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CPD Results

The following document contains the results of PMD's CPD 5.3.5.


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fr/paris/lutece/plugins/dila/business/fichelocale/dao/impl/ 157
fr/paris/lutece/plugins/dila/business/fichelocale/dao/impl/ 314
        DAOUtil daoUtil = new DAOUtil( SQL_QUERY_SELECT_ALL, PluginService.getPlugin( DilaPlugin.PLUGIN_NAME ) );
        daoUtil.executeQuery( );

        List<LocalDTO> results = new ArrayList<LocalDTO>( );

        while ( ) )
            LocalDTO local = new LocalDTO( );

            local.setId( daoUtil.getLong( 1 ) );
            local.setTitle( daoUtil.getString( 2 ) );
            local.setAuthor( daoUtil.getString( 3 ) );
            local.setBreadCrumb( daoUtil.getString( 4 ) );
            local.setXml( daoUtil.getString( 5 ) );
            local.setIdAudience( daoUtil.getLong( 6 ) );
            local.setDisplayPath( DilaUtils.convertBreadcrumbIntoDisplay( local.getBreadCrumb( ), local.getIdAudience( ) ) );

            DilaLocalTypeEnum typeEnum = DilaLocalTypeEnum.fromId( daoUtil.getLong( 7 ) );

            LocalTypeDTO type = new LocalTypeDTO( );
            type.setId( typeEnum.getId( ) );
            type.setLabel( typeEnum.getLabel( ) );
            local.setType( type );

            local.setCreationDate( daoUtil.getDate( 8 ) );

            results.add( local );
        } );

        return results;
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fr/paris/lutece/plugins/dila/service/search/ 89
fr/paris/lutece/plugins/dila/service/search/ 88
                String strMessage = "Page ID : " + local.getId(  );
                IndexationService.error( this, e, strMessage );

            if ( doc != null )
                IndexationService.write( doc );

    public List<Document> getDocuments( String strIdDocument )
        throws IOException, InterruptedException, SiteMessageException
        return null;

    public String getName(  )
        return INDEXER_NAME;

    public String getVersion(  )
        return INDEXER_VERSION;

    public String getDescription(  )

    public boolean isEnable(  )
        String strEnable = AppPropertiesService.getProperty( PROPERTY_INDEXER_ENABLE, "true" );

        return ( strEnable.equalsIgnoreCase( "true" ) );

    public List<String> getListType(  )
        List<String> listType = new ArrayList<String>(  );
        listType.add( PageIndexer.INDEX_TYPE_PAGE );

        return listType;

    public String getSpecificSearchAppUrl(  )
        return AppPropertiesService.getProperty( PROPERTY_SEARCH_PAGE_URL );

     * Builds a document which will be used by Lucene during the indexing of the
     * pages of the site with the following
     * fields : summary, uid, url, contents, title and description.
     * @return the built Document
     * @param local the xml to index
     * @throws IOException The IO Exception
     * @throws InterruptedException The InterruptedException
     * @throws SiteMessageException occurs when a site message need to be
     *             displayed
    protected Document getDocument( LocalDTO local ) throws IOException, InterruptedException, SiteMessageException
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fr/paris/lutece/plugins/dila/web/ 588
fr/paris/lutece/plugins/dila/web/ 638
    public String doCreateLocalCard( HttpServletRequest request )
        populate( _cardBean, request );

        List<LocalCardChapterDTO> chapters = generateChapters( null, request );

        String errorKey = _dilaValidationService.validateLocalCard( _cardBean, chapters );

        if ( StringUtils.isNotBlank( errorKey ) )
            return AdminMessageService.getMessageUrl( request, errorKey, AdminMessage.TYPE_STOP );

        // Create the local card
        if ( StringUtils.isNumeric( _cardBean.getParentFolderId( ) ) )
            _cardBean.getLocalDTO( ).setBreadCrumb(
                    _cardBean.getLocalParentFolder( ).getLocalDTO( ).getBreadCrumb( ) + ";"
                            + _cardBean.getLocalParentFolder( ).getLocalDTO( ).getId( ) );
            _cardBean.getLocalDTO( ).setBreadCrumb(
                    _cardBean.getNationalParentFolder( ).getBreadCrumb( ) + ";"
                            + _cardBean.getNationalParentFolder( ).getIdXml( ) );

