId( ) );
        daoUtil.setInt( nIndex++, site.getIdCluster( ) );
        daoUtil.setString( nIndex++, site.getScmUrl( ) );
        daoUtil.setString( nIndex++, site.getName( ) );
        daoUtil.setString( nIndex++, site.getDescription( ) );
        daoUtil.setString( nIndex++, site.getJiraKey( ) );
        daoUtil.setBoolean( nIndex++, site.isTheme( ) );

        daoUtil.executeUpdate( );
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    public void updateBranch( WorkflowReleaseContext context, String strBranch, Locale locale, String strMessage )

        String strLogin = context.getReleaserUser( ).getCredential( context.getReleaserResource( ).getRepoType( ) ).getLogin( );
        String strPassword = context.getReleaserUser( ).getCredential( context.getReleaserResource( ).getRepoType( ) ).getPassword( );

        FileRepository fLocalRepo = null;
        Git git = null;
        CommandResult commandResult = context.getCommandResult( );
        String strLocalComponentPath = ReleaserUtils.getLocalPath( context );


            fLocalRepo = new FileRepository( strLocalComponentPath + "/.git" );

            git = new Git( fLocalRepo );
            git.checkout( ).setName( strBranch ).call( );