[Summary] [Package List] [Test Cases]
Tests | Errors | Failures | Skipped | Success Rate | Time |
1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0% | 1 |
Note: failures are anticipated and checked for with assertions while errors are unanticipated.
[Summary] [Package List] [Test Cases]
Package | Tests | Errors | Failures | Skipped | Success Rate | Time |
1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0% | 1 |
Note: package statistics are not computed recursively, they only sum up all of its testsuites numbers.
Class | Tests | Errors | Failures | Skipped | Success Rate | Time | |
antrunsql | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0% | 1 |
[Summary] [Package List] [Test Cases]
antrunsql | 1 | |
[sql] Failed to execute: UPDATE core_feature_group SET feature_group_order = feature_group_order + 1 WHERE id_feature_group <>"TICKETING" [sql] Failed to execute: DELETE FROM core_feature_group WHERE id_feature_group = "TICKETING" [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO core_admin_right (`id_right`, `name`, `level_right`, `admin_url`, `description`, `is_updatable`, `plugin_name`, `id_feature_group`, `icon_url`, `documentation_url`, `id_order`) VALUES ('TICKETING_MANAGEMENT_MODEL_RESPONSE', 'ticketing.adminFeature.ManageTicketingModelResponse.name', '2', 'jsp/admin/plugins/ticketing/admin/ManageModelResponses.jsp', 'ticketing.adminFeature.ManageTicketingModelResponse.description', '0', 'ticketing', 'APPLICATIONS', NULL, NULL, '5') [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO core_admin_right (`id_right`, `name`, `level_right`, `admin_url`, `description`, `is_updatable`, `plugin_name`, `id_feature_group`, `icon_url`, `documentation_url`, `id_order`) VALUES ('TICKETING_MANAGEMENT_MARKING', 'ticketing.adminFeature.ManageTicketingMarking.name', '2', 'jsp/admin/plugins/ticketing/admin/ManageMarkings.jsp', 'ticketing.adminFeature.ManageTicketingMarking.description', '0', 'ticketing', 'APPLICATIONS', NULL, NULL, '4') [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO genatt_entry (id_entry, id_resource, resource_type, id_type, id_parent, title, help_message, comment, mandatory, fields_in_line, pos, id_field_depend, confirm_field, confirm_field_title, field_unique, map_provider, css_class, pos_conditional, error_message, num_row, num_column, is_role_associated, code) VALUES (201, 1, "TICKET_INPUT", 215, NULL, "Relevé d'imposition sur le revenu de l'année N-2", "Veuillez transmettre votre relevé d'imposition sur le revenu de l'année N-2. Si vous ne disposez pas de ce document, vous pourrez le transmettre à nos services ultérieurement.", "", 0, 0, 1, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, "", "", 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, "IncomeRevenue-Year-2"), (202, 2, "TICKET_INPUT", 206, NULL, "Numéro de compte facil'familles", "Numéro de compte facil'familles", "", 0, 0, 2, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, "", "", 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, "FFAccountNumber") [sql] Failed to execute: (100000, 1, "REPLY_ATTACHMENTS", 215, NULL, "Pièces(s) jointe(s)", "Vous pouvez sélectionner des pièces jointes à ajouter à votre message", "", 0, 0, 1, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, "", "", 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, "attached_files") [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO genatt_field (id_field, id_entry, title, value, height, width, default_value, max_size_enter, pos, value_type_date, no_display_title, comment, role_key, code) VALUES (201, 201, NULL, NULL, 0, 255, 0, 0, 1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL), (202, 201, "max_files", "1", 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL), (203, 201, "file_max_size", "1000000", 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL), (204, 201, "export_binary", "false", 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL) [sql] Failed to execute: (100000, 100000, NULL, NULL, 0, 255, 0, 0, 1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL), (100001, 100000, "max_files", "5", 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL), (100002, 100000, "file_max_size", "1000000", 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL), (100003, 100000, "export_binary", "false", 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL) [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO genatt_entry VALUES INSERT INTO genatt_field VALUES DROP TABLE IF EXISTS mylutece_attribute [sql] Failed to execute: CREATE TABLE ticketing_ticket_address ( id_ticket int(6) NOT NULL, address varchar(255) NULL, address_detail varchar(255) NULL, postal_code varchar(5) NULL, city varchar(255) NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id_ticket) ) [sql] Failed to execute: CREATE TABLE ticketing_ticket ( id_ticket int(6) NOT NULL, ticket_reference varchar(20) NULL, guid varchar(255) NULL, id_customer varchar(100) NULL, id_user_title