        _cardBean.getLocalDTO( ).setXml( XMLConvertor.convertCardToXML( _cardBean, chapters ) );
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fr/paris/lutece/plugins/dila/service/impl/ 111
fr/paris/lutece/plugins/dila/service/impl/ 222
        String proxyHost = AppPropertiesService.getProperty( HTTP_ACCESS_PROXY_HOST );

        // Connection through proxy
        if ( StringUtils.isNotBlank( proxyHost ) )
            String proxyPort = AppPropertiesService.getProperty( HTTP_ACCESS_PROXY_PORT );
            String proxyUser = AppPropertiesService.getProperty( HTTP_ACCESS_PROXY_USERNAME );
            String proxyPassword = AppPropertiesService.getProperty( HTTP_ACCESS_PROXY_PASSWORD );

            //Proxy authentication
            if ( StringUtils.isNotBlank( proxyUser ) )
                CredentialsProvider credsProvider = new BasicCredentialsProvider(  );
                credsProvider.setCredentials( new AuthScope( proxyHost, Integer.parseInt( proxyPort ) ),
                    new UsernamePasswordCredentials( proxyUser, proxyPassword ) );
                clientBuilder.setDefaultCredentialsProvider( credsProvider );

            String strSchema = request.getURI(  ).getScheme(  );
            HttpHost proxy = new HttpHost( proxyHost, Integer.parseInt( proxyPort ), strSchema );
            RequestConfig config = RequestConfig.custom(  ).setProxy( proxy ).build(  );
            request.setConfig( config );
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fr/paris/lutece/plugins/dila/web/ 150
fr/paris/lutece/plugins/dila/web/ 150
            Collections.sort( listToDisplay, new AttributeComparator( strSortedAttributeName, bIsAscSort ) );

        _nDefaultItemsPerPage = AppPropertiesService.getPropertyInt( DilaConstants.PROPERTY_STYLESHEETS_PER_PAGE, 50 );
        _strCurrentPageIndex = Paginator.getPageIndex( request, Paginator.PARAMETER_PAGE_INDEX, _strCurrentPageIndex );
        _nItemsPerPage = Paginator.getItemsPerPage( request, Paginator.PARAMETER_ITEMS_PER_PAGE, _nItemsPerPage,
                _nDefaultItemsPerPage );

        String strURL = getHomeUrl( request );

        if ( strSortedAttributeName != null )
            strURL += ( "?" + Parameters.SORTED_ATTRIBUTE_NAME + "=" + strSortedAttributeName );

        if ( strAscSort != null )
            strURL += ( "&" + Parameters.SORTED_ASC + "=" + strAscSort );

        LocalizedPaginator<ComplementaryDataDTO> paginator = new LocalizedPaginator<ComplementaryDataDTO>(
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fr/paris/lutece/plugins/dila/business/fichelocale/dao/impl/ 144
fr/paris/lutece/plugins/dila/business/fichelocale/dao/impl/ 189
        StringBuilder sbSQL = new StringBuilder( SQL_QUERY_FIND_TITLE_BY_ID_AND_TYPES_AND_AUDIENCE );

        sbSQL.append( " " );
        sbSQL.append( SQL_QUERY_AND_RESOURCE_TYPE );
        sbSQL.append( "(" );

        int count = 0;

        for ( String type : availableTypes )

            if ( count < availableTypes.size( ) )
                sbSQL.append( "'" + type + "'," );
                sbSQL.append( "'" + type + "'" );

        sbSQL.append( ")" );

        DAOUtil daoUtil = new DAOUtil( sbSQL.toString( ), PluginService.getPlugin( DilaPlugin.PLUGIN_NAME ) );
        daoUtil.setString( 1, idDossierFrere );