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CPD Results

The following document contains the results of PMD's CPD 5.5.1.


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fr/paris/lutece/plugins/managewferror/web/ 207
fr/paris/lutece/plugins/managewferror/web/ 442
                    _config.getListActionMapping( ).clear( );


        if ( idWorkflowBegin != null && StringUtils.isNotEmpty( idWorkflowBegin ) && Integer.parseInt( idWorkflowBegin ) != -1 )

            List<> listAction = getAction( Integer.parseInt( idWorkflowBegin ) );
            List<> removedListAction = new ArrayList<>( );
            for ( act : listAction )
                for ( MappingAction mpg : _config.getListActionMapping( ) )
                    if ( act.getId( ) == mpg.getIdActionBegin( ) )

                        removedListAction.add( act );

            // listAction.removeAll(removedListAction);
            model.put( MARK_ACTION_LIST_BEGIN, listAction );
            model.put( MARK_REMOVED_LIST_ACTION_BEGIN, removedListAction );

        if ( idWorkflow != null && StringUtils.isNotEmpty( idWorkflow ) && Integer.parseInt( idWorkflow ) != -1 )
            List<> listAction = getAction( Integer.parseInt( idWorkflow ) );
            List<> removedListAction = new ArrayList<>( );

            for ( act : listAction )
                for ( MappingAction mpg : _config.getListActionMapping( ) )
                    if ( act.getId( ) == mpg.getIdActionRelaunch( ) )

                        removedListAction.add( act );

            // listAction.removeAll(removedListAction);
            model.put( MARK_ACTION_LIST_RELAUNCH, listAction );
            model.put( MARK_REMOVED_LIST_ACTION_RELAUNCH, removedListAction );


        populate( _config, request );
        model.put( MARK_CONFIG, _config );
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fr/paris/lutece/plugins/managewferror/web/ 56

    // Properties
    private static final String PROPERTY_DEFAULT_LIST_ITEM_PER_PAGE = "managewferror.listItems.itemsPerPage";

    // Parameters
    private static final String PARAMETER_PAGE_INDEX = "page_index";

    // Markers
    private static final String MARK_PAGINATOR = "paginator";
    private static final String MARK_NB_ITEMS_PER_PAGE = "nb_items_per_page";
    private static final String USER_AUTHORIZED = "userAuthorized";

    // Variables
    private int _nDefaultItemsPerPage;
    private String _strCurrentPageIndex;
    private int _nItemsPerPage;

     * Return a model that contains the list and paginator infos
     * @param request
     *            The HTTP request
     * @param strBookmark
     *            The bookmark
     * @param list
     *            The list of item
     * @param strManageJsp
     *            The JSP
     * @return The model
    protected Map<String, Object> getPaginatedListModel( HttpServletRequest request, String strBookmark, List list, String strManageJsp )
        _strCurrentPageIndex = Paginator.getPageIndex( request, Paginator.PARAMETER_PAGE_INDEX, _strCurrentPageIndex );
        _nDefaultItemsPerPage = AppPropertiesService.getPropertyInt( PROPERTY_DEFAULT_LIST_ITEM_PER_PAGE, 50 );
        _nItemsPerPage = Paginator.getItemsPerPage( request, Paginator.PARAMETER_ITEMS_PER_PAGE, _nItemsPerPage, _nDefaultItemsPerPage );

        UrlItem url = new UrlItem( strManageJsp );
        String strUrl = url.getUrl( );

        // PAGINATOR
        LocalizedPaginator paginator = new LocalizedPaginator( list, _nItemsPerPage, strUrl, PARAMETER_PAGE_INDEX, _strCurrentPageIndex, getLocale( ) );

        Map<String, Object> model = getModel( );

        model.put( MARK_NB_ITEMS_PER_PAGE, "" + _nItemsPerPage );
        model.put( MARK_PAGINATOR, paginator );
        model.put( strBookmark, paginator.getPageItems( ) );
        if ( RBACService.isAuthorized( Config.CONFIG_RESOURCE, RBAC.WILDCARD_RESOURCES_ID, Config.PERMISSION_MANAGE, getUser( ) ) )
            model.put( USER_AUTHORIZED, true );

        return model;
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fr/paris/lutece/plugins/managewferror/business/ 129
fr/paris/lutece/plugins/managewferror/business/ 261
        daoUtil.setInt( 1, nKey );
        daoUtil.executeQuery( );
        Resource resource = null;

        if ( ) )
            resource = new Resource( );
            int nIndex = 1;

            resource.setId( daoUtil.getInt( nIndex++ ) );
            resource.setIdResource( daoUtil.getInt( nIndex++ ) );
            resource.setIdWorkflow( daoUtil.getInt( nIndex++ ) );
            resource.setAction( daoUtil.getInt( nIndex++ ) );
            resource.setDateResource( daoUtil.getDate( nIndex++ ) );
            resource.setDescription( daoUtil.getString( nIndex++ ) );
            resource.setStatus( daoUtil.getString( nIndex++ ) );
        } );
        return resource;

     * {@inheritDoc }
    public void delete( int nKey, Plugin plugin )