int(11) NOT NULL, firstname varchar(50) NOT NULL, lastname varchar(50) NOT NULL, email varchar(255) NOT NULL, fixed_phone_number varchar(50) NULL default '', mobile_phone_number varchar(50) NULL default '', id_ticket_category int(11) NOT NULL, id_contact_mode int(11) NOT NULL, ticket_comment LONGVARCHAR NULL , ticket_status int(11) NOT NULL default '0', ticket_status_text varchar(255) NULL default '', date_update timestamp NOT NULL, date_create timestamp NOT NULL, date_close timestamp NULL, id_admin_user int(11) NOT NULL default '-1', id_unit int(11) NOT NULL default '0', user_message LONGVARCHAR NULL, url varchar(4096) NULL, id_channel int(11) NULL, id_assigner_user int(11) NOT NULL default '-1', id_assigner_unit int(11) NOT NULL default '0', nomenclature varchar(3) NULL, id_marking INT(11) DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (id_ticket) ) [sql] Failed to execute: CREATE TABLE ticketing_instant_response ( id_instant_response int(6) NOT NULL, id_ticket_category int(11) NOT NULL, subject LONGVARCHAR NULL , date_create timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, id_unit int(11) NOT NULL default '0', id_admin_user int(11) NOT NULL default '0', id_channel int(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id_instant_response) ) [sql] Failed to execute: CREATE TABLE ticketing_category ( id_category int(6) NOT NULL, id_parent int(6) NOT NULL, label varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', n_order int(6) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, code varchar(50) NULL, id_default_assignee_unit int(6) NOT NULL default '0', id_category_type int(6) NOT NULL default '0', id_workflow int(6) NOT NULL default '0', demand_id int(6) NOT NULL default '0', help_message varchar(500) NULL, is_manageable int(1) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, inactive int(1) NOT NULL default '0', icon_font VARCHAR(50) NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY (id_category) ) [sql] Failed to execute: CREATE TABLE ticketing_category_type ( id_category_type int(6) NOT NULL, label varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', depth int(6) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id_category_type) ) [sql] Failed to execute: CREATE TABLE ticketing_user_title ( id_user_title int(6) NOT NULL, label varchar(50) NOT NULL default '', inactive int(1) NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (id_user_title) ) [sql] Failed to execute: CREATE TABLE ticketing_ticket_response ( id_ticket INT(6) NOT NULL, id_response INT(6) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id_ticket, id_response) ) [sql] Failed to execute: CREATE TABLE ticketing_contact_mode ( id_contact_mode int(6) NOT NULL, code varchar(50) NOT NULL default '', required_inputs varchar(150) NULL, confirmation_msg LONGVARCHAR NULL, inactive int(1) NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (id_contact_mode) ) [sql] Failed to execute: CREATE TABLE ticketing_support_entity( id_support_entity int(6) NOT NULL, name varchar(50) NOT NULL, level int(2) NOT NULL, id_unit int(6) NOT NULL, id_admin_user int(6) NULL, id_domain int(6) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id_support_entity) ) [sql] Failed to execute: CREATE TABLE `ticketing_model_reponses` ( `id_model_response` int(6) NOT NULL, `title` varchar(500) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `reponse` text, `keyword` text, label_ticket_domain VARCHAR(50) DEFAULT '' ) [sql] Failed to execute: ALTER TABLE `ticketing_model_reponses` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id_model_response`) [sql] Failed to execute: CREATE TABLE ticketing_channel ( id_channel int(6) NOT NULL, label varchar(50) NOT NULL default '', icon_font varchar(50) NULL default '', flag_mandatory_ticket_comment boolean, inactive int(1) NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (id_channel) ) [sql] Failed to execute: CREATE TABLE ticketing_category_input ( id_category int(6) NOT NULL, id_input int(6) NOT NULL, pos int(6) NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (id_category, id_input) ) [sql] Failed to execute: CREATE TABLE ticketing_markings ( id_marking INT(6) NOT NULL, title VARCHAR(500) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', label_color VARCHAR(50), background_color VARCHAR(50), PRIMARY KEY (id_marking) ) [sql] Failed to execute: CREATE TABLE ticketing_viewing ( id_viewing int(6) NOT NULL, title varchar(50) default '', message varchar(5000) default '', buton_label varchar(50) default '', channel varchar(50) default '', contact_mode varchar(50) default '', civility varchar(50) default '', domain varchar(50) default '', thematic varchar(50) default '', location varchar(50) default '', PRIMARY KEY (id_viewing) ) [sql] Failed to execute: CREATE TABLE ticketing_form ( id_form int(6) NOT NULL, title LONGVARCHAR, message LONGVARCHAR, button_label LONGVARCHAR, connection