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CPD Results

The following document contains the results of PMD's CPD 6.13.0.


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fr/paris/lutece/plugins/pluginwizard/service/generator/ 91
                String strSourceCode = getSourceCode( strPluginName, businessClass, file.getTemplate( ), strRadicalPackage, pm.getPluginName( ) );
                strSourceCode = strSourceCode.replace( "&lt;", "<" );
                strSourceCode = strSourceCode.replace( "&gt;", ">" );
                strSourceCode = strSourceCode.replace( "@i18n", "#i18n" );

                String strPath = PATH.replace( "SOURCE", file.getSourcePath( ) ) + strRadicalPath + PATH_SUFFIX;

                map.put( getFilePath( pm, strPath, strFilename ), strSourceCode );

        return map;

     * Returns the source code of a business object
     * @param strPluginName
     *            The plugin name
     * @param businessClass
     *            The business class
     * @param strTemplate
     *            The type of generation(DAO,Home,etc)
     * @return The java source code of the business object
    private String getSourceCode( String strPluginName, BusinessClass businessClass, String strTemplate, String strRadicalPackage, String strBeanName )
        Map<String, Object> model = new HashMap<>( );
        model.put( Markers.MARK_BUSINESS_CLASS, businessClass );
        model.put( Markers.MARK_PLUGIN_NAME, strPluginName );
        model.put( Markers.MARK_RADICAL_PACKAGE, strRadicalPackage );
        model.put( Markers.MARK_BEAN_NAME, strBeanName );

        return build( strTemplate, model );
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fr/paris/lutece/plugins/pluginwizard/business/model/ 100
fr/paris/lutece/plugins/pluginwizard/business/model/ 197
            daoUtil.setInt( 1, pluginModel.getIdPlugin( ) );
            daoUtil.setString( 2, pluginModel.getPluginName( ) );
            daoUtil.setString( 3, pluginModel.getPluginClass( ) );
            daoUtil.setString( 4, pluginModel.getPluginDescription( ) );
            daoUtil.setString( 5, pluginModel.getPluginDocumentation( ) );
            daoUtil.setString( 6, pluginModel.getPluginInstallation( ) );
            daoUtil.setString( 7, pluginModel.getPluginChanges( ) );
            daoUtil.setString( 8, pluginModel.getPluginUserGuide( ) );
            daoUtil.setString( 9, pluginModel.getPluginVersion( ) );
            daoUtil.setString( 10, pluginModel.getPluginCopyright( ) );
            daoUtil.setString( 11, pluginModel.getPluginIconUrl( ) );
            daoUtil.setString( 12, pluginModel.getPluginProvider( ) );
            daoUtil.setString( 13, pluginModel.getPluginProviderUrl( ) );
            daoUtil.setString( 14, pluginModel.getPluginDbPoolRequired( ) );

            daoUtil.executeUpdate( );
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fr/paris/lutece/plugins/pluginwizard/service/generator/ 51
    private static final String PATH_SUFFIX = "/business/";
    private List<BusinessFileConfig> _listFiles;

     * Set the list of files config
     * @param listFiles
     *            The list of files
    public void setFiles( List<BusinessFileConfig> listFiles )
        if ( listFiles != null )
            _listFiles = (List<BusinessFileConfig>) ( ( (ArrayList<BusinessFileConfig>) listFiles ).clone( ) );
            _listFiles = null;

     * {@inheritDoc }
    public Map<String, String> generate( PluginModel pm, String generationSchemeName )
        HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<>( );
        Collection<BusinessClass> listAllBusinessClasses = pm.getBusinessClasses( );

        String strPluginName = pm.getPluginNameAsPackage( );
        String strRadicalPackage = pm.getPluginNameAsRadicalPackage( );
        String strRadicalPath = pm.getPluginNameAsRadicalPath( );

        for ( BusinessClass businessClass : listAllBusinessClasses )
            for ( BusinessFileConfig file : _listFiles )
                String strClassName = file.getPrefix( ) + businessClass.getBusinessClass( ) + file.getSuffix( );
                String strFilename = strClassName + ".java";
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fr/paris/lutece/plugins/pluginwizard/business/model/ 140
fr/paris/lutece/plugins/pluginwizard/business/model/ 234
                pluginModel = new PluginModel( );

                pluginModel.setIdPlugin( daoUtil.getInt( 1 ) );
                pluginModel.setPluginName( daoUtil.getString( 2 ) );
                pluginModel.setPluginClass( daoUtil.getString( 3 ) );
                pluginModel.setPluginDescription( daoUtil.getString( 4 ) );
                pluginModel.setPluginDocumentation( daoUtil.getString( 5 ) );
                pluginModel.setPluginInstallation( daoUtil.getString( 6 ) );
                pluginModel.setPluginChanges( daoUtil.getString( 7 ) );
                pluginModel.setPluginUserGuide( daoUtil.getString( 8 ) );
                pluginModel.setPluginVersion( daoUtil.getString( 9 ) );
                pluginModel.setPluginCopyright( daoUtil.getString( 10 ) );
                pluginModel.setPluginIconUrl( daoUtil.getString( 11 ) );
                pluginModel.setPluginProvider( daoUtil.getString( 12 ) );
                pluginModel.setPluginProviderUrl( daoUtil.getString( 13 ) );
                pluginModel.setPluginDbPoolRequired( daoUtil.getString( 14 ) );
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fr/paris/lutece/plugins/pluginwizard/business/model/ 357
fr/paris/lutece/plugins/pluginwizard/web/formbean/ 161

     * Returns the PluginVersion
     * @return The PluginVersion
    public String getPluginVersion( )
        return _strPluginVersion;

     * Sets the PluginVersion
     * @param strPluginVersion
     *            The PluginVersion
    public void setPluginVersion( String strPluginVersion )
        _strPluginVersion = strPluginVersion;

     * Returns the PluginCopyright
     * @return The PluginCopyright
    public String getPluginCopyright( )
        return _strPluginCopyright;

     * Sets the PluginCopyright
     * @param strPluginCopyright
     *            The PluginCopyright
    public void setPluginCopyright( String strPluginCopyright )
        _strPluginCopyright = strPluginCopyright;

     * Returns the PluginIconUrl
     * @return The PluginIconUrl
    public String getPluginIconUrl( )
        return _strPluginIconUrl;

     * Sets the PluginIconUrl
     * @param strPluginIconUrl
     *            The PluginIconUrl
    public void setPluginIconUrl( String strPluginIconUrl )
        _strPluginIconUrl = strPluginIconUrl;

     * Returns the PluginProvider
     * @return The PluginProvider
    public String getPluginProvider( )
        return _strPluginProvider;

     * Sets the PluginProvider
     * @param strPluginProvider
     *            The PluginProvider
    public void setPluginProvider( String strPluginProvider )
        _strPluginProvider = strPluginProvider;

     * Returns the PluginProviderUrl
     * @return The PluginProviderUrl
    public String getPluginProviderUrl( )
        return _strPluginProviderUrl;

     * Sets the PluginProviderUrl
     * @param strPluginProviderUrl
     *            The PluginProviderUrl
    public void setPluginProviderUrl( String strPluginProviderUrl )
        _strPluginProviderUrl = strPluginProviderUrl;

     * Returns the PluginDbPoolRequired
     * @return The PluginDbPoolRequired
    public String getPluginDbPoolRequired( )
        return _strPluginDbPoolRequired;

     * Sets the PluginDbPoolRequired
     * @param strPluginDbPoolRequired
     *            The PluginDbPoolRequired
    public void setPluginDbPoolRequired( String strPluginDbPoolRequired )
        _strPluginDbPoolRequired = strPluginDbPoolRequired;

     * Gets the locale of the plugin
     * @return The Locale
    public Locale getLocale( )
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fr/paris/lutece/plugins/pluginwizard/service/generator/ 40
fr/paris/lutece/plugins/pluginwizard/service/generator/ 40
    // Variables declarations
    private String _strPrefix = "";
    private String _strSuffix = "";
    private String _strPath = "src";
    private String _strTemplate;

     * Returns the Prefix
     * @return The Prefix
    public String getPrefix( )
        return _strPrefix;

     * Sets the Prefix
     * @param strPrefix
     *            The Prefix
    public void setPrefix( String strPrefix )
        _strPrefix = strPrefix;

     * Returns the Suffix
     * @return The Suffix
    public String getSuffix( )
        return _strSuffix;

     * Sets the Suffix
     * @param strSuffix
     *            The Suffix
    public void setSuffix( String strSuffix )
        _strSuffix = strSuffix;

     * Returns the Path
     * @return The Path
    public String getSourcePath( )
        return _strPath;

     * Sets the Path
     * @param strPath
     *            The Path
    public void setSourcePath( String strPath )
        _strPath = strPath;

     * Returns the Template
     * @return The Template
    public String getTemplate( )
        return _strTemplate;

     * Sets the Template
     * @param strTemplate
     *            The Template
    public void setTemplate( String strTemplate )
        _strTemplate = strTemplate;