Working with Lutece plugins

Project layout

As with the core, Lutece plugins declare a specific packaging in the POM:


A Lutece plugin also has a dependency on a lutece-core artifact:


The directory structure is similar to that of the core, but contains only plugin-specific elements:

  • src/java : the plugin-specific Java classes;

  • src/conf/default : the plugin-specific configuration files (default version);

  • webapp : the plugin-specific webapp components.

Development and testing

To try your plugin, call the lutece:exploded goal :

mvn lutece:exploded

This will:

  • retrieve the lutece-core artifact from the Maven repository;

  • install an exploded version of the core in target/lutece ;

  • copy the plugin-specific components to this exploded directory;

  • copy any specified configuration files (see this page ).

In the end, target/lutece contains a Lutece instance with your plugin installed. You can configure a Tomcat context on this directory to begin testing.


The packaging is the same as the core's. mvn package will generate:

  • a JAR containing the plugin-specific classes ;

  • a ZIP containing the plugin-specific webapp components.

Generate Lutece plugin distribution

mvn lutece:assembly

This command will generate two artifacts :

  • a ZIP containing plugin's sources

  • a ZIP containing plugin's binary version, which could be paste over existing Lutece core webapp. (plugin should be activate in the Administration control panel)