SMALLINT, PRIMARY KEY (id_form) ) [sql] Failed to execute: CREATE TABLE ticketing_formentry ( id_formentry int(6) NOT NULL, id_form int(11) default '0' NOT NULL, id_champ varchar(50) default '' NOT NULL, hidden SMALLINT default '0' NOT NULL, mandatory SMALLINT default '0' NOT NULL, hierarchy int(11) default '0' NOT NULL, default_value varchar(500) default '', PRIMARY KEY (id_formentry) ) [sql] Failed to execute: ALTER TABLE ticketing_ticket ADD CONSTRAINT fk_ticketing_ticket_user_title FOREIGN KEY (id_user_title) REFERENCES ticketing_user_title (id_user_title) ON DELETE RESTRICT ON UPDATE RESTRICT [sql] Failed to execute: ALTER TABLE ticketing_ticket ADD CONSTRAINT fk_ticketing_ticket_category FOREIGN KEY (id_ticket_category) REFERENCES ticketing_category (id_category) ON DELETE RESTRICT ON UPDATE RESTRICT [sql] Failed to execute: ALTER TABLE ticketing_ticket ADD CONSTRAINT fk_ticketing_ticket_contact_mode FOREIGN KEY (id_contact_mode) REFERENCES ticketing_contact_mode (id_contact_mode) ON DELETE RESTRICT ON UPDATE RESTRICT [sql] Failed to execute: ALTER TABLE ticketing_ticket ADD CONSTRAINT fk_ticketing_ticket_channel FOREIGN KEY (id_channel) REFERENCES ticketing_channel (id_channel) ON DELETE RESTRICT ON UPDATE RESTRICT [sql] Failed to execute: ALTER TABLE ticketing_instant_response ADD CONSTRAINT fk_ticketing_instant_response_category FOREIGN KEY (id_ticket_category) REFERENCES ticketing_category (id_category) ON DELETE RESTRICT ON UPDATE RESTRICT [sql] Failed to execute: ALTER TABLE ticketing_indexer_action ADD CONSTRAINT fk_ticketing_indexer_action_ticket FOREIGN KEY (id_ticket) REFERENCES ticketing_ticket (id_ticket) ON DELETE RESTRICT ON UPDATE RESTRICT [sql] Failed to execute: ALTER TABLE ticketing_ticket_address ADD CONSTRAINT fk_ticketing_ticket_address FOREIGN KEY (id_ticket) REFERENCES ticketing_ticket (id_ticket) ON DELETE CASCADE [sql] Failed to execute: CREATE TABLE ticketing_form_category (id_form int(11) default '0' NOT NULL, id_category int(11) default '0' NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id_form, id_category)) [sql] Failed to execute: DELETE FROM ticketing_user_title [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO ticketing_user_title (id_user_title, label) VALUES (0, ""), (1, "Mme"), (2, "M.") [sql] Failed to execute: DELETE FROM ticketing_contact_mode [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO ticketing_contact_mode (id_contact_mode, code, required_inputs, confirmation_msg) VALUES (1, "email", "email", "<p>Bonjour ${userTitle} ${lastName},</p><p>Nous avons bien reçu votre demande et nous vous remercions de votre confiance.</p><p>Un e-mail de confirmation vous a été envoyé à l'adresse suivante ${email}. Il contient un numéro de suivi qui vous sera demandé au 3975 pour suivre son état d'avancement. Il est également disponible dans votre espace Compte Parisien.</p><p>Nous restons à votre entière disposition pour toute information complémentaire.</p><p>Cordialement,</p><p>Mairie de Paris.</p>"), (2, "courier", "address, postal_code, city", "<p>Bonjour ${userTitle} ${lastName},</p><p>Nous avons bien reçu votre demande et nous vous remercions de votre confiance.</p><p>Un courrier de confirmation vous a été envoyé à l'adresse suivante A COMPLETER. Il contient un numéro de suivi qui vous sera demandé au 3975 pour suivre son état d'avancement. Il est également disponible dans votre espace Compte Parisien.</p><p>Nous restons à votre entière disposition pour toute information complémentaire.</p><p>Cordialement,</p><p>Mairie de Paris.</p>") [sql] Failed to execute: DELETE FROM ticketing_support_entity [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO ticketing_support_entity (id_support_entity, name, level, id_unit, id_admin_user, id_domain) VALUES (1, 'SN2 Facil Famille ', 1, 2, -1, 210), (2, 'SN2 Facil Famille tarif. Petite Enfance. ', 2, 21, -1, 210), (3, 'SN2 Facil Famille tarif. périscolaire', 2, 20, -1, 210), (4, 'SN3 DFPE - BEF', 3, 40, -1, 210), (5, 'SN2 Voirie', 2, 30, -1, 120) [sql] Failed to execute: DELETE FROM ticketing_channel [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO ticketing_channel (id_channel, label, icon_font) VALUES (1, "Téléphone", "fas fa-phone"), (2, "Visite", "fa fa-user"), (3, "E-mail", "fas fa-envelope"), (4, "Twitter", "fa fa-twitter"), (5, "Facebook", "fa fa-facebook"), (99, "Guichet (Web)", "fa fa-desktop") [sql] Failed to execute: DELETE FROM ticketing_markings [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO ticketing_markings VALUES (1, 'NON LU', '#FFFFFF', '#00C0EF') [sql] Failed to execute: /*==============================================================*/ /* Table structure for table unittree_notification */ /*==============================================================*/ CREATE TABLE unittree_unit_notification ( id_unit INT DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, email VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, has_notif int(1) NOT NULL default '0', use_email int(1) NOT NULL default '0', use_list int(1) NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (id_unit) ) [sql] Failed to execute: /*==============================================================*/ /* Table structure for table workflow_task_notify_gru_cf */ /*==============================================================*/ CREATE TABLE workflow_task_notify_gru_cf( id_task INT NOT NULL, id_spring_provider VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, marker_provider_ids VARCHAR(1000) NULL, demand_status INT DEFAULT NULL, crm_status_id INT DEFAULT 1, set_onglet SMALLINT NULL DEFAULT NULL, message_guichet TEXT COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL, status_text_guichet VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, sender_name_guichet VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, subject_guichet VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, demand_max_step_guichet SMALLINT NULL DEFAULT 1, demand_user_current_step_guichet SMALLINT NULL DEFAULT 1, is_active_onglet_guichet SMALLINT NULL DEFAULT 0, status_text_agent VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, message_agent text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci, is_active_onglet_agent SMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, subject_email VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, message_email text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci, sender_name_email VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, recipients_cc_email VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, recipients_cci_email VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, is_active_onglet_email SMALLINT NULL DEFAULT 0, message_sms text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci, billing_account_sms VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, billing_group_sms VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, is_active_onglet_sms SMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, id_mailing_list_broadcast INT DEFAULT NULL, email_broadcast VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, sender_name_broadcast VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, subject_broadcast VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, message_broadcast text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci, recipients_cc_broadcast VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, recipients_cci_broadcast VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, is_active_onglet_broadcast SMALLINT NULL DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY (id_task) ) [sql] Failed to execute: CREATE TABLE workflow_task_notify_gru_history( id_history INT NOT NULL, id_task INT DEFAULT NULL, crm_status_id INT DEFAULT 1, message_guichet TEXT COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL, status_text_guichet VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, sender_name_guichet VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, subject_guichet VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, demand_max_step_guichet SMALLINT NULL DEFAULT 1, demand_user_current_step_guichet SMALLINT NULL DEFAULT 1, is_active_onglet_guichet SMALLINT NULL DEFAULT 0, status_text_agent VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, message_agent text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci, is_active_onglet_agent SMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, subject_email VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, message_email text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci, sender_name_email VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, recipients_cc_email VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, recipients_cci_email VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, is_active_onglet_email SMALLINT NULL DEFAULT 0, message_sms text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci, billing_account_sms VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, billing_group_sms VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, is_active_onglet_sms SMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, id_mailing_list_broadcast INT DEFAULT NULL, email_broadcast VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, sender_name_broadcast VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, subject_broadcast VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, message_broadcast text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci, recipients_cc_broadcast VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, recipients_cci_broadcast VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, is_active_onglet_broadcast SMALLINT NULL DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY (id_history, id_task) ) |
[Summary] [Package List] [Test Cases]
antrunsql | |
antrunsql | |