Assembling Lutece sites

Project layout

The specific packaging for Lutece sites is lutece-site :


To create a Lutece site, you need a Lutece core and (optionnally) a set of plugins ; they are expressed as Maven dependencies:


Since no java development is required to assemble a site, the project only contains a webapp source directory, with all the files specific to your site: configuration files, skins, downloads, etc.


As with Lutece plugins, you can run the lutece:exploded goal to assemble an exploded webapp in target/lutece :

mvn lutece:exploded

The files copied in that directory will be, in that order:

  • the files from the lutece-core artifact;

  • the files from lutece-plugin artifacts;

  • the files from the project's webapp directory;

  • your local configuration, if available (see this page ).

Generate Lutece site distribution

When you are satisfied with your test webapp, you can generate the WAR file with the site-assembly phase. It is advised that you run clean before, to make sure the WAR does not contain any development-specific files:

mvn clean lutece:site-assembly

For sites, this phase is bound to the lutece:site-assembly mojo, which will generate the familiar Lutece WAR in the target directory.