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CPD Results

The following document contains the results of PMD's CPD 6.13.0.


File Line
fr/paris/lutece/plugins/termofservice/business/ 213
fr/paris/lutece/plugins/termofservice/business/ 221
		List<Entry> entryList = new ArrayList<>(  );
		StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder( );

		if ( !listIds.isEmpty( ) )
			for( int i = 0 ; i < listIds.size(); i++ ) {
			    builder.append( "?," );
			String placeHolders =  builder.deleteCharAt( builder.length( ) -1 ).toString( );
			String stmt = SQL_QUERY_SELECTALL_BY_IDS + placeHolders + ")";
	        try ( DAOUtil daoUtil = new DAOUtil( stmt, plugin ) )
	        	int index = 1;
				for( Integer n : listIds ) {
					daoUtil.setInt(  index++, n ); 
	        	daoUtil.executeQuery(  );
	        	while (  